So if Pelosi's commission Doesn't call the Ashely Babbit shooter does it have any credibility?

The the public has a right to know
The DOJ announced it will not pursue charges against the U.S. Capitol Police who fatally shot a rioter inside the Capitol building. Officials determined there wasn't enough evidence to support a criminal prosecution.

An investigation was launched by the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia's Public Corruption and Civil Rights Section and the Civil Rights Division, with the Metropolitan Police Department's Internal Affairs Division. According to a Justice Department statement, the investigation failed to provide evidence that the officer violated 18 U.S.C. § 242, depriving Babbitt of her rights under color of law.

"In order to establish a violation of this statute, prosecutors must prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the officer acted willfully to deprive Ms. Babbitt of a right protected by the Constitution or other law, here the Fourth Amendment right not to be subjected to an unreasonable seizure," a DOJ statement read. "Prosecutors would have to prove not only that the officer used force that was constitutionally unreasonable, but that the officer did so 'willfully,' which the Supreme Court has interpreted to mean that the officer acted with a bad purpose to disregard the law."

If Republicans truly love and understand the constitution they'll know this was a good kill. Not murder.
Libs have to actually look for evidence before they find it

And I certainly wont take the corrupt Deep State word for it
Deep state. LOL. RINO's. LOL. Globalists. LOL. You're such an idiot. Scary how Trump was able to mobilize the greedy and ignorant in America.
Go fuck yourself

I dont want to wallow in the mud with name calling

Because thats what libs excel in and I would lose

If you dont know what the Deep State is thats your problem

The same goes for globalists who serve the interests of china over the United States
Sealy knows very well what the 'Deep State' is. He is simply demonstrating one of the snowflakes' favorite tactics - 'playing the 'stupid' game. It's where they pretend to be what they really are. They believe it is 'annoying'. I find it amusing.
You don't realize Trump's part of the Deep State. They just didn't let him get away with everything he tried. They let him get away with plenty though. Who let him get away with plenty? The Deep State. And whenever trump went too far and they couldn't go along, you labeled them as Deep State.

Just remember the deep state protected Trump from being impeached TWICE for his crimes. First the call to Ukraine and then the insurrection. Actually he should have been impeached in the beginning of his presidency when he demanded loyalty from Comey and then fired him for not giving it. And Republicans defended Trump saying he can fire whoever he wants for whatever reason. Even if it's because the guy wouldn't weaponize the FBI for Trump.
And why am I still waiting for you to show where there's a right to know his name...?
I’m not a lawyer so I cant point to any specific law

Maybe there is none

In which case its the rule of the man in power

Who happens to be lib

But the public has a right to know and sooner or later we will find out

So Trump could sic a lynch mob on him? I think not.
You can just make up policies off the cuff and blame it on trump

The Deep State assassin knew the risk of exposure when he pulled the trigger

He was a police officer doing his job.. What kind of man are you? Haven't you watched the video of the mob storming the Capitol?
If he has watched the videos he's downplaying how violent that mob really was. They are playing to people who haven't seen the videos. Don't worry Pelosi and Chaney will show us the videos again soon after the investigation is over. This is no Benghazi or Pizzagate.
Interesting that many trumpeciles have indeed watched the videos and continue to deny that the attack was violent.
Violence? What violence? I don't see no stinkin' violence.

6 Months Later, Republicans Have A New Jan. 6 Message: Insurrection? What Insurrection?​

Donald Trump tried to overthrow American democracy to remain in power, but his party is working to make America forget all about that riot at the U.S. Capitol.

From calls to let bygones be bygones, to punishing dissidents who dare criticize former President Donald Trump for instigating that day’s attack, to literally describing the mob as no different from everyday “tourists,” the Republican Party ― with notable exceptions ― has pushed the idea that the unprecedented attempt to overthrow American democracy was really no big deal.

Laurence Tribe, a Harvard law professor who believes the country barely dodged a constitutional crisis on Jan. 6, said many Americans simply would rather not think about that day.
“It’s human nature to suppress terrible forebodings that don’t quite materialize,” he said, adding that the barrage of Trump-inspired crises during his term likely laid the groundwork. “The cascade of terrible events and near-misses over the past four years has desensitized people if not entirely anesthetized them.”
Hans Noel, a political science professor at Georgetown University, said that Republicans also have an active interest in wishing Jan. 6 away.
“Generally, conservatives, particularly those who get their news from other conservatives, will come to downplay the attack,” Noel said. “Some of that is just believing it’s not a big deal. Some of it is not wanting to talk about uncomfortable facts as they come out. But this is the main thing: The partisan messaging on this has been to downplay it for Republicans, Trump supporters and others on the right.”

House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy, for example, said on Jan. 13 on the House floor that Trump “bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack on Congress by mob rioters.” Within weeks, he had gone to visit Trump at his Palm Beach resort and posed for a photo with him. And, at the six-month mark of the mob assault, he is attacking those few GOP House members, such as Wyoming’s Liz Cheney, who refuse to bend to Trump’s will.

“If most Americans have indeed forgotten about Jan. 6, that is in part due to the tenacious efforts of the GOP to downplay it,” said Ruth Ben-Ghiat, a history professor at New York University. “For a party whose brand is law enforcement, Jan. 6′s murderous rage against Capitol Police could turn voters off. So they deny the violence ― Trump turned it into ‘hugs and kisses’ ― and block any investigation that would place the facts of it in the public realm.”

Though there was no legal way for Trump to undo Democrat Joe Biden’s victory after the Electoral College formally completed its tally on Dec. 14, Trump was not particularly interested in legalities. Instead, he spent weeks, according to Trump administration officials who spoke on condition of anonymity, pushing his vice president to simply reject enough electoral votes from states Biden had won to wind up with more and declare himself the winner.
And although Pence had no constitutional authority to do what Trump wanted, nothing prevented him from doing as Trump demanded anyway ― an action that would have unleashed unimaginable chaos, possibly including armed conflict in the streets, upon the country.

Lucky Pence didn't go along. Republican traitors to Democracy say he's a Deep State RINO. LOL

hat lack of understanding played into the hands of Republicans whose greatest success has been to obfuscate Jan. 6’s uniqueness in American history by lumping it in with other violence, such as the vandalism and looting that at times accompanied protests last summer over the police killing of George Floyd and other Black Americans.

In fact, while mayhem at protests was typically carried out at its fringes by criminals and opportunists, the assault on the Capitol was organized by Trump’s most hard-core supporters and encouraged by Trump himself, who told his followers to gather in Washington, D.C., on that specific day and staged a rally asking them to “march” on the building minutes before the Electoral College tally began.
“We fight like hell, and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore,” Trump said at the rally.
After his mob started assaulting police officers defending the building and broke doors and windows to enter, Trump did nothing to dissuade them for hours. Rather, at 2:24 p.m., with his vice president and his staff and family in hiding, Trump attacked Pence on Twitter, telling his followers that Pence “didn’t have the courage” to overturn the election as Trump had wanted.
His followers responded with rage, roaming the building looking for him while chanting: “Hang Mike Pence!”
A gallows had already been erected outside.

Recently, he has started openly defending the violent mob he incited to attack the Capitol. “By the way, who shot Ashli Babbitt? Who shot Ashli Babbitt? Who?” he asked at his Florida rally on Saturday, referring to the woman who was fatally shot by Capitol Police as she tried to climb through a broken window into an anteroom from which House members were being evacuated.

Just remember the deep state protected Trump from being impeached TWICE for his crimes. First the call to Ukraine and then the insurrection. Actually he should have been impeached in the beginning of his presidency when he demanded loyalty from Comey and then fired him for not giving it.
You must love being stupid because you refuse to be educated.

President Trump had every legal reason to ask the Ukraine PM for help investigating corruption due to the existence of a treaty between the 2 nations to assist in the existence of corruption and crime. The link to this treaty was posted at least a dozen times during the discussion of this at the time. At that time Speaker Pelosi prohibited certain testimony and certain issues to be brought up in her 1st FAILED Impeachment attempt. Had this treaty she knew existed been brought up it would have immediately stopped any further progress in the faux Impeachment attempt. As it was, Pelosi's 1st Impeachment failed as the Democrats proved themselves they had no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses.

The Insurrection? As you already know, a bipartisan committee already investigated and released its report, a report in which they found no 'Insurrection' and placed the bulk of the blame on the Capitol event on the Capitol Police: No plan, no preparation after being warned of pending violence, no leadership - prior to or during the event, not properly trained, not properly equipped, failed / inappropriate response. It also found the House's and Senate's Sergeants-At-Arms' rejection of having national Guard troops in place that day due to 'optics' was the wrong decision, which is why they resigned.

Finally, it was not a crime for the newly elected President of the United States to ask for the loyalty of his Agency Directors, to determine if he needs to replace them or not, which President Trump had the legal and constitutional right to d oat any time for any reason. In the end, the entire world discovered Comey was a key member of Barry's failed Coup attempt - an attempt to overthrow the President / Govt of the United States, not to mention Comey was exposed as having illegally spied on Americans - in conjunction with former FBI Director Mueller, his mentor - for DECADES. Had Trump known about this (that came as a result of the FISA Court's own investigation) he could have had Comey perp-walked, indicted, and jailed instead of just FIRED.
-- That would have been awesome - during the failed coup attempt being led by Special Counsel & former FBI Director Mueller and supported by protégé co-conspirator FBI Director Comey, having both of them Perp-Walked, indicted, and charged with illegal spying on Americans for decades.


Everyone knew when Comey pubicly declared Hillary Clinton had broken laws but was too stupid to know she was doing it and that was the reason he was not going to tell the then corrupt US AG to indict her that Comey was corrupt and criminal as hell.
- Comey openly declared Hillary committed crimes.
- Ignorance of the law is not a legal defense for breaking laws
- It is not the job of the FBI to make the decision whether someone is indicted or not.

This whole bullshit was a huge coordinated effort to protect Hillary from being indicted and from going to jail.
Care4all You have to pass it (the obama health scam) to see what is in it?
Raise minimum wage causing inflation for everyone except that canning company that my husband owns Millions$$$$ of shares of making him richer?
Taking Bribes from an Ukraine energy company via her son Paul Jr.s account among other bribes?
Care4all You have to pass it (the obama health scam) to see what is in it?
Raise minimum wage causing inflation for everyone except that canning company that my husband owns Millions$$$$ of shares of making him richer?
Taking Bribes from an Ukraine energy company via her son Paul Jr.s account among other bribes?
Pelosi comment was taken out of its context and put in to a meme. You falsely believe that right wing narrative.

I know nothing about husband's canning company or why you claim a federal minimum wage wouldn't hurt him???

She did not take bribes via son from Ukraine.
And why am I still waiting for you to show where there's a right to know his name...?
I’m not a lawyer so I cant point to any specific law

Maybe there is none

In which case its the rule of the man in power

Who happens to be lib

But the public has a right to know and sooner or later we will find out

So Trump could sic a lynch mob on him? I think not.
You can just make up policies off the cuff and blame it on trump

The Deep State assassin knew the risk of exposure when he pulled the trigger

He was a police officer doing his job.. What kind of man are you? Haven't you watched the video of the mob storming the Capitol?
If he has watched the videos he's downplaying how violent that mob really was. They are playing to people who haven't seen the videos. Don't worry Pelosi and Chaney will show us the videos again soon after the investigation is over. This is no Benghazi or Pizzagate.
Interesting that many trumpeciles have indeed watched the videos and continue to deny that the attack was violent.
Violence? What violence? I don't see no stinkin' violence.

6 Months Later, Republicans Have A New Jan. 6 Message: Insurrection? What Insurrection?​

Donald Trump tried to overthrow American democracy to remain in power, but his party is working to make America forget all about that riot at the U.S. Capitol.

From calls to let bygones be bygones, to punishing dissidents who dare criticize former President Donald Trump for instigating that day’s attack, to literally describing the mob as no different from everyday “tourists,” the Republican Party ― with notable exceptions ― has pushed the idea that the unprecedented attempt to overthrow American democracy was really no big deal.

Laurence Tribe, a Harvard law professor who believes the country barely dodged a constitutional crisis on Jan. 6, said many Americans simply would rather not think about that day.
“It’s human nature to suppress terrible forebodings that don’t quite materialize,” he said, adding that the barrage of Trump-inspired crises during his term likely laid the groundwork. “The cascade of terrible events and near-misses over the past four years has desensitized people if not entirely anesthetized them.”
Hans Noel, a political science professor at Georgetown University, said that Republicans also have an active interest in wishing Jan. 6 away.
“Generally, conservatives, particularly those who get their news from other conservatives, will come to downplay the attack,” Noel said. “Some of that is just believing it’s not a big deal. Some of it is not wanting to talk about uncomfortable facts as they come out. But this is the main thing: The partisan messaging on this has been to downplay it for Republicans, Trump supporters and others on the right.”

House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy, for example, said on Jan. 13 on the House floor that Trump “bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack on Congress by mob rioters.” Within weeks, he had gone to visit Trump at his Palm Beach resort and posed for a photo with him. And, at the six-month mark of the mob assault, he is attacking those few GOP House members, such as Wyoming’s Liz Cheney, who refuse to bend to Trump’s will.

“If most Americans have indeed forgotten about Jan. 6, that is in part due to the tenacious efforts of the GOP to downplay it,” said Ruth Ben-Ghiat, a history professor at New York University. “For a party whose brand is law enforcement, Jan. 6′s murderous rage against Capitol Police could turn voters off. So they deny the violence ― Trump turned it into ‘hugs and kisses’ ― and block any investigation that would place the facts of it in the public realm.”

Though there was no legal way for Trump to undo Democrat Joe Biden’s victory after the Electoral College formally completed its tally on Dec. 14, Trump was not particularly interested in legalities. Instead, he spent weeks, according to Trump administration officials who spoke on condition of anonymity, pushing his vice president to simply reject enough electoral votes from states Biden had won to wind up with more and declare himself the winner.
And although Pence had no constitutional authority to do what Trump wanted, nothing prevented him from doing as Trump demanded anyway ― an action that would have unleashed unimaginable chaos, possibly including armed conflict in the streets, upon the country.

Lucky Pence didn't go along. Republican traitors to Democracy say he's a Deep State RINO. LOL

hat lack of understanding played into the hands of Republicans whose greatest success has been to obfuscate Jan. 6’s uniqueness in American history by lumping it in with other violence, such as the vandalism and looting that at times accompanied protests last summer over the police killing of George Floyd and other Black Americans.

In fact, while mayhem at protests was typically carried out at its fringes by criminals and opportunists, the assault on the Capitol was organized by Trump’s most hard-core supporters and encouraged by Trump himself, who told his followers to gather in Washington, D.C., on that specific day and staged a rally asking them to “march” on the building minutes before the Electoral College tally began.
“We fight like hell, and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore,” Trump said at the rally.
After his mob started assaulting police officers defending the building and broke doors and windows to enter, Trump did nothing to dissuade them for hours. Rather, at 2:24 p.m., with his vice president and his staff and family in hiding, Trump attacked Pence on Twitter, telling his followers that Pence “didn’t have the courage” to overturn the election as Trump had wanted.
His followers responded with rage, roaming the building looking for him while chanting: “Hang Mike Pence!”
A gallows had already been erected outside.

Recently, he has started openly defending the violent mob he incited to attack the Capitol. “By the way, who shot Ashli Babbitt? Who shot Ashli Babbitt? Who?” he asked at his Florida rally on Saturday, referring to the woman who was fatally shot by Capitol Police as she tried to climb through a broken window into an anteroom from which House members were being evacuated.

It is amusing that idiots like this claim:
- Americans who walked around barriers moved out of their way by Capitol police
- Americans who walked through Capitol doors being held open by Capitol Police
- Americans incited into destructive behavior, breaking windows and entering the Capitol
- Americans who were all UNARMED
- Unarmed Americans who were escorted through the Capitol by Capitol Police
- Unarmed Americans who wandered around taking selfies on their phones
- SOME Unarmed Americans who took souvenirs

.....Constitutes an 'Insurrection', yet....

Violent, armed, foreign/Democrat-financed and supported domestic terrorists engaging in a violent terrorist event that caused the President of the United States and is family to be moved to the WH bunker for their protection while members of the FBI, Homeland Security, Secret Service, and Capitol and Local Police engaged the domestic terrorists to push them back- resulting in 14 members of the Secret Service being injured to varying degrees is NOT an 'insurrection'.


Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi did not even consider the 1/6 event an 'insurrection' on 1/6 - she called it a violence riot attempting to prevent the certification of the election NOT an attempt tp overthrow the govt.

The Capitol Police, the Sergeants-At-Arms for the House and Senate, and the DC mayor was identified as being the most to blame on 1/6 for what happened by a bipartisan committee because of their failure to plan, prep, refusal to have the National Guard on hand, refusal to coordinate with local police prior to 1/6, lack of training, leadership, etc....

It was exposed that the FBI did not just learn about the pending violence and warn Pelosi and the Capitol police, they contacted SpecOps troops to hire them to infiltrate the crowd on 1/6 to help incite the crowd....

Again, a bunch of unarmed citizens taking selfies and souvenirs are somehow an 'insurrection', but armed known domestic terrorists (who were at the capitol on 1/6) committing an aggressive act of terrorism that required members of multiple federal agencies, the Secret Service, and both Capitol and local police to force them back is NOT an 'Insurrection'?


Snowflakes like this clown are idiots who deserve to be laughed at then ignored.
Care4all You have to pass it (the obama health scam) to see what is in it?
Pelosi comment was taken out of its context and put in to a meme.

The actual bill was not even in 1 piece when it was sent over to the Senate in the wee hours of the morning for the Democrats to ram it into law and down the throats of the majority of Americans who did not even want Obamacare. Democrats who voted for it did not even know what was in it. This was obvious because after carrying out this legislative 'pearl harbor attack' Congress ended its session - Democrat politicians returned home to face constituents during town hall meetings who knew more about what was in the BS legislation than their representatives did.

Pelosi knew damn well what she said / meant, and it sure as hell was NOT out of Context. Many of her fellow Democrats did not lean what was in the bill - like the American people - until it was rammed into law.

Speaking of being out of context -

Democrats tied to pass this same legislation weeks earlier, and Americans responded by 'melting' the DC phone lines by calling their reps and making it clear they did NOT want Obamacare. So the Democrats pulled the bill, and the media reported how public outcry had 'defeated' the legislation.

The Democrats waited a couple of weeks to let the opposition 'celebrate their victory', for the attention to die down, and then during the middle of the night and in the wee hours of the morning while Americans slept the Democrats rammed Obamacare into law. Americans woke up to the news Obamacare had been rammed into law.
This police officer felt so threatened he needed to use deadly force
From the dems purview he should be given a medal....right
We all know how scary women are. You know that sex that has to have men run the races for them.
Remember this guy saved American democracy but you won't here a peep from the dems. In fact I'm betting on the opposite
Oh and here's a link. Like anything these dumb @@@@;s know means anything

So you don’t support the police?

The one time out of how many that the Left is supporting the police and justifying opening fire on an unarmed perpetrator because the officer’s life was threatened? The only reason is because this fits a larger agenda.

When Trump's mob was breaking into the Capitol with their golf clubs and baseball bats yelling about getting Pence etc do you think any of the police officers pondered "larger agendas"?
When the scum demonRAT mob was breaking into the Capitol with their golf clubs and baseball bats......TRUMP was addressing his supporters
pathetic, you are
Is that the story you are sticking to? Reminds me of how long it took you guys to finally admit there were no WMD's in Iraq and Bush lied us into that war.
your problem, is you want to categorize people because they don't agree w/you...fuck bush#1....never did like either 1.....your assumption, made an ass out of you....xiden is just point blank compromised....if you want to live in denial, have at it....

Just remember the deep state protected Trump from being impeached TWICE for his crimes. First the call to Ukraine and then the insurrection. Actually he should have been impeached in the beginning of his presidency when he demanded loyalty from Comey and then fired him for not giving it.
You must love being stupid because you refuse to be educated.

President Trump had every legal reason to ask the Ukraine PM for help investigating corruption due to the existence of a treaty between the 2 nations to assist in the existence of corruption and crime. The link to this treaty was posted at least a dozen times during the discussion of this at the time. At that time Speaker Pelosi prohibited certain testimony and certain issues to be brought up in her 1st FAILED Impeachment attempt. Had this treaty she knew existed been brought up it would have immediately stopped any further progress in the faux Impeachment attempt. As it was, Pelosi's 1st Impeachment failed as the Democrats proved themselves they had no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses.

The Insurrection? As you already know, a bipartisan committee already investigated and released its report, a report in which they found no 'Insurrection' and placed the bulk of the blame on the Capitol event on the Capitol Police: No plan, no preparation after being warned of pending violence, no leadership - prior to or during the event, not properly trained, not properly equipped, failed / inappropriate response. It also found the House's and Senate's Sergeants-At-Arms' rejection of having national Guard troops in place that day due to 'optics' was the wrong decision, which is why they resigned.

Finally, it was not a crime for the newly elected President of the United States to ask for the loyalty of his Agency Directors, to determine if he needs to replace them or not, which President Trump had the legal and constitutional right to d oat any time for any reason. In the end, the entire world discovered Comey was a key member of Barry's failed Coup attempt - an attempt to overthrow the President / Govt of the United States, not to mention Comey was exposed as having illegally spied on Americans - in conjunction with former FBI Director Mueller, his mentor - for DECADES. Had Trump known about this (that came as a result of the FISA Court's own investigation) he could have had Comey perp-walked, indicted, and jailed instead of just FIRED.
-- That would have been awesome - during the failed coup attempt being led by Special Counsel & former FBI Director Mueller and supported by protégé co-conspirator FBI Director Comey, having both of them Perp-Walked, indicted, and charged with illegal spying on Americans for decades.


Everyone knew when Comey pubicly declared Hillary Clinton had broken laws but was too stupid to know she was doing it and that was the reason he was not going to tell the then corrupt US AG to indict her that Comey was corrupt and criminal as hell.
- Comey openly declared Hillary committed crimes.
- Ignorance of the law is not a legal defense for breaking laws
- It is not the job of the FBI to make the decision whether someone is indicted or not.

This whole bullshit was a huge coordinated effort to protect Hillary from being indicted and from going to jail.
Rudy didn't but we hear him on tape threatening the Ukraine. Wake up.
You don't realize Trump's part of the Deep State.
I guess not

Because trump was never part of the Deep State

He was foreign object they were trying to expel from their domain
Bullshit. Then why didn't Mitch impeach him the first or last time? He was rid of Don the second time so your theory has huge holes in it.

Executive Order 13770, entitled "Ethics Commitments by Executive Branch Appointees," was an executive order issued by US President Donald Trump on January 28, 2017, that directs executive branch employees on a ban from becoming a lobbyist for five years.

But then this

So Trump did some things that made you think he was good and not part of the swamp. You're so fucking stupid.
Rudy didn't but we hear him on tape threatening the Ukraine. Wake up.
Rudy didn't what? Have a treaty with Ukraine. I don't know what the exact deal / authority Giuliani was working under, and no one has provided any evidence / link to clear that up. The only reason Democrats, and thus snowflakes, hate him is because he was also investigating the financial crimes / scandals Hunter Biden was engaged in for the Biden family.

It has already been exposed Hunter Biden and the entire Biden family were running all sorts of illegal scams / crimes to make money, all based on the influence Joe Biden held based on his position as VP. Anyone who says otherwise at this point, considering all the overwhelming evidence against them, are willing dupes / trolls for the Bidens.
Rudy didn't but we hear him on tape threatening the Ukraine. Wake up.
Rudy didn't what? Have a treaty with Ukraine. I don't know what the exact deal / authority Giuliani was working under, and no one has provided any evidence / link to clear that up. The only reason Democrats, and thus snowflakes, hate him is because he was also investigating the financial crimes / scandals Hunter Biden was engaged in for the Biden family.

It has already been exposed Hunter Biden and the entire Biden family were running all sorts of illegal scams / crimes to make money, all based on the influence Joe Biden held based on his position as VP. Anyone who says otherwise at this point, considering all the overwhelming evidence against them, are willing dupes / trolls for the Bidens.
There is no treaty with Ukraine which authorized Giuliani to discuss investigating Biden with Ukraine's president.
This police officer felt so threatened he needed to use deadly force
From the dems purview he should be given a medal....right
We all know how scary women are. You know that sex that has to have men run the races for them.
Remember this guy saved American democracy but you won't here a peep from the dems. In fact I'm betting on the opposite
Oh and here's a link. Like anything these dumb @@@@;s know means anything

So if Pelosi's commission Doesn't call the Ashely Babbit shooter does it have any credibility?

Credibility in what? Determining the who,what , when, where and how’s of 1/6?
The most that would contribute is some insight as to what challenges the police faced in trying to keep members and their staff secure.
So you don’t support the police?
View attachment 507910

Obviously you and your progressive friends don't when you will not honor the hero that saved the Capitol from the insurrectionists by presenting the police officer who saved all those congresspersons from certain death a medal for his valor under fire from a violent unarmed female insurrectionist.



Are you certain that officer has not been awarded a medal?
This police officer felt so threatened he needed to use deadly force
From the dems purview he should be given a medal....right
We all know how scary women are. You know that sex that has to have men run the races for them.
Remember this guy saved American democracy but you won't here a peep from the dems. In fact I'm betting on the opposite
Oh and here's a link. Like anything these dumb @@@@;s know means anything

It doesn't have any credibility either way.

Pelosi's a lunatic fascist & psychopath.

IOW, a Democrat.
It doesn't have any credibility either way.
Yep. That’s the line anyway. That was always gonna be the play when rejecting the bipartisan commission. Kick it to a partisan committee and then cry partisanship. What a bunch of dickless twats.
This police officer felt so threatened he needed to use deadly force
From the dems purview he should be given a medal....right
We all know how scary women are. You know that sex that has to have men run the races for them.
Remember this guy saved American democracy but you won't here a peep from the dems. In fact I'm betting on the opposite
Oh and here's a link. Like anything these dumb @@@@;s know means anything

So you don’t support the police?

The one time out of how many that the Left is supporting the police and justifying opening fire on an unarmed perpetrator because the officer’s life was threatened? The only reason is because this fits a larger agenda.

In the crush of the crowd breaking thru the window, do you think the officer who could tell if someone was armed or not?
"Shoot first, ask questions later" - the new Democrat motto.

Unless the shootee is a Black felon of course.

No wonder they're regarded by sane/decent people as 21st century Nazis.

the Left looks so full of shit on this one. 1/6 barely lasted a day. Our Democracy was never threatened that day. Contrast that to 9/11 or when the Leftist radicals threatened to blow up the Capitol or when the Bernie Sanders supporter opened fire on half of Congress because they were Republican.
the Left looks so full of shit on this one. 1/6 barely lasted a day. Our Democracy was never threatened that day. Contrast that to 9/11 or when the Leftist radicals threatened to blow up the Capitol or when the Bernie Sanders supporter opened fire on half of Congress because they were Republican
The committee will get to the truth of who in the Trump admin was giving the stand down orders when the requests for the NG went unanswered for hours. This ain’t some CIA annex in Benghazi. It’s the US Capitol. Heads will roll.
This police officer felt so threatened he needed to use deadly force
From the dems purview he should be given a medal....right
We all know how scary women are. You know that sex that has to have men run the races for them.
Remember this guy saved American democracy but you won't here a peep from the dems. In fact I'm betting on the opposite
Oh and here's a link. Like anything these dumb @@@@;s know means anything

Why would it need to call that person? To show that ashti babbitt was illegally trespassing and threatening violence...
You don't realize Trump's part of the Deep State.
I guess not

Because trump was never part of the Deep State

He was foreign object they were trying to expel from their domain
Bullshit. Then why didn't Mitch impeach him the first or last time? He was rid of Don the second time so your theory has huge holes in it.

Executive Order 13770, entitled "Ethics Commitments by Executive Branch Appointees," was an executive order issued by US President Donald Trump on January 28, 2017, that directs executive branch employees on a ban from becoming a lobbyist for five years.

But then this

So Trump did some things that made you think he was good and not part of the swamp. You're so fucking stupid.
You have a valid criticism of trump for reversing the ban on lobbying

No one is perfect
This police officer felt so threatened he needed to use deadly force
From the dems purview he should be given a medal....right
We all know how scary women are. You know that sex that has to have men run the races for them.
Remember this guy saved American democracy but you won't here a peep from the dems. In fact I'm betting on the opposite
Oh and here's a link. Like anything these dumb @@@@;s know means anything

So you don’t support the police?

The one time out of how many that the Left is supporting the police and justifying opening fire on an unarmed perpetrator because the officer’s life was threatened? The only reason is because this fits a larger agenda.

In the crush of the crowd breaking thru the window, do you think the officer who could tell if someone was armed or not?
"Shoot first, ask questions later" - the new Democrat motto.

Unless the shootee is a Black felon of course.

No wonder they're regarded by sane/decent people as 21st century Nazis.

the Left looks so full of shit on this one. 1/6 barely lasted a day. Our Democracy was never threatened that day. Contrast that to 9/11 or when the Leftist radicals threatened to blow up the Capitol or when the Bernie Sanders supporter opened fire on half of Congress because they were Republican.
the Left looks so full of shit on this one. 1/6 barely lasted a day. Our Democracy was never threatened that day. Contrast that to 9/11 or when the Leftist radicals threatened to blow up the Capitol or when the Bernie Sanders supporter opened fire on half of Congress because they were Republican
The committee will get to the truth of who in the Trump admin was giving the stand down orders when the requests for the NG went unanswered for hours. This ain’t some CIA annex in Benghazi. It’s the US Capitol. Heads will roll.
Someone in the Trump White House gave stand-down orders to Congress that was trying to protect itself?? It was the Democrats, the media, and DC Mayor telling everyone there could be unrest. Your theory is that these same people on Capitol Hill from the opposing party requested reinforcements and it was shot down by the Trump Administration? Wouldn’t that be confirmed almost immediately following the event and not digging for details and confirmation 6 months later?

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