So if Pelosi's commission Doesn't call the Ashely Babbit shooter does it have any credibility?

And why am I still waiting for you to show where there's a right to know his name...?
Just because I cant lay out a legal brief that would move 5 demigods on the Supreme Court doesnt mean no one can
This police officer felt so threatened he needed to use deadly force
From the dems purview he should be given a medal....right
We all know how scary women are. You know that sex that has to have men run the races for them.
Remember this guy saved American democracy but you won't here a peep from the dems. In fact I'm betting on the opposite
Oh and here's a link. Like anything these dumb @@@@;s know means anything

The police officer called out for them to stop several times.

Her death is tragic, but she was doing what Trump had called for.
When a police officer tells a Black person to stop and then shoots them, the city is burnt to the ground and not one Liberal complains.

Liberals advocate arresting vandals, looters and arsonists. Where have you been?
And why am I still waiting for you to show where there's a right to know his name...?
I’m not a lawyer so I cant point to any specific law

Maybe there is none

In which case its the rule of the man in power

Who happens to be lib

But the public has a right to know and sooner or later we will find out

So Trump could sic a lynch mob on him? I think not.
This police officer felt so threatened he needed to use deadly force
From the dems purview he should be given a medal....right
We all know how scary women are. You know that sex that has to have men run the races for them.
Remember this guy saved American democracy but you won't here a peep from the dems. In fact I'm betting on the opposite
Oh and here's a link. Like anything these dumb @@@@;s know means anything

The police officer called out for them to stop several times.

Her death is tragic, but she was doing what Trump had called for.
When a police officer tells a Black person to stop and then shoots them, the city is burnt to the ground and not one Liberal complains.

Liberals advocate arresting vandals, looters and arsonists. Where have you been?
Not on this site and NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo's Criminal Reform eliminated arrest for vandals and looters as they now get a ticket.
And why am I still waiting for you to show where there's a right to know his name...?
Just because I cant lay out a legal brief that would move 5 demigods on the Supreme Court doesnt mean no one can

Moron, no one asked for a "legal brief." If I wanted to show there's a right to free speech, I could simply copy & paste that from the Constitution. Can't you demonstrate there's a right to know that cop's name? You keep claiming there is such a right -- yet you're unable to show there actually is.
Hey fuck wads,

The Trumpets didn't want a investigation so you can kindly fuck off if we are going to consider your opinion on who should or shouldn't be called...

You had a chance to take a seat and you didn't want it... Fuck off to the bleachers, adults are going to play ball...

Kids investigate Benghazi eight times but want nothing for riot in the capital buildings...
HEY true fuckwad,

There are already multiple investigations going on. You don’t get to decide what does and does not get looked at. What wasn’t wanted was Pisslosi the drunk’s completely biased “investigation”.
And why am I still waiting for you to show where there's a right to know his name...?
I’m not a lawyer so I cant point to any specific law

Maybe there is none

In which case its the rule of the man in power

Who happens to be lib

But the public has a right to know and sooner or later we will find out

So Trump could sic a lynch mob on him? I think not.
You can just make up policies off the cuff and blame it on trump

The Deep State assassin knew the risk of exposure when he pulled the trigger
Pelosi declared she would not move forward with Impeachment unless she had undeniable evidence and Partisanship.

She had neither - she the whole world.

She has no credibility.

Her commission has no credibility.
This police officer felt so threatened he needed to use deadly force
From the dems purview he should be given a medal....right
We all know how scary women are. You know that sex that has to have men run the races for them.
Remember this guy saved American democracy but you won't here a peep from the dems. In fact I'm betting on the opposite
Oh and here's a link. Like anything these dumb @@@@;s know means anything

But, but aren't you guys the party of law & order who just loooooove the police? We don't need to know his name. We have Trump, Hawley, Meadows, Ivanka, Gosar, & a few other Republican rat bastards who promoted the lie & continue to do so.

You aholes want that cops name so you can make his & his family's life a living hell. Screw you.
It didn't seem to bother any leftist lockstepper at USMB that the Speaker of the House used every dirty partisan trick in the book to damage another branch of government with threats, derision, misinterpretation, abuse of power, fake impeachments, a corrupt and partisan "special counsel" which she turned into a whip against the President on a scorch-the-earth crusade to damage whatever got in the way of her sundry character assassinations of President Trump.

The left wants to leave moral leadership to the 100,000,000 killers of their own dissenters Chinese communists.

Do you really want that flag flying above Old Glory? Please say you don't.
Hey fuck wads,

The Trumpets didn't want a investigation so you can kindly fuck off if we are going to consider your opinion on who should or shouldn't be called...

You had a chance to take a seat and you didn't want it... Fuck off to the bleachers, adults are going to play ball...

Kids investigate Benghazi eight times but want nothing for riot in the capital buildings...
HEY true fuckwad,

There are already multiple investigations going on. You don’t get to decide what does and does not get looked at. What wasn’t wanted was Pisslosi the drunk’s completely biased “investigation”.
The first investigation that was proposed & negotiated by John Katko on behalf of the GOP would have ensured non partisanship. But fuckwad Trump squawked about it so McCarthy & the his goons reached down & grabbed their ankles for the dear leader so it was scrapped.

Fuck off.
Hey fuck wads,

The Trumpets didn't want a investigation so you can kindly fuck off if we are going to consider your opinion on who should or shouldn't be called...

You had a chance to take a seat and you didn't want it... Fuck off to the bleachers, adults are going to play ball...

Kids investigate Benghazi eight times but want nothing for riot in the capital buildings...
HEY true fuckwad,

There are already multiple investigations going on. You don’t get to decide what does and does not get looked at. What wasn’t wanted was Pisslosi the drunk’s completely biased “investigation”.
Why isn't it wanted? The republican Congress had 8 Benghazi investigations?

And if you didn't want a Pelosi investigation, your ilk should have supported the OUTSIDE of Congress, independent 9/11 type bipartisan Commission /investigation....why didn't you?

What are you afraid of...?
And why am I still waiting for you to show where there's a right to know his name...?
I’m not a lawyer so I cant point to any specific law

Maybe there is none

In which case its the rule of the man in power

Who happens to be lib

But the public has a right to know and sooner or later we will find out

So Trump could sic a lynch mob on him? I think not.
You can just make up policies off the cuff and blame it on trump

The Deep State assassin knew the risk of exposure when he pulled the trigger

He was a police officer doing his job.. What kind of man are you? Haven't you watched the video of the mob storming the Capitol?
Why did republicans turn down an independent investigation by a commission outside of congress when all the requests of how the commission should be set up, made by republication leader mccarthy, were met?

Trump called McCarthy after the commission deal was made, to cancel it, not to do it???


What are Republicans so AFRAID of the public funding out? I just don't get it?
The GOP ran and hid when they had a chance to be a part of this, on their terms.

Part of the reason they did that was obviously to condemn anything that is found.

They're pretty transparent. And it does make you wonder what they expect to be found.
Should the Pelosi Inquisition identify and question the man to shot and killed ashley babbit?
No, because you trumpeciles will kill him since you think that she did not commit a criminal act and was involved in a "lovefest" tour of our Capitol.
I assume the primary reason his name has not been released is the likelihood that a fatwa would be issued by the Trump jihadis. Understandable.

But I'm all for getting getting every bit of information that pertains to the day. If they choose to keep his name secret, I can see that.
Same reason they don’t give trump intelligence briefing like they do Obama, bush and carter. Can’t trust trump.

What else do you do if a former potus can’t be trusted?
Did your elevator stop on the wrong floor?

This topic is about an unidentified individual with a gun who shot an unarmed protester on 6-1.
Did you see the video? Is her family pressing charges? Are we filing charges against them? Then there is no accuser you have a right to face.

The police said it was a good kill. Justified. How come you always agree with 5he cops when it’s a black but when it’s a trump insurrectionists, you suddenly don’t back the police. Interesting
In previous cases the identity of the cops is made public along with their public and private record

Not so in the babbitt case
Of course not, because he and his family would be a target for your ilk.
Yep. The Trumpster jihadis would declare an immediate fatwa.

This is pretty obviously the reason we don't know his name.
Republicans love to make one person the object of everyone's anger. Pelosi. Whitmer. Hillary. All need to be protected from unhinged right wingers.
And why am I still waiting for you to show where there's a right to know his name...?
I’m not a lawyer so I cant point to any specific law

Maybe there is none

In which case its the rule of the man in power

Who happens to be lib

But the public has a right to know and sooner or later we will find out

So Trump could sic a lynch mob on him? I think not.
You can just make up policies off the cuff and blame it on trump

The Deep State assassin knew the risk of exposure when he pulled the trigger

He was a police officer doing his job.. What kind of man are you? Haven't you watched the video of the mob storming the Capitol?
If he has watched the videos he's downplaying how violent that mob really was. They are playing to people who haven't seen the videos. Don't worry Pelosi and Chaney will show us the videos again soon after the investigation is over. This is no Benghazi or Pizzagate.
And why am I still waiting for you to show where there's a right to know his name...?
I’m not a lawyer so I cant point to any specific law

Maybe there is none

In which case its the rule of the man in power

Who happens to be lib

But the public has a right to know and sooner or later we will find out

So Trump could sic a lynch mob on him? I think not.
You can just make up policies off the cuff and blame it on trump

The Deep State assassin knew the risk of exposure when he pulled the trigger

He was a police officer doing his job.. What kind of man are you? Haven't you watched the video of the mob storming the Capitol?
If he has watched the videos he's downplaying how violent that mob really was. They are playing to people who haven't seen the videos. Don't worry Pelosi and Chaney will show us the videos again soon after the investigation is over. This is no Benghazi or Pizzagate.
Yep, all on the right are down playing it, to the hilt!

And why am I still waiting for you to show where there's a right to know his name...?
I’m not a lawyer so I cant point to any specific law

Maybe there is none

In which case its the rule of the man in power

Who happens to be lib

But the public has a right to know and sooner or later we will find out

So Trump could sic a lynch mob on him? I think not.
You can just make up policies off the cuff and blame it on trump

The Deep State assassin knew the risk of exposure when he pulled the trigger

He was a police officer doing his job.. What kind of man are you? Haven't you watched the video of the mob storming the Capitol?
If he has watched the videos he's downplaying how violent that mob really was. They are playing to people who haven't seen the videos. Don't worry Pelosi and Chaney will show us the videos again soon after the investigation is over. This is no Benghazi or Pizzagate.
Interesting that many trumpeciles have indeed watched the videos and continue to deny that the attack was violent.
And why am I still waiting for you to show where there's a right to know his name...?
I’m not a lawyer so I cant point to any specific law

Maybe there is none

In which case its the rule of the man in power

Who happens to be lib

But the public has a right to know and sooner or later we will find out

So Trump could sic a lynch mob on him? I think not.
You can just make up policies off the cuff and blame it on trump

The Deep State assassin knew the risk of exposure when he pulled the trigger

He was a police officer doing his job.. What kind of man are you? Haven't you watched the video of the mob storming the Capitol?
If he has watched the videos he's downplaying how violent that mob really was. They are playing to people who haven't seen the videos. Don't worry Pelosi and Chaney will show us the videos again soon after the investigation is over. This is no Benghazi or Pizzagate.
Interesting that many trumpeciles have indeed watched the videos and continue to deny that the attack was violent.
Violence? What violence? I don't see no stinkin' violence.

And why am I still waiting for you to show where there's a right to know his name...?
I’m not a lawyer so I cant point to any specific law

Maybe there is none

In which case its the rule of the man in power

Who happens to be lib

But the public has a right to know and sooner or later we will find out

So Trump could sic a lynch mob on him? I think not.
You can just make up policies off the cuff and blame it on trump

The Deep State assassin knew the risk of exposure when he pulled the trigger

He was a police officer doing his job.. What kind of man are you? Haven't you watched the video of the mob storming the Capitol?
If he has watched the videos he's downplaying how violent that mob really was. They are playing to people who haven't seen the videos. Don't worry Pelosi and Chaney will show us the videos again soon after the investigation is over. This is no Benghazi or Pizzagate.
Yep, all on the right are down playing it, to the hilt!

Similar to how they are downplaying the fact that Trump lied to us in February about how bad the Coronavirus was because he didn't want it to damage his precious economy. And because of him lying to us 200,000 people died.

I can't remember the numbers but someone quantified how many needless deaths happened because of how Trump handled the pandemic. Rather than tell his followers to social distance and wear masks he invited them to rallies and compared wearing a mask to wearing a purse. Suddenly it was patriotic to not wear a mask.

They also figured how many people died because of Trump rallies.

700 people died because of Trump rallies.

How many secret service got corona because of Trump's bad behavior running around while he had corona? They accept they may have to take a bullet for the guy but he just put them in harms way

130 secret service got corona because of Trump

Now imagine what a big deal Republicans would have made if either of these things were true about Obama or Biden.
And why am I still waiting for you to show where there's a right to know his name...?
I’m not a lawyer so I cant point to any specific law

Maybe there is none

In which case its the rule of the man in power

Who happens to be lib

But the public has a right to know and sooner or later we will find out

So Trump could sic a lynch mob on him? I think not.
You can just make up policies off the cuff and blame it on trump

The Deep State assassin knew the risk of exposure when he pulled the trigger

He was a police officer doing his job.. What kind of man are you? Haven't you watched the video of the mob storming the Capitol?
If he has watched the videos he's downplaying how violent that mob really was. They are playing to people who haven't seen the videos. Don't worry Pelosi and Chaney will show us the videos again soon after the investigation is over. This is no Benghazi or Pizzagate.
Interesting that many trumpeciles have indeed watched the videos and continue to deny that the attack was violent.
Violence? What violence? I don't see no stinkin' violence.

Don't believe what you see. And don't believe Trump said it even if it's on tape. He didn't mean it that way. He was kidding. He's new to politics he didn't know. It was a perfect call what are you talking about?

Remember that? It was a perfect call? How about Rudy's call to the Ukraine nothing wrong with that call either?

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