So if Pelosi's commission Doesn't call the Ashely Babbit shooter does it have any credibility?

This is pretty obviously the reason we don't know his name.
Talk about issuing fatwas or the rule of law

You folks are killing US citizens and then hiding the identity of the killer

Thats as arbitrary as it gets
"Us folks"? You mean the police, yes? A US citizen, one of "you folks", was acting in a violent manner
and refused the order to back off and leave. "You folks" will attack him and his family to "get even".
The government and I would expect nothing less from "you folks". Hence the refusal to give "you folks" his name, and rightfully so.
Don't forget -- it was just a tour that got a little frisky.

She was just standing in line, minding her own business.

This is the alternate universe we're dealing with here.
You are talking to me but wimp out by addressing your reply to Bobob

When did I ever say babbitt was not breaking the law?

But you have different standards for conservatives than libs

During the lib “summer of love” every police officer that shot a black citizen was quickly identified

But now suddenly you deny full disclosure
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Really! He did not have to be at risk to shoot her when she continued her violent ways and DID NOT
disappear when ordered to do so. What would you do with his name, anyway? Want to burn his house down, yes?
Since you misunderstood before me repeat:

” The person who killed babbett is no more at risk than any police officer on the street doing his job”

Revealing the identity of the capital building shooter puts him no more at risk than revealing the name of police officers across America who shoot black suspects

We the people have a right to know
This is pretty obviously the reason we don't know his name.
Talk about issuing fatwas or the rule of law

You folks are killing US citizens and then hiding the identity of the killer

Thats as arbitrary as it gets
"Us folks"? You mean the police, yes? A US citizen, one of "you folks", was acting in a violent manner
and refused the order to back off and leave. "You folks" will attack him and his family to "get even".
The government and I would expect nothing less from "you folks". Hence the refusal to give "you folks" his name, and rightfully so.
Your excuse is nonsense

The person who killed babbett is no more at risk than any police officer on the street doing his job

The public has a right to know who he is
Show where such a right exists...
Based on what law?
Does it take a law to force libs to do the right thing?

I suppose we will drag the name out of you eventually through the legal process

And if he gas any serious or embarrassing blemishes on his record he will be given a golden parachute and shoved out the door to retirement like previous Deep State personnel who became a liability
This is pretty obviously the reason we don't know his name.
Talk about issuing fatwas or the rule of law

You folks are killing US citizens and then hiding the identity of the killer

Thats as arbitrary as it gets
"Us folks"? You mean the police, yes? A US citizen, one of "you folks", was acting in a violent manner
and refused the order to back off and leave. "You folks" will attack him and his family to "get even".
The government and I would expect nothing less from "you folks". Hence the refusal to give "you folks" his name, and rightfully so.
Your excuse is nonsense

The person who killed babbett is no more at risk than any police officer on the street doing his job

The public has a right to know who he is
faun's been sharing a room with Lon Horiuchi
This is pretty obviously the reason we don't know his name.
Talk about issuing fatwas or the rule of law

You folks are killing US citizens and then hiding the identity of the killer

Thats as arbitrary as it gets
"Us folks"? You mean the police, yes? A US citizen, one of "you folks", was acting in a violent manner
and refused the order to back off and leave. "You folks" will attack him and his family to "get even".
The government and I would expect nothing less from "you folks". Hence the refusal to give "you folks" his name, and rightfully so.
Your excuse is nonsense

The person who killed babbett is no more at risk than any police officer on the street doing his job

The public has a right to know who he is
faun's been sharing a room with Lon Horiuchi
This is pretty obviously the reason we don't know his name.
Talk about issuing fatwas or the rule of law

You folks are killing US citizens and then hiding the identity of the killer

Thats as arbitrary as it gets
"Us folks"? You mean the police, yes? A US citizen, one of "you folks", was acting in a violent manner
and refused the order to back off and leave. "You folks" will attack him and his family to "get even".
The government and I would expect nothing less from "you folks". Hence the refusal to give "you folks" his name, and rightfully so.
Your excuse is nonsense

The person who killed babbett is no more at risk than any police officer on the street doing his job

The public has a right to know who he is
Show where such a right exists...
faun's been sharing a room with Lon Horiuchi
For all we know the killer of ashley babbitt may be Lon Horiuchi

Umm, we know it's not.
Really! He did not have to be at risk to shoot her when she continued her violent ways and DID NOT
disappear when ordered to do so. What would you do with his name, anyway? Want to burn his house down, yes?
Since you misunderstood before me repeat:

” The person who killed babbett is no more at risk than any police officer on the street doing his job”

Revealing the identity of the capital building shooter puts him no more at risk than revealing the name of police officers across America who shoot black suspects

We the people have a right to know
You the trumpecile do not have the right to know. The police killed her in the line of duty and if you watch the scene, you will understand that she was involved in criminal activity and got what she deserved.
This is pretty obviously the reason we don't know his name.
Talk about issuing fatwas or the rule of law

You folks are killing US citizens and then hiding the identity of the killer

Thats as arbitrary as it gets
"Us folks"? You mean the police, yes? A US citizen, one of "you folks", was acting in a violent manner
and refused the order to back off and leave. "You folks" will attack him and his family to "get even".
The government and I would expect nothing less from "you folks". Hence the refusal to give "you folks" his name, and rightfully so.
Don't forget -- it was just a tour that got a little frisky.

She was just standing in line, minding her own business.

This is the alternate universe we're dealing with here.
You are talking to me but wimp out by addressing your reply to Bobob

When did I ever say babbitt was not breaking the law?

But you have different standards for conservatives than libs

During the lib “summer of love” every police officer that shot a black citizen was quickly identified

But now suddenly you deny full disclosure
so what
Really! He did not have to be at risk to shoot her when she continued her violent ways and DID NOT
disappear when ordered to do so. What would you do with his name, anyway? Want to burn his house down, yes?
Since you misunderstood before me repeat:

” The person who killed babbett is no more at risk than any police officer on the street doing his job”

Revealing the identity of the capital building shooter puts him no more at risk than revealing the name of police officers across America who shoot black suspects

We the people have a right to know
You the trumpecile do not have the right to know. The police killed her in the line of duty and if you watch the scene, you will understand that she was involved in criminal activity and got what she deserved.
It's interesting that the yahoos evoke the name, Horiuchi, given rightwing freaks also tried to have him killed.
Why did republicans turn down an independent investigation by a commission outside of congress when all the requests of how the commission should be set up, made by republication leader mccarthy, were met?

Trump called McCarthy after the commission deal was made, to cancel it, not to do it???


What are Republicans so AFRAID of the public funding out? I just don't get it?
The GOP ran and hid when they had a chance to be a part of this, on their terms.

Part of the reason they did that was obviously to condemn anything that is found.

They're pretty transparent. And it does make you wonder what they expect to be found.
Should the Pelosi Inquisition identify and question the man to shot and killed ashley babbit?
No, because you trumpeciles will kill him since you think that she did not commit a criminal act and was involved in a "lovefest" tour of our Capitol.
I assume the primary reason his name has not been released is the likelihood that a fatwa would be issued by the Trump jihadis. Understandable.

But I'm all for getting getting every bit of information that pertains to the day. If they choose to keep his name secret, I can see that.
Same reason they don’t give trump intelligence briefing like they do Obama, bush and carter. Can’t trust trump.

What else do you do if a former potus can’t be trusted?
Did your elevator stop on the wrong floor?

This topic is about an unidentified individual with a gun who shot an unarmed protester on 6-1.
Shot an "unarmed" violent protester leading a pack of criminals into the Senate chamber and who did not heed the warnings to turn and leave. That protester?
There are many many people in urban areas whose families have been affected by the Prog pronouncements of innocent people living there. So misunderstood. Have an aging person get their assed tuned up by the ones you think have been done wrong and see what you believe after. Have your teenage daughter going to school and raped and beaten by the ones you have think have done no wrong and see what you believe after. This has been going for to long and it is insurrectionists to the max. Criminals are criminals.
Your examples of liberals AND trumpeciles doing the dirty are not examples of an insurrection.
Your education is non-existant. You are attempting to equate these acts with an insurrection to justify the insurrection on Jan 6 as being no different. You have the intelligence of a meatball.
My parents stayed in a changing neighborhood. Their politics were/are conservative democrat. My aunt's family living next to us moved as soon as the neighborhood started changing. They were pure Prog beliefs. Laughing at those who are so hateful. Several years in after some arrogant remarks and look downs by younger African American males, my mother was attacked by a teenager who tired to steal her purse at a bus stop going to work. She was not hurt, but they put their house up for sale after that. Having enough. Now watching all of those Prog people promoting all of the agendas while very few or none give up any chance of loss of live they can go ph uk themselves.
is Horiuchi black? Ashli TargetPractice's shooter is.
I knew you were going to say that

Maybe he was culturally appropriating

You know, a Nisei in blackface?
The more you post, the dumber you get.

And why am I still waiting for you to show where there's a right to know his name...?
And why am I still waiting for you to show where there's a right to know his name...?
I’m not a lawyer so I cant point to any specific law

Maybe there is none

In which case its the rule of the man in power

Who happens to be lib

But the public has a right to know and sooner or later we will find out
And why am I still waiting for you to show where there's a right to know his name...?
I’m not a lawyer so I cant point to any specific law

Maybe there is none

In which case its the rule of the man in power

Who happens to be lib

But the public has a right to know and sooner or later we will find out

It's hysterical how you admit there is no such right just before once again foolishly asserting there is such a right.

This police officer felt so threatened he needed to use deadly force
From the dems purview he should be given a medal....right
We all know how scary women are. You know that sex that has to have men run the races for them.
Remember this guy saved American democracy but you won't here a peep from the dems. In fact I'm betting on the opposite
Oh and here's a link. Like anything these dumb @@@@;s know means anything

The police officer called out for them to stop several times.

Her death is tragic, but she was doing what Trump had called for.
When a police officer tells a Black person to stop and then shoots them, the city is burnt to the ground and not one Liberal complains.

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