So if Pelosi's commission Doesn't call the Ashely Babbit shooter does it have any credibility?

This police officer felt so threatened he needed to use deadly force
From the dems purview he should be given a medal....right
We all know how scary women are. You know that sex that has to have men run the races for them.
Remember this guy saved American democracy but you won't here a peep from the dems. In fact I'm betting on the opposite
Oh and here's a link. Like anything these dumb @@@@;s know means anything

So you don’t support the police?

The one time out of how many that the Left is supporting the police and justifying opening fire on an unarmed perpetrator because the officer’s life was threatened? The only reason is because this fits a larger agenda.

When Trump's mob was breaking into the Capitol with their golf clubs and baseball bats yelling about getting Pence etc do you think any of the police officers pondered "larger agendas"?
When the scum demonRAT mob was breaking into the Capitol with their golf clubs and baseball bats......TRUMP was addressing his supporters
pathetic, you are
Liar liar pants on fire! :)
yes, you are a LIAR and a DENIER....pathetic, you are
Why did republicans turn down an independent investigation by a commission outside of congress when all the requests of how the commission should be set up, made by republication leader mccarthy, were met?

Trump called McCarthy after the commission deal was made, to cancel it, not to do it???


What are Republicans so AFRAID of the public finding out? I just don't get it?
Why did the Republicans turn down an investigation?

. . . that should be all you need to know., it you had a critical thought in your head.

There have been folks on this board that have been telling you that the most powerful players at the CFR, from BOTH parties, have been manipulating the entire nation, from behind the scenes, for, like EVER. And the CFR is not the only powerful group. There are the Trilaterals, the Bilderbergers, and a host of other think tanks and interest groups that weighed in. . . but I'm pretty sure they all weighed in. . . "NO." For both parties. The only folks that want this? Are the progressive peasants and the media which sees a gold mine in the coverage. That saying? The coverage would be as fake as the investigation.

Other Americans have some idea what really went on, and don't trust the government to investigate the origin of their own shadows.

The whole illusion that there is a real split in the nation and international agenda? Is just that, AN ILLUSION. Everything you see on your CFR controlled TEE VEE, or read in your ruling elite media, is propaganda, and approved by the establishment, for you to believe, without a critical thought in your head.


Hillary Clinton Admits She Takes Orders from Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)​

Cheney on CFR, Council on Foreign Relations​

If the stake holders that are really running the nation, otherwise known as "the establishment," say no? Then members of both parties, which are all beholden to these groups, and all belong to these same organizations, will do what they are told.

So you don't want to get to the bottom of everything because you have already decided the new world order elites will cover up what happened in an investigation?

Then who should investigate the who, what, where, when, and how of the 1/6 seditious acts for the sake of history?

I can't live in a world of conspiracy like you's a Debbie downer and hopeless. I don't believe Americans are as rotten as you believe.....there is no one I know that works for the govt or in the military that is as rotten and traitorous as you make them out to be in your head... They are just every day good folk on the right and left trying to earn a living and support their families and are do gooders....they are not working for some group of illuminati, Bilderbergers, deep state, or CFR etc.

I'm not denying these groups and many others are not trying to influence the world, but I don't think everyone is in on you do.

The FBI should investigate and are doing so.

How is it that an incompetant fool like Pelosi is able to conduct a better investigation?

the FBI is investigating and arresting those rioters who committed crimes in the Capitol that day.

they are not investigating anything else, like why it happened, was it planned, who started the movement, who knew about the plan in Congress and the whitehouse, why did capitol police stand down, why was Ashli killed, what took so long to get help from the National Guard, why were they so negligent and unprepared, and how can they prevent these failures from happening again.

Many of those things are not the FBIs duties.

polly want a cracker?
Yes I would like to see them point out exactly why she was shot, which was that she refused to obey the lawful commands of a police officer while with a group that was blatantly calling for the murder of several government officials including the vice president of the United States. she busted a window into a door where several Capitol police officers were protecting members of Congress was told several times to stop and that she would be shot if she refused she didn't stop and was shot.

Is tragic because a member of the Armed Forces lost her life because she believes Trump's bulshit but she was also shot because she was blatantly refusing to obey the orders of a police officer who had every reason to believe she was armed and dangerous and meant to harm members of Congress. The officer who shot her was doing his job in the story.

I would be more interested in hearing the testimony of witnesses to the Capitol police officer who was murdered by members of the mob. Several officers were attacked but this was the only one who was murdered.
I've heard several sources say one of the central reasons for the commission is to determine whether or not the attack was a pre-planned attack or spontaneous one. If it was pre planned, that makes it a criminal conspiracy which means that every single person who took part can be charged with the murder of that officer under the RICO Act. and anyone who knew about the attack even if they didn't take part before it happened and didn't report it is also liable for any and all charges that can be filed against the attackers. They will be very interested in any evidence that members of Congress aided the attackers or knew about the attack before it. mainly because of the fact that the attackers clearly had information about the layout of the Capitol building that is not available to the General Public. Several Republican Congressmembers have close ties to the groups that allegedly planned the attack, and so I'm expecting several subpoenas to go out for those members personal records and the phones and emails.
There was no Officer Murdered.

140 were injured because Trump told them to take back their country and overturn the election.

Isn't that serious to you?
If there was a "take back your country" movement that was real, you would know it. The Progs have destroyed the cities. Many cities around the world are better then many American cities. Sadly, Prog voters move to the suburbs and infect them. Slow destruction is happening. They move to red areas and infect them. After an uptick due to civility the declines begin with massive tax oppression and people scamming off it.

Storming the Capitol to overturn the election was real.
by the criminals that PIG-lousi bussed in to storm the capitol....
Why did republicans turn down an independent investigation by a commission outside of congress when all the requests of how the commission should be set up, made by republication leader mccarthy, were met?

Trump called McCarthy after the commission deal was made, to cancel it, not to do it???


What are Republicans so AFRAID of the public funding out? I just don't get it?
The GOP ran and hid when they had a chance to be a part of this, on their terms.

Part of the reason they did that was obviously to condemn anything that is found.

They're pretty transparent. And it does make you wonder what they expect to be found.
Should the Pelosi Inquisition identify and question the man to shot and killed ashley babbit?
No, because you trumpeciles will kill him since you think that she did not commit a criminal act and was involved in a "lovefest" tour of our Capitol.
I assume the primary reason his name has not been released is the likelihood that a fatwa would be issued by the Trump jihadis. Understandable.

But I'm all for getting getting every bit of information that pertains to the day. If they choose to keep his name secret, I can see that.
Same reason they don’t give trump intelligence briefing like they do Obama, bush and carter. Can’t trust trump.

What else do you do if a former potus can’t be trusted?
Did your elevator stop on the wrong floor?

This topic is about an unidentified individual with a gun who shot an unarmed protester on 6-1.
Did you see the video? Is her family pressing charges? Are we filing charges against them? Then there is no accuser you have a right to face.

The police said it was a good kill. Justified. How come you always agree with 5he cops when it’s a black but when it’s a trump insurrectionists, you suddenly don’t back the police. Interesting
In previous cases the identity of the cops is made public along with their public and private record

Not so in the babbitt case
Of course not, because he and his family would be a target for the wackos of your ilk.
Why did republicans turn down an independent investigation by a commission outside of congress when all the requests of how the commission should be set up, made by republication leader mccarthy, were met?

Trump called McCarthy after the commission deal was made, to cancel it, not to do it???


What are Republicans so AFRAID of the public funding out? I just don't get it?
The GOP ran and hid when they had a chance to be a part of this, on their terms.

Part of the reason they did that was obviously to condemn anything that is found.

They're pretty transparent. And it does make you wonder what they expect to be found.
Should the Pelosi Inquisition identify and question the man to shot and killed ashley babbit?
No, because you trumpeciles will kill him since you think that she did not commit a criminal act and was involved in a "lovefest" tour of our Capitol.
I assume the primary reason his name has not been released is the likelihood that a fatwa would be issued by the Trump jihadis. Understandable.

But I'm all for getting getting every bit of information that pertains to the day. If they choose to keep his name secret, I can see that.
Same reason they don’t give trump intelligence briefing like they do Obama, bush and carter. Can’t trust trump.

What else do you do if a former potus can’t be trusted?
Did your elevator stop on the wrong floor?

This topic is about an unidentified individual with a gun who shot an unarmed protester on 6-1.
Did you see the video? Is her family pressing charges? Are we filing charges against them? Then there is no accuser you have a right to face.

The police said it was a good kill. Justified. How come you always agree with 5he cops when it’s a black but when it’s a trump insurrectionists, you suddenly don’t back the police. Interesting
In previous cases the identity of the cops is made public along with their public and private record

Not so in the babbitt case
Of course not, because he and his family would be a target for your ilk.
Yep. The Trumpster jihadis would declare an immediate fatwa.

This is pretty obviously the reason we don't know his name.
Why did republicans turn down an independent investigation by a commission outside of congress when all the requests of how the commission should be set up, made by republication leader mccarthy, were met?

Trump called McCarthy after the commission deal was made, to cancel it, not to do it???


What are Republicans so AFRAID of the public funding out? I just don't get it?
The GOP ran and hid when they had a chance to be a part of this, on their terms.

Part of the reason they did that was obviously to condemn anything that is found.

They're pretty transparent. And it does make you wonder what they expect to be found.
Should the Pelosi Inquisition identify and question the man to shot and killed ashley babbit?
No, because you trumpeciles will kill him since you think that she did not commit a criminal act and was involved in a "lovefest" tour of our Capitol.
I assume the primary reason his name has not been released is the likelihood that a fatwa would be issued by the Trump jihadis. Understandable.

But I'm all for getting getting every bit of information that pertains to the day. If they choose to keep his name secret, I can see that.
Same reason they don’t give trump intelligence briefing like they do Obama, bush and carter. Can’t trust trump.

What else do you do if a former potus can’t be trusted?
Did your elevator stop on the wrong floor?

This topic is about an unidentified individual with a gun who shot an unarmed protester on 6-1.
Shot an "unarmed" violent protester leading a pack of criminals into the Senate chamber and who did not heed the warnings to turn and leave. That protester?
Yes I would like to see them point out exactly why she was shot, which was that she refused to obey the lawful commands of a police officer while with a group that was blatantly calling for the murder of several government officials including the vice president of the United States. she busted a window into a door where several Capitol police officers were protecting members of Congress was told several times to stop and that she would be shot if she refused she didn't stop and was shot.

Is tragic because a member of the Armed Forces lost her life because she believes Trump's bulshit but she was also shot because she was blatantly refusing to obey the orders of a police officer who had every reason to believe she was armed and dangerous and meant to harm members of Congress. The officer who shot her was doing his job in the story.

I would be more interested in hearing the testimony of witnesses to the Capitol police officer who was murdered by members of the mob. Several officers were attacked but this was the only one who was murdered.
I've heard several sources say one of the central reasons for the commission is to determine whether or not the attack was a pre-planned attack or spontaneous one. If it was pre planned, that makes it a criminal conspiracy which means that every single person who took part can be charged with the murder of that officer under the RICO Act. and anyone who knew about the attack even if they didn't take part before it happened and didn't report it is also liable for any and all charges that can be filed against the attackers. They will be very interested in any evidence that members of Congress aided the attackers or knew about the attack before it. mainly because of the fact that the attackers clearly had information about the layout of the Capitol building that is not available to the General Public. Several Republican Congressmembers have close ties to the groups that allegedly planned the attack, and so I'm expecting several subpoenas to go out for those members personal records and the phones and emails.
There was no Officer Murdered.

140 were injured because Trump told them to take back their country and overturn the election.

Isn't that serious to you?
So injuries justified lying about murder?

Is it ok to lie and exaggerate about numbers if it supports your endless trump hatred.

Those rioters are responsible for their own actions whjich are no worse than the endless rioting and insurrections mounted by the left last year.

Here is some information for you. Trump is gone and a has been get over it and evict him from your brain he is living there rent free.
Trump is not gone, he controls every GOPer in Congress that counts, McConnell and McCarthy....and he controls all of his supporters including his insurrectionists....just waiting for his next order.
He controls no one and is gone and a has been.

Your ludicrous claim is the real conspiracy theory.

Trump can still churn up a lynch mob.. Let's see what he does in Sarasota tonight.
Any celebrity or politician can do that.

What one CAN do is irrelevant

Most wouldn't.. Trump gets off on it.
Progs cause the the Jan. 6 event. Pelosi was involved.
Sure, that's why Trump doesn't want the 1/6 seditious event investigated, yet Pelosi wanted one... like a bipartisan 9/11 commission, outside of congress..... THINK! The only side, who wants to HIDE, is Trump and his minions that he controls in Congress. Nancy has nothing to hide....she's not afraid of the truth, your side that you support is scared out of their yellow belly minds of an investigation!
Keep showing your stupidity. Pisslosi the drunk refuses to talk under oath on why she REFUSED Trump’s offer of additional security or the National Guard. Seems it’s the guilty Dim party that wants things buried.
What offer? Link?

Why didn't he send them the moment the riot broke out? He was derelict in his duty, as president and no amount of your trumpery can change that....
Now playing stupid (though you aren’t playing). You peons screamed like stuck pigs when Trump sent the Guard in to clean up Portland. Not the Guard’s job to handle something the Capitol police and FBI KNEW was likely to happen. Your side’s failure has nothing to do with Trump and no amount of your stupidity and TDS changes that.
This should not have happened to begin with and the shooting occurred after the attack was in full bloom. The FBI did not know the extent of Trump's involvement as he encouraged the violence and I
am certain that they did not expect the "lovefest" as described by Trump.
Yes I would like to see them point out exactly why she was shot, which was that she refused to obey the lawful commands of a police officer while with a group that was blatantly calling for the murder of several government officials including the vice president of the United States. she busted a window into a door where several Capitol police officers were protecting members of Congress was told several times to stop and that she would be shot if she refused she didn't stop and was shot.

Is tragic because a member of the Armed Forces lost her life because she believes Trump's bulshit but she was also shot because she was blatantly refusing to obey the orders of a police officer who had every reason to believe she was armed and dangerous and meant to harm members of Congress. The officer who shot her was doing his job in the story.

I would be more interested in hearing the testimony of witnesses to the Capitol police officer who was murdered by members of the mob. Several officers were attacked but this was the only one who was murdered.
I've heard several sources say one of the central reasons for the commission is to determine whether or not the attack was a pre-planned attack or spontaneous one. If it was pre planned, that makes it a criminal conspiracy which means that every single person who took part can be charged with the murder of that officer under the RICO Act. and anyone who knew about the attack even if they didn't take part before it happened and didn't report it is also liable for any and all charges that can be filed against the attackers. They will be very interested in any evidence that members of Congress aided the attackers or knew about the attack before it. mainly because of the fact that the attackers clearly had information about the layout of the Capitol building that is not available to the General Public. Several Republican Congressmembers have close ties to the groups that allegedly planned the attack, and so I'm expecting several subpoenas to go out for those members personal records and the phones and emails.
There was no Officer Murdered.

140 were injured because Trump told them to take back their country and overturn the election.

Isn't that serious to you?
If there was a "take back your country" movement that was real, you would know it. The Progs have destroyed the cities. Many cities around the world are better then many American cities. Sadly, Prog voters move to the suburbs and infect them. Slow destruction is happening. They move to red areas and infect them. After an uptick due to civility the declines begin with massive tax oppression and people scamming off it.

Storming the Capitol to overturn the election was real.
by the criminals that PIG-lousi bussed in to storm the capitol....

Alex Jones said he and Trump orchestrated the attack on the Capitol and he contributed $50,000 of his wn money.

I don't blame you for trying to shift the blame to Pelosi or the FBI.. What Trump did is shameful.

This police officer felt so threatened he needed to use deadly force
From the dems purview he should be given a medal....right
We all know how scary women are. You know that sex that has to have men run the races for them.
Remember this guy saved American democracy but you won't here a peep from the dems. In fact I'm betting on the opposite
Oh and here's a link. Like anything these dumb @@@@;s know means anything

So you don’t support the police?

The one time out of how many that the Left is supporting the police and justifying opening fire on an unarmed perpetrator because the officer’s life was threatened? The only reason is because this fits a larger agenda.

When Trump's mob was breaking into the Capitol with their golf clubs and baseball bats yelling about getting Pence etc do you think any of the police officers pondered "larger agendas"?
When the scum demonRAT mob was breaking into the Capitol with their golf clubs and baseball bats......TRUMP was addressing his supporters
pathetic, you are
Liar liar pants on fire! :)
yes, you are a LIAR and a DENIER....pathetic, you are

Why did republicans turn down an independent investigation by a commission outside of congress when all the requests of how the commission should be set up, made by republication leader mccarthy, were met?

Trump called McCarthy after the commission deal was made, to cancel it, not to do it???


What are Republicans so AFRAID of the public finding out? I just don't get it?
Why did the Republicans turn down an investigation?

. . . that should be all you need to know., it you had a critical thought in your head.

There have been folks on this board that have been telling you that the most powerful players at the CFR, from BOTH parties, have been manipulating the entire nation, from behind the scenes, for, like EVER. And the CFR is not the only powerful group. There are the Trilaterals, the Bilderbergers, and a host of other think tanks and interest groups that weighed in. . . but I'm pretty sure they all weighed in. . . "NO." For both parties. The only folks that want this? Are the progressive peasants and the media which sees a gold mine in the coverage. That saying? The coverage would be as fake as the investigation.

Other Americans have some idea what really went on, and don't trust the government to investigate the origin of their own shadows.

The whole illusion that there is a real split in the nation and international agenda? Is just that, AN ILLUSION. Everything you see on your CFR controlled TEE VEE, or read in your ruling elite media, is propaganda, and approved by the establishment, for you to believe, without a critical thought in your head.


Hillary Clinton Admits She Takes Orders from Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)​

Cheney on CFR, Council on Foreign Relations​

If the stake holders that are really running the nation, otherwise known as "the establishment," say no? Then members of both parties, which are all beholden to these groups, and all belong to these same organizations, will do what they are told.

So you don't want to get to the bottom of everything because you have already decided the new world order elites will cover up what happened in an investigation?

Then who should investigate the who, what, where, when, and how of the 1/6 seditious acts for the sake of history?

I can't live in a world of conspiracy like you's a Debbie downer and hopeless. I don't believe Americans are as rotten as you believe.....there is no one I know that works for the govt or in the military that is as rotten and traitorous as you make them out to be in your head... They are just every day good folk on the right and left trying to earn a living and support their families and are do gooders....they are not working for some group of illuminati, Bilderbergers, deep state, or CFR etc.

I'm not denying these groups and many others are not trying to influence the world, but I don't think everyone is in on you do.

The FBI should investigate and are doing so.

How is it that an incompetant fool like Pelosi is able to conduct a better investigation?

the FBI is investigating and arresting those rioters who committed crimes in the Capitol that day.

they are not investigating anything else, like why it happened, was it planned, who started the movement, who knew about the plan in Congress and the whitehouse, why did capitol police stand down, why was Ashli killed, what took so long to get help from the National Guard, why were they so negligent and unprepared, and how can they prevent these failures from happening again.

Many of those things are not the FBIs duties.

polly want a cracker?

Hey fuck wads,

The Trumpets didn't want a investigation so you can kindly fuck off if we are going to consider your opinion on who should or shouldn't be called...

You had a chance to take a seat and you didn't want it... Fuck off to the bleachers, adults are going to play ball...

Kids investigate Benghazi eight times but want nothing for riot in the capital buildings...
Hey fuck wads,

The Trumpets didn't want a investigation so you can kindly fuck off if we are going to consider your opinion on who should or shouldn't be called...

You had a chance to take a seat and you didn't want it... Fuck off to the bleachers, adults are going to play ball...

Kids investigate Benghazi eight times but want nothing for riot in the capital buildings...


According to an investigation by the Wall Street Journal, a number of former President Trump’s key allies helped pay for and organize the rally that preceded the capitol riots that left five people dead on January 6th. While the preceding event was legal and non-violent, the remarks that Trump made at the rally were widely condemned and led to him being impeached by the House of Representatives, accused of inciting a riot and encouraging a mob of protoestors to "fight like hell" to overturn the legitimate results of the 2020 presidential election.

Far right media personality and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones donated $50,000 to the event and helped bring in additional funds, including a $300,000 contribution from Julie Jenkins Fancelli, heiress to the Publix grocery store fortune. Ms. Fancelli’s contribution covered “the lion’s share” of the costs which totaled roughly $500,000. She also donated nearly one million dollars to Trump and the Republican party during the 2020 presidential election.

In a statement to Esquire, a Publix spokeswoman said, “Mrs. Fancelli is not an employee of Publix Super Markets, and is neither involved in our business operations, nor does she represent the company in any way. We cannot comment on Mrs. Fancelli’s actions. The violence at the Capitol on Jan. 6 was a national tragedy. The deplorable actions that occurred that day do not represent the values, work or opinions of Publix Super Markets.”

To help organize the event, Ms. Fancelli tapped Caroline Wren, a Trump fundraising official who earned $730,000 for her work for the Trump campaign in 2020.

According to text messages and a memo obtained by ProPublica, Wren “oversaw logistics, budgeting, funding and messaging” for the January 6th rally which was officially hosted by the pro-Trump group Women for America First. In an attachment on the event’s public gathering permit, Wren is listed as a “VIP advisor.” The permit also reveals that at least five other former Trump officials were involved in organizing the event.

In a statement to the Wall Street Journal, Ms. Wren said her role for the event “was to assist many others in providing and arranging for a professionally produced event at the Ellipse.” A spokesman for the Trump campaign told the Journal “it had no role in financing or organizing the Ellipse event and didn’t direct former staffers to do so.”

Hey fuck wads,

The Trumpets didn't want a investigation so you can kindly fuck off if we are going to consider your opinion on who should or shouldn't be called...

You had a chance to take a seat and you didn't want it... Fuck off to the bleachers, adults are going to play ball...

Kids investigate Benghazi eight times but want nothing for riot in the capital buildings...

Investigate it…. With or without Republicans. The Democrats are leading this. I want them to investigate. If they leave out or diminish who rejected the call and request for reinforcements and support from the National Guard, it will say it all.
Hey fuck wads,

The Trumpets didn't want a investigation so you can kindly fuck off if we are going to consider your opinion on who should or shouldn't be called...

You had a chance to take a seat and you didn't want it... Fuck off to the bleachers, adults are going to play ball...

Kids investigate Benghazi eight times but want nothing for riot in the capital buildings...

Investigate it…. With or without Republicans. The Democrats are leading this. I want them to investigate. If they leave out or diminish who rejected the call and request for reinforcements and support from the National Guard, it will say it all.
Are you suggesting that Pelosi refused the National Guard's help as the riot broke out and was taking place, and that's why the National Guard did not show up until 3 or so hours AFTER the riot had started??
Yes I would like to see them point out exactly why she was shot, which was that she refused to obey the lawful commands of a police officer while with a group that was blatantly calling for the murder of several government officials including the vice president of the United States. she busted a window into a door where several Capitol police officers were protecting members of Congress was told several times to stop and that she would be shot if she refused she didn't stop and was shot.

Is tragic because a member of the Armed Forces lost her life because she believes Trump's bulshit but she was also shot because she was blatantly refusing to obey the orders of a police officer who had every reason to believe she was armed and dangerous and meant to harm members of Congress. The officer who shot her was doing his job in the story.

I would be more interested in hearing the testimony of witnesses to the Capitol police officer who was murdered by members of the mob. Several officers were attacked but this was the only one who was murdered.
I've heard several sources say one of the central reasons for the commission is to determine whether or not the attack was a pre-planned attack or spontaneous one. If it was pre planned, that makes it a criminal conspiracy which means that every single person who took part can be charged with the murder of that officer under the RICO Act. and anyone who knew about the attack even if they didn't take part before it happened and didn't report it is also liable for any and all charges that can be filed against the attackers. They will be very interested in any evidence that members of Congress aided the attackers or knew about the attack before it. mainly because of the fact that the attackers clearly had information about the layout of the Capitol building that is not available to the General Public. Several Republican Congressmembers have close ties to the groups that allegedly planned the attack, and so I'm expecting several subpoenas to go out for those members personal records and the phones and emails.
There was no Officer Murdered.

140 were injured because Trump told them to take back their country and overturn the election.

Isn't that serious to you?
If there was a "take back your country" movement that was real, you would know it. The Progs have destroyed the cities. Many cities around the world are better then many American cities. Sadly, Prog voters move to the suburbs and infect them. Slow destruction is happening. They move to red areas and infect them. After an uptick due to civility the declines begin with massive tax oppression and people scamming off it.

Storming the Capitol to overturn the election was real.
by the criminals that PIG-lousi bussed in to storm the capitol....

Alex Jones said he and Trump orchestrated the attack on the Capitol and he contributed $50,000 of his wn money.

I don't blame you for trying to shift the blame to Pelosi or the FBI.. What Trump did is shameful.

I don't blame you for trying to shift the blame to TRUMP .. What PIG-LOUSI did is shameful, and treasonist...hang the TWAT
Hey fuck wads,

The Trumpets didn't want a investigation so you can kindly fuck off if we are going to consider your opinion on who should or shouldn't be called...

You had a chance to take a seat and you didn't want it... Fuck off to the bleachers, adults are going to play ball...

Kids investigate Benghazi eight times but want nothing for riot in the capital buildings...

Investigate it…. With or without Republicans. The Democrats are leading this. I want them to investigate. If they leave out or diminish who rejected the call and request for reinforcements and support from the National Guard, it will say it all.
Are you suggesting that Pelosi refused the National Guard's help as the riot broke out and was taking place, and that's why the National Guard did not show up until 3 or so hours AFTER the riot had started??
suggesting? it's TRUTH...this twat bussed the criminals to the capitol...ignorant, scum demonRATS will never acknowledge any TRUTH
Yes I would like to see them point out exactly why she was shot, which was that she refused to obey the lawful commands of a police officer while with a group that was blatantly calling for the murder of several government officials including the vice president of the United States. she busted a window into a door where several Capitol police officers were protecting members of Congress was told several times to stop and that she would be shot if she refused she didn't stop and was shot.

Is tragic because a member of the Armed Forces lost her life because she believes Trump's bulshit but she was also shot because she was blatantly refusing to obey the orders of a police officer who had every reason to believe she was armed and dangerous and meant to harm members of Congress. The officer who shot her was doing his job in the story.

I would be more interested in hearing the testimony of witnesses to the Capitol police officer who was murdered by members of the mob. Several officers were attacked but this was the only one who was murdered.
I've heard several sources say one of the central reasons for the commission is to determine whether or not the attack was a pre-planned attack or spontaneous one. If it was pre planned, that makes it a criminal conspiracy which means that every single person who took part can be charged with the murder of that officer under the RICO Act. and anyone who knew about the attack even if they didn't take part before it happened and didn't report it is also liable for any and all charges that can be filed against the attackers. They will be very interested in any evidence that members of Congress aided the attackers or knew about the attack before it. mainly because of the fact that the attackers clearly had information about the layout of the Capitol building that is not available to the General Public. Several Republican Congressmembers have close ties to the groups that allegedly planned the attack, and so I'm expecting several subpoenas to go out for those members personal records and the phones and emails.
There was no Officer Murdered.

140 were injured because Trump told them to take back their country and overturn the election.

Isn't that serious to you?
If there was a "take back your country" movement that was real, you would know it. The Progs have destroyed the cities. Many cities around the world are better then many American cities. Sadly, Prog voters move to the suburbs and infect them. Slow destruction is happening. They move to red areas and infect them. After an uptick due to civility the declines begin with massive tax oppression and people scamming off it.

Storming the Capitol to overturn the election was real.
by the criminals that PIG-lousi bussed in to storm the capitol....

Alex Jones said he and Trump orchestrated the attack on the Capitol and he contributed $50,000 of his wn money.

I don't blame you for trying to shift the blame to Pelosi or the FBI.. What Trump did is shameful.

I don't blame you for trying to shift the blame to TRUMP .. What PIG-LOUSI did is shameful, and treasonist...hang the TWAT

Grow up and face reality.

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