So if Pelosi's commission Doesn't call the Ashely Babbit shooter does it have any credibility?

Yes I would like to see them point out exactly why she was shot, which was that she refused to obey the lawful commands of a police officer while with a group that was blatantly calling for the murder of several government officials including the vice president of the United States. she busted a window into a door where several Capitol police officers were protecting members of Congress was told several times to stop and that she would be shot if she refused she didn't stop and was shot.

Is tragic because a member of the Armed Forces lost her life because she believes Trump's bulshit but she was also shot because she was blatantly refusing to obey the orders of a police officer who had every reason to believe she was armed and dangerous and meant to harm members of Congress. The officer who shot her was doing his job in the story.

I would be more interested in hearing the testimony of witnesses to the Capitol police officer who was murdered by members of the mob. Several officers were attacked but this was the only one who was murdered.
I've heard several sources say one of the central reasons for the commission is to determine whether or not the attack was a pre-planned attack or spontaneous one. If it was pre planned, that makes it a criminal conspiracy which means that every single person who took part can be charged with the murder of that officer under the RICO Act. and anyone who knew about the attack even if they didn't take part before it happened and didn't report it is also liable for any and all charges that can be filed against the attackers. They will be very interested in any evidence that members of Congress aided the attackers or knew about the attack before it. mainly because of the fact that the attackers clearly had information about the layout of the Capitol building that is not available to the General Public. Several Republican Congressmembers have close ties to the groups that allegedly planned the attack, and so I'm expecting several subpoenas to go out for those members personal records and the phones and emails.
There was no Officer Murdered.

140 were injured because Trump told them to take back their country and overturn the election.

Isn't that serious to you?
If there was a "take back your country" movement that was real, you would know it. The Progs have destroyed the cities. Many cities around the world are better then many American cities. Sadly, Prog voters move to the suburbs and infect them. Slow destruction is happening. They move to red areas and infect them. After an uptick due to civility the declines begin with massive tax oppression and people scamming off it.

Storming the Capitol to overturn the election was real.
by the criminals that PIG-lousi bussed in to storm the capitol....

Alex Jones said he and Trump orchestrated the attack on the Capitol and he contributed $50,000 of his wn money.

I don't blame you for trying to shift the blame to Pelosi or the FBI.. What Trump did is shameful.

I don't blame you for trying to shift the blame to TRUMP .. What PIG-LOUSI did is shameful, and treasonist...hang the TWAT

Grow up and face reality.
actually, you should Grow up and face reality.
Why did republicans turn down an independent investigation by a commission outside of congress when all the requests of how the commission should be set up, made by republication leader mccarthy, were met?

Trump called McCarthy after the commission deal was made, to cancel it, not to do it???


What are Republicans so AFRAID of the public funding out? I just don't get it?
The GOP ran and hid when they had a chance to be a part of this, on their terms.

Part of the reason they did that was obviously to condemn anything that is found.

They're pretty transparent. And it does make you wonder what they expect to be found.
Should the Pelosi Inquisition identify and question the man to shot and killed ashley babbit?
No, because you trumpeciles will kill him since you think that she did not commit a criminal act and was involved in a "lovefest" tour of our Capitol.
I assume the primary reason his name has not been released is the likelihood that a fatwa would be issued by the Trump jihadis. Understandable.

But I'm all for getting getting every bit of information that pertains to the day. If they choose to keep his name secret, I can see that.
Same reason they don’t give trump intelligence briefing like they do Obama, bush and carter. Can’t trust trump.

What else do you do if a former potus can’t be trusted?
Did your elevator stop on the wrong floor?

This topic is about an unidentified individual with a gun who shot an unarmed protester on 6-1.
Shot an "unarmed" violent protester leading a pack of criminals into the Senate chamber and who did not heed the warnings to turn and leave. That protester?
There are many many people in urban areas whose families have been affected by the Prog pronouncements of innocent people living there. So misunderstood. Have an aging person get their assed tuned up by the ones you think have been done wrong and see what you believe after. Have your teenage daughter going to school and raped and beaten by the ones you have think have done no wrong and see what you believe after. This has been going for to long and it is insurrectionists to the max. Criminals are criminals.
Hey fuck wads,

The Trumpets didn't want a investigation so you can kindly fuck off if we are going to consider your opinion on who should or shouldn't be called...

You had a chance to take a seat and you didn't want it... Fuck off to the bleachers, adults are going to play ball...

Kids investigate Benghazi eight times but want nothing for riot in the capital buildings...

Investigate it…. With or without Republicans. The Democrats are leading this. I want them to investigate. If they leave out or diminish who rejected the call and request for reinforcements and support from the National Guard, it will say it all.
Are you suggesting that Pelosi refused the National Guard's help as the riot broke out and was taking place, and that's why the National Guard did not show up until 3 or so hours AFTER the riot had started??

I am suggesting that it is a breakdown of security. The Democrats and the media were putting out memos telling people to stay out of DC because of potential unrest based on intelligence leading up to 1/6.

At that point, the Capitol Police is lead law enforcement. DC Metro MPD is the next followed by the National Guard. My question is “Where was everyone?” Why the breakdown?

Democrats keep pushing for this hearing and are still more upset that the US Capitol was vandalized vs. businesses throughout the US being torched and looted as part of peaceful protests.

Here is an opportunity for Democrats to hold who is accountable for the breakdown of security at the Capitol and to prevent from happening again.
Why did republicans turn down an independent investigation by a commission outside of congress when all the requests of how the commission should be set up, made by republication leader mccarthy, were met?

Trump called McCarthy after the commission deal was made, to cancel it, not to do it???


What are Republicans so AFRAID of the public funding out? I just don't get it?
The GOP ran and hid when they had a chance to be a part of this, on their terms.

Part of the reason they did that was obviously to condemn anything that is found.

They're pretty transparent. And it does make you wonder what they expect to be found.
Should the Pelosi Inquisition identify and question the man to shot and killed ashley babbit?
No, because you trumpeciles will kill him since you think that she did not commit a criminal act and was involved in a "lovefest" tour of our Capitol.
I assume the primary reason his name has not been released is the likelihood that a fatwa would be issued by the Trump jihadis. Understandable.

But I'm all for getting getting every bit of information that pertains to the day. If they choose to keep his name secret, I can see that.
Same reason they don’t give trump intelligence briefing like they do Obama, bush and carter. Can’t trust trump.

What else do you do if a former potus can’t be trusted?
Did your elevator stop on the wrong floor?

This topic is about an unidentified individual with a gun who shot an unarmed protester on 6-1.
Shot an "unarmed" violent protester leading a pack of criminals into the Senate chamber and who did not heed the warnings to turn and leave. That protester?
There are many many people in urban areas whose families have been affected by the Prog pronouncements of innocent people living there. So misunderstood. Have an aging person get their assed tuned up by the ones you think have been done wrong and see what you believe after. Have your teenage daughter going to school and raped and beaten by the ones you have think have done no wrong and see what you believe after. This has been going for to long and it is insurrectionists to the max. Criminals are criminals.
Your examples of liberals AND trumpeciles doing the dirty are not examples of an insurrection.
Your education is non-existant. You are attempting to equate these acts with an insurrection to justify the insurrection on Jan 6 as being no different. You have the intelligence of a meatball.
This is pretty obviously the reason we don't know his name.
Talk about issuing fatwas or the rule of law

You folks are killing US citizens and then hiding the identity of the killer

Thats as arbitrary as it gets
This police officer felt so threatened he needed to use deadly force
From the dems purview he should be given a medal....right
We all know how scary women are. You know that sex that has to have men run the races for them.
Remember this guy saved American democracy but you won't here a peep from the dems. In fact I'm betting on the opposite
Oh and here's a link. Like anything these dumb @@@@;s know means anything

What a pity Republicans killed the opportunity to hold a bipartisan commission. Had they not done that, they would have had subpoena power and could have compelled him to testify.

Instead, now they get to ride along as backseat drivers.

So Democrats initiated the Civil Rights Act .....

Fuckin' Dumbass !!!!
LBJ (a Democrat) signed it. Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia

Vote totals[edit]​

Totals are in YeaNay format:

  • The original House version: 290–130 (69–31%)
  • Cloture in the Senate: 71–29 (71–29%)
  • The Senate version: 73–27 (73–27%)
  • The Senate version, as voted on by the House: 289–126 (70–30%)

By party[edit]​

The record of the roll call vote kept by the House Clerk on final passage of the bill
The original House version:[29]

  • Democratic Party: 152–96 (61–39%)
  • Republican Party: 138–34 (80–20%)
Cloture in the Senate:[30]

  • Democratic Party: 44–23 (66–34%)
  • Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)
The Senate version:[29]

  • Democratic Party: 46–21 (69–31%)
  • Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)
The Senate version, voted on by the House:[29]

  • Democratic Party: 153–91 (63–37%)
  • Republican Party: 136–35 (80–20%)

By region[edit]​

Note that "Southern", as used here, refers to members of Congress from the eleven states that had made up the Confederate States of America in the American Civil War. "Northern" refers to members from the other 39 states, regardless of the geographic location of those states.[31]

The House of Representatives:[31]

  • Northern: 281–32 (90–10%)
  • Southern: 8–94 (8–92%)
The Senate:[31]

  • Northern: 72–6 (92–8%)
  • Southern: 1–21 (5–95%) – Ralph Yarborough of Texas was the only Southerner to vote in favor in the Senate

By party and region[edit]​

The House of Representatives:[3][31]

Note that four Representatives voted Present while 12 did not vote.

The Senate:[31]

That's what you get for quoting Wikipedia ....

The Democrats stopped the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

I bet you think the Republicans founded the KKK too .....

You Leftist are so damn uninformed and so gullible you will believe anything your Marxist handlers tell you.
SOME Democrats (Southern Democrats...with the help of the few Southern Republicans) did. The Civil Rights Act issue was not a R vs D was a Southern con-servatives vs the North thing.
This is pretty obviously the reason we don't know his name.
Talk about issuing fatwas or the rule of law

You folks are killing US citizens and then hiding the identity of the killer

Thats as arbitrary as it gets
"Us folks"? You mean the police, yes? A US citizen, one of "you folks", was acting in a violent manner
and refused the order to back off and leave. "You folks" will attack him and his family to "get even".
The government and I would expect nothing less from "you folks". Hence the refusal to give "you folks" his name, and rightfully so.
This is pretty obviously the reason we don't know his name.
Talk about issuing fatwas or the rule of law

You folks are killing US citizens and then hiding the identity of the killer

Thats as arbitrary as it gets
"Us folks"? You mean the police, yes? A US citizen, one of "you folks", was acting in a violent manner
and refused the order to back off and leave. "You folks" will attack him and his family to "get even".
The government and I would expect nothing less from "you folks". Hence the refusal to give "you folks" his name, and rightfully so.
Don't forget -- it was just a tour that got a little frisky.

She was just standing in line, minding her own business.

This is the alternate universe we're dealing with here.
Hey fuck wads,

The Trumpets didn't want a investigation so you can kindly fuck off if we are going to consider your opinion on who should or shouldn't be called...

You had a chance to take a seat and you didn't want it... Fuck off to the bleachers, adults are going to play ball...

Kids investigate Benghazi eight times but want nothing for riot in the capital buildings...

Investigate it…. With or without Republicans. The Democrats are leading this. I want them to investigate. If they leave out or diminish who rejected the call and request for reinforcements and support from the National Guard, it will say it all.
Are you suggesting that Pelosi refused the National Guard's help as the riot broke out and was taking place, and that's why the National Guard did not show up until 3 or so hours AFTER the riot had started??

I am suggesting that it is a breakdown of security. The Democrats and the media were putting out memos telling people to stay out of DC because of potential unrest based on intelligence leading up to 1/6.

At that point, the Capitol Police is lead law enforcement. DC Metro MPD is the next followed by the National Guard. My question is “Where was everyone?” Why the breakdown?

Democrats keep pushing for this hearing and are still more upset that the US Capitol was vandalized vs. businesses throughout the US being torched and looted as part of peaceful protests.

Here is an opportunity for Democrats to hold who is accountable for the breakdown of security at the Capitol and to prevent from happening again.
Yes, I agree! It is very important on finding out more on why overall security broke down and failed miserably.... Leading up to the event and the day of the riot! It was so shocking watching it all...wondering how could this even happen...? How could it last so long?
Yes I would like to see them point out exactly why she was shot, which was that she refused to obey the lawful commands of a police officer while with a group that was blatantly calling for the murder of several government officials including the vice president of the United States. she busted a window into a door where several Capitol police officers were protecting members of Congress was told several times to stop and that she would be shot if she refused she didn't stop and was shot.

Is tragic because a member of the Armed Forces lost her life because she believes Trump's bulshit but she was also shot because she was blatantly refusing to obey the orders of a police officer who had every reason to believe she was armed and dangerous and meant to harm members of Congress. The officer who shot her was doing his job in the story.

I would be more interested in hearing the testimony of witnesses to the Capitol police officer who was murdered by members of the mob. Several officers were attacked but this was the only one who was murdered.
I've heard several sources say one of the central reasons for the commission is to determine whether or not the attack was a pre-planned attack or spontaneous one. If it was pre planned, that makes it a criminal conspiracy which means that every single person who took part can be charged with the murder of that officer under the RICO Act. and anyone who knew about the attack even if they didn't take part before it happened and didn't report it is also liable for any and all charges that can be filed against the attackers. They will be very interested in any evidence that members of Congress aided the attackers or knew about the attack before it. mainly because of the fact that the attackers clearly had information about the layout of the Capitol building that is not available to the General Public. Several Republican Congressmembers have close ties to the groups that allegedly planned the attack, and so I'm expecting several subpoenas to go out for those members personal records and the phones and emails.
There was no Officer Murdered.

140 were injured because Trump told them to take back their country and overturn the election.

Isn't that serious to you?
It would have been serious to them had Democrats pulled a treasonous stunt like that.
This police officer felt so threatened he needed to use deadly force
From the dems purview he should be given a medal....right
We all know how scary women are. You know that sex that has to have men run the races for them.
Remember this guy saved American democracy but you won't here a peep from the dems. In fact I'm betting on the opposite
Oh and here's a link. Like anything these dumb @@@@;s know means anything

I guess that you o not know how scary people, be they men or women, can be especially when they try to usurp authority.
This police officer felt so threatened he needed to use deadly force
From the dems purview he should be given a medal....right
We all know how scary women are. You know that sex that has to have men run the races for them.
Remember this guy saved American democracy but you won't here a peep from the dems. In fact I'm betting on the opposite
Oh and here's a link. Like anything these dumb @@@@;s know means anything

So you don’t support the police?

The one time out of how many that the Left is supporting the police and justifying opening fire on an unarmed perpetrator because the officer’s life was threatened? The only reason is because this fits a larger agenda.

When Trump's mob was breaking into the Capitol with their golf clubs and baseball bats yelling about getting Pence etc do you think any of the police officers pondered "larger agendas"?
When the scum demonRAT mob was breaking into the Capitol with their golf clubs and baseball bats......TRUMP was addressing his supporters
pathetic, you are
This is pretty obviously the reason we don't know his name.
Talk about issuing fatwas or the rule of law

You folks are killing US citizens and then hiding the identity of the killer

Thats as arbitrary as it gets
"Us folks"? You mean the police, yes? A US citizen, one of "you folks", was acting in a violent manner
and refused the order to back off and leave. "You folks" will attack him and his family to "get even".
The government and I would expect nothing less from "you folks". Hence the refusal to give "you folks" his name, and rightfully so.
Don't forget -- it was just a tour that got a little frisky.

She was just standing in line, minding her own business.

This is the alternate universe we're dealing with here.
Please do not use the term "frisky" to describe her. I love frisky women and she ain't it!
This is pretty obviously the reason we don't know his name.
Talk about issuing fatwas or the rule of law

You folks are killing US citizens and then hiding the identity of the killer

Thats as arbitrary as it gets
"Us folks"? You mean the police, yes? A US citizen, one of "you folks", was acting in a violent manner
and refused the order to back off and leave. "You folks" will attack him and his family to "get even".
The government and I would expect nothing less from "you folks". Hence the refusal to give "you folks" his name, and rightfully so.
Your excuse is nonsense

The person who killed babbett is no more at risk than any police officer on the street doing his job

The public has a right to know who he is
This is pretty obviously the reason we don't know his name.
Talk about issuing fatwas or the rule of law

You folks are killing US citizens and then hiding the identity of the killer

Thats as arbitrary as it gets
"Us folks"? You mean the police, yes? A US citizen, one of "you folks", was acting in a violent manner
and refused the order to back off and leave. "You folks" will attack him and his family to "get even".
The government and I would expect nothing less from "you folks". Hence the refusal to give "you folks" his name, and rightfully so.
Your excuse is nonsense

The person who killed babbett is no more at risk than any police officer on the street doing his job

The public has a right to know who he is
Really! He did not have to be at risk to shoot her when she continued her violent ways and DID NOT
disappear when ordered to do so. What would you do with his name, anyway? Want to burn his house down, yes? in this case the public, meaning trumpeciles, do not have the right to know any more than they know now, and you know that he would be in danger for doing his job.
This is pretty obviously the reason we don't know his name.
Talk about issuing fatwas or the rule of law

You folks are killing US citizens and then hiding the identity of the killer

Thats as arbitrary as it gets
How's that lawsuit by Babbitt's family coming along? Have they filed yet?
Which lawsuit are you referring to?
U.S. Capitol Police to Be Sued for $10 Million for Killing Unarmed Rioter The one referred to in this thread from late April.
This is pretty obviously the reason we don't know his name.
Talk about issuing fatwas or the rule of law

You folks are killing US citizens and then hiding the identity of the killer

Thats as arbitrary as it gets
"Us folks"? You mean the police, yes? A US citizen, one of "you folks", was acting in a violent manner
and refused the order to back off and leave. "You folks" will attack him and his family to "get even".
The government and I would expect nothing less from "you folks". Hence the refusal to give "you folks" his name, and rightfully so.
Your excuse is nonsense

The person who killed babbett is no more at risk than any police officer on the street doing his job

The public has a right to know who he is
Based on what law?

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