So it was an Israel Psy -Op and IDF were ordered to bomb and shell its own citizens

You "luiza" mean to suggest that the Arabs have been bombing their own citizens in Gaza?
It's not very nice.
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The only comment I would give - it's absolutely obvious that October 7th stinks and reeks of rotten fish with the fish belonging to the Netanyahu Zionist-Nazi species.
The technical term. . . is ZioCon.

It infests and corrupts our Deep State, and dis-empowers the electorate. It is only one half of the problem in D.C.

Defense Spending Waste & Corruption.​

This one deals with the bickering power factions within our government and in the Deep State, over the money in the military industrial complex. It is a major source of the road blocks, and why these impasses get stickier and stickier every year. If you are at all adverse to hearing things that border on "conspiracy theory," or nasty things about your favorite politicians? Skip it.

This conversation was recorded during the Trump presidency, but it is even more on point now.

Enforce The US Constitution | Dr. Cynthia McKinney​

20,261 views Jul 5, 2017
"This week observes Independence Day in the United States. So it is highly appropriate that former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney join me on the Solari Report to discuss our theme for the 2nd Quarter Wrap Up: what the US Constitution is, why it is so important, the devastating possibilities if it is changed, and the human future that is possible if we enforce it. Indeed, enforcing it is the US citizens’ sole remaining option. Unless we do so, the US war machine will run out of control – and it will continue to expropriate our assets and our lives, including the lives and futures of our children and those of billions of other people globally.

For many years we have known that invisible forces have run our government from behind the scenes — not just in Washington, but also in state houses and municipalities. For many years, most of us were willing to go along or to continue to work within the socially acceptable political process as small groups of other people acted “above the law” at increasingly greater harm in terms of human life, environment, and personal health and wealth, throughout America and the world.

The list of presidents, congressman, senators, mayors, government officials, soldiers, journalists, activists and honest business and civic leaders who have been assassinated, “suicided,” poisoned, falsely slandered and framed, entrapped, or dirty tricked in rigged elections is long and growing. The allegations of control file operations that depend on pedophilia, financial fraud, and organized crime also increase. The number of dual-passport citizens within the Congress and our federal bureaucracy calls into question just who is in charge and whose national interests direct our military. We have the senate minority leader declaring on national television that the President is not in charge – he must do what the intelligence agencies tell him. The governance questions are profound.

Money and violence are the heart of these issues. The United States has spent $14 trillion on global wars over the last 30 years because Congress finances war and because Congress tolerates illegal and unconstitutional financial practices at the US Department of Defense and US Treasury. In 2015, the DOD alone was missing $6.5 trillion in undocumentable adjustments. Even now the US Treasury cannot produce audited financial statements for the US Government, as required by law, and has not produced accurate and understandable place-based financial reporting.

Now we have reached a fork in the road. We can continue to become an inhuman society in which the law no longer respects or protects the average person and his or her property, or we can try to remain a human society, in which the rule of law protects one and all – including the people in the developing world who have been the target for much longer of the disaster capitalism and lawlessness attacking US and European communities.

No one else knows this system better than former Congresswoman McKinney. She served with distinction for 12 years in the US Congress from the Georgia 4th and 11th districts. Now a professor of political science who teaches organizational change and leadership as well as entrepreneurship in Asia, Congresswoman McKinney has worked through these issues at both practical political and business levels as well having as an American intellectual engaged with global students and academics.

Our 2nd Quarter Wrap Up also launches our written contribution to a discussion of how – how do many of us working individually and collectively successfully achieve enforcement of the US Constitution? We are in the invention room together – and this is something we can and will figure out if enough of us make the commitment to do so. You want to make sure you review our written web presentation which covers all four weeks of this 2nd Quarter 2017 Wrap Up – – including News Trends & Stories, Parts I & II and Financial Markets."

The technical term. . . is ZioCon.

It infests and corrupts our Deep State, and dis-empowers the electorate. It is only one half of the problem in D.C.

Defense Spending Waste & Corruption.​

This one deals with the bickering power factions within our government and in the Deep State, over the money in the military industrial complex. It is a major source of the road blocks, and why these impasses get stickier and stickier every year. If you are at all adverse to hearing things that border on "conspiracy theory," or nasty things about your favorite politicians? Skip it.

This conversation was recorded during the Trump presidency, but it is even more on point now.

Enforce The US Constitution | Dr. Cynthia McKinney​

20,261 views Jul 5, 2017
"This week observes Independence Day in the United States. So it is highly appropriate that former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney join me on the Solari Report to discuss our theme for the 2nd Quarter Wrap Up: what the US Constitution is, why it is so important, the devastating possibilities if it is changed, and the human future that is possible if we enforce it. Indeed, enforcing it is the US citizens’ sole remaining option. Unless we do so, the US war machine will run out of control – and it will continue to expropriate our assets and our lives, including the lives and futures of our children and those of billions of other people globally.

For many years we have known that invisible forces have run our government from behind the scenes — not just in Washington, but also in state houses and municipalities. For many years, most of us were willing to go along or to continue to work within the socially acceptable political process as small groups of other people acted “above the law” at increasingly greater harm in terms of human life, environment, and personal health and wealth, throughout America and the world.

The list of presidents, congressman, senators, mayors, government officials, soldiers, journalists, activists and honest business and civic leaders who have been assassinated, “suicided,” poisoned, falsely slandered and framed, entrapped, or dirty tricked in rigged elections is long and growing. The allegations of control file operations that depend on pedophilia, financial fraud, and organized crime also increase. The number of dual-passport citizens within the Congress and our federal bureaucracy calls into question just who is in charge and whose national interests direct our military. We have the senate minority leader declaring on national television that the President is not in charge – he must do what the intelligence agencies tell him. The governance questions are profound.

Money and violence are the heart of these issues. The United States has spent $14 trillion on global wars over the last 30 years because Congress finances war and because Congress tolerates illegal and unconstitutional financial practices at the US Department of Defense and US Treasury. In 2015, the DOD alone was missing $6.5 trillion in undocumentable adjustments. Even now the US Treasury cannot produce audited financial statements for the US Government, as required by law, and has not produced accurate and understandable place-based financial reporting.

Now we have reached a fork in the road. We can continue to become an inhuman society in which the law no longer respects or protects the average person and his or her property, or we can try to remain a human society, in which the rule of law protects one and all – including the people in the developing world who have been the target for much longer of the disaster capitalism and lawlessness attacking US and European communities.

No one else knows this system better than former Congresswoman McKinney. She served with distinction for 12 years in the US Congress from the Georgia 4th and 11th districts. Now a professor of political science who teaches organizational change and leadership as well as entrepreneurship in Asia, Congresswoman McKinney has worked through these issues at both practical political and business levels as well having as an American intellectual engaged with global students and academics.

Our 2nd Quarter Wrap Up also launches our written contribution to a discussion of how – how do many of us working individually and collectively successfully achieve enforcement of the US Constitution? We are in the invention room together – and this is something we can and will figure out if enough of us make the commitment to do so. You want to make sure you review our written web presentation which covers all four weeks of this 2nd Quarter 2017 Wrap Up – – including News Trends & Stories, Parts I & II and Financial Markets."

signs & symptoms of failed government are becoming harder to ignore Mr B

signs & ..
Hurray IslamiCon? CAIR etc.

Here is more about CAIR:

Hillel Blasts Harvard Awardee Over His Former Organization’s Support for Terrorism, Holocaust Denial
Nihad Awad’s previous employer had strong ties to Hamas and published anti-Semitic screeds; Awad denies ties with incendiary document



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Hurray IslamiCon? CAIR etc.

Here is more about CAIR:

Hillel Blasts Harvard Awardee Over His Former Organization’s Support for Terrorism, Holocaust Denial
Nihad Awad’s previous employer had strong ties to Hamas and published anti-Semitic screeds; Awad denies ties with incendiary document

Hurray IslamiCon? CAIR etc.

Here is more about CAIR:

Hillel Blasts Harvard Awardee Over His Former Organization’s Support for Terrorism, Holocaust Denial
Nihad Awad’s previous employer had strong ties to Hamas and published anti-Semitic screeds; Awad denies ties with incendiary document

OK, i've worked my way through most of your links Past......collusion is a term that comes to mind......~S~
Simple question.

So, conspiracy theories are only "valid" if/when against one particular group/side?
Oh, about that "contributing" thing...


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Simple question.

So, conspiracy theories are only "valid" if/when against one particular group/side?
The ‘Hannibal’ and ‘Dahiya’ doctrines are NOT conspiracy theories - but a proven fact since 1948 - its' called "disproportionate retribution"
It is a typical and well known measure employed foremost by authoritarian and dictatorial countries - well known during the Nazi-rule of Europe - aka 1 dead German soldier will be punished via killing 10/20/30 etc. of the opposing faction - see e.g. Oradour-sur-Glane in 1944 or Lidice in 1942, etc. etc.

That the IDF aka Israel is employing this doctrine doesn't come as a surprise, since the IDF derives from Jewish terrorist organizations such as Haganah (Palmach), Irgun etc. Those "resistance fighters" were the brainchild of the radical Zionist faction and started to fully evolve under Ben Gurion and his political associates.

The vast majority of the Jewish "resistance fighters" had previous combat experience due to having served in the Allied armies. Foremost in special ops groups such as the British LRDP, branches of the US Rangers, the OSS and e.g. the French LEF. After the Arab uprising 1936-1939 the British enforced the disarmament of the Arabs whilst allowing the Jewish "resistance groups" to arm themselves - this explains as to why the Jews employed terrorist means via spec. ops including various massacres and could outmatch the Arabs e.g. the Arab-legion in 1948. - Independent of Haganah already employing terrorist means since 1920 against British mandate forces, Arabs and Jews. The latter clearly proves that the radical Zionists had no issue with killing "sacrificing" their own lot to pursue their vision of a Jewish State, run and controlled solely by Jews. - aka implement ethnic cleansing. Therefore radical Zionists are nothing else but Jewish Nazis.

What enables a conspiracy theory?

Stand down order given by the Israeli government to the IDF two weeks before Oct. 7th. Redeployment orders to IDF units stationed in Gaza to the West-Bank and other locations. The IDF HQ rendered into "unexplainable" passiveness and disorganization on Oct. 7th - confirmed by various accounts of e.g. retired IDF generals who took up in their own private cars to drive up to 300km - to rescue family members that had reported being attacked. 8-10 hours without reinforcements or "on alert" troops being dispatched. Their personal requests (by phone) for support simply having been "ignored" for 8-10 hours.
As such 8-10 hours of no added action whatsoever - no additional IDF ground troops - no helicopter gunships and troop insertions, no Airstrikes - absolutely NOTHING for 8-10 hours aside from IDF skeleton units - being in the immediate vicinity.

No information until today whatsoever by the IDF - stating indicating their actual troop strength in the areas attacked by Hamas - aside from reporting that around 300+IDF personal had been killed. But loads of "unconfirmed" reports about atrocities - until today.

It is absolutely no secret that ALL militant Muslim/Palestinian groups as well as their peaceful civilian organizations are totally infiltrated by Israels various intelligence services. Israel however claims to have had no knowledge - "taken by utter surprise" of an operation that involved the manufacturing and preparation of thousands of missiles and a year long and more, of planing an operation that lead to October 7th. Israels intelligence gathering is conducted foremost via human intelligence and tech-intel - and they claim to have had no knowledge !!- however were able to claim already on October 8th, that IDF strikes had successfully eliminated Hamas leaders !! - suddenly they knew about those locations? It took 2 released Israeli hostages to make the Israeli government suddenly aware about the extensive Hamas tunnel system? Suddenly the IDF is aware as to where those tunnel systems run - where the underground weapon/missile manufacturing sites are located - since they endlessly claim to attack these and destroying them "the IDF only attacks Hamas" !!

Nethanyau and his gang had already publicly declared to pursue - intensify their settlement policy 2-3 years prior - initiated by the illegal annexation of the Golan-heights - inciting the Palestinian issue to no limit via declaring Jerusalem to be the capital. Intensified and supported issues that lead to killings, (and atrocities) conducted by Jewish settlers against Palestinians living in the West-bank. In the week of October 7th, Netanyahu and his gang faced imminent impeachment and prosecution of numerous crimes by Israels judiciary branch and the political opposition. He was just about to become history - Bamm... Hamas attack !! The Hamas leadership in no way, would be stupid and ignorant enough, to give Nethanyahu the chance for political survival and thus launching a full scale attack onto Gaza.

Hamas in it's entire history (20 years) has never launched a traceable and obvious "commanded" physical attack onto Israel in numbers - it was 20 years of missile strikes and suicide bombings conducted by "individuals" - therefore denying Israel a full scale attack via the IDF.

Israel is even in "possession" of the Hamas leaders son - who regularly shows up to denounce and reject his old man - Hamas actions, and can't get enough of praising Zionists, their illegal settlement policy and war-crimes committed by the IDF in Gaza and the West-bank. - "but were taken by utter surprise".

All the above are FACTS and not conspiracy theories - aka 1+1 =2

What is a Conspiracy theory?
The Israeli intelligence services had successfully (without any doubt on my part) infiltrated the Hamas organization including it's leadership for years. Thus not just being informed about everything, but also able to "promote" and even "enforce" actions on behalf, respectively in the name of Hamas.

As for Deep-state:
The world is controlled via $$ beheld by elitist circles since civilization exists, or whatever currency you prefer - any politician is their game and at their will. If some politician starts to get funny independent ideas - they end up like e.g. JFK.

Trump and Netanyahu are mental brothers in arms, both inspired by radical ideologies and therefore brought into play via the "elitist" circles to cause endless chaos in every Western-and Fake democratic country, via opposing the other idiots like Biden and Co. that have also been brought into play by the exact same "elitist" circles. The only challenge those elitist circles face, is as to how to keep ongoing chaos in balance.

Only "balanced" political chaos and disunity allows for profits, that additionally can't be traced nor questioned. And those elitist circles couldn't be bothered as to where and how the profit is generated. They make $$ with the Hamas cause, as well as with the IDF. Just as they made money with Honduras cocaine and selling weapons to Iran and Hezbollah.

The respective ideologies are already beheld-existent in human society - in order to prevent a certain ideology from taking excessive control - those elitist circles make sure that the respective politicians that represent those ideologies are under their control.

Therefore anyone who believes that e.g. Trump, Netanyahu and Co. or Biden and Co. are "independent", promoting different policies and are thus able to change any of these prevailing issues on the globe or in their respective countries, have placed themselves somewhere between extreme naivety and plain stupidity.

It is absolutely no coincidence that only "real democratic countries" (there is only one - Switzerland) or countries that are not totally subjected to the US $ or the EU currency - are able to resist these global elites - e.g. China, N-Korea and to a certain extend India, Russia and e.g. Cuba.

Public Enemy #1 for these "global $&€ elitists" are therefore the UN and China. (totally independent of the latter's foreign or internal policy).
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Those jooooz...they meet in the dead of night. All of them 🤣
Instead of going into details of this loooo---ooooong made up "theory" including desperare attempts trying to "connect" current IDF to anti British fighting in the 1940s... as if they're the "same", in methods or routine. Oh, and that thing about "money."

So I prefer to get to the, gist, the "spirit" , aim and target of it...

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