So liberals . Why the double stand in the media on these two stories

Do you actually not know, or are you playing stupid?

Explain the circumstances around that video as you know them. (You wont)
I would be happy to if only you'd answer my question. Of what are you afraid?
Say hunter did nothing wrong or no billions of aid for you...

Andrew Napolitano: Ukrainian Call Is A Serious Corruption ...
From February 2015 to March 2016, Viktor Shokin was prosecutor general of Ukraine. His ouster was the result of pressure from a large consensus of Western nations, including the United States, that were concerned Shokin was at the center of a lot of the country’s corruption. Their concern peaked when, in February 2016, Shokin’s own deputy ...
Andrew Napolitano: Ukrainian Call Is A Serious Corruption ...
From February 2015 to March 2016, Viktor Shokin was prosecutor general of Ukraine. His ouster was the result of pressure from a large consensus of Western nations, including the United States, that were concerned Shokin was at the center of a lot of the country’s corruption. Their concern peaked when, in February 2016, Shokin’s own deputy ...
You're missing an entire year prior to that. Shokin, as Deputy Prosecutor General, spent the preceding year stonewalling a British investigation into Zlochevsky. In total, Shokin spent about 2 years protecting Zlochevsky, who wasn't prosecuted on any charges until after Shokin was sacked.
You're missing an entire year prior to that. Shokin, as Deputy Prosecutor General, spent the preceding year stonewalling a British investigation into Zlochevsky. In total, Shokin spent about 2 years protecting Zlochevsky, who wasn't prosecuted on any charges until after Shokin was sacked.
It does not matter anymore. Death to those who want death to thee.
Well Bidung did threaten the loss of aid if the prosecutor wasn't taken off the case. Doesn't matter to you of course.
I challenged you to prove said prosecutor was actively investigating Hunter's boss.

You failed again because you're a failure.
Did Biden try to pressure the Afghan "President" into digging up dirt on his political rival?....And right now, who would his political rival be? DeSantis? (Doing a great job of killing his chances all on his own). If so, then your answer is yes.
Otherwise, your comparison here holds no water.

It's an American president (and I use that term loosely in Biden's case) trying to deceive the nation.

You clowns are so deluded, you can't see that your demented-in-chief is a total screw up.
Well Bidung did threaten the loss of aid if the prosecutor wasn't taken off the case. Doesn't matter to you of course.


I don't blame your for wimping out.

They aren't that nice.. more like overpriced 3 star hotels.
Name one that the foreign dignitaries stayed in that was an overpriced 3 star hotel. I'd like to see which ones you're turning your nose up at.
It does not matter anymore. Death to those who want death to thee.
If it no longer matters, why are rightards still raising that old, debunked news? On a thread which has nothing to do with Burisma Holdings, no less.
So liberals. Honest question.. Trump got Impeached over a phone call to Ukraine but media aka CNN, MSNBC , ABC, CBS and NBC is radio silent on the leaked phone call that Biden made to Afghanistan
Also why is he protecting borders overseas but refuses to protect our SOUTHERN border ?
again all the major networks are NOT reporting this why are they protecting Biden? If this had been Trump it would be on your TV ever minute of every day . Why the double standards?????????? And if you were for the impeachment of Trump for a phone call you should also be for Biden for one too...
The perception problem was how bad Afghan leadership looked because they weren’t putting up a fight. Biden was promising to keep close air support up if they’d put up some kind of fight. Told the former president of Afghanistan to get a warrior in charge of the Afghan army. It seems like the former president of Afghanistan had made up his mind to flee at the right time instead of staying to help defend his country.

the "phone call" thing becomes bad when leveraging taxpayer funds for a personal favor. This became famous when military aid to another country was withheld to pressure for an announcement of an investigation of a political opponent. Let us know when BIden does that.

on the other subject of the border, they're doing plenty.

Sept. 26, 2019, 1:18 PM EDT
By Dareh Gregorian
A former Ukrainian prosecutor who investigated a gas company tied to Hunter Biden said Thursday that there was no evidence the former vice president's son engaged in illegal activity.

"From the perspective of Ukrainian legislation, he did not violate anything,” Yuriy Lutsenko told The Washington Post.

Lutsenko, who served as Ukraine's prosecutor general from May 2016 until last month, closed the investigation into the gas company Burisma and its oligarch owner in 2017, The New York Times has reported. Earlier this year, Lutsenko met with President Donald Trump's personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, and discussed Burisma, Lutsenko's spokeswoman told Bloomberg. Then in March, according to the Times, Lutsenko reopened an investigation into the company, though his spokeswoman has disputed that.

The meetings with Giuliani were referred to in a bombshell whistleblower complaint unsealed Thursday that alleged that Trump had pressured the Ukrainian president to investigate the Bidens.
The endless hypocrisy of the democrats is beyond absurd at this point, but I will say that Dareh Gregorian is a very, very talented writer. I've been a fan of his work for a long time.
The endless hypocrisy of the democrats is beyond absurd at this point, but I will say that Dareh Gregorian is a very, very talented writer. I've been a fan of his work for a long time.

Shokin was famous all over Europe for his corruption.
You are very opinionated and ignorant.
I am right.


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