So liberals . Why the double stand in the media on these two stories

Biden is on countless videos groping and sniffing little girls. Democrats don't care about such stuff.

Most Democrats would do the same if they were in Biden's shoes.

They have ZERO principles and morals. They exist ONLY for political opportunism. That is ALL.

When you refer to LARRY ELDER and CANDACE OWENS as WHITE SUPREMACISTS, you have no credibility and should be marginalized by polite society.
Don't play stupid. You know what Trump was asking. So did all the people who were listening in. The people who worked with him that testified against him, the whistle blower. Trump had a habit of breaking the laws/rules right from the start as if they don't apply to him like Putin does. It's why he admires Putin.

It started when he asked Comey for his loyalty. Don't play stupid.
I'm not sure why you think they're playing?
Hunter Biden Officially Cleared Of Wrongdoing By Ukraine ...

Jun 05, 2020 · A former top prosecutor in Ukraine has spoken out to disprove one of President Donald Trump’s favorite conspiracy theories. The president and his allies tried to bribe Ukraine into investigating the Bidens via holding up military aid while laying on the pressure for an investigation into the Bidens’ baselessly alleged corruption.
Playing stupid would be believing that Hunter Biden was being payed millions by a Ukrainian Energy Co. because of his expertise, and not because he could pull favors from his then Vice President Daddy, which he apparently did by getting the Ukrainian Prosecutor fired.
Great, so what favors did he pull?
So liberals. Honest question.. Trump got Impeached over a phone call to Ukraine but media aka CNN, MSNBC , ABC, CBS and NBC is radio silent on the leaked phone call that Biden made to Afghanistan
Also why is he protecting borders overseas but refuses to protect our SOUTHERN border ?
again all the major networks are NOT reporting this why are they protecting Biden? If this had been Trump it would be on your TV ever minute of every day . Why the double standards?????????? And if you were for the impeachment of Trump for a phone call you should also be for Biden for one too...
Not the same situation.
I'm not sure why you think they're playing?
Do you actually not know, or are you playing stupid?

Explain the circumstances around that video as you know them. (You wont)

Sept. 26, 2019, 1:18 PM EDT
By Dareh Gregorian
A former Ukrainian prosecutor who investigated a gas company tied to Hunter Biden said Thursday that there was no evidence the former vice president's son engaged in illegal activity.

"From the perspective of Ukrainian legislation, he did not violate anything,” Yuriy Lutsenko told The Washington Post.

Lutsenko, who served as Ukraine's prosecutor general from May 2016 until last month, closed the investigation into the gas company Burisma and its oligarch owner in 2017, The New York Times has reported. Earlier this year, Lutsenko met with President Donald Trump's personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, and discussed Burisma, Lutsenko's spokeswoman told Bloomberg. Then in March, according to the Times, Lutsenko reopened an investigation into the company, though his spokeswoman has disputed that.

The meetings with Giuliani were referred to in a bombshell whistleblower complaint unsealed Thursday that alleged that Trump had pressured the Ukrainian president to investigate the Bidens.
Hunter Biden Officially Cleared Of Wrongdoing By Ukraine ...

Jun 05, 2020 · A former top prosecutor in Ukraine has spoken out to disprove one of President Donald Trump’s favorite conspiracy theories. The president and his allies tried to bribe Ukraine into investigating the Bidens via holding up military aid while laying on the pressure for an investigation into the Bidens’ baselessly alleged corruption.
Say hunter did nothing wrong or no billions of aid for you...
Or foreign dignitaries staying at Trump Hotels. Or every deal Jr and Eric or Ivanka makes.
TRUMP! hotels are very nice. Of course they are appropriate places for foreign dignitaries to stay. They're not likely to stay at the local Motel 6, after all. That doesn't relate whatsoever to Quid Pro's son getting a multi-million dollar do-nothing job solely because he had access to the VPOTUS.
You make my point. Whoever believes what you said is stupid. Biden was going to make the Ukraine suffer unless they fired they guy after his son's boss.

Don't forget 10% for the big guy
I take the above idiocy to mean you're ignorant of the fact that Ukraine (not, "the Ukraine") only went after Biden's son's boss after Shokin was forced out.
Dig up dirt? Weird, I don't recall that phrasing at all. I recall him asking for an investigation into why then VP Biden insisted that a prosecutor, who just happened to be investigating the company his son worked for, be fired in order for them to get any aid from the US.

Andrew Napolitano: Ukrainian Call Is A Serious Corruption ...
From February 2015 to March 2016, Viktor Shokin was prosecutor general of Ukraine. His ouster was the result of pressure from a large consensus of Western nations, including the United States, that were concerned Shokin was at the center of a lot of the country’s corruption. Their concern peaked when, in February 2016, Shokin’s own deputy ...
Say hunter did nothing wrong or no billions of aid for you...
Hunter didn't do anything wrong. He just had a position in a company doing a job he knew nothing about. If some company wants to pay him a fortune then that's on them.
TRUMP! hotels are very nice. Of course they are appropriate places for foreign dignitaries to stay. They're not likely to stay at the local Motel 6, after all. That doesn't relate whatsoever to Quid Pro's son getting a multi-million dollar do-nothing job solely because he had access to the VPOTUS.

They aren't that nice.. more like overpriced 3 star hotels.
Hunter didn't do anything wrong. He just had a position in a company doing a job he knew nothing about. If some company wants to pay him a fortune then that's on them.

Andrew Napolitano: Ukrainian Call Is A Serious Corruption ...
From February 2015 to March 2016, Viktor Shokin was prosecutor general of Ukraine. His ouster was the result of pressure from a large consensus of Western nations, including the United States, that were concerned Shokin was at the center of a lot of the country’s corruption. Their concern peaked when, in February 2016, Shokin’s own deputy ...

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