So much for Obama care

Explain why insurance is a big scam. Be specific. Give good examples.

My father fell and had bleeding in his head. He has not been the same since so he moved in with us and I took over paying his bills. One of his bills was for a 5000 dollar life insurance with some cash value. At the time the cash value was around 2300 dollars. He had the policy for well over 10 years at 200.38 dollars a month. Do the math and tell me it ain't a scam. I dropped him from that policy and he has already saved just about the 5000 they were ripping him for. I probably should have said, can be a scam.

I am thinking it doesn't take much of an imagination to think that insurance is a scam when you hear of all the executives becoming millionaires and when you see the building they own and their stock taking off.

Sounds like a good argument for a single payer system, like Medicare.

That is interesting thing to say about medicare. Now I don't yet know a lot about it but I will use my Dad for an example. He has medicare and has an insurance company as I assume part A coverage. He pays SS 100/month the best I can tell an doesn't pay the insurance company a dime. I could be wrong about how much SS takes our for his medical insurance but I can't imagine it is much. Never the less when still dealing with private insurance companies how can it be called single payer?
"Federal officials say they are determined to see that the requests are scaled back."

A 33% increase on a subsidized plan where the recipient pays $75 monthly would increase said patient to $100, which might reasonable and not an undue hardship.

Ironic is that the doctors found out the new patients were sicker than they anticipated.

Any informed person would know better.

What awesome coverage does one receive for 75 a month?
Medicare went into effect in 1966. The RW said that were were all being taken over by commies. I was just starting my insurance career. it was about I971 when the RW finally got over it.

I'm starting a pool for the person who guesses the last month and year that an anti-ACA thread is started on this board.

Oh there is little doubt as to why anyone associated with Health Care insurance is in love with ACA. And yes, you are right, eventually all pain goes away even if the ailment does not.

Well, actually, I have been observing Medicare for the 49 years that it has been in effect. It was opposed by everyone under 40 at the time. Then, those under 40 became eligible for it and dropped their opposition. The younger people joining the work force didn't think anything about it, for the most part, but came to appreciate it when employers stopped providing insurance for retirees. Therefore, only nuts are opposed to it now. Since employers are also going to stop providing health insurance for employers over the next 15 years, the same thing will happen with ACA
"Federal officials say they are determined to see that the requests are scaled back."

A 33% increase on a subsidized plan where the recipient pays $75 monthly would increase said patient to $100, which might reasonable and not an undue hardship.

Ironic is that the doctors found out the new patients were sicker than they anticipated.

Any informed person would know better.

What awesome coverage does one receive for 75 a month?

Cuba or the US? :D
Ask the younkers who are fighting to stay out of the system. They are going to scream at tax time this coming next year.
Quote from the linked article:

Some say the marketplaces have not attracted enough healthy young people. “As a result, millions of people will face Obamacare sticker shock,” said Senator John Barrasso, Republican of Wyoming.

Isn't that exactly what was predicted to happen? The health insurance companies, whose stocks are skyrocketing even faster then SCOTUSCARE are surpised that those who needed the insurance signed up and those who don't did not? Wow and these people use actuary tables.

In my opinion this was part of the scam. If I could figure out that the young and healthy would not sign up then the insurance companies did also. But it didn't matter, they knew once in place they could jack the prices up and the people could do nothing about it. What Obama suggest doing is in line with telling us all to pack it, too bad for you. Nananabooboo.

And speaking as a former VP of Underwriting, this is exactly what we used to do before ACA was passed into law. So, your point is......?
So you're used to fucking people. Health care insurance across state lines and caps on malpractice suits would have helped much more. But the lawyer/liberal lobby was too interested in lining their pockets, like you. What's new now, since you ask, is that it's put pressure on businesses to provide it and while reducing full time hours to 30 a week. It is hurting business, and therefore the economy. But liberals think money grows on trees so it will simply happen.
want some cheese with that whine?
It wasn't a whine, you just think that about anyone failing to goose step to your monochromatic socialist drum beat.
Explain why insurance is a big scam. Be specific. Give good examples.

My father fell and had bleeding in his head. He has not been the same since so he moved in with us and I took over paying his bills. One of his bills was for a 5000 dollar life insurance with some cash value. At the time the cash value was around 2300 dollars. He had the policy for well over 10 years at 200.38 dollars a month. Do the math and tell me it ain't a scam. I dropped him from that policy and he has already saved just about the 5000 they were ripping him for. I probably should have said, can be a scam.

I am thinking it doesn't take much of an imagination to think that insurance is a scam when you hear of all the executives becoming millionaires and when you see the building they own and their stock taking off.

Sounds like a good argument for a single payer system, like Medicare.
Yep, Medicare is doing GREAT!
"Federal officials say they are determined to see that the requests are scaled back."

A 33% increase on a subsidized plan where the recipient pays $75 monthly would increase said patient to $100, which might reasonable and not an undue hardship.

Ironic is that the doctors found out the new patients were sicker than they anticipated.

Any informed person would know better.

What awesome coverage does one receive for 75 a month?

Cuba or the US? :D
For $75 a month they send you to Cuba for treatment.
Medicare went into effect in 1966. The RW said that were were all being taken over by commies. I was just starting my insurance career. it was about I971 when the RW finally got over it.

I'm starting a pool for the person who guesses the last month and year that an anti-ACA thread is started on this board.

Oh there is little doubt as to why anyone associated with Health Care insurance is in love with ACA. And yes, you are right, eventually all pain goes away even if the ailment does not.

Well, actually, I have been observing Medicare for the 49 years that it has been in effect. It was opposed by everyone under 40 at the time. Then, those under 40 became eligible for it and dropped their opposition. The younger people joining the work force didn't think anything about it, for the most part, but came to appreciate it when employers stopped providing insurance for retirees. Therefore, only nuts are opposed to it now. Since employers are also going to stop providing health insurance for employers over the next 15 years, the same thing will happen with ACA

OMG medicare was started to save the health care insurance companies. They didn't want to cover the high priced seniors and the seniors couldn't afford the premiums. Now one would think that with ACA there is no need for medicare since old age could be considered a pre-condition. But in reality the government doesn't provide healthcare insurance they just pay the premiums at a rate they so decide. usually if the hospital takes the rate quote, which they usually do then great but when they don't the patient picks up the rest.
Part B medicare costs the insured $105 per month.

Democrats would have loved to have a single payer system, but the GOP, who is supported by insurance companies, would not consider it, so we ended up with ACA. In my case, I was retired, but, yes, I knew what was coming, and loaded up on insurance company mutual fund shares when i saw that Obama was going to be elected. It has risen 278% as of Friday. You see, I used to be a republican.
One of my sisters was a careerist with Aetna, the last twenty years in underwriting, and she would agree with Vandalshandle.

Missing the point, aren't we? Obamacare was fraudulently misrepresented to the American people and rammed through a lame duck Congress before newly elected Senator Scott Brown (R-MA) could be seated to vote against it. The costs of this program were similarly rigged by offsetting only five years of expenditures with ten years of revenue. Now that the chickens are coming home to roost, the best you can come up with is that premiums might have gone up anyway? Sheesh...

I'm still awaiting the report that tells us if the 16% of GDP we were spending has come down.

That was one of the main crys for Obamacare.

I am not against state health coverage.

But Obamacare is awful.

It's important to keep those lies and falsehoods on the forefront for consideration come election time.

It's just as important to keep the lies and falehoods from the far right on the forefront too.

An honest conversation is a rare thing in this country....anymore.
Medicare went into effect in 1966. The RW said that were were all being taken over by commies. I was just starting my insurance career. it was about I971 when the RW finally got over it.

I'm starting a pool for the person who guesses the last month and year that an anti-ACA thread is started on this board.

Oh there is little doubt as to why anyone associated with Health Care insurance is in love with ACA. And yes, you are right, eventually all pain goes away even if the ailment does not.

Well, actually, I have been observing Medicare for the 49 years that it has been in effect. It was opposed by everyone under 40 at the time. Then, those under 40 became eligible for it and dropped their opposition. The younger people joining the work force didn't think anything about it, for the most part, but came to appreciate it when employers stopped providing insurance for retirees. Therefore, only nuts are opposed to it now. Since employers are also going to stop providing health insurance for employers over the next 15 years, the same thing will happen with ACA

OMG medicare was started to save the health care insurance companies.
They didn't want to cover the high priced seniors and the seniors couldn't afford the premiums. Now one would think that with ACA there is no need for medicare since old age could be considered a pre-condition. But in reality the government doesn't provide healthcare insurance they just pay the premiums at a rate they so decide. usually if the hospital takes the rate quote, which they usually do then great but when they don't the patient picks up the rest.

Is this a claim you are making ? If so, please provide some support.
Medicare went into effect in 1966. The RW said that were were all being taken over by commies. I was just starting my insurance career. it was about I971 when the RW finally got over it.

I'm starting a pool for the person who guesses the last month and year that an anti-ACA thread is started on this board.

Oh there is little doubt as to why anyone associated with Health Care insurance is in love with ACA. And yes, you are right, eventually all pain goes away even if the ailment does not.

Well, actually, I have been observing Medicare for the 49 years that it has been in effect. It was opposed by everyone under 40 at the time. Then, those under 40 became eligible for it and dropped their opposition. The younger people joining the work force didn't think anything about it, for the most part, but came to appreciate it when employers stopped providing insurance for retirees. Therefore, only nuts are opposed to it now. Since employers are also going to stop providing health insurance for employers over the next 15 years, the same thing will happen with ACA

OMG medicare was started to save the health care insurance companies. They didn't want to cover the high priced seniors and the seniors couldn't afford the premiums. Now one would think that with ACA there is no need for medicare since old age could be considered a pre-condition. But in reality the government doesn't provide healthcare insurance they just pay the premiums at a rate they so decide. usually if the hospital takes the rate quote, which they usually do then great but when they don't the patient picks up the rest.

Nope. insurance companies hated Medicare. They considered it competition from the government. My bosses told me back in 1966 that it was evil personified.
Medicare went into effect in 1966. The RW said that were were all being taken over by commies. I was just starting my insurance career. it was about I971 when the RW finally got over it.

I'm starting a pool for the person who guesses the last month and year that an anti-ACA thread is started on this board.

Oh there is little doubt as to why anyone associated with Health Care insurance is in love with ACA. And yes, you are right, eventually all pain goes away even if the ailment does not.

Well, actually, I have been observing Medicare for the 49 years that it has been in effect. It was opposed by everyone under 40 at the time. Then, those under 40 became eligible for it and dropped their opposition. The younger people joining the work force didn't think anything about it, for the most part, but came to appreciate it when employers stopped providing insurance for retirees. Therefore, only nuts are opposed to it now. Since employers are also going to stop providing health insurance for employers over the next 15 years, the same thing will happen with ACA

OMG medicare was started to save the health care insurance companies. They didn't want to cover the high priced seniors and the seniors couldn't afford the premiums. Now one would think that with ACA there is no need for medicare since old age could be considered a pre-condition. But in reality the government doesn't provide healthcare insurance they just pay the premiums at a rate they so decide. usually if the hospital takes the rate quote, which they usually do then great but when they don't the patient picks up the rest.

Under Medicare, a hospital is contractually prohibited from charging a patient with Medicare any more than the deductible under Medicare, for covered charges. if they don't like that arrangement, they can decline to accept medicare patients.
Quote from the linked article:

Some say the marketplaces have not attracted enough healthy young people. “As a result, millions of people will face Obamacare sticker shock,” said Senator John Barrasso, Republican of Wyoming.

Isn't that exactly what was predicted to happen? The health insurance companies, whose stocks are skyrocketing even faster then SCOTUSCARE are surpised that those who needed the insurance signed up and those who don't did not? Wow and these people use actuary tables.

In my opinion this was part of the scam. If I could figure out that the young and healthy would not sign up then the insurance companies did also. But it didn't matter, they knew once in place they could jack the prices up and the people could do nothing about it. What Obama suggest doing is in line with telling us all to pack it, too bad for you. Nananabooboo.

You can not attract young people when they can stay on their parents insurance until they are 26..Another reason you can not attract young people is because of the premiums they have to pay, it is cheaper to pay the penalty and be covered than pay the outrageous premiums..
Quote from the linked article:

Some say the marketplaces have not attracted enough healthy young people. “As a result, millions of people will face Obamacare sticker shock,” said Senator John Barrasso, Republican of Wyoming.

Isn't that exactly what was predicted to happen? The health insurance companies, whose stocks are skyrocketing even faster then SCOTUSCARE are surpised that those who needed the insurance signed up and those who don't did not? Wow and these people use actuary tables.

In my opinion this was part of the scam. If I could figure out that the young and healthy would not sign up then the insurance companies did also. But it didn't matter, they knew once in place they could jack the prices up and the people could do nothing about it. What Obama suggest doing is in line with telling us all to pack it, too bad for you. Nananabooboo.

You can not attract young people when they can stay on their parents insurance until they are 26..Another reason you can not attract young people is because of the premiums they have to pay, it is cheaper to pay the penalty and be covered than pay the outrageous premiums..

Yeppers, exactly what was said before ACA was shoved onto the American people. But the insurance companies and drug companies are happy making money hand over fist so things aren't that bad. :(
Medicare went into effect in 1966. The RW said that were were all being taken over by commies. I was just starting my insurance career. it was about I971 when the RW finally got over it.

I'm starting a pool for the person who guesses the last month and year that an anti-ACA thread is started on this board.

Oh there is little doubt as to why anyone associated with Health Care insurance is in love with ACA. And yes, you are right, eventually all pain goes away even if the ailment does not.

Well, actually, I have been observing Medicare for the 49 years that it has been in effect. It was opposed by everyone under 40 at the time. Then, those under 40 became eligible for it and dropped their opposition. The younger people joining the work force didn't think anything about it, for the most part, but came to appreciate it when employers stopped providing insurance for retirees. Therefore, only nuts are opposed to it now. Since employers are also going to stop providing health insurance for employers over the next 15 years, the same thing will happen with ACA

OMG medicare was started to save the health care insurance companies. They didn't want to cover the high priced seniors and the seniors couldn't afford the premiums. Now one would think that with ACA there is no need for medicare since old age could be considered a pre-condition. But in reality the government doesn't provide healthcare insurance they just pay the premiums at a rate they so decide. usually if the hospital takes the rate quote, which they usually do then great but when they don't the patient picks up the rest.

Under Medicare, a hospital is contractually prohibited from charging a patient with Medicare any more than the deductible under Medicare, for covered charges. if they don't like that arrangement, they can decline to accept medicare patients.

Hmmm, I wonder why my dad gets billed, interesting I guess I better pay more attention.
"Federal officials say they are determined to see that the requests are scaled back."

A 33% increase on a subsidized plan where the recipient pays $75 monthly would increase said patient to $100, which might reasonable and not an undue hardship.

Ironic is that the doctors found out the new patients were sicker than they anticipated.

Any informed person would know better.

Only a congenital dumbfuck could possibly claim that a 33% increase is reasonable.

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