So Much for the Freedom of the Press!


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
FCC to police news media, question reporters in wide-ranging content survey

This is what is most frightening:

“In this study, the FCC will delve into the editorial discretion of newspapers, web sites and radio and TV stations,” Hudson Institute Fellow Robert McDowell, who served as an FCC commissioner from 2009 to 2013, told The Daily Caller. “This starts sticking the government’s nose into what has traditionally been privileged and protected ground. Regardless of one’s political stripes, one should be concerned.”

Read more: FCC to police media, question reporters in content survey | The Daily Caller

Some of us have seen this coming as the Obumbler administration continues to do whatever it can to limit our constitutional rights and freedoms. You've got to raise hell about this with your Congressperson!!!

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