So my 24 yr old son tried to sign up for Obamacare and they told him


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
He needs to go on our insurance .. . HE didnt want to do that since he is an adult .. But they told them he had to... His insurance from his work was not good enough for Obama so he had to get new insurance
How much extra does he have to pay?
He needs to go on our insurance .. . HE didnt want to do that since he is an adult .. But they told them he had to... His insurance from his work was not good enough for Obama so he had to get new insurance
ME THINKS YOUR SON might be joshing you... or you might just be confused?

Do I have to cover my under 26 year old?

No. If you don’t cover your under-26-year-old on your plan, they have the same options as anyone else who doesn’t have coverage, including getting a private health insurance plan through the Marketplace. Depending on their income, they may qualify for lower costs on monthly premiums and out-of-pocket costs, or for Medicaid coverage. If they don’t have health coverage, they may have to pay the fee for not being insured.

Here's a link that I found on it that answers lots of questions...

Health Insurance Coverage For Children and Young Adults Under 26
If your son is a DEPENDENT of yours, which I presumed he was NOT, because you said he wanted to be INDEPENDENT and carry his own insurance...but if he is a dependent of yours and you claim him on your taxes for the deduction then here are the rules:

If a child under 26 can be covered under a parent’s policy, can they get lower costs on Marketplace insurance based on income if they apply themselves?

It depends on whether the child is included as a dependent in the parent’s tax household.
  • If the under-26 child is a dependent in the parent’s tax household -- and if they have access to a parent’s job-based coverage that’s affordable and pays for a certain percentage of benefits -- they aren’t eligible for lower costs on a Marketplace plan. This is because they have access to job-based coverage.

  • If the child isn’t a dependent in the parent’s tax household, they may be eligible for premium tax credits and other savings on a Marketplace plan based on their income. This is true even if they have access to a parent’s job-based coverage. But if they are enrolled in a parent’s job-based coverage, they’re not eligible for lower costs on a Marketplace plan.
The OP is a lie. Care4All just laid it out for you.

If you assholes didn't have lies to tell about the'd have nothing to say at all. It's a case study for anyone wanting to research pathological liars.
Our son....who is 26 and has been covered under his employers plan for the past three a letter from our insurance company today. It was an explanation of his COBRA election rights/responsibilities. Apparently...he is still listed as an insured on the plan.

He doesn't need it, of course.....but it was interesting. We pay about $400 per month for the family through my wife's employer. The plan is good and has been unchanged by the ACA.

If my son were to need the COBRA for this policy his nut would be almost $1000 per month. That's way more than he'd have to pay if he were to go on the exchange.

Now that we have the ACA...COBRA plans are pointless.
The OP is a lie. Care4All just laid it out for you.

If you assholes didn't have lies to tell about the'd have nothing to say at all. It's a case study for anyone wanting to research pathological liars.
Speaking of fucking liars...

the Clintons
Patty Murray
Tammy Baldwin
Michael Bennett
Barbara Boxer
Sherrod Brown
Ben Cardin
Bob Casey
Kay Hagen
Mary Landrieu
Pat Leahy
Bob Menendez
Jeff Merkley
Barbara Mikulski
Jay Rockefeller
Jack Reed
Bernie Sanders
Jeanne Shaheen
Debby Stabenow
Jon Tester
Tom Udall
Sheldon Whitehouse

27 Democratic senators who promised you could keep your health coverage
The OP is a lie. Care4All just laid it out for you.

If you assholes didn't have lies to tell about the'd have nothing to say at all. It's a case study for anyone wanting to research pathological liars.
Speaking of fucking liars...

the Clintons
Patty Murray
Tammy Baldwin
Michael Bennett
Barbara Boxer
Sherrod Brown
Ben Cardin
Bob Casey
Kay Hagen
Mary Landrieu
Pat Leahy
Bob Menendez
Jeff Merkley
Barbara Mikulski
Jay Rockefeller
Jack Reed
Bernie Sanders
Jeanne Shaheen
Debby Stabenow
Jon Tester
Tom Udall
Sheldon Whitehouse

27 Democratic senators who promised you could keep your health coverage

Great post. I kept mine. Like 95% of those who already had coverage before the law was passed. They were not lying to me.
I've had the same provider for many 0 per month.....

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