So Nancy Pelosi Is Refusing To Extend Unemployment As Millions Are About To Go Broke?,And It's The Republicans Delaying It? Unbelievable!

Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!

Actually, Pelosi passed a bill extending them in May.

Once again you're behind. Try to keep up.
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!

House Democrats passed a $3T aid package about 10 weeks ago. Yes, it's the republicans who are holding up aid to ordinary Americans.
Its ALWAYS do it the Democrat way or nothing

That's "compromise" Democrat style

No. You take up the bill in the Senate in committee; you pass your own version of it and then you have a conference where differences are worked out and send it to the President.

Talking to blob supporters is like explaining the space shuttle to Fred Flintstone.
I agree you have the standard procedure for passing a Bill.
However this Bill needs to be passed yesterday (literally), so it needs to be negotiated. and passed ASAP.
I'm saying $300 a week for unemployed and zero for retirees and workers is probably doable.
Its the same UE benefit as if no covid was here, just extended thru December.
The house passed one 10 weeks before yesterday.
yeah, but $3T isn't going to work. The Senate has a better one.

There is no Senate bill. Republicans are still fighting among themselves. The McConnell bill is a bad joke.

Politics aside for a second. anyone who doesn’t think our government is broken isn’t watching.
It seems the dems are locked in for the $600 or bust. That's 2400/mo PLUS the state benefits, which even in Colo is more than some laid off workers were making. And there are jobs, but not ones 2400 plus state benefits. As my wife told me (-: that incentivizes not working, but it is putting money in consumption that helps buoy econ activity, which is falling at about 10% annually. The dems are saying that IF UI comes down, they'll be open to talking about lowering the $600 mo.

The problem with that thinking is that in a recession, the lowest paying jobs get filled first. That puts a downward pressure on potential new job salaries. If there's competition for say $2400 a mo, employers will offer 2300. BUUUUUt, working at a flat top in Mississippi never paid 2400/mo. So, it's …. dysfunctional and not working

Then it's time for employers to raise their wages, if they can't get people to return to work. Why is the solution always to force workers to accept less money than they need to live on?
Why should government pay for anything more than the status quo?

Because 60,000 people a day getting sick every day, and 1500 people a day will continue to crush your economy. Millions of people with no money, no food and getting evicted, aren't going to vote for your orange baboon come November.

Economically, the status quo will end your country.
Another stupid "flaming" post. The status quo in the US is still 10x more than your tiny GDP. People are learning how to cope with covid and work safely. In only (58) days Joe Biden will debate Trump. That should decide the election.
Soon schools will open and we will be getting back to normal. Sucks to be you.

If what you say is true, your 2Q GDP wouldn't the worst in American history. Furthermore, our country didn't even enter Phase 3 re-opening until after the July 1st long weekend. We've only had eat in dining, and gymns and hair salons, are operating a way below capacity, with masks and social distancing strictly enforced, everything cleaned with disinfectant after every use. Every business has had covid training and inspection before re-opening.

Because of our success in crushing the crud, I've been able to spend time with family at their RV Park this summer. It's a private park open only to seasonal lot rentals, and members of their immediately family. Normally these parks and their facilities are open to day trippers, and weekend campers, but not this year. But the pictures of my 4 year old granddaughter catching her first fish, or my 2 year old grandson driving his mini-me Ford F150, just like Daddy's truck, priceless.

Swimming pools and recreation facilities and beaches are open to local residents only. The locals are bitching because best free beach within 50 miles is just over the county line - less than 10 miles from town. This beach has the best restaurants, a mini-putt, the nicest public beach for 40 miles in any direction, and we've got a lot of rocky outcroppings. Because we don't live in that Township, we're locked out. And the next big tourist beach on the Erie shoreline is closed. That this is the biggest complaint we have going on in town, shows you where we're at.

Our daily cases doubled from 200 to 400 two weeks after introduction of Phase 3, but local communities are quickly enacting mask by-laws and we're back to 200 cases this morning. I thought for sure we were doomed with Doug Ford as Premier, but he's done a more than decent job on this one thing, and he is to be commended for it.
The United States of America has been a "socialist country" since it's founding since the Constitution mandated a "socialized" system of justice, libraries, post office, and education.
Enumerated powers.........that's it...........that is all the constitution allowed.......until Wilson pissed on it......and FDR destroyed it on steroids.
The United States of America has been a "socialist country" since it's founding since the Constitution mandated a "socialized" system of justice, libraries, post office, and education.
Enumerated powers.........that's it...........that is all the constitution allowed.......until Wilson pissed on it......and FDR destroyed it on steroids.
Lincoln is the first president to wipe his ass on the Constitution.
Until covid is gone, that won't change.

Like I said, when will it be gone? As it stands now, never. It is too virulent to control. When a vaccine is distributed, what's to stop you from saying the vaccine isn't enough to end the lockdowns and restrictions?

You are too easy to read.
Til November.......they are just too big of liars to admit it.............They are desperate for mail in votes................................

This is only a political virus to them..........they don't give a damn who dies .....that is acceptable to them for THEIR POWER..........They will go postal denying it........but they will always be lying's how they Roll

Oh........BTW..... now BURN.............LOOT......................MURDER.
The United States of America has been a "socialist country" since it's founding since the Constitution mandated a "socialized" system of justice, libraries, post office, and education.
Enumerated powers.........that's it...........that is all the constitution allowed.......until Wilson pissed on it......and FDR destroyed it on steroids.
Lincoln is the first president to wipe his ass on the Constitution.
Yes..........but Wilson and FDR did a long slow fuck on this Nation........
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!

House Democrats passed a $3T aid package about 10 weeks ago. Yes, it's the republicans who are holding up aid to ordinary Americans.
Its ALWAYS do it the Democrat way or nothing

That's "compromise" Democrat style

No. You take up the bill in the Senate in committee; you pass your own version of it and then you have a conference where differences are worked out and send it to the President.

Talking to blob supporters is like explaining the space shuttle to Fred Flintstone.
I agree you have the standard procedure for passing a Bill.
However this Bill needs to be passed yesterday (literally), so it needs to be negotiated. and passed ASAP.
I'm saying $300 a week for unemployed and zero for retirees and workers is probably doable.
Its the same UE benefit as if no covid was here, just extended thru December.
Its the same UE benefit as if no covid was here, just extended thru December
Which of course does nothing to address the covid related economic problems.
A virus so dang bad that people have to get tested to see if they have it..........LOL

We never shut down the country for this shit in over 50 years.....until you left wing nut jobs were in charge from the Hippies on LSD way back when...........

99.98% survival rate........LMAO.........Up yours and your BS party bro.
Nice tirade.
Thanks..........and I'm gonna keep shoving the actual rate at you bunch of FEAR MONGERING LOSERS.
If the Senate Republicans who are up for re-election wanted a deal, Mitch McConnell would be in the room trying to get a deal. Period, stop.

It’s hard to negotiate when nobody negotiates, my friends
Once again the republicans show they are incapable of competent governance. Not surprising at all given their playbook only consists of tax cuts, judge appointments and undoing regulations.

So allowing mobs of violent thugs to burn down your cities is "competent governance?"
So allowing mobs of violent thugs to burn down your cities is "competent governance?"
Start with competent posting.
Once again the republicans show they are incapable of competent governance. Not surprising at all given their playbook only consists of tax cuts, judge appointments and undoing regulations.

So allowing mobs of violent thugs to burn down your cities is "competent governance?"
So allowing mobs of violent thugs to burn down your cities is "competent governance?"
Start with competent posting.
That's something you're incapable of.
Once again the republicans show they are incapable of competent governance. Not surprising at all given their playbook only consists of tax cuts, judge appointments and undoing regulations.

So allowing mobs of violent thugs to burn down your cities is "competent governance?"
So allowing mobs of violent thugs to burn down your cities is "competent governance?"
Start with competent posting.
That's something you're incapable of.
something you're incapable of
Another incompetent poster.

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