So Nancy Pelosi Is Refusing To Extend Unemployment As Millions Are About To Go Broke?,And It's The Republicans Delaying It? Unbelievable!

Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!
You know that Nancy wrote and passed a bill 2 months ago that gave more funding to unemployment, states and businesses, right?
Did you harp on McConnell for not passing it the same way you’re harping on Nancy now?

And you know Nancys bill was so packed full of pork and added 3 trillion dollars to the debt that it stood no chance of passing the senate.

Just passing a bill is not the Nancys job. Passing one that stands a chance in the senate is.
Steve Mnuchin wants to slash $600 a week in unemployment benefits for 30 million workers who lost jobs, but supports the continuation of a $500 billion slush fund for corporations. The Trump Administration loves socialism for the rich, unfettered capitalism for everyone else.

That extra $600/week to pay people more to not work than they could be making if they were working is coming out of the pockets of those who are still working, and in many cases, making less than the deadbeats that they are being forced to subsidize. How is this, in any way, justifiable?

And, of course, this would not even be an issue at all, if not for the criminal, corrupt acts of the Democraps who maliciously sabotaged the economy, throwing all those people out of work.

Let the Democrap politicians pay for this out of their own pockets,and stop picking the pockets of workers to pay for their corruption.

That is not true. As usual you rely on talking points. Some people getting the $600 a week are still not making as much as they were.
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!
You know that Nancy wrote and passed a bill 2 months ago that gave more funding to unemployment, states and businesses, right?
Did you harp on McConnell for not passing it the same way you’re harping on Nancy now?

And you know Nancys bill was so packed full of pork and added 3 trillion dollars to the debt that it stood no chance of passing the senate.

Just passing a bill is not the Nancys job. Passing one that stands a chance in the senate is.
I guess you could say the same thing about the senate now couldn’t you? Too bad we’ve let the partisan wingnuts take over. Nothing is ever going to get done
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!
You know that Nancy wrote and passed a bill 2 months ago that gave more funding to unemployment, states and businesses, right?
Did you harp on McConnell for not passing it the same way you’re harping on Nancy now?
Yeah, but it included about $2 trillion worth of stuff that only Dims wanted.

BHecause Republicans don't give a damn. They only support their corporate masters.
You have no objection to the government spending $2 trillion on bullshit? Is that what giving a damn means?

If we can give big corporations billions in tax cuts then we can help people as well. There are a number of things Democrats are right on but Republicans are totally wrong.
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!
You know that Nancy wrote and passed a bill 2 months ago that gave more funding to unemployment, states and businesses, right?
Did you harp on McConnell for not passing it the same way you’re harping on Nancy now?
Yeah, but it included about $2 trillion worth of stuff that only Dims wanted.

BHecause Republicans don't give a damn. They only support their corporate masters.
You have no objection to the government spending $2 trillion on bullshit? Is that what giving a damn means?

The AMERICAN PEOPLE are not "bullshit". Money for FOOD, SHELTER, AND MEDICAL TESTING is not "bullshit".

Where is the money to provide food, shelter, and medical testing absent in the Republican bill?
That isn't what the $2 trillion is for, dingbat.

No dumbass, it's not. It's money for corporations, money for an FBI office, money to renovate the White House, but not one thin dime for testing. No extension of unemployment insurance, or eviction protections for renters. And it protects employers from being sued for failure to provide a safe working environment for employees returning to work.
Republicans don't want the additional $2 trillion. It's Democrats who want it.

Only morons believe employers should be sued for putting people back to work.

The federal government is already paying for testing, moron.

You want to allow employers to put their employees' health at risk with no way for them to be held accountable.
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!

What bill has the Senate Republicans passed? Speaker Pelosi passed her bill back in May.
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!

What bill has the Senate Republicans passed? Speaker Pelosi passed her bill back in May.

Yea a pork filled bill that surpassed 3 trillion dollars. It never had a chance in the senate.

Try again.
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!
You know that Nancy wrote and passed a bill 2 months ago that gave more funding to unemployment, states and businesses, right?
Did you harp on McConnell for not passing it the same way you’re harping on Nancy now?
Yeah, but it included about $2 trillion worth of stuff that only Dims wanted.

BHecause Republicans don't give a damn. They only support their corporate masters.
You have no objection to the government spending $2 trillion on bullshit? Is that what giving a damn means?

The AMERICAN PEOPLE are not "bullshit". Money for FOOD, SHELTER, AND MEDICAL TESTING is not "bullshit".

Where is the money to provide food, shelter, and medical testing absent in the Republican bill?
That isn't what the $2 trillion is for, dingbat.

No dumbass, it's not. It's money for corporations, money for an FBI office, money to renovate the White House, but not one thin dime for testing. No extension of unemployment insurance, or eviction protections for renters. And it protects employers from being sued for failure to provide a safe working environment for employees returning to work.
Republicans don't want the additional $2 trillion. It's Democrats who want it.

Only morons believe employers should be sued for putting people back to work.

The federal government is already paying for testing, moron.

You want to allow employers to put their employees' health at risk with no way for them to be held accountable.
If they catch the flu should they be able to sue their employer?

You're a moron.
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!
You know that Nancy wrote and passed a bill 2 months ago that gave more funding to unemployment, states and businesses, right?
Did you harp on McConnell for not passing it the same way you’re harping on Nancy now?
Yeah, but it included about $2 trillion worth of stuff that only Dims wanted.

BHecause Republicans don't give a damn. They only support their corporate masters.
You have no objection to the government spending $2 trillion on bullshit? Is that what giving a damn means?

If we can give big corporations billions in tax cuts then we can help people as well. There are a number of things Democrats are right on but Republicans are totally wrong.
Nope. Trump gave tax cuts for corporations that repatriated their overseas cash. This change brought trillions of dollars back to the US and hundreds of billions into the treasury. The result was millions of new jobs for Americans.

Dims are right about nothing.
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!

House Democrats passed a $3T aid package about 10 weeks ago. Yes, it's the republicans who are holding up aid to ordinary Americans.
Its ALWAYS do it the Democrat way or nothing

That's "compromise" Democrat style

No. You take up the bill in the Senate in committee; you pass your own version of it and then you have a conference where differences are worked out and send it to the President.

Talking to blob supporters is like explaining the space shuttle to Fred Flintstone.
I agree you have the standard procedure for passing a Bill.
However this Bill needs to be passed yesterday (literally), so it needs to be negotiated. and passed ASAP.
I'm saying $300 a week for unemployed and zero for retirees and workers is probably doable.
Its the same UE benefit as if no covid was here, just extended thru December.
Its the same UE benefit as if no covid was here, just extended thru December
Which of course does nothing to address the covid related economic problems.
A virus so dang bad that people have to get tested to see if they have it..........LOL

We never shut down the country for this shit in over 50 years.....until you left wing nut jobs were in charge from the Hippies on LSD way back when...........

99.98% survival rate........LMAO.........Up yours and your BS party bro.
Nice tirade.
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!

House Democrats passed a $3T aid package about 10 weeks ago. Yes, it's the republicans who are holding up aid to ordinary Americans.
Its ALWAYS do it the Democrat way or nothing

That's "compromise" Democrat style

No. You take up the bill in the Senate in committee; you pass your own version of it and then you have a conference where differences are worked out and send it to the President.

Talking to blob supporters is like explaining the space shuttle to Fred Flintstone.
I agree you have the standard procedure for passing a Bill.
However this Bill needs to be passed yesterday (literally), so it needs to be negotiated. and passed ASAP.
I'm saying $300 a week for unemployed and zero for retirees and workers is probably doable.
Its the same UE benefit as if no covid was here, just extended thru December.
Its the same UE benefit as if no covid was here, just extended thru December
Which of course does nothing to address the covid related economic problems.
WTF are you whining about?
1. Long-term unemployment IS the covid economic problem, when state UE checks run out.
2. Retirees don't need stimulus. Those working don't need stimulus.
3. Borrowing $3T is simply unaffordable. States can fend for themselves, so can corporations.

What's YOUR plan?
WTF are you whining about?
I'm not whining at all. I'm pointing out your idiocy, dope.
No you're whining. You're apparently too stupid to debate "facts".
I put up 3 factoids and you whined about them, but didn't refute any. So thanks for playing.

Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!

House Democrats passed a $3T aid package about 10 weeks ago. Yes, it's the republicans who are holding up aid to ordinary Americans.
Its ALWAYS do it the Democrat way or nothing

That's "compromise" Democrat style

No. You take up the bill in the Senate in committee; you pass your own version of it and then you have a conference where differences are worked out and send it to the President.

Talking to blob supporters is like explaining the space shuttle to Fred Flintstone.
I agree you have the standard procedure for passing a Bill.
However this Bill needs to be passed yesterday (literally), so it needs to be negotiated. and passed ASAP.
I'm saying $300 a week for unemployed and zero for retirees and workers is probably doable.
Its the same UE benefit as if no covid was here, just extended thru December.
Its the same UE benefit as if no covid was here, just extended thru December
Which of course does nothing to address the covid related economic problems.
WTF are you whining about?
1. Long-term unemployment IS the covid economic problem, when state UE checks run out.
2. Retirees don't need stimulus. Those working don't need stimulus.
3. Borrowing $3T is simply unaffordable. States can fend for themselves, so can corporations.

What's YOUR plan?
WTF are you whining about?
I'm not whining at all. I'm pointing out your idiocy, dope.
No you're whining. You're apparently too stupid to debate "facts".
I put up 3 factoids and you whined about them, but didn't refute any. So thanks for playing.
No you're whining. You're apparently too stupid to debate "facts".
I put up 3 factoids and you whined about them, but didn't refute any. So thanks for playing.
I didn't whine, dope. I told you very clearly that your "factoids" did nothing to address the economic issues unique to the Covid crisis.
The "economic issues" I identified still stand. State unemployment checks are ending, the $600 weekly bonus checks for not working are ending, and the government printing $3T is not a good solution.

Here are my points again. You whine about them without putting up better ones,
1. Long-term unemployment IS the covid economic problem, when state UE checks run out. People starving or being homeless is a bad option.
2. Retirees don't need stimulus. Those working don't need stimulus. Put the money where its needed.
3. Borrowing $3T is simply unaffordable. States can fend for themselves, so can corporations.
Again, dope. Your speculations are arbitrary and based on solving mothing. None of that addresses the problems created by covid. Unemployment payments is not the problem. It's a solution to a much larger problem.There are a lot of unemployed AS A RESULT OF COVID who will not be going back to work anytime soon. What happens when people don't make enough to live? Pay their rent? There aren't alternate jobs waiting for all the unemployed.
The govt has two options to prevent economic catastrophe. Lock everything down and get the virus to levels low enough to reopen completely or pay people until we get through this.
The GDP fell off a cliff last quarter. Everyone needs stimulus.
OK, progress. We have some common ground.
1. There is no "solving" covid, even after vaccines are available. It will ALWAYS be here like the flu, but as a "viral pneumonia", much deadlier. We typically lost about 40,000 souls to the flu every year on average, with covid that number could be 2x or 3x annually combined.
2. Agree the US economy is at a "new normal" some industries are not coming back anytime soon, such as airlines, sports, concerts, cruise lines, hospitality, restaurants, bars, and their support industries like Boeing. About 50% of restaurants already failed permanently, since they can't break even at 25% to 50% capacity.
3. We agree that the unemployed need money to live and there aren't many alternate jobs available. So what to do?
4. Another lockdown is NOT going to happen, the US economy can't handle it, and it would cause an economic collapse. So we agree that long term financial assistance is needed, whether its called "welfare" or "extended unemployment".
5. The GDP will grow slowly as we figure out how to re-open safely. The young bar flies and party animals are not helping.
Sure. $2-300 a week isn't gonna pay the rent though. That's why Dems are insisting on $600 as well as eviction protection. Perhaps they can give landlords tax credits to help offset their losses.
Agreed. I'm sure that even Nancy will see that her bailout of blue states isn't going to happen, and hurting families isn't helping democrats. What the GOP objected to was getting state unemployment AND the $600 a week stimulus. Now that the state UE ran out the dems just need to agree on a weekly extended unemployment amount. What got the GOP riled was workers refusing to go back to work since the two unemployment checks was much more.
And I can keenly tell when people like you are lying through their teeth. This whole thing is politically expedient for you. Your concern for your fellows is nonexistent
What workers are refusing to go back to work? They're unemployed because the businesses that employed them are closed due to covid. Employees just can't decide to return to work.
There are many workers making much more collecting UE than going back to work:
"More than two-thirds of workers on jobless benefits are making more in unemployment than they did while working, and one in five eligible unemployed workers will receive benefits at least twice as large as their lost earnings, according to economists at the University of Chicago."
Great.That answered nothing. Now who's refusing to return to work as a result? They qualify for unemployment because their employers are closed due to covid. We just went through this and you agreed that the govt needed to pay them.
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None of that addresses the problems created by covid. Unemployment payments is not the problem. It's a solution to a much larger problem.There are a lot of unemployed AS A RESULT OF COVID who will not be going back to work anytime soon.

Those unemployed now are so because their industries are shuttered due to covid, fool. Until covid is gone, that won't change.

Not a result of the COVID virus. None of this is.

It is all entirely the result of corrupt, criminal pieces of shit, infesting positions of political power, exploiting the artificially-hyperbolized fear over the COVID virus, as an excuse to seize and abuse power, and to sabotage the economy, for their own political purposes.
Not a result of the COVID virus. None of this is.

It is all entirely the result of corrupt, criminal pieces of @shit, infesting positions of political power, exploiting the artificially-hyperbolized fear over the COVID virus, as an excuse to seize and abuse power, and to sabotage the economy, for their own political purposes
Nice tirade.
You've only said what you wish the world were and didn't address what is.
Grow up.
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!
You know that Nancy wrote and passed a bill 2 months ago that gave more funding to unemployment, states and businesses, right?
Did you harp on McConnell for not passing it the same way you’re harping on Nancy now?
Yeah, but it included about $2 trillion worth of stuff that only Dims wanted.

BHecause Republicans don't give a damn. They only support their corporate masters.
You have no objection to the government spending $2 trillion on bullshit? Is that what giving a damn means?

If we can give big corporations billions in tax cuts then we can help people as well. There are a number of things Democrats are right on but Republicans are totally wrong.
Nope. Trump gave tax cuts for corporations that repatriated their overseas cash. This change brought trillions of dollars back to the US and hundreds of billions into the treasury. The result was millions of new jobs for Americans.

Dims are right about nothing.
Wow, he brought Trillions back to the treasury?! Really?? So hows the deficit looking? Should be pretty much wiped out if what you say is true. Is that what you think is happening?
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!
You know that Nancy wrote and passed a bill 2 months ago that gave more funding to unemployment, states and businesses, right?
Did you harp on McConnell for not passing it the same way you’re harping on Nancy now?
Yeah, but it included about $2 trillion worth of stuff that only Dims wanted.

BHecause Republicans don't give a damn. They only support their corporate masters.
You have no objection to the government spending $2 trillion on bullshit? Is that what giving a damn means?

If we can give big corporations billions in tax cuts then we can help people as well. There are a number of things Democrats are right on but Republicans are totally wrong.
Nope. Trump gave tax cuts for corporations that repatriated their overseas cash. This change brought trillions of dollars back to the US and hundreds of billions into the treasury. The result was millions of new jobs for Americans.

Dims are right about nothing.
Wow, he brought Trillions back to the treasury?! Really?? So hows the deficit looking? Should be pretty much wiped out if what you say is true. Is that what you think is happening?
Responing to Bripat's posts is like giving money to panhandlers at traffic lights. It may seem kind, but it only encourages anti-social behavior.
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!
You know that Nancy wrote and passed a bill 2 months ago that gave more funding to unemployment, states and businesses, right?
Did you harp on McConnell for not passing it the same way you’re harping on Nancy now?
Yeah, but it included about $2 trillion worth of stuff that only Dims wanted.

BHecause Republicans don't give a damn. They only support their corporate masters.
You have no objection to the government spending $2 trillion on bullshit? Is that what giving a damn means?

If we can give big corporations billions in tax cuts then we can help people as well. There are a number of things Democrats are right on but Republicans are totally wrong.
Nope. Trump gave tax cuts for corporations that repatriated their overseas cash. This change brought trillions of dollars back to the US and hundreds of billions into the treasury. The result was millions of new jobs for Americans.

Dims are right about nothing.
Wow, he brought Trillions back to the treasury?! Really?? So hows the deficit looking? Should be pretty much wiped out if what you say is true. Is that what you think is happening?
Responing to Bripat's posts is like giving money to panhandlers at traffic lights. It may seem kind, but it only encourages anti-social behavior.
You're tired of being slaughtered, aren't you?
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!
You know that Nancy wrote and passed a bill 2 months ago that gave more funding to unemployment, states and businesses, right?
Did you harp on McConnell for not passing it the same way you’re harping on Nancy now?
Yeah, but it included about $2 trillion worth of stuff that only Dims wanted.

BHecause Republicans don't give a damn. They only support their corporate masters.
You have no objection to the government spending $2 trillion on bullshit? Is that what giving a damn means?

If we can give big corporations billions in tax cuts then we can help people as well. There are a number of things Democrats are right on but Republicans are totally wrong.
Nope. Trump gave tax cuts for corporations that repatriated their overseas cash. This change brought trillions of dollars back to the US and hundreds of billions into the treasury. The result was millions of new jobs for Americans.

Dims are right about nothing.
Wow, he brought Trillions back to the treasury?! Really?? So hows the deficit looking? Should be pretty much wiped out if what you say is true. Is that what you think is happening?
I said he brought trillions back to the US, you fucking moron. You had to deliberately misread that because I added "nd hundreds of billions into the treasury," so not only are you stupid for expecting us to believe that was an honest mistake, you're also a sleazy lying piece of shit.
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!
You know that Nancy wrote and passed a bill 2 months ago that gave more funding to unemployment, states and businesses, right?
Did you harp on McConnell for not passing it the same way you’re harping on Nancy now?
Yeah, but it included about $2 trillion worth of stuff that only Dims wanted.

BHecause Republicans don't give a damn. They only support their corporate masters.
You have no objection to the government spending $2 trillion on bullshit? Is that what giving a damn means?

If we can give big corporations billions in tax cuts then we can help people as well. There are a number of things Democrats are right on but Republicans are totally wrong.
Nope. Trump gave tax cuts for corporations that repatriated their overseas cash. This change brought trillions of dollars back to the US and hundreds of billions into the treasury. The result was millions of new jobs for Americans.

Dims are right about nothing.
Wow, he brought Trillions back to the treasury?! Really?? So hows the deficit looking? Should be pretty much wiped out if what you say is true. Is that what you think is happening?
I said he brought trillions back to the US, you fucking moron. You had to deliberately misread that because I added "nd hundreds of billions into the treasury," so not only are you stupid for expecting us to believe that was an honest mistake, you're also a sleazy lying piece of shit.
I simply asked how all these billions and trillions that he brought back has effected the deficit. Do you even know?
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!
You know that Nancy wrote and passed a bill 2 months ago that gave more funding to unemployment, states and businesses, right?
Did you harp on McConnell for not passing it the same way you’re harping on Nancy now?
Yeah, but it included about $2 trillion worth of stuff that only Dims wanted.

BHecause Republicans don't give a damn. They only support their corporate masters.
You have no objection to the government spending $2 trillion on bullshit? Is that what giving a damn means?

The AMERICAN PEOPLE are not "bullshit". Money for FOOD, SHELTER, AND MEDICAL TESTING is not "bullshit".

Where is the money to provide food, shelter, and medical testing absent in the Republican bill?
That isn't what the $2 trillion is for, dingbat.

No dumbass, it's not. It's money for corporations, money for an FBI office, money to renovate the White House, but not one thin dime for testing. No extension of unemployment insurance, or eviction protections for renters. And it protects employers from being sued for failure to provide a safe working environment for employees returning to work.
Republicans don't want the additional $2 trillion. It's Democrats who want it.

Only morons believe employers should be sued for putting people back to work.

The federal government is already paying for testing, moron.

You want to allow employers to put their employees' health at risk with no way for them to be held accountable.
If they catch the flu should they be able to sue their employer?

You're a moron.

If they refuse to take the proper steps to safeguard their employees then they should be held accountable.

You are the moron.
It's sad that while millions of out of work average people are struggling, the two sides bicker about Nothing, absolutely nothing. Send out the checks and provide some sort of help to the's not all that complicated.

Unsustainable government handouts are not what these forcibly-unemployed need.

What they need is to be allowed to go back to work.

So stop giving money to billionaires and big corporations. They don't NEED the money. The PEOPLE need the money.

What the PEOPLE don'ty need is to be forced back to work with a pandemic running wild, with no sick leave, no health insurance, for wages that won't even pay the rent. It's time for the billionaires to STOP LOOTING THE TREASURY because the people are not going to be forced out of their homes, until YOU get a handle on this thing.
Soon, millions of us are about to run out of money to pay our bills. Republicans are willing to at least provide the funds to extend unemployment while working on the bill to deal with all of the other financial/stimulus related manners.
Yet she has the nerve to tell us that it's the Republicans that are holding this up? the Republicans are the ones that are about to starve millions of children?
Hopefully, all that are about to go broke are well aware that it's Nancy Pelosi that's refusing to help them out and not the Republicans!
You know that Nancy wrote and passed a bill 2 months ago that gave more funding to unemployment, states and businesses, right?
Did you harp on McConnell for not passing it the same way you’re harping on Nancy now?

And you know Nancys bill was so packed full of pork and added 3 trillion dollars to the debt that it stood no chance of passing the senate.

Just passing a bill is not the Nancys job. Passing one that stands a chance in the senate is.

And the Senate Bill gave all of the money to billionaires and corporations, and NOTHING for testing, or the states, or the people, so it had ZERO chance of passing the House.

Just coming up with a Bill that does nothing for the PEOPLE and the states, which are the ones who are bearing the brunt of the suffering in the country, stands no chance of getting passed either, so what was the point.

The difference is that Nancy Pelosi did the House Bill 9 weeks before benefits were about to run out, and stood ready to negotiate with anyone, and the Senate did nothing until last week, and then presented a Bill they knew would never pass, and then blamed the Democrats for the loss of benefits.

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