So on Tuesday when Trump gets arrested…

So no to helping out your retard buddy? Awww… what a shame.
:laughing0301: Nobody needs any help in bitch slapping you.
But then, if you had the brains to help him out, you wouldn’t be a retard now, would you? :itsok:
I’m not the retard here, you little brainless shit. I know you wish I were. But, alas for you, the retard remains you.
Why, because I mentioned his race?

Because you made it about race when race has nothing to do with it. I also took the liberty to search your name to see how many times you ever referred to someone as a "white bozo." Imagine my surprise when I discovered out of almost 100,000 posts by you, you never once did that.
Don't use big words you don't know the meaning of. Here, let me help you out.

Now go to this site and look up the word "racist."

Ok, I looked it up...

The only way any of us will know if and when Crooked Donald gets indicted, is through Trump's mouth.

It will be secret by the DA. IF Trump tells us, which he is likely to do, then the DAs office can talk publicly and respond to whatever Trump says.
You mean lie about what Trump says. You fuckers have twisted and manipulated most everything Trump said.
No, the way the phony impeachments went, the clown show at Mar-A-Lago where nothing happened to Trump, the phony Russian collusion investigation and on and on.

Each time in these "we got him now" situations we ended up laughing in your face and plan on doing so again.
Trump was twice impeached. Thats a real, historic fact.

If you think spineless, unprincipled Republicans refusing to remove their Dear Leader for clear abuses of office and breaking his oath was somehow disapointing, then you don't know wtf is going on.

"Nothing happened" to Trump for years after Stormy scheme became public. Cohen already served his jail term. And now something did and he will be indicted. "Mar-A-Lago where nothing happens" is just another one of your wishful braindead comments you just may eat a shoe on.
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It is obvious to thinking people (this unfortunately excludes most of our liberals) that this whole circus is a partisan political charade.
Dummy, it's only "charade" to rightwing tools like you who blow their partisan load before they even know what is charged.

You are completely oblivious to your own biases and how they are the blinders on your thoughts.

Fair thinking people don't go all in on half baked wishful musings. They make up their mind when they have the facts.
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"Black bozo?" You are just a racist.
No that’s a pretty accurate description. And the general feeling about him in most of New York City. Refusal to prosecute actual criminals will tend to make people feel that way.
:laughing0301: Nobody needs any help in bitch slapping you.

I’m not the retard here, you little brainless shit. I know you wish I were. But, alas for you, the retard remains you.
Poor retard. Sauntered in to help his retard buddy and got his ass handed to him.

But then, you are used to that, aren't you retard? :itsok:
The real reason for the harassment of Trump IMHO is the powerful Liberal Pressure group NAMBLA who supports his opponents.

They are pissed at the fact that Trump hates child molestation, and implemented restrictions against sex trafficking. NAMBLA and their powerful allies in the Democrat Party want to get the Trumpster behind bars when the powerful prison gang, the Chomos, are located. The libs will get Trump back for 86'ing Epstein from his properties.
The real reason for the harassment of Trump IMHO is the powerful Liberal Pressure group NAMBLA who supports his opponents.

They are pissed at the fact that Trump hates child molestation, and implemented restrictions against sex trafficking. NAMBLA and their powerful allies in the Democrat Party want to get the Trumpster behind bars when the powerful prison gang, the Chomos, are located. The libs will get Trump back for 86'ing Epstein from his properties.

Huh? Trump IS an accused child rapist...

Trump was twice impeached. Thats a real, historic fact.

If you think spineless, unprincipled Republicans refusing to remove their Dear Leader for clear abuses of office and breaking his oath was somehow disapointing, then you don't know wtf is going on.

"Nothing happened" to Trump for years after Stormy scheme became public. Cohen already served his jail term. And now something did and he will be indicted. "Mar-A-Lago where nothing happens" is just another one of your wishful braindead comments you just may eat a shoe on.

Dummy, it's only "charade" to rightwing tools like you who blow their partisan load before they even know what is charged.

You are completely oblivious to your own biases and how they are the blinders on your thoughts.

Fair thinking people don't go all in on half baked wishful musings. They make up their mind when they have the facts.
Looks like you're all in on this thing here, but you're not biased?

Just like you were all in on "The Mueller investigation" and sham impeachment 1, and sham impeachment 2.

Did you get the Orange Man then, retard? No? :itsok:

How about that big "raid" with indictments inevitable? Hmm?

Let's see what happens today.

The only thing I've learned from the whole impeachment shenanigans is that once one party uses unwarranted impeachment

for political purposes, the other one's going to do it too with the flimsiest of excuses, and so forthe and so on,

and it's going to turn into nothing but a big monkey-poo fling in Congress, when they're supposed to be

representing their constituents.

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