So sick of the double standard of the left.

They had an absolute fit over talk radio for near two damn decades. Even though they had their own radio programs but no one wanted to hear them and they went belly up. So they DEMANDED free and equal air time on every program including TV programs.
Thing is NO ONE WAS SILENCING THEM. They had their own shows but no one tuned in and they went under. Yet the left screamed bloody murder for 2 fucking decades.

Now the internet has become the main source fought over and the conservative voice is wanted and in demand but silenced under the masquerade of "computer algorithms"

Now we see the left laughing and pretending it isn't an issue despite 20 years of endless whining about equal time for opposing opinions.

A SERIOUS lack of integrity and the very "fairness" (docterine) they demanded.
First if all you need to prove conservative voices are being silenced. So far this is just another unsubstantiated Trump claim. I google Trump and get plenty of Fox news for example.

Hardly matters. If Trump says it it must be true right?

The fairness doctrine ead needed a time when we had very limited airwave opportunities and it made sense. That is not the case now nor has it been for a long time. There is a gajillion sources at our fingertips.

What is happening is the Right, who has long demonized the left for victimhood, is taking on that mantle for themselves.

And what do you "Google"??? when you say you get plenty of Fox News????
Hell... I get 19 million responses regarding Trump anti-immigrant and most are NOT Fox News!

But again this is like talking to little kid. There is a BIAS. It has been proven. And of course since YOU believe what you believe you are like this:
View attachment 213619

You can't be fucking serious?!

Sure I am . How about a link to prove anything you said .

As for the current bots targeting cons. Find me a story where they actually targeted conservatives views ! Not the bots fault cons can’t stop hurling racial slurs .

You want an example of how "conservative" speech is targeted?

Below is a recent screen shot of my last entry here on the board.
It is grossly apparent that Google monitors my contributions to the board and has declared me a
  • racist.
  • A "white Supremacist" .
  • A gun owner and the like.
Look at the ads Google presented me.
This board makes money off these google ads. I am grossly offended by their stereotyping me.
Nothing I can do about it as I'm sure there are many people like me that are just trying to get the truth out that the BIASED MSM continues to obliterated because of their yes true hatred for people that disagree with them!

What happened to honest dialogue supported by facts?

I had a black cousin in the 50s in Iowa a state with less then 1% blacks. I had a black partner in Texas in the 70s.
All my life I've worked and PLAYED with the black community but because I'm an honest person that sees
hypocrisy at work, Google perceives me as a racist. A gun lover. A white supremacist.
Again nothing I can do about it but continue to speak honestly.

View attachment 213567

So the above IS proof how Google, are "READING" my conservative contributions and ASSUMING I'm a
  • racist.
  • A "white Supremacist" .
  • A gun owner and the like.
You dumbfuck, the ads you get are based on your previous browsing. If you don’t want to be given ads to racist conservative sites — stop going to racist conservative sites.

The sheer stupidity of the OP is actually amplified by the vivid idiocy of those who buy into it. How many searches are done on Google? Billions I suspect. And the allegation (or at least one of them) is that Google has people crafting results based on the searches; as if they a) would and b) could keep up.

This is perhaps the pinnacle of crazy assed conspiracy theories. No surprise Trump supporters swallow the jism from their messiah and ask for more.

All right here is proof!
I am doing a search on "Trump anti-immigrant" right now!

66,100 results... and the headlines..
"Cuomo calls out Trump's anti-immigrant stance:
"condemn Trump's anti-immigrant"
"rubber stamp Trump's anti-immigrant"...

66,100! And do YOU idiots KNOW including Google that TRUMP MARRIED AN IMMIGRANT?
Do you idiots KNOW that 90 MILLION+ people in this Country are either "LEGAL immigrants" or like I have relatives?
DO YOU IDIOTS know that WE, WE who LOVE our LEGAL immigrants are grossly pissed that IDIOTS like you and the MSM and GOOGLE keep up this stupid ass
description "Trump anti-IMMIGRANT" and totally ignore that we and our 90+Million "LEGAL" IMMIGRANTS and relatives FOLLOWED THE LAWS!!

This is the point! The idiotic stupid MSM, Google, etc. all seem to think we HATE immigrants!
WRONG! Trump married an immigrant! Do you understand?

Then look at the following screen shot.. "Trump anti-illegal immigrant" 542 results!

NOW tell me that the MSM and Google are NOT biased in their presentations!


View attachment 213578

View attachment 213579
You are getting those hits because Trump IS anti-immigrant. He has cut LEGAL immigration in half as well as stopped it for all intents and purposes from several Muslim countries with his infamous travel ban. He doesn't want folks from African shit holes. He cut off DACA protections, told Congress to fix it, and then refused to sign a compromise bill when it was given to him. He says we are being INVADED by brown people and they're all criminals and gang members. He purposely, punitively, separated 1,000 children as young as infants from their parents who were seeking asylum here and even when ordered to reunite them by a court, they couldn't do it.

That's why you're getting the search results you are getting.
Sure I am . How about a link to prove anything you said .

As for the current bots targeting cons. Find me a story where they actually targeted conservatives views ! Not the bots fault cons can’t stop hurling racial slurs .

You want an example of how "conservative" speech is targeted?

Below is a recent screen shot of my last entry here on the board.
It is grossly apparent that Google monitors my contributions to the board and has declared me a
  • racist.
  • A "white Supremacist" .
  • A gun owner and the like.
Look at the ads Google presented me.
This board makes money off these google ads. I am grossly offended by their stereotyping me.
Nothing I can do about it as I'm sure there are many people like me that are just trying to get the truth out that the BIASED MSM continues to obliterated because of their yes true hatred for people that disagree with them!

What happened to honest dialogue supported by facts?

I had a black cousin in the 50s in Iowa a state with less then 1% blacks. I had a black partner in Texas in the 70s.
All my life I've worked and PLAYED with the black community but because I'm an honest person that sees
hypocrisy at work, Google perceives me as a racist. A gun lover. A white supremacist.
Again nothing I can do about it but continue to speak honestly.

View attachment 213567

So the above IS proof how Google, are "READING" my conservative contributions and ASSUMING I'm a
  • racist.
  • A "white Supremacist" .
  • A gun owner and the like.
You dumbfuck, the ads you get are based on your previous browsing. If you don’t want to be given ads to racist conservative sites — stop going to racist conservative sites.

The sheer stupidity of the OP is actually amplified by the vivid idiocy of those who buy into it. How many searches are done on Google? Billions I suspect. And the allegation (or at least one of them) is that Google has people crafting results based on the searches; as if they a) would and b) could keep up.

This is perhaps the pinnacle of crazy assed conspiracy theories. No surprise Trump supporters swallow the jism from their messiah and ask for more.

All right here is proof!
I am doing a search on "Trump anti-immigrant" right now!

66,100 results... and the headlines..
"Cuomo calls out Trump's anti-immigrant stance:
"condemn Trump's anti-immigrant"
"rubber stamp Trump's anti-immigrant"...

66,100! And do YOU idiots KNOW including Google that TRUMP MARRIED AN IMMIGRANT?
Do you idiots KNOW that 90 MILLION+ people in this Country are either "LEGAL immigrants" or like I have relatives?
DO YOU IDIOTS know that WE, WE who LOVE our LEGAL immigrants are grossly pissed that IDIOTS like you and the MSM and GOOGLE keep up this stupid ass
description "Trump anti-IMMIGRANT" and totally ignore that we and our 90+Million "LEGAL" IMMIGRANTS and relatives FOLLOWED THE LAWS!!

This is the point! The idiotic stupid MSM, Google, etc. all seem to think we HATE immigrants!
WRONG! Trump married an immigrant! Do you understand?

Then look at the following screen shot.. "Trump anti-illegal immigrant" 542 results!

NOW tell me that the MSM and Google are NOT biased in their presentations!


View attachment 213578

View attachment 213579
You are getting those hits because Trump IS anti-immigrant. He has cut LEGAL immigration in half as well as stopped it for all intents and purposes from several Muslim countries with his infamous travel ban. He doesn't want folks from African shit holes. He cut off DACA protections, told Congress to fix it, and then refused to sign a compromise bill when it was given to him. He says we are being INVADED by brown people and they're all criminals and gang members. He purposely, punitively, separated 1,000 children as young as infants from their parents who were seeking asylum here and even when ordered to reunite them by a court, they couldn't do it.

That's why you're getting the search results you are getting.

You’re right of course.

But doesn’t it reach even a new abysmal low for Trump supporters to claim that the search engines are not fair?
You can't be fucking serious?!

Sure I am . How about a link to prove anything you said .

As for the current bots targeting cons. Find me a story where they actually targeted conservatives views ! Not the bots fault cons can’t stop hurling racial slurs .

You want an example of how "conservative" speech is targeted?

Below is a recent screen shot of my last entry here on the board.
It is grossly apparent that Google monitors my contributions to the board and has declared me a
  • racist.
  • A "white Supremacist" .
  • A gun owner and the like.
Look at the ads Google presented me.
This board makes money off these google ads. I am grossly offended by their stereotyping me.
Nothing I can do about it as I'm sure there are many people like me that are just trying to get the truth out that the BIASED MSM continues to obliterated because of their yes true hatred for people that disagree with them!

What happened to honest dialogue supported by facts?

I had a black cousin in the 50s in Iowa a state with less then 1% blacks. I had a black partner in Texas in the 70s.
All my life I've worked and PLAYED with the black community but because I'm an honest person that sees
hypocrisy at work, Google perceives me as a racist. A gun lover. A white supremacist.
Again nothing I can do about it but continue to speak honestly.

View attachment 213567

So the above IS proof how Google, are "READING" my conservative contributions and ASSUMING I'm a
  • racist.
  • A "white Supremacist" .
  • A gun owner and the like.
You dumbfuck, the ads you get are based on your previous browsing. If you don’t want to be given ads to racist conservative sites — stop going to racist conservative sites.

The sheer stupidity of the OP is actually amplified by the vivid idiocy of those who buy into it. How many searches are done on Google? Billions I suspect. And the allegation (or at least one of them) is that Google has people crafting results based on the searches; as if they a) would and b) could keep up.

This is perhaps the pinnacle of crazy assed conspiracy theories. No surprise Trump supporters swallow the jism from their messiah and ask for more.

All right here is proof!
I am doing a search on "Trump anti-immigrant" right now!

66,100 results... and the headlines..
"Cuomo calls out Trump's anti-immigrant stance:
"condemn Trump's anti-immigrant"
"rubber stamp Trump's anti-immigrant"...

66,100! And do YOU idiots KNOW including Google that TRUMP MARRIED AN IMMIGRANT?
Do you idiots KNOW that 90 MILLION+ people in this Country are either "LEGAL immigrants" or like I have relatives?
DO YOU IDIOTS know that WE, WE who LOVE our LEGAL immigrants are grossly pissed that IDIOTS like you and the MSM and GOOGLE keep up this stupid ass
description "Trump anti-IMMIGRANT" and totally ignore that we and our 90+Million "LEGAL" IMMIGRANTS and relatives FOLLOWED THE LAWS!!

This is the point! The idiotic stupid MSM, Google, etc. all seem to think we HATE immigrants!
WRONG! Trump married an immigrant! Do you understand?

Then look at the following screen shot.. "Trump anti-illegal immigrant" 542 results!

NOW tell me that the MSM and Google are NOT biased in their presentations!


View attachment 213578

View attachment 213579
"People are going to come into our country," Trump said. "We want people to come in. But they've got to come in, like you, legally. My man."

Despite his campaign rhetoric, President Trump has acted very differently since moving into the White House. His administration has granted fewer visas, approved fewer refugees, ordered the removal of hundreds of thousands of legal residents whose home countries have been hit by war and natural disasters and pushed Congress to pass laws to dramatically cut the entire legal immigration system.

The White House has argued the moves are necessary to protect national security and American workers.

"These are measures that will make our community safer and more prosperous," Trump said while laying out some of the proposals during a meeting with lawmakers in January. "These reforms are supported by the overwhelming majority of Americans."

Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued the latest volley Monday when he limited the ability of foreign victims of domestic violence and gang violence to seek safe haven in the U.S. through asylum.

"That's further confirmation that the administration's official policy toward legal immigration is restriction by any means necessary," said David Bier, an immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute. "They're looking across all programs for ways that they can reduce the number of new legal permanent residents, and other foreign workers in the U.S. economy."

So, basically its
* Limiting asylum.
* Travel ban
* severe limits on refugee program
* cuts to TPS, temporary protected status
* fewer visas
* ending DACA
You want an example of how "conservative" speech is targeted?

Below is a recent screen shot of my last entry here on the board.
It is grossly apparent that Google monitors my contributions to the board and has declared me a
  • racist.
  • A "white Supremacist" .
  • A gun owner and the like.
Look at the ads Google presented me.
This board makes money off these google ads. I am grossly offended by their stereotyping me.
Nothing I can do about it as I'm sure there are many people like me that are just trying to get the truth out that the BIASED MSM continues to obliterated because of their yes true hatred for people that disagree with them!

What happened to honest dialogue supported by facts?

I had a black cousin in the 50s in Iowa a state with less then 1% blacks. I had a black partner in Texas in the 70s.
All my life I've worked and PLAYED with the black community but because I'm an honest person that sees
hypocrisy at work, Google perceives me as a racist. A gun lover. A white supremacist.
Again nothing I can do about it but continue to speak honestly.

View attachment 213567

So the above IS proof how Google, are "READING" my conservative contributions and ASSUMING I'm a
  • racist.
  • A "white Supremacist" .
  • A gun owner and the like.
You dumbfuck, the ads you get are based on your previous browsing. If you don’t want to be given ads to racist conservative sites — stop going to racist conservative sites.

The sheer stupidity of the OP is actually amplified by the vivid idiocy of those who buy into it. How many searches are done on Google? Billions I suspect. And the allegation (or at least one of them) is that Google has people crafting results based on the searches; as if they a) would and b) could keep up.

This is perhaps the pinnacle of crazy assed conspiracy theories. No surprise Trump supporters swallow the jism from their messiah and ask for more.

All right here is proof!
I am doing a search on "Trump anti-immigrant" right now!

66,100 results... and the headlines..
"Cuomo calls out Trump's anti-immigrant stance:
"condemn Trump's anti-immigrant"
"rubber stamp Trump's anti-immigrant"...

66,100! And do YOU idiots KNOW including Google that TRUMP MARRIED AN IMMIGRANT?
Do you idiots KNOW that 90 MILLION+ people in this Country are either "LEGAL immigrants" or like I have relatives?
DO YOU IDIOTS know that WE, WE who LOVE our LEGAL immigrants are grossly pissed that IDIOTS like you and the MSM and GOOGLE keep up this stupid ass
description "Trump anti-IMMIGRANT" and totally ignore that we and our 90+Million "LEGAL" IMMIGRANTS and relatives FOLLOWED THE LAWS!!

This is the point! The idiotic stupid MSM, Google, etc. all seem to think we HATE immigrants!
WRONG! Trump married an immigrant! Do you understand?

Then look at the following screen shot.. "Trump anti-illegal immigrant" 542 results!

NOW tell me that the MSM and Google are NOT biased in their presentations!


View attachment 213578

View attachment 213579
You are getting those hits because Trump IS anti-immigrant. He has cut LEGAL immigration in half as well as stopped it for all intents and purposes from several Muslim countries with his infamous travel ban. He doesn't want folks from African shit holes. He cut off DACA protections, told Congress to fix it, and then refused to sign a compromise bill when it was given to him. He says we are being INVADED by brown people and they're all criminals and gang members. He purposely, punitively, separated 1,000 children as young as infants from their parents who were seeking asylum here and even when ordered to reunite them by a court, they couldn't do it.

That's why you're getting the search results you are getting.

You’re right of course.

But doesn’t it reach even a new abysmal low for Trump supporters to claim that the search engines are not fair?
Nothing they can come up with surprises me anymore. I knew, based on the fact that all the major news outlets like AP, Reuters, NYT, NBC etc. are called "left," of course it would look heavily weighted. It's a sad, stupid situation.
For example... Without quote marks... 9,860,000 And what would the rest of America think??? Her family is pushing back.
YET when you ask: "molly tibbets family pushing back against Trump"
ONE!!! Do you understand you idiots... When you ask specifically Is "Molly tibbets family pushing back against Trump" 1! ONE!
But the search with any words of molly tibbets family pushing back against Trump
View attachment 213614
View attachment 213612
WTF is your point? what results do you expect when you search on "molly tibbets family pushing back against Trump" in quotes?

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