So, tell us again why Trump supporters voted for Trump

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How many of "your" pictures are pre-2016?

And, I suppose you'd rather children who are in custody to be housed with adults?

Why is anybody in custody? Was a crime committed?
Seeking asylum isn't a crime. So why is anybody, especially children in "custody"?

True, seeking asylum isn't a crime. But, crossing the border at a place that is not a port of entry is illegal.
Most of these refugees, and likely all of them, are not crossing illegally. But when they get here, the kids are being kidnapped as a deterrent to come here.

"not crossing illegally"? Then why would they be in custody? You'll say anything, no matter how stupid or lacking reality it is.
They turned themselves in at the border to the authorities. What hole have you been living in?
It's not just the Libs. It's Republicans who support all types of Socialism. I noticed you failed to mount a challenge to facts I presented you. No surprises there. Just blame the Libs like the coward you are.

Go learn the difference between a conservative and a GOP RINO then return. :itsok:
Like I said, you're a coward.

You realize nobody cares what you think right. lol OMG some libtard called me a coward I'll be upset all day /mocking sarcasm :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
You can't mount a challenge to the facts. You're a coward and a loser.

Your personal attacks humor me. They are dripping with desperation and the need for acceptance. President Trump is a great president and he's doing a fantastic job. Nothing you whining sore losers can say will change that.
His criminal liabilty is going to change an awful lot.
These folks like Dale Smith and other brainless Republicans, toss out claims and accusations in a debate, then never say anything to back them up with. They're worthless. I could debate myself, and it would be more interesting than what they have to offer.
I don't belong to either bought and paid for political parties, dumb ass. I have this thing called a "job"???? Ever heard of it? I work Friday thru Monday, ten hour shift. Don't fret, little fella, you will get the proof. The DNC establisment are commies and those of your ilk are useful idiots. I know more than you.
I could invent myself as two diffeent people debating one another and would have more of an intellectual debate than trying to have one with you. That is how far gone you are.

You have an over-inflated sense of self. You are not an impressive "debater". We will "chat" later.
Not likely. You have no debatable value.
Go learn the difference between a conservative and a GOP RINO then return. :itsok:
Like I said, you're a coward.

You realize nobody cares what you think right. lol OMG some libtard called me a coward I'll be upset all day /mocking sarcasm :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
You can't mount a challenge to the facts. You're a coward and a loser.

Your personal attacks humor me. They are dripping with desperation and the need for acceptance. President Trump is a great president and he's doing a fantastic job. Nothing you whining sore losers can say will change that.
His criminal liabilty is going to change an awful lot.

What are his crimes?
Like I said, you're a coward.

You realize nobody cares what you think right. lol OMG some libtard called me a coward I'll be upset all day /mocking sarcasm :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
You can't mount a challenge to the facts. You're a coward and a loser.

Your personal attacks humor me. They are dripping with desperation and the need for acceptance. President Trump is a great president and he's doing a fantastic job. Nothing you whining sore losers can say will change that.
His criminal liabilty is going to change an awful lot.

What are his crimes?
You ran from my questions on another thread and didn't answer. Look up his crimes for yourself.
Trump’s key campaign issues coming back to bite
With Trump exploding the national debt, breaking promises to stop the exploding trade deficit, locking up children in cages, while some will never see their parents again, a failed border wall policy that is going nowhere, being humiliated in foreign policy by Kim Jong Un while he continues building rockets, seventeen criminal investigations into Trump, some of them being proven for legal scrutiny, why in the world would you vote for a self serving clown like this, who could give two shits about you? It makes no sense. And that doesn't include his racism and misogyny. This guy is an evil, horrible, human being. Why?
As to the original op, once again I can explain Trump winning in two words, Hillary Clinton.
Weird the way Republicans keep insisting Democrats are KKK when Democrats have so many minorities in the party.

And everyone knows, Democrats don't support Trump.

You know who does?


Hmm, yea, over here, you have Democrats who are white, black, Hispanic, Asian, and all the other minorities the KKK and Republicans don't like.

So obviously, the KKK would only be happy belonging to the GOP.
Democrats know their running on fumes. So they constantly stir the identity politics pot, hoping they can somehow convince the next emotionally vulnerable group of people that white conservatives are out to ruin their lives. They prey on the weak; LGBT, muslims, rape survivors. All while demonizing the one majority demographic that didn’t vote for them. White males. They are tearing apart our social fabric. All while constantly talking down to those who don’t match their level of higher education, as if intelligence is only defined by going to college. Their smug, entitled and in my opinion the least logical people in America. I voted for Trump solely based on my disguist for progressive America.
These folks like Dale Smith and other brainless Republicans, toss out claims and accusations in a debate, then never say anything to back them up with. They're worthless. I could debate myself, and it would be more interesting than what they have to offer.
I don't belong to either bought and paid for political parties, dumb ass. I have this thing called a "job"???? Ever heard of it? I work Friday thru Monday, ten hour shift. Don't fret, little fella, you will get the proof. The DNC establisment are commies and those of your ilk are useful idiots. I know more than you.
I could invent myself as two diffeent people debating one another and would have more of an intellectual debate than trying to have one with you. That is how far gone you are.

You have an over-inflated sense of self. You are not an impressive "debater". We will "chat" later.
Not likely. You have no debatable value.

The DNC, at a secret caucus in Washington, D.C in January of 1980 voted to adopt the socialist model of the 1930's. Dr. John Coleman, author and former MI6 agent spent many years writing his book "The Committee Of 300" had access to all kinds of documentation. They distanced themselves from the label of "liberals" to "progressives". Going back to Woodrow Wilson, a socialist, that signed off on the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, FDR's E.O demanding that U.S citizens must turn in their gold in exchange for federal reserve notes of debt in order to "discharge" a debt", HJR-192, U.S. Senate Document No. 43, 73rd Congress, 1st Session (1934): "The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called "ownership" is only by virtue of Government, i.e., law, amounting to mere "user" and use must be in acceptance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State." thus the loss of allodial rights to property. Any and all future labor was pledged as surety against the debt of USA.INC. So, tell me again how fucking awesome democrats are??? The republican party was taken over by Trotskyite neocons shortly after Goldwater lost his election bid in 1964. The further left this country has gone, those just right of center are considered extremists. It's simply pages right out of the Sal Alinsky handbook.

There was a day when the fabian socialists tried to hide what they were, after all, their coat of arms is that of a a wolf in sheep's clothing. It represents their approach in order to achieve represented its goal. Trevor Loudon has done an incredible job of researching the covert communist movement financed by the very elites the commies claim to be fighting against. Americans have been fed small doses of socialism to make them dependent on the largess of "the state" by stealing from Peter to give to Paul...thus they can always count on the support of Paul. The DNC and all their commie operatives do not operate under any code of ethics, there is no line in the sand that they will not cross because it's considered a meritorious deed if it furthers the cause as the ends justifies the means. They spit on the organic Constitution and believe that it is out-dated. Unfortunately for the commie fucks (whose ass you kiss) there are too many armed Americans that have no use for your ilk and they know all about the real reason for more draconian gun legislation. The commies need a disarmed, subservient populace that is dependent upon the state. They despise Christianity because to them, the state is "god" and a belief otherwise hinders the movement. Communism is nothing but socialism in a chew on that and let it sink in.

BTW, did you know that when the commies were defeated in Germany that they joined the Nazi party? They were called "Beef-steak Nazis"......brown on the outside and red in the middle. Look it up.
Trump’s key campaign issues coming back to bite
With Trump exploding the national debt, breaking promises to stop the exploding trade deficit, locking up children in cages, while some will never see their parents again, a failed border wall policy that is going nowhere, being humiliated in foreign policy by Kim Jong Un while he continues building rockets, seventeen criminal investigations into Trump, some of them being proven for legal scrutiny, why in the world would you vote for a self serving clown like this, who could give two shits about you? It makes no sense. And that doesn't include his racism and misogyny. This guy is an evil, horrible, human being. Why?
We voted for him to keep that bitch hillary out of office and with the fine examples you have running for 2020 it looks like he will win again
Not with seventeen criminal investigations and evidence to boot. Trump cultivated a bunch of cultist idiots, and you are just another victim.
Why dont you explain why hillary lost
You realize nobody cares what you think right. lol OMG some libtard called me a coward I'll be upset all day /mocking sarcasm :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
You can't mount a challenge to the facts. You're a coward and a loser.

Your personal attacks humor me. They are dripping with desperation and the need for acceptance. President Trump is a great president and he's doing a fantastic job. Nothing you whining sore losers can say will change that.
His criminal liabilty is going to change an awful lot.

What are his crimes?
You ran from my questions on another thread and didn't answer. Look up his crimes for yourself.

The crimes exist only in your delusional brain apparently.
Trump’s key campaign issues coming back to bite
With Trump exploding the national debt, breaking promises to stop the exploding trade deficit, locking up children in cages, while some will never see their parents again, a failed border wall policy that is going nowhere, being humiliated in foreign policy by Kim Jong Un while he continues building rockets, seventeen criminal investigations into Trump, some of them being proven for legal scrutiny, why in the world would you vote for a self serving clown like this, who could give two shits about you? It makes no sense. And that doesn't include his racism and misogyny. This guy is an evil, horrible, human being. Why?
We voted for him to keep that bitch hillary out of office and with the fine examples you have running for 2020 it looks like he will win again
Not with seventeen criminal investigations and evidence to boot. Trump cultivated a bunch of cultist idiots, and you are just another victim.
Why dont you explain why hillary lost
Seventeen investigations that are telling us this was an illegal election.
How many of "your" pictures are pre-2016?

And, I suppose you'd rather children who are in custody to be housed with adults?

Why is anybody in custody? Was a crime committed?
Seeking asylum isn't a crime. So why is anybody, especially children in "custody"?

True, seeking asylum isn't a crime. But, crossing the border at a place that is not a port of entry is illegal.
Most of these refugees, and likely all of them, are not crossing illegally. But when they get here, the kids are being kidnapped as a deterrent to come here.

"not crossing illegally"? Then why would they be in custody? You'll say anything, no matter how stupid or lacking reality it is.
They turned themselves in at the border to the authorities. What hole have you been living in?

So, they crossed the border illegally and turned themselves in. Why are you such a cowardly liar?
These folks like Dale Smith and other brainless Republicans, toss out claims and accusations in a debate, then never say anything to back them up with. They're worthless. I could debate myself, and it would be more interesting than what they have to offer.
dude, you are serious? you believe everything you hear without proof? Do you believe R. Kelly accusers? especially the new guy that happened across a video in his house of R Kelly doing a young lady? Can't make this shit up. I wonder how many americans carry videos of R Kelly doing young women in their houses. In Detroit, I guess this new guy. LOL.
Try our lowlife Pres
what about him? He was a womanizer. And what? I knew it when I voted for him. Don't know your point.

My point is that he has always been a lowlife.
Given $300 mm as a 5 year old.
Grandad brothel owner
Dad KKK rally
Great genes
Don refused to rent to blacks.
5 deferments, said his Vietnam sacrifice was to avoid a STD.
To be trumped in ny by contractors is to be screwed
A Scottish grandma wouldn't sell. He built a dune across her property so she couldn't see the North Sea
Pathetic cheap fixtures in the trump building
Wonder how his casino went bankrupt?
Wonder why no us bank would lend to him?
Trump = fart in the ROW no accident?
Terrific role model
Know why he created fewer jobs in his first 2 years than Obama did in his last two?
A pathetic fat bully
Like the record trade deficits, best in history?
Oh his economic adviser , got everything wrong when the economy went south?
There's more but tennis is on.
so you got nothing regarding the thread on trump when you thought you did. fk, go figure.

I guess I missed the thread on the con
Got nothing?
Just one, read the jobs report?
Don't care he created fewer than Obama?
The grandmother story maybe dons best lowlife example?
Or dragging his wife by the hair and raping her after she laughed at his latest weave?
Terrific role model
dude, you are serious? you believe everything you hear without proof? Do you believe R. Kelly accusers? especially the new guy that happened across a video in his house of R Kelly doing a young lady? Can't make this shit up. I wonder how many americans carry videos of R Kelly doing young women in their houses. In Detroit, I guess this new guy. LOL.
Try our lowlife Pres
what about him? He was a womanizer. And what? I knew it when I voted for him. Don't know your point.

My point is that he has always been a lowlife.
Given $300 mm as a 5 year old.
Grandad brothel owner
Dad KKK rally
Great genes
Don refused to rent to blacks.
5 deferments, said his Vietnam sacrifice was to avoid a STD.
To be trumped in ny by contractors is to be screwed
A Scottish grandma wouldn't sell. He built a dune across her property so she couldn't see the North Sea
Pathetic cheap fixtures in the trump building
Wonder how his casino went bankrupt?
Wonder why no us bank would lend to him?
Trump = fart in the ROW no accident?
Terrific role model
Know why he created fewer jobs in his first 2 years than Obama did in his last two?
A pathetic fat bully
Like the record trade deficits, best in history?
Oh his economic adviser , got everything wrong when the economy went south?
There's more but tennis is on.
so you got nothing regarding the thread on trump when you thought you did. fk, go figure.

I guess I missed the thread on the con
Got nothing?
Just one, read the jobs report?
Don't care he created fewer than Obama?
The grandmother story maybe dons best lowlife example?
Or dragging his wife by the hair and raping her after she laughed at his latest weave?
Terrific role model
you must be proud eh? you have the class of a.... well you have none. you are truly a sad fk to say the least. and maybe the most.
It's not just the Libs. It's Republicans who support all types of Socialism. I noticed you failed to mount a challenge to facts I presented you. No surprises there. Just blame the Libs like the coward you are.

Go learn the difference between a conservative and a GOP RINO then return. :itsok:
Like I said, you're a coward.

You realize nobody cares what you think right. lol OMG some libtard called me a coward I'll be upset all day /mocking sarcasm :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
You can't mount a challenge to the facts. You're a coward and a loser.

Your personal attacks humor me. They are dripping with desperation and the need for acceptance. President Trump is a great president and he's doing a fantastic job. Nothing you whining sore losers can say will change that.

All this dumb knees news hyperbole.
Can you just list his achievements? I'm still looking
Fewer jobs created than Obama?
Economy following the 10 year graph?
Record trade deficits?
Woman groper on the supremes?
Filthy air?
Cutting Medicare?
White hate groups up 50%?
Hey I'm a millionaire corporate guy who never voted for a dem in my life.
Just interested in what he has actually done .
I see all the white rube boys cheering but nothing specific.
Can you just list how he has helped?
Doesn't matter to me who is in office, get richer no matter who
Go learn the difference between a conservative and a GOP RINO then return. :itsok:
Like I said, you're a coward.

You realize nobody cares what you think right. lol OMG some libtard called me a coward I'll be upset all day /mocking sarcasm :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
You can't mount a challenge to the facts. You're a coward and a loser.

Your personal attacks humor me. They are dripping with desperation and the need for acceptance. President Trump is a great president and he's doing a fantastic job. Nothing you whining sore losers can say will change that.

All this dumb knees news hyperbole.
Can you just list his achievements? I'm still looking
Fewer jobs created than Obama?
Economy following the 10 year graph?
Record trade deficits?
Woman groper on the supremes?
Filthy air?
Cutting Medicare?
White hate groups up 50%?
Hey I'm a millionaire corporate guy who never voted for a dem in my life.
Just interested in what he has actually done .
I see all the white rube boys cheering but nothing specific.
Can you just list how he has helped?
Doesn't matter to me who is in office, get richer no matter who
still you are a person of no class. you must be very proud to be a classless human. exponentially so at that. you double down when all else fails.
Try our lowlife Pres
what about him? He was a womanizer. And what? I knew it when I voted for him. Don't know your point.

My point is that he has always been a lowlife.
Given $300 mm as a 5 year old.
Grandad brothel owner
Dad KKK rally
Great genes
Don refused to rent to blacks.
5 deferments, said his Vietnam sacrifice was to avoid a STD.
To be trumped in ny by contractors is to be screwed
A Scottish grandma wouldn't sell. He built a dune across her property so she couldn't see the North Sea
Pathetic cheap fixtures in the trump building
Wonder how his casino went bankrupt?
Wonder why no us bank would lend to him?
Trump = fart in the ROW no accident?
Terrific role model
Know why he created fewer jobs in his first 2 years than Obama did in his last two?
A pathetic fat bully
Like the record trade deficits, best in history?
Oh his economic adviser , got everything wrong when the economy went south?
There's more but tennis is on.
so you got nothing regarding the thread on trump when you thought you did. fk, go figure.

I guess I missed the thread on the con
Got nothing?
Just one, read the jobs report?
Don't care he created fewer than Obama?
The grandmother story maybe dons best lowlife example?
Or dragging his wife by the hair and raping her after she laughed at his latest weave?
Terrific role model
you must be proud eh? you have the class of a.... well you have none. you are truly a sad fk to say the least. and maybe the most.

Proud of what?
I'm just listing the cons class, not mine
And you still love him??
Are you jealous of his raping and fondling?
And we haven't even gone into his teenage girls dressing room viewing?
And he would screw his daughter if she wasn't his daughter?
Jealous of that too?
  • Thanks
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what about him? He was a womanizer. And what? I knew it when I voted for him. Don't know your point.

My point is that he has always been a lowlife.
Given $300 mm as a 5 year old.
Grandad brothel owner
Dad KKK rally
Great genes
Don refused to rent to blacks.
5 deferments, said his Vietnam sacrifice was to avoid a STD.
To be trumped in ny by contractors is to be screwed
A Scottish grandma wouldn't sell. He built a dune across her property so she couldn't see the North Sea
Pathetic cheap fixtures in the trump building
Wonder how his casino went bankrupt?
Wonder why no us bank would lend to him?
Trump = fart in the ROW no accident?
Terrific role model
Know why he created fewer jobs in his first 2 years than Obama did in his last two?
A pathetic fat bully
Like the record trade deficits, best in history?
Oh his economic adviser , got everything wrong when the economy went south?
There's more but tennis is on.
so you got nothing regarding the thread on trump when you thought you did. fk, go figure.

I guess I missed the thread on the con
Got nothing?
Just one, read the jobs report?
Don't care he created fewer than Obama?
The grandmother story maybe dons best lowlife example?
Or dragging his wife by the hair and raping her after she laughed at his latest weave?
Terrific role model
you must be proud eh? you have the class of a.... well you have none. you are truly a sad fk to say the least. and maybe the most.

Proud of what?
I'm just listing the cons class, not mine
And you still love him??
Are you jealous of his raping and fondling?
And we haven't even gone into his teenage girls dressing room viewing?
And he would screw his daughter if she wasn't his daughter?
Jealous of that too?
Again, what has he actually done apart from lindebergh hat stupidity?
Like I said, you're a coward.

You realize nobody cares what you think right. lol OMG some libtard called me a coward I'll be upset all day /mocking sarcasm :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
You can't mount a challenge to the facts. You're a coward and a loser.

Your personal attacks humor me. They are dripping with desperation and the need for acceptance. President Trump is a great president and he's doing a fantastic job. Nothing you whining sore losers can say will change that.

All this dumb knees news hyperbole.
Can you just list his achievements? I'm still looking
Fewer jobs created than Obama?
Economy following the 10 year graph?
Record trade deficits?
Woman groper on the supremes?
Filthy air?
Cutting Medicare?
White hate groups up 50%?
Hey I'm a millionaire corporate guy who never voted for a dem in my life.
Just interested in what he has actually done .
I see all the white rube boys cheering but nothing specific.
Can you just list how he has helped?
Doesn't matter to me who is in office, get richer no matter who
still you are a person of no class. you must be very proud to be a classless human. exponentially so at that. you double down when all else fails.

Double down?
I'm just asking you for the cons achievements?
The silence is deafening
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