So the Bundys don't actually owe a million in taxes....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Yet another lie told by the lying media and their masters.

"To avoid bloodshed, the BLM stood by and allowed demonstrators to turn loose the cattle, but didn't back down from claims that Bundy also owed the federal government $1.1 million. He still hasn't paid.
"Bundy told The Oregonian Thursday he doesn't owe anything. And one more thing: "I've never been billed."
"The BLM's public pronouncement about the debt led to head scratching among Oregon cattle ranchers, puzzled how one rancher could rack up and then evade such a debt. The BLM, which manages about one-fourth of Oregon's acreage, diligently collects fees from ranchers around the state. The total outstanding debt from Oregon ranchers in April was $18,759.
"BLM officials, however, have repeatedly refused to document the basis for their $1.1 million claim and initially wouldn't say a word about its attempts to collect the debt. The agency's stature earned another black eye last week from the Nevada sheriff who initially agreed to help BLM gather up Bundy's cattle."

BLM won't back up claim rancher Cliven Bundy owes $1 million
yes there is a chart out there on what a rancher was supposed to per per head

bundy would have had to more then 650 thousand cattle to arrive at that number

the feds simply created a fine with penalties and like the IRS astronomical interest
BLM. Everytime there's a thread about blm I automatically assume it's about the fucking federal bastard pig overreach.

It's all got much more confusing...there's the black blms who protest..and the ranchers who protest the govt blm
Shit, it is confusing...

They should protest together, since they are both protesting the government...
No joke, I suggested contacting the leaders of BLM and having them come to march into the refuge, get those people, and march them out again.

I'm sure everybody probably would have died, it's probably for the best that nobody listened to me. David was a little bit of a loose cannon, though I really don't think he is a threat to anybody. His bravado was more of a fright response to threat, not aggression.
That would have been a great headline, three weeks afterwards, when the press got around to publishing it. The fucks.
Shit, it is confusing...

They should protest together, since they are both protesting the government...
I thought it sounded like a good idea! they're protesting government corruption.

It does give one a little different slant on the whole blm thing, I have to say. I'd never thought of it in quite those terms, but I tell you, the hatred we have for BLM and environmental groups is very very real, very deep, and has been there a very long time, and results in a twitchy-trigger-finger hatred towards anybody who is associated with them.
that poor kid. I feel so sorry for him...finicum died, the "real militia" treated him like dirt. Those assholes should be ashamed of themselves.

But live and learn.

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