So these retarded City Leaders in Philly think they can tell you how to spend your Thanksgiving?

These jackasses think they can tell people who to visit and supposed to make this big announcement on Monday about some new restrictions? LOL

New COVID-19 restrictions for Philly set to be announced Monday

The City of Philadelphia is expected to announce new restrictions related to the coronavirus outbreak on Monday.


I bet you that THEY themselves will go to a nice big ThanksGiving Dinner, while telling others what to do with their life.
These jackasses think they can tell people who to visit and supposed to make this big announcement on Monday about some new restrictions? LOL

New COVID-19 restrictions for Philly set to be announced Monday

The City of Philadelphia is expected to announce new restrictions related to the coronavirus outbreak on Monday.


I bet you that THEY themselves will go to a nice big ThanksGiving Dinner, while telling others what to do with their life.

Its a waste of breathe to even recommend it
These jackasses think they can tell people who to visit and supposed to make this big announcement on Monday about some new restrictions? LOL

New COVID-19 restrictions for Philly set to be announced Monday

The City of Philadelphia is expected to announce new restrictions related to the coronavirus outbreak on Monday.


I bet you that THEY themselves will go to a nice big ThanksGiving Dinner, while telling others what to do with their life.
Exactly then when caught on camera, play the victim..

Fuck them no more stealing


Fuck them no more stealing Thanksgiving

Fuck them no more of them stealing Christmas

Fuck them no more stealing the super bowl

And easter and forth of July and stupid what ever new holiday they make up.
These jackasses think they can tell people who to visit and supposed to make this big announcement on Monday about some new restrictions? LOL

New COVID-19 restrictions for Philly set to be announced Monday

The City of Philadelphia is expected to announce new restrictions related to the coronavirus outbreak on Monday.

Total cases going vertical. Over 1200 new cases yesterday. No other county remotely close. Yesterdays new cases in that county about equal to the combined total of next 4 highest counties in the state. Election is over. Time to fight the virus. I wish them luck.
These jackasses think they can tell people who to visit and supposed to make this big announcement on Monday about some new restrictions? LOL

New COVID-19 restrictions for Philly set to be announced Monday

The City of Philadelphia is expected to announce new restrictions related to the coronavirus outbreak on Monday.

Total cases going vertical. Over 1200 new cases yesterday. No other county remotely close. Yesterdays new cases in that county about equal to the combined total of next 4 highest counties in the state. Election is over. Time to fight the virus. I wish them luck.
Meanwhile in Chicago 20 more gun down
These jackasses think they can tell people who to visit and supposed to make this big announcement on Monday about some new restrictions? LOL

New COVID-19 restrictions for Philly set to be announced Monday

The City of Philadelphia is expected to announce new restrictions related to the coronavirus outbreak on Monday.

Total cases going vertical. Over 1200 new cases yesterday. No other county remotely close. Yesterdays new cases in that county about equal to the combined total of next 4 highest counties in the state. Election is over. Time to fight the virus. I wish them luck.
Meanwhile in Chicago 20 more gun down
I can catch covid again, according to my primary care, so we take precautions. All I have to do to avoid getting gunned down in Chicago is stay out of Chicago. My backup plan is the PPQ I carry. I always take precautions. It's the conservative thing to do.
These jackasses think they can tell people who to visit and supposed to make this big announcement on Monday about some new restrictions? LOL

New COVID-19 restrictions for Philly set to be announced Monday

The City of Philadelphia is expected to announce new restrictions related to the coronavirus outbreak on Monday.

Total cases going vertical. Over 1200 new cases yesterday. No other county remotely close. Yesterdays new cases in that county about equal to the combined total of next 4 highest counties in the state. Election is over. Time to fight the virus. I wish them luck.
Meanwhile in Chicago 20 more gun down
I can catch covid again, according to my primary care, so we take precautions. All I have to do to avoid getting gunned down in Chicago is stay out of Chicago. My backup plan is the PPQ I carry. I always take precautions. It's the conservative thing to do.
So you got it three times already?
Total cases going vertical. Over 1200 new cases yesterday

Do you know how many people contract the flu on a daily basis during an average flu season?

No, you don't. Because no one does.

We haven't tested the general population for the flu in any previous flu season.

In any previous year, if you died in the hospital from flu, your death certificate was likely to say, "Lower Respiratory Infection" (or something similar) as a cause of death. Even if you were suspected of having a seasonal flu, you wouldn't have been tested for the specific virus.

This amount of testing of the general population for any disease is without precedent in history so, why would be be at all surprised if the number of positive results are proportional to the number of tests given?
These jackasses think they can tell people who to visit and supposed to make this big announcement on Monday about some new restrictions? LOL

New COVID-19 restrictions for Philly set to be announced Monday

The City of Philadelphia is expected to announce new restrictions related to the coronavirus outbreak on Monday.

Total cases going vertical. Over 1200 new cases yesterday. No other county remotely close. Yesterdays new cases in that county about equal to the combined total of next 4 highest counties in the state. Election is over. Time to fight the virus. I wish them luck.
Meanwhile in Chicago 20 more gun down
I can catch covid again, according to my primary care, so we take precautions. All I have to do to avoid getting gunned down in Chicago is stay out of Chicago. My backup plan is the PPQ I carry. I always take precautions. It's the conservative thing to do.
So you got it three times already?
Not covid, as i have only been sick once this year, but I have had a total of 4 tests. Two nasal swab and two serum antigen. Antigen test is the only one I requested copy of the lab report on.
Total cases going vertical. Over 1200 new cases yesterday

Do you know how many people contract the flu on a daily basis during an average flu season?

No, you don't. Because no one does.

We haven't tested the general population for the flu in any previous flu season.

In any previous year, if you died in the hospital from flu, your death certificate was likely to say, "Lower Respiratory Infection" (or something similar) as a cause of death. Even if you were suspected of having a seasonal flu, you wouldn't have been tested for the specific virus.

This amount of testing of the general population for any disease is without precedent in history so, why would be be at all surprised if the number of positive results are proportional to the number of tests given?
I can see the logic of that statement, but it does not account for the number of associated hospitalizations and deaths. I read that there are a lot of tests out there and all are under temporary use authorization. Have read that their accuracy varies. After most of a year going by, one would suspect it is time to winnow down the field of tests to the ones with reliability over 90%. None of the tests I have taken gave me immediate same day results. Everybody want something quick. I am retired and in no hurry.
but it does not account for the number of associated hospitalizations and deaths

Hospitalizations are up because of panic. Every time someone sneezes these days, they rush to the ER. Hospitals, loathe to turn anyone symptomatic away for fear of a lawsuit, will fill their inpatient wards to capacity and then cry to the press that they are at capacity due to COVID.

As for deaths, COVID is being over-reported. As I stated previously, in previous years, flu wasn't typically listed as a contributing cause of death because without a virus-specific test (which haven't been administered in previous years), it would have been speculation. -- see below:

John Hopkins says, " In the U.S., for Oct. 1, 2019–Apr. 4, 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that there were 39 million to 56 million cases of flu. (The CDC does not know the exact number because the flu is not a reportable disease in most parts of the U.S.) "

However, the CDC recently released figures confirming that if you are under 70 and not suffering from a secondary medical condition, the percentage of those surviving a COVID infection are 99.5%, similar to seasonal influenza.

Mathematically-speaking, you are at no greater risk from COVID than you are from seasonal influenza. However, to date, I can't recall where a global emergency and draconian lock down measures have been introduced for a seasonal flu.

We have given political clout to persons who, in previous years, issued bulletins and directives that everyone effectively ignored. Now, drunk on their new power to dictate policy, we are seeing the consequences of unconstrained fear-mongering.

This isn't a conspiracy. A conspiracy would imply that this was planned. I don't believe it was. This is merely a perfect storm of media hype, public hysteria, and opportunistic politicians using human nature to advance their power bases. Humans will often allow themselves to be controlled just by our natures. No conspiracy is required.

What worries me most is that, now empowered to destroy the economy, agencies who previously could only issue advice will continue to wreak havoc on the nation's businesses for every future flu season in the name of 'public safety'.
This amount of testing of the general population for any disease is without precedent in history so, why would be be at all surprised if the number of positive results are proportional to the number of tests given?
Yeah yeah. The clue is in the rate of positive results.
Total cases going vertical. Over 1200 new cases yesterday

Do you know how many people contract the flu on a daily basis during an average flu season?

No, you don't. Because no one does.

We haven't tested the general population for the flu in any previous flu season.

In any previous year, if you died in the hospital from flu, your death certificate was likely to say, "Lower Respiratory Infection" (or something similar) as a cause of death. Even if you were suspected of having a seasonal flu, you wouldn't have been tested for the specific virus.

This amount of testing of the general population for any disease is without precedent in history so, why would be be at all surprised if the number of positive results are proportional to the number of tests given?

You make too much sense to be taken seriously. Serious!
This amount of testing of the general population for any disease is without precedent in history so, why would be be at all surprised if the number of positive results are proportional to the number of tests given?
Yeah yeah. The clue is in the rate of positive results.

You can't claim that the rate of positive results is higher than for previous seasonal flus because we have never tested the general population for flu before.

A statistical sample of ONE isn't very useful.
but it does not account for the number of associated hospitalizations and deaths

Hospitalizations are up because of panic. Every time someone sneezes these days, they rush to the ER. Hospitals, loathe to turn anyone symptomatic away for fear of a lawsuit, will fill their inpatient wards to capacity and then cry to the press that they are at capacity due to COVID.

As for deaths, COVID is being over-reported. As I stated previously, in previous years, flu wasn't typically listed as a contributing cause of death because without a virus-specific test (which haven't been administered in previous years), it would have been speculation. -- see below:

John Hopkins says, " In the U.S., for Oct. 1, 2019–Apr. 4, 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that there were 39 million to 56 million cases of flu. (The CDC does not know the exact number because the flu is not a reportable disease in most parts of the U.S.) "

However, the CDC recently released figures confirming that if you are under 70 and not suffering from a secondary medical condition, the percentage of those surviving a COVID infection are 99.5%, similar to seasonal influenza.

Mathematically-speaking, you are at no greater risk from COVID than you are from seasonal influenza. However, to date, I can't recall where a global emergency and draconian lock down measures have been introduced for a seasonal flu.

We have given political clout to persons who, in previous years, issued bulletins and directives that everyone effectively ignored. Now, drunk on their new power to dictate policy, we are seeing the consequences of unconstrained fear-mongering.

This isn't a conspiracy. A conspiracy would imply that this was planned. I don't believe it was. This is merely a perfect storm of media hype, public hysteria, and opportunistic politicians using human nature to advance their power bases. Humans will often allow themselves to be controlled just by our natures. No conspiracy is required.

What worries me most is that, now empowered to destroy the economy, agencies who previously could only issue advice will continue to wreak havoc on the nation's businesses for every future flu season in the name of 'public safety'.
Agree with your first paragraph. That said, some people have fallen down dead without going to the hospital or like a doctor I read about in a foreign country falling down dead with it while treating covid patients. I'm 66 and have never spent a night in a hospital and did not go when I was sick.

Deaths are in fact up and there is no other accounting for it that I can easily buy into. Covid is or can be very serious and the difference between manageable cold/flu like and dead without treatment can be a matter of hours. I was outside in the yard talking to the young man next door, the day before. We were masked as everybody around here was with the levels of covid going around here at the time. He looked a little ashy but said he was fine, just getting over a cold. Never dreamed I would be giving CPR to him the next day. Didn't know he was two week back from Detroit during the height of that city's Covid Emergency, either.

I am not as worried about the economy, but that is probably because I have somewhat insulated myself from it. I take precautions on anything when I can. I always have. I recommend taking reasonable personal precautions. It is the conservative way to be, not taking foolish chances or recommending others take foolish chances. It works for me.
A statistical sample of ONE isn't very useful.
Yeah yeah. That you want to deny the bulk of medical professionals' opinions regarding COVID deaths while ignoring warnings of hospitals and morgues at capacity in favour of some bullshit sophistry does not surprise me in the least. Happy Thanksgiving.
A statistical sample of ONE isn't very useful.
Happy Thanksgiving.

It will be ...


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