So this happened

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
I have a coworker we'll call Bill. He's super political, a diehard socialist, and subscribes to pretty much every liberal plank. He's a vegetarian Buddhist and supports wealth redistribution, the Black Lives Matter movement (he's also a black guy from the projects), legalizing all drugs and abolishing drug tests, and totally unlimited abortion. We share a few of these in common and he's a pretty great guy in general so I've always counted him as one of my few work friends. I'm pretty sure his IQ is at least 130 just from talking to him.

So yesterday he comes in starts bullshitting with me and the sergeant while waiting on the rest of the flight to come in. We have a good talk about drug testing for welfare recipients and then he leaves to go find everyone. Maybe a half hour later he comes back from the break room and starts telling us about his debate there with our super libertarian coworker. One thing leads to another and he just point blank asks me what I think of abortion. I tell him I don't think that's an appropriate discussion in the workplace. He prods me a little more. I go back to reading scary stories and he and the sergeant just start making abortion jokes between themselves.

A couple hours later our relief arrives and we go home. I jump on Facebook and basically say I found it disrespectful that he kept trying to force the subject and explain my views. I told him I follow what's been called the consistent life ethic: no war, no death penalty, no euthanasia, no abortion, and no torture. If it harms or destroys a human life then it's a no go to me. His only response was that it was an admirable position and that there's common ground between our goals. That... kind of impressed me tbh. I was half expecting him to immediately drop me and start telling everyone I'm a crazy woman hating xenophobic fascist Republican who wants to kill everyone. That's very much been my experience with the pro-abortion side so far. I just wanted to share my discovery that at least one of them isn't like that.
I have a coworker we'll call Bill. He's super political, a diehard socialist, and subscribes to pretty much every liberal plank. He's a vegetarian Buddhist and supports wealth redistribution, the Black Lives Matter movement (he's also a black guy from the projects), legalizing all drugs and abolishing drug tests, and totally unlimited abortion. We share a few of these in common and he's a pretty great guy in general so I've always counted him as one of my few work friends. I'm pretty sure his IQ is at least 130 just from talking to him.

So yesterday he comes in starts bullshitting with me and the sergeant while waiting on the rest of the flight to come in. We have a good talk about drug testing for welfare recipients and then he leaves to go find everyone. Maybe a half hour later he comes back from the break room and starts telling us about his debate there with our super libertarian coworker. One thing leads to another and he just point blank asks me what I think of abortion. I tell him I don't think that's an appropriate discussion in the workplace. He prods me a little more. I go back to reading scary stories and he and the sergeant just start making abortion jokes between themselves.

A couple hours later our relief arrives and we go home. I jump on Facebook and basically say I found it disrespectful that he kept trying to force the subject and explain my views. I told him I follow what's been called the consistent life ethic: no war, no death penalty, no euthanasia, no abortion, and no torture. If it harms or destroys a human life then it's a no go to me. His only response was that it was an admirable position and that there's common ground between our goals. That... kind of impressed me tbh. I was half expecting him to immediately drop me and start telling everyone I'm a crazy woman hating xenophobic fascist Republican who wants to kill everyone. That's very much been my experience with the pro-abortion side so far. I just wanted to share my discovery that at least one of them isn't like that.
I imagine he was scared shitless you were going to file a complaint against him.
Um, no? We talked it over. Turns out we have the same goals and different ideas about how to reach them. It was handled as adults. I was just surprised because that was the first time the admission of my own ideals didn't immediately lead to the complete breakdown of maturity and dialogue. Every other time has resulted in the person throwing a long term temper tantrum.
Um, no? We talked it over. Turns out we have the same goals and different ideas about how to reach them. It was handled as adults. I was just surprised because that was the first time the admission of my own ideals didn't immediately lead to the complete breakdown of maturity and dialogue. Every other time has resulted in the person throwing a long term temper tantrum.
You conveniently are forgetting that initially he and the sarge were harassing you.
You need to pull Bill aside one day and tell him that there is something very important to you that you want to speak to him about. Invite him to go out for a beer after work and tell him you are buying. Tell him where to meet you. If pressed, just tell him that this is about something personal to you and that any explanation is too involved to go into it at the moment, which is why you are inviting him to beers.

Meet him at the beer drinking spot. Make small talk and have a couple of beers. Eventually he will ask you what is up. Tell him that the abortion talk at work caused you to feel a little uncomfortable. "I thought we had that worked out", he will say. "Oh yeah! Of course, dude, we are square. I just wanted to explain myself a little better", you will say.

"Hey dude, that's not necessary", says Bill.

"I know, and it is no biggie, really. I just feel bad about how I attacked you on Facebook. C'mon, have another beer. I'm buying, remember?", says you.

Order another beer for him and tell the bartender to keep them coming. At this point you just keep him drinking until he gets really shit faced. Order some shots.

Finally, get him outside. Tell him that you got something you want to show him. Tell him it is in your trunk. Go to your car and open up the trunk while he staggers up behind you. Have one of those retractable police batons stashed away in your trunk. When he gets into range you snatch up that baton, swing around and bash Bill's fucking jaw into a million pieces with it.

He will hit the ground, completely surprised by your stealth attack. Flip the baton so that it extends fully, then beat the unholy shit out of both knee caps until you hear those fuckers shatter.

Finally, when Bill is lying there crying in pain, in a puddle of his own blood and piss, you bend over him, stick a finger in his face and say, "bitch, you ever talk to me like that again and I am REALLY gonna hurt you, got it?" Then take the baton and whack the shit out of him one more time. Get into your car and leave the prick lying there to think about what has happened.
You need to pull Bill aside one day and tell him that there is something very important to you that you want to speak to him about. Invite him to go out for a beer after work and tell him you are buying. Tell him where to meet you. If pressed, just tell him that this is about something personal to you and that any explanation is too involved to go into it at the moment, which is why you are inviting him to beers.

Meet him at the beer drinking spot. Make small talk and have a couple of beers. Eventually he will ask you what is up. Tell him that the abortion talk at work caused you to feel a little uncomfortable. "I thought we had that worked out", he will say. "Oh yeah! Of course, dude, we are square. I just wanted to explain myself a little better", you will say.

"Hey dude, that's not necessary", says Bill.

"I know, and it is no biggie, really. I just feel bad about how I attacked you on Facebook. C'mon, have another beer. I'm buying, remember?", says you.

Order another beer for him and tell the bartender to keep them coming. At this point you just keep him drinking until he gets really shit faced. Order some shots.

Finally, get him outside. Tell him that you got something you want to show him. Tell him it is in your trunk. Go to your car and open up the trunk while he staggers up behind you. Have one of those retractable police batons stashed away in your trunk. When he gets into range you snatch up that baton, swing around and bash Bill's fucking jaw into a million pieces with it.

He will hit the ground, completely surprised by your stealth attack. Flip the baton so that it extends fully, then beat the unholy shit out of both knee caps until you hear those fuckers shatter.

Finally, when Bill is lying there crying in pain, in a puddle of his own blood and piss, you bend over him, stick a finger in his face and say, "bitch, you ever talk to me like that again and I am REALLY gonna hurt you, got it?" Then take the baton and whack the shit out of him one more time. Get into your car and leave the prick lying there to think about what has happened.
Why the fuck would someone do any of this? That's quite literally the most sociopathic thing I've read today.
Iron Head, you're a dick.

You and people like you are the reason for the divisions in this country.
Not really.
The point of the OP was that he was actually reasonable and chill about it. I wanted to share that because it was a unique experience for me. I was half expecting to get formally shit on by leadership.
Iron Head, you're a dick.

You and people like you are the reason for the divisions in this country.
Grandma, are you really an old geezer? It is funny as hell that an old geezer would call someone a "dick"! Ha ha ha!!!!!
You need to pull Bill aside one day and tell him that there is something very important to you that you want to speak to him about. Invite him to go out for a beer after work and tell him you are buying. Tell him where to meet you. If pressed, just tell him that this is about something personal to you and that any explanation is too involved to go into it at the moment, which is why you are inviting him to beers.

Meet him at the beer drinking spot. Make small talk and have a couple of beers. Eventually he will ask you what is up. Tell him that the abortion talk at work caused you to feel a little uncomfortable. "I thought we had that worked out", he will say. "Oh yeah! Of course, dude, we are square. I just wanted to explain myself a little better", you will say.

"Hey dude, that's not necessary", says Bill.

"I know, and it is no biggie, really. I just feel bad about how I attacked you on Facebook. C'mon, have another beer. I'm buying, remember?", says you.

Order another beer for him and tell the bartender to keep them coming. At this point you just keep him drinking until he gets really shit faced. Order some shots.

Finally, get him outside. Tell him that you got something you want to show him. Tell him it is in your trunk. Go to your car and open up the trunk while he staggers up behind you. Have one of those retractable police batons stashed away in your trunk. When he gets into range you snatch up that baton, swing around and bash Bill's fucking jaw into a million pieces with it.

He will hit the ground, completely surprised by your stealth attack. Flip the baton so that it extends fully, then beat the unholy shit out of both knee caps until you hear those fuckers shatter.

Finally, when Bill is lying there crying in pain, in a puddle of his own blood and piss, you bend over him, stick a finger in his face and say, "bitch, you ever talk to me like that again and I am REALLY gonna hurt you, got it?" Then take the baton and whack the shit out of him one more time. Get into your car and leave the prick lying there to think about what has happened.
Why the fuck would someone do any of this? That's quite literally the most sociopathic thing I've read today.
Lighten up. Bill sounds like a blow-hard who needs a good bitch slapping. You'd be doing him a favor.
Iron Head, you're a dick.

You and people like you are the reason for the divisions in this country.
Not really.
The point of the OP was that he was actually reasonable and chill about it. I wanted to share that because it was a unique experience for me. I was half expecting to get formally shit on by leadership.
Jeering at and harassing you at work isn't reasonable or chill. Your buddy, like all progs, is a bully and a puke. Don't be stupid just because he shows a different face when someone isn't cheering him on. He's a sheep, and you need to grow a pair.
I don't get the going on Facefuck or Titter thing these days. Seems cowardly to me. If someone gives you grief at work you tell them to their face to go fuck off. If they don't leave you alone you bring it to the supervisor, they don't need some asshole stirring up shit on the job.
I don't get the going on Facefuck or Titter thing these days. Seems cowardly to me. If someone gives you grief at work you tell them to their face to go fuck off. If they don't leave you alone you bring it to the supervisor, they don't need some asshole stirring up shit on the job.
yeah work and fb...bad combo.
Iron Head, you're a dick.

You and people like you are the reason for the divisions in this country.
Grandma, are you really an old geezer? It is funny as hell that an old geezer would call someone a "dick"! Ha ha ha!!!!!

I'm 58.

It's not even slightly amusing that you'd call for bodily harm to an individual that you disagree with.

Whether you think it's funny or not, my calling you a dick is quite sincere.
Iron Head, you're a dick.

You and people like you are the reason for the divisions in this country.
Grandma, are you really an old geezer? It is funny as hell that an old geezer would call someone a "dick"! Ha ha ha!!!!!

I'm 58.

It's not even slightly amusing that you'd call for bodily harm to an individual that you disagree with.

Whether you think it's funny or not, my calling you a dick is quite sincere.
Ok, I don't doubt it. I have just never heard a granny call someone a "dick" before!
I have a coworker we'll call Bill. He's super political, a diehard socialist, and subscribes to pretty much every liberal plank. He's a vegetarian Buddhist and supports wealth redistribution, the Black Lives Matter movement (he's also a black guy from the projects), legalizing all drugs and abolishing drug tests, and totally unlimited abortion. We share a few of these in common and he's a pretty great guy in general so I've always counted him as one of my few work friends. I'm pretty sure his IQ is at least 130 just from talking to him.

So yesterday he comes in starts bullshitting with me and the sergeant while waiting on the rest of the flight to come in. We have a good talk about drug testing for welfare recipients and then he leaves to go find everyone. Maybe a half hour later he comes back from the break room and starts telling us about his debate there with our super libertarian coworker. One thing leads to another and he just point blank asks me what I think of abortion. I tell him I don't think that's an appropriate discussion in the workplace. He prods me a little more. I go back to reading scary stories and he and the sergeant just start making abortion jokes between themselves.

A couple hours later our relief arrives and we go home. I jump on Facebook and basically say I found it disrespectful that he kept trying to force the subject and explain my views. I told him I follow what's been called the consistent life ethic: no war, no death penalty, no euthanasia, no abortion, and no torture. If it harms or destroys a human life then it's a no go to me. His only response was that it was an admirable position and that there's common ground between our goals. That... kind of impressed me tbh. I was half expecting him to immediately drop me and start telling everyone I'm a crazy woman hating xenophobic fascist Republican who wants to kill everyone. That's very much been my experience with the pro-abortion side so far. I just wanted to share my discovery that at least one of them isn't like that.
you truly need to get out more often


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