So this is the state of our world.

So? How does that bolster your claim that somehow before Biden we were not dependent on foreign oil?
When we close off US land for drilling and stop a needed pipeline the global costs go up and we have to beg OPEC and Russia to produce more to make up the difference...I bet you don't even know we are back to buying oil from Russia...we are buying oil from Putin as he kills innocent does that make you feel?....
When we close off US land for drilling and stop a needed pipeline the global costs go up
Global costs didn't cause the cuts in production in 2020. Nor did Biden's EO's cause the spike in demand or slow the return to the high production levels pre-pandemic.
and we have to beg OPEC and Russia to produce more to make up the difference..
No different than Trump.
.I bet you don't even know we are back to buying oil from Russia...we are buying oil from Putin as he kills innocent does that make you feel?....

So you don't know US and UK oil companies own some shares of some Russian ventures and have been selling it to US refiners for 25 years now!

BULLSHIT ON A STICK PAL....stop lying you are transparent as hell....
Yeah that drop in demand because of the pandemic was nothing at effect on nothin at all, Saul Biden's fault.

You are lying to yourself.
Yeah that drop in demand because of the pandemic was nothing at effect on nothin at all, Saul Biden's fault.

You are lying to yourself.
Dude the Pandemic is over stop blaming the China flu....Joe blocked drilling on public oil rich land....not the pandemic...there is a global shortage because OPEC will not do what Biden is begging them to do...produce more crude...we are buying oil today from Putin as he kills civilians...don't you see how wrong that is?....
So? How does that bolster your claim that somehow before Biden we were not dependent on foreign oil?
We were selling oil and gas while Trump was president...we were not buying it for the first time in my life...our natural gas is cleaner than Russia's gas...but Joe turned that all on its head...Why?...just because Trump made it Joe a leader and a man or a 2-year-old bent on revenge?.....
Joe blocked drilling on public oil rich land
Contrary to known reality. They've been approving new drilling permits at a higher level than during Trumps first year.

there is a global shortage because OPEC will not do what Biden is begging them to do
Global production as well as US production was at a peak and it didn't get there overnight. It will take time to climb that mountain again and get back that level of production.
we are buying oil today from Putin as he kills civilians
We've been buying oil from Russia for 25 years while Puti-bear has poisoned many opponents and killed many civilans. Well it was BP, Shell, and Exxon but.......
We were selling oil and gas while Trump was president...we were not buying it for the first time in my life.
But we were still buying oil because we were and are still oil dependent. We use 20 mbd, and at the peak of our production we produced 13 mbd. As a bonus we bought Russian oil all through Trumps term, BFD.
We were selling oil and gas while Trump was president...we were not buying it for the first time in my life...our natural gas is cleaner than Russia's gas...but Joe turned that all on its head...Why?...just because Trump made it Joe a leader and a man or a 2-year-old bent on revenge?.....

Joey's just wandering around rubber stamping Globalist know nothing's in his Party.
But we were still buying oil because we were and are still oil dependent. We use 20 mbd, and at the peak of our production we produced 13 mbd. As a bonus we bought Russian oil all through Trumps term, BFD.
You are wrong...we were drilling like crazy under Trump and we were fracking...Joe shut it all down and all he has to do to bring Russia to its knees is to go back to that drilling and fracking and put Putin out of the oil business...but Joe fears the weather...or says he does...
You are wrong...we were drilling like crazy under Trump and we were fracking...Joe shut it all down and all he has to do to bring Russia to its knees is to go back to that drilling and fracking and put Putin out of the oil business...but Joe fears the weather...or says he does...

Under Trump, we ended up selling more than we were buying!!
Dimm's don't know the meaning of the word LEVERAGE.
You are wrong...we were drilling like crazy under Trump and we were fracking...Joe shut it all down
Biden's EO didn't shut down any active drilling site or cancel any drilling permit. It paused the permitting process. It was the first pause to be reversed and new permits have been handed out all year.

Under Trump, we ended up selling more than we were buying!!
Dimm's don't know the meaning of the word LEVERAGE.

Yet this person raised a question that reflects a belief I have seen expressed many times. That is that President Trump made us energy independent, and now under President Biden we have lost that energy independence. Once again, the truth requires a bit more discussion.

“Annual crude oil production generally decreased between 1970 and 2008. In 2009, the trend reversed and production began to rise, and in 2019, U.S. crude oil production reached a record high of 12.25 million barrels per day. More cost-effective drilling and production technologies helped to drive the production increases, especially in Texas and North Dakota. U.S. crude oil production declined to about 11.31 million barrels per day in 2020. A large drop in U.S. petroleum demand in March and April 2020 as a result of the response to the Covid-19 pandemic led to a decrease in U.S. oil production.”

So, in 2009 we began the march to energy independence. Those wishing to credit President Trump for this need to take another look at that net imports graphic to grasp the full picture.

But we don’t actually know if, once the full year of 2021 has been accounted for, we lost our energy independence for the year. If it turns out that we did, the single largest factor in that will be that oil and natural gas production have yet to return back to pre-Covid-19 levels. But demand has recovered, and therein lies the reason.

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