So very many Trump scandals. The list is long. And it's pitiful, just pitiful.

No. what he said was his supporters would still vote for him. Majority of Americans did not support or vote for him.

I never suggested Mr Trump used the words "real Americans". Those are MY words. The fact that only a minority of people supported or voted for him proves my point. Probably only about 5% of american citizens are Real Americans at this point in time. The rest of you are hangers-on and dead weight that we're having to drag along with us.
Your definition of a "real American" is a less than meaningless opinion since the Constitution specifically defines the term.
Your definition of a "real American" is a less than meaningless opinion since the Constitution specifically defines the term.

Considering the ones in my definition are the ones who are most willing and likely to use violence to implement and enforce our view of what a Real American is, I have to disagree.

Besides, the Constitutional definition has changed too much over the years to be taken seriously. Especially since the original definition was severely flawed by the inclusion of Rights for Citizens without the inclusion of the Responsibilities/Duties of a Citizen.

As Mr. Trump himself pointed out, he could shoot a man in the middle of Broadway and real Americans will still vote for him over ANY Democrat.

Real Americans are jumping off the Trump train at an astonishing clip. And why? Health care. Those who were promised the best health insurance ever - better, cheaper, health insurance for everyone, are fed up. Now that they’ve determined that that was a lie, and they can see that tax reform is only going to benefit Trump and his rich buddies, they’re turning against the orange clown in big numbers.
Real Americans are jumping off the Trump train at an astonishing clip. And why? Health care..

Sorry sweetie but Real Americans don't believe in Government Health Care. Now go back to your embroidery and let the Men-folk talk,
You want to know what's really, really Pitiful with a capital P about your Trump paranoia? I've had several relatives who were many-year, strung-out methamphetamine addicts who were constantly awake for days at a time, so I thought I've seen the ultimate level of psychotic paranoia in insomniated speed freaks ("You see that car over there? I saw the SAME license plate on a DIFFERENT car the other day. It's the FBI, they're doing it just to FUCK with our minds!") yet your clinical paranoia disorder outdoes "tweekers" several times over. Putting politics aside, why don't you do yourself a real personal favor and get some psychiatric help for your paranoia sickness? Don't you think you may have a happier, more positive life if you do that?
Does denard have a life? Trump is definitely living in that head rent free. Lol

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