So very sorry Republicans Putin gambled and lost


Which rightwingers are cheering for Putin?

Just because we're not cheering for one side in a war that should be irrelevant to us does not mean that we mean, in any way, to support the opposing side, either.
"We" being Russian trolls?
Putin has his reasons and those reasons are evil. Ignoring the enemy's 'reasons' is a prescription for losing. Trump understood Putin and that is why he didn't move during Trump's Presidency. Biden is completely clueless which he exhibited by cutting fuel production in the U.S. which emboldened Putin.
Thanks for admitting that Trump understood Putin which means despite knowing that Putin is nothing but a murderous ex KBG thug, he defended him anyway.
The thing is, one side in this war is a democracy that shares all the values you claim to endorse, including Christianity.

The other is a dictatorship that doesn't.

Seems like your "morality" is flexible.

It's not my place to worry about a squabble between two countries on the other side of the world from me, in which I have no stake or standing.

That squabble is between Russia and Ukraine, and I am not a party to it.

It is notable that those here, in my own country, who are malevolently promoting policies that are harmful to my country, and which have fairly direct adverse impacts on me and my own fellow Americans, are using the Russia/Ukraine conflict as a means to try to distract us away from their own malfeasance and corruption.

Your side wants us to be paying attention to the Russia/Ukraine war, because you do not want us to be paying attention to what your side is doing to us here at home, in our own country.
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Let me get this straight. Putin invaded Ukraine because a bunch of Bozos in 18 wheelers are headed to D.C?

You get the reward for the most braindead post of the week. Congragulations [sic].
It's not my place to worry about a squabble between two countries on the other side of the world from me, in which I have no stake or standing.

That squabble is between Russia and Ukraine, and I am not a party to it.

It is notable that those here, in my own country, who are malevolently promoting policies that are harmful to my country, and which have fairly direct adverse impacts on me and my own fellow Americans, are using the Russia/Ukraine conflict as a means to try to distract us away from their own malfeasance and corruption.

Your side wants us to be paying attention to the Russia/Ukraine war, because you do not want us to be paying attention to what your side is doing to us here at ho9me, in our own country.
Bit then you’re a Russian troll so…
Bit [sic] then you’re a Russian troll so…


Find one post by me, anywhere on this forum, or anywhere else, where I cane taken Russia's side in anything? You can't, of course. You know that you can't, you know that you are lying in accusing me of being a “Russian troll”.

I'm not on Russia's side. I'm not on Ukraine's side. I'm on America's side.

My allegiance is to my own country alone, and not to any others.

And it is not in America's interests to be caught up in this conflict between Russian and Ukraine. Let them solve their own conflict and leave us out of it.

I'll go so far as to say that the position that America should get involved in this mess is anti-American, discarding what is in America's best interests in order to support the interests of whichever side it is being suggested that we should take in this war.
Sorry republicans? Democrats won the election over a year ago and they still insist on behaving like losers. Whether Putin gambled and lost or won, it happened because we have a brain damaged ineffective leader. Don't blame republicans.
Nope. The article didn't produce of single quote of MTG saying a single word in support of Russia's invasion. Furthermore, the basis for calling the organizers of the rally a "white nationalist" is based on claims by far left groups like The Southern Poverty Law Center. They are notorious for accusing the American Enterprise Institute of being white Supremacists.

You're evidence is a pile of shit, as always.
It's not my place to worry about a squabble between two countries on the other side of the world from me, in which I have no stake or standing.

That squabble is between Russia and Ukraine, and I am not a party to it.

It is notable that those here, in my own country, who are malevolently promoting policies that are harmful to my country, and which have fairly direct adverse impacts on me and my own fellow Americans, are using the Russia/Ukraine conflict as a means to try to distract us away from their own malfeasance and corruption.

Your side wants us to be paying attention to the Russia/Ukraine war, because you do not want us to be paying attention to what your side is doing to us here at home, in our own country.
We must defend the Ukranian white Nationalists, defend their border and help arm their citizens, er, or something

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