So very sorry Republicans Putin gambled and lost

Biden blew it in his SOTU speech!​

He should have started it by asking all those who think Putin is a genius to stand and be recognized.
And then ask the traitors for all those who think trump is a genius to stand up
What has fallen flat? So far, Putin has Biden and the entire world by the short-hairs doing whatever he wants. That may not make him a genius, just smarter than all the rest of the world leaders especially Biddum.

You think perhaps they are secret foreign agents smuggled in over the wide open southern border? Or maybe you think they are space aliens! Better check them for antennae! :auiqs.jpg:

Show us evidence of one such GOP. But I know you won't because you are always full of shit. Leave it to a shitferbrains clown like you to take a foreign war and try to use it to parse division within your own government and society. Better yet, let's take all those aggressive, sociopathic, hyper-nationalist strongman, get them together, and pit them against all your favs, like Biddum, Trudeau, Macron, and the others-- -- -- wanna bet which side wins? :lmao:
Right on cue. Good stuff.

They're just desperate to illustrate my points for me.

What has fallen flat? So far, Putin has Biden and the entire world by the short-hairs doing whatever he wants. That may not make him a genius, just smarter than all the rest of the world leaders especially Biddum.

You think perhaps they are secret foreign agents smuggled in over the wide open southern border? Or maybe you think they are space aliens! Better check them for antennae! :auiqs.jpg:

Show us evidence of one such GOP. But I know you won't because you are always full of shit. Leave it to a shitferbrains clown like you to take a foreign war and try to use it to parse division within your own government and society. Better yet, let's take all those aggressive, sociopathic, hyper-nationalist strongman, get them together, and pit them against all your favs, like Biddum, Trudeau, Macron, and the others-- -- -- wanna bet which side wins? :lmao:
In another thread I asked to provide a link to support their claim that Republicans were cheering Putin. All I got was obfuscation, insults, and changing the subject.
Right on cue. Good stuff. They're just desperate to illustrate my points for me.

Typical evasive, shitferbrains snowflake non-answer. Common ploy of you communists. You try to discredit other people's opinions by trying personal ridicule because you have no actual evidence to support a word you say. Putin and the KGB would be so proud of you. :clap:
Putin's a leftist. He's one of yours.
Biggest Lie Yet.
Anything to deflect from the Cult Leader, that would be trump.

If you don't support Putin, then why are you NOT demanding that trump come out, on live TV, and condemn Putin.
trumps a pussy, you Cult members are even worse, and trump WILL NEVER come on live TV and tell Putin that he is a POS.
In another thread I asked to provide a link to support their claim that Republicans were cheering Putin. All I got was obfuscation, insults, and changing the subject.

Because they KNOW it is all bull. The Left are not just a different party, they are now subversives, a communist criminal element of misinformation and an existential domestic threat that must be routed at all costs.
Not really. Putin like the Leftist controlled DNC are both all about total big government control.
Where is Cult Leader trump when we need him to publicly condemn putin.
Straight to his face.

Why won't trump do this when you claim ALL of his cult members are against these actions by putin?
Biggest Lie Yet.
Anything to deflect from the Cult Leader, that would be trump.

If you don't support Putin, then why are you NOT demanding that trump come out, on live TV, and condemn Putin.
trumps a pussy, you Cult members are even worse, and trump WILL NEVER come on live TV and tell Putin that he is a POS.
Trump is no longer POTUS.
Where is Cult Leader trump when we need him to publicly condemn putin.
Did you forget? All of your leftwing fascist media deplatformed him for speaking the truth. Do you really think one more person's condemnation of Putin would change this war? The media treated Trump horribly for 99.9999% of the time then want to know where he is now supporting them? You got to be kidding.

Had you a-holes not rigged and stolen the 2020 election, there would be no war in Ukraine now needing condemned.
Did you forget? All of your leftwing fascist media deplatformed him for speaking the truth. Do you really think one more person's condemnation of Putin would change this war? The media treated Trump horribly for 99.9999% of the time then want to know where he is now supporting them? You got to be kidding.

Had you a-holes not rigged and stolen the 2020 election, there would be no war in Ukraine now needing condemned.
Your entire post from above is pure bullshit.
There is more evidence trump cheated and stole the election in 2016 then there is of your claim of stolen election is 2020.
Give it a rest. It's over.

When a POS like trump lies and deceives the Nation for years, of course the media is going to report on those lies. That you call a witch hunt.
BullShit. Trump is a criminal.

If trump was America First, he would go on LIVE TV and publicly condemn putin. He won't, trump is scared of what putin would do to him. trump is the ultimate pussy, that RWI's adore and think of as their Alpha.
There is more evidence trump cheated and stole the election in 2016 then there is of your claim of stolen election is 2020.
COLOSSAL CRAP. I almost need a separate computer to keep all of the 2020 election fraud evidence in. Now show me ANY evidence Trump "stole" 2016 when Mueller and 30 million dollars and a team of special prosecutors failed to prove so in over two years!

Give it a rest. It's over.
No, YOU give the flaming bullshit a rest. The 2020 election was FLAGRANTLY STOLEN, it has been ADMITTED TO, and I've listed the main perps many times. And now the Durham report is starting to come out with convictions to follow.

When a POS like trump lies and deceives the Nation for years,
You mean like Biddum and Hillary and Obumma, And Clinton have all done for DECADES?

of course the media is going to report on those lies.
The media don't report SHIT.

That you call a witch hunt.
Now you are talking about J6?

Trump is a criminal.
If Trump is a criminal, then all the others I've mentioned and many more are traitors.

If trump was America First, he would go on LIVE TV and publicly condemn putin.
Fuck you. Go on live TV? Which network? One of the ones that deplatformed him? One of the ones which rigged the debates? One of the ones that flagrantly LIED about him for years attacking his wife calling her a whore and attacking his children you dumb fucker? You mean the same media which conspired with Hillary and the DNC to spy on him in office and undermine his presidency? You fuckwads just want him to condemn Putin now so you can use it against him then attack him like the little children you are.

trump is scared of what putin would do to him.
You better uncross your legs so your brain can get oxygen. The more you open your mouth the obviously more stupid and bullshitter you become.
COLOSSAL CRAP. I almost need a separate computer to keep all of the 2020 election fraud evidence in. Now show me ANY evidence Trump "stole" 2016 when Mueller and 30 million dollars and a team of special prosecutors failed to prove so in over two years!

No, YOU give the flaming bullshit a rest. The 2020 election was FLAGRANTLY STOLEN, it has been ADMITTED TO, and I've listed the main perps many times. And now the Durham report is starting to come out with convictions to follow.

You mean like Biddum and Hillary and Obumma, And Clinton have all done for DECADES?

The media don't report SHIT.

Now you are talking about J6?

If Trump is a criminal, then all the others I've mentioned and many more are traitors.

Fuck you. Go on live TV? Which network? One of the ones that deplatformed him? One of the ones which rigged the debates? One of the ones that flagrantly LIED about him for years attacking his wife calling her a whore and attacking his children you dumb fucker? You mean the same media which conspired with Hillary and the DNC to spy on him in office and undermine his presidency? You fuckwads just want him to condemn Putin now so you can use it against him then attack him like the little children you are.

You better uncross your legs so your brain can get oxygen. The more you open your mouth the obviously more stupid and bullshitter you become.
Oh the JOY of reading your failed attempts to justify any of your bullshit.

Fuck You too.
Your entire post from above is pure bullshit.
There is more evidence trump cheated and stole the election in 2016 then there is of your claim of stolen election is 2020.
Give it a rest. It's over.

When a POS like trump lies and deceives the Nation for years, of course the media is going to report on those lies. That you call a witch hunt.
BullShit. Trump is a criminal.

If trump was America First, he would go on LIVE TV and publicly condemn putin. He won't, trump is scared of what putin would do to him. trump is the ultimate pussy, that RWI's adore and think of as their Alpha.
Oh brother.....No facts, no evidence just pure bullshit...^^^^^^Are you sad because you don't have Trump as POTUS? There, there now.....:itsok: But don't worry, he'll be back in 2024 so you can continue to ejaculate more lies against him.

So very sorry Republicans Putin gambled and lost​

Why apologize to republicans? You assholes are the cause of this war! Putin has only moved on Ukraine because you put the Weak Man Of Delaware, Tired Old Joe in the WH.

Now witness the consequences so far of your actions:
  1. A wrecked military.
  2. A ruined economy.
  3. The Afghan Debacle.
  4. Armed the Taliban with 28 billion in US weapons.
  5. Failed Covid policy.
  6. Worst inflation since the 1970s.
  7. Doubled gas prices.
  8. Doubled food prices.
  9. Shortages everywhere.
  10. Tripled energy costs.
  11. Out of control government spending.
  12. Crime soaring in the streets.
  13. Millions of undocumented aliens flooding in thru the open border.
  14. Now the war in Ukraine.
One year down, three more to go. Thanks for stealing the election and putting a boob in the WH.

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