So very sorry Republicans Putin gambled and lost

No circular argument. We have natural resources. We should use them.

Why do you disagree?
And we are

So you have no problem with the 3% of oil we get from Russia (because of it being easier to refine)?

You don't think we should get it from Venezuela instead?
And we are

So you have no problem with the 3% of oil we get from Russia (because of it being easier to refine)?

You don't think we should get it from Venezuela instead?
I think we should use our own. Why do you refuse to understand this? I don't want to finance Putin's invasion, and I don't want to finance Madura's oppression of his people. I want Americans drilling for and refining American oil.

It's an insanely simple concept.
No, I really don't know what you're talking about. I suspect neither do you. You're just throwing a tantrum like a tired toddler told to take a nap.
You thr one who is following me everywhere.
I'm up you nose little man.
Youre paranoid about silencing me but you dont have the smarts.
Ukraine War: Vladimir Putin has gambled everything and lost

Ukraine War: Vladimir Putin has gambled everything and lost​

Until Vladimir Putin lunched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in the early hours of February 24, he was winning his standoff with the West. He had compelled the United States and Europe to take his demands seriously; he experienced the pleasure of being treated as the leader of a great power; and he had succeeded in intimidating the Ukrainians as well as Russia’s other neighboring states and the wider world.

All he had to do to solidify his victory was to recognize the independence of the so-called separatist republics in the Donbas, acknowledge that Ukraine’s chances of joining NATO were nil, and continue his creeping subversion of Ukraine in the expectation that, sooner or later, it would drift back into Russia’s orbit.

And then he blew it all by invading Ukraine.

Overnight, Russia became a pariah state. The West has already imposed an expanding range of sanctions with more expected. International opinion has almost unanimously condemned Putin’s war of aggression, and thousands of his own citizens have expressed their opposition to the war in demonstrations and petitions.

Most importantly, Ukrainians have fought back, fiercely. This was something Putin probably did not expect. In his initial announcement of a “special military operation,” Putin called on Ukrainian soldiers to lay down their arms, not out of concern for their lives, but because he truly believed they would be happy to do so. But they weren’t and they didn’t. Instead, they have inflicted punishing losses on his invasion force and have inspired the watching world with their courage.

Now the supposed chess grandmaster Putin has effectively maneuvered himself into an unwinnable position. Ukrainians throughout the entire country, regardless of the language they prefer to speak, their religion or ethnic background, have rallied around the flag. Tens of thousands have volunteered for territorial defense units. Many more have donated blood. Untold others have handed over their savings to help finance the defense of the country. An historic wave of patriotic fervor has gripped Ukraine.

The Ukrainian nation has been joined by diaspora Ukrainians, who are now busy staging rallies and fundraising for their homeland. All these Ukrainians now consider themselves part of a modern Ukrainian nation that is as diverse as it is united in its opposition to Putin and everything he stands for: namely dictatorship and vassalage. Ukrainians have demonstrated that they love their country, despite all its extant faults, and that they are willing to sacrifice greatly for it.

Ukraine’s dramatic show of wartime unity and national strength is exceptionally inconvenient for Putin. In his increasingly unhinged attempts to justify his war, the Russian ruler has claimed to be fighting against a ragtag band of “fascists,” “Nazis,” and “drug addicts” who represent no one but their own interests and their “paymasters” in the West. As it turns out, Putin has declared war on a patriotic nation of more than 40 million people in a country the size of France.

His options are now all bad. He could still physically destroy Ukraine and commit a massive genocide against its inhabitants, but even the craziest of Russian imperialists would probably balk at the idea of what would be the most colossal atrocity in human history.

Putin may yet try to establish a puppet Ukrainian regime in Kyiv that would be happy to do his bidding, as intelligence reports have long predicted. However, that would mean occupying a huge country indefinitely. This would probably require around a million soldiers, all of whom would become targets of a Ukrainian resistance movement that would be sure to emerge.

Alternatively, Putin could try to work out some kind of deal with the current Ukrainian administration, but that would mean effectively admitting to his inner circle if not to the Russian people that his bloody enterprise had actually achieved nothing that negotiations could not have produced at far smaller cost.

Ah, so you're retarded.
Here’s a clue, you drill where the oil is…
There's oil off the coast of Palm Beach but that would fuck up the view from Mar a Lago.
Oil companies don't need federal land to drill for oil.
Keep the oil we drill in the US.
Your party wants to give away US oil, then whine about the price.
Yeah, fuck clean water and clean air! We need to get that last drop of shale oil instead of just buying cheaper oil from Venezuela! Those dirty commies wanting to control their own resources!
Typical NIMBY liberal. Let the dirty brown people get your oil so long as you folks don't get your hands dirty. Is it a wonder some countries hate the US?
NATO exists for our interests more than theirs...

Trump undermined it at every opportunity.
nato exists to keep peace in EUROPE---it exists more for their interests than ours. The european nations have spent centuries of wars with each other---Nato was supposed to put an end to that.
It ain't over til the fat lady sings.

Another baseless smear about Trump and PUTIN even after all the investigations and evidence. PUTIN owns BIDEN---and yet the dems still insist on lying about Trump. Stupid..
That was a lie. Color me unsurprised you don't know that.
Of course, it is.

"The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." -George Orwell, "1984"

“And just remember, what you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.” -Donald Trump, 7/24/2018

Color me......................unsurprised.
Another baseless smear about Trump and PUTIN even after all the investigations and evidence. PUTIN owns BIDEN---and yet the dems still insist on lying about Trump. Stupid..
Investigations and evidence?
All anyone has to do is listen to the orange traitor.

Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend?

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 19, 2013

February 23 2022
While Putin's actions have received sharp criticism and sanctions from President Biden, Trump was full of praise for the Russian leader. During an interview on the conservative Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show, Trump said it was "wonderful," "so smart," and even "genius" for Putin to "declare a big portion of the Ukraine ... as independent." He claimed Putin will now "go in" and "be a peacekeeper."
If you are drilling on "federal lands I pay for", for other purposes of letting oil companies get rich, what else would you call it?
Oh, you the only one paying? We’re all paying now arent we?
Too bad they really can't produce much of it due to failed leftists policies.

Well, that and 20 years of crushing economic sanctions because they picked a form of government we don't like. We've literally cut off our noses to spite our faces.

Except that all you spouted here is bullshit. Number of countries Putin took under Trump remains at 0. Forcing members to actually live up to their obligatIons. The horror! Seems your forget that your guy Xiden is buying Putin’s oil and essentially funding this conflict.

Actually, no. US oil companies are already cancelling their contracts with Russia. Biden doesn't 'buy" any oil, international oil companies do.

Worthless trash. You look like an idiot for posting it. An idiot leftist, you, being manipulated by an idiot leftist, him.

Robert Bernard Reich is an American economist, professor, author, lawyer, and political commentator. He served in the administrations of Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter, as well as serving as the United States Secretary of Labor from 1993 to 1997 in the cabinet of President Bill Clinton. He was a member of President Barack Obama's economic transition advisory board.

Reich knows more about economics than you ever will.

Oh, but you do. You insist we protect Ukraine's freedom. Do you think Putin's going to back off if you ask him pretty please?

He will when he feels enough economic pain. He's already going to the negotiating table.

We have our own. We don't need Venezuela's. Stop trying to give our money to yet another failed socialist state.

What we have is oil that we can't get at without despoiling the environment... we sucked out the easy to get to oil decades ago. Venezuala's oil is still easy to get at.

So, you're okay with fucking up other countries' air and water?

Again, they have oil that doesn't need to be "fracked". Just drill a hole in the ground and pump it up.
Putin's a leftist. He's one of yours. This mindless screeching that conservatives support him is just stupid.
When was the last time Russia pulled this crap? Obama? Now Biden?

Biden and his Coke head son made a ton of money on Russian energy investments in Ukraine. They deliberately undermined the efforts of the US. Liberals chose this path. Instead of being the worlds largest exporter, they fight and fight against energy independence for the USA and our allies.

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