So very sorry Republicans Putin gambled and lost

It's a school night, kid. Got your homework done?
Are you really that shallow? Understanding that an opponent is skilled and will use every vulnerability against you is different than the love fest stupid liberal are portraying. Obama caved. Now Binden caved because they are weak, little men.
Well, that and 20 years of crushing economic sanctions because they picked a form of government we don't like. We've literally cut off our noses to spite our faces.

Actually, no. US oil companies are already cancelling their contracts with Russia. Biden doesn't 'buy" any oil, international oil companies do.

Reich knows more about economics than you ever will.

He will when he feels enough economic pain. He's already going to the negotiating table.

What we have is oil that we can't get at without despoiling the environment... we sucked out the easy to get to oil decades ago. Venezuala's oil is still easy to get at.

Again, they have oil that doesn't need to be "fracked". Just drill a hole in the ground and pump it up.

So letting them nationalize American property and fuck over their own people is allowable?
A Louisiana judge stopped Biden from allowing more drilling, and that's Biden's, retard?

US drilling approvals increase despite Biden climate pledge

BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — Approvals for companies to drill for oil and gas on U.S. public lands are on pace this year to reach their highest level since George W. Bush was president, underscoring President Joe Biden’s reluctance to more forcefully curb petroleum production in the face of industry...

Approvals for companies to drill for oil and gas on U.S. public lands are on pace this year to reach their highest level since George W. Bush was president, underscoring President Joe Biden’s reluctance to more forcefully curb petroleum production in the face of industry and Republican resistance.

The Interior Department approved about 2,500 permits to drill on public and tribal lands in the first six months of the year, according to an Associated Press analysis of government data. That includes more than 2,100 drilling approvals since Biden took office January 20.

Biden has approved more drilling on public lands than even Trump did!

All caught up now, retard?
Another baseless smear about Trump and PUTIN even after all the investigations and evidence. PUTIN owns BIDEN---and yet the dems still insist on lying about Trump. Stupid..
Project much? Baseless, says the guy who makes a baseless claim that Putin owns Biden. How...ironic.

Baseless, eh?

During the 2016 campaign, Trump was in business negotiations with Russia to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, and he intended to gift KGB Putin with the penthouse, valued at $50 million.

However, Trump denied, denied, and denied he had business relations with Russia all during the campaign. He flat out lied, and he had his man Michael Cohen lie to Congress about it.

1. July 26, 2016: "I mean, I have nothing to do with Russia. I don't have any jobs in Russia. I'm all over the world but we're not involved in Russia," Trump tells CBS4.

2. July 26, 2016: "For the record, I have ZERO investments in Russia," Trump tweets.

3. Oct. 6, 2016: During the second presidential debate, Hillary Clinton says Russia is trying to help elect Trump, "maybe because he wants to do business in Moscow." Trump calls this assessment "so ridiculous," adding, "I know nothing about Russia ... I don't deal there."

4. Oct. 24, 2016: "I have nothing to do with Russia folks, I'll give you a written statement," Trump says at a campaign rally.

5. Jan. 11, 2017: Trump tells reporters that he has "no deals that could happen in Russia because we've stayed away," adding that he could "make deals in Russia very easily" but "I just don't want to because I think that would be a conflict."

6. Jan. 11, 2017: "Russia has never tried to use leverage over me. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA - NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING!," Trump tweets.

7. Feb. 7, 2017: Trump tweets, "I don't know Putin, have no deals in Russia, and the haters are going crazy."

8. May 11, 2017: Trump tells NBC News that he has "nothing to do with Russia," other than the fact that he "sold a house to a very wealthy Russian many years ago" and hosted the Miss Universe pageant there once.

Trump spit right into the faces of the rube herd and lied to them. That's how much contempt he has for them. But his contempt for the rubes rises to a whole new level when he is caught in a lie or disgracing himself in public.

Trump does not backpedal when caught in a lie or disgracing himself. He never backpedals.

In a scene right out of Orwell's 1984, Trump fabricates a completely new reality and feeds it to the rubes and they turn on a dime and swallow his fantastical new lies like sheep!

After Trump's lie about his business dealings with Russia were outed, this is the fantasy Trump fabricated:

"[a project] we were looking at in Moscow. Everybody knew about it. was a well-known project. It was during the early part of '16"


It takes a very special kind of retard not to see just how much Traitor Trump is in love with Putin.
When was the last time Russia pulled this crap? Obama? Now Biden?

Biden and his Coke head son made a ton of money on Russian energy investments in Ukraine. They deliberately undermined the efforts of the US. Liberals chose this path. Instead of being the worlds largest exporter, they fight and fight against energy independence for the USA and our allies.
Exactly how much is a "ton of money" that Joe Biden made off Ukraine? Prove it.

It's funny you tards whine about imaginary money Joe Biden made, and the money Hunter Biden made off Ukraine but never utter a word about the money Donald Trump and his daughter ACTUALLY make off China.

Don't you tards believe China is our greatest threat? Doesn't Trump say so?
Lol, with that logic. Should we go back into Afghanistan, because the Taliban took the country over. I guess you support the Taliban.
The Taliban are Afghanis. It's their country. Dumbass.

Apples and oranges much?
Are you really that shallow? Understanding that an opponent is skilled and will use every vulnerability against you is different than the love fest stupid liberal are portraying. Obama caved. Now Binden caved because they are weak, little men.
Biden caved?

Aren't you tards all calling for him to surrender to Putin? Aren't you all in the fetal position on the floor crying about Biden starting WWIII?

It's obvious who the cowards are in this picture.
Russian collusion...Russian collusion....Russian collusion....Russian collusion...
Paul Manafort and Rick Gates both colluded with Russia. And Don, Jr. tried his best to collude but fucked it up.
How is it surrender? It's not our war, Biden made that clear the minute he said no US troops would fight in Ukraine. Yet we are the ones paying for it.
Allowing Putin to take Ukraine is surrender. It is not difficult to understand. Unless you're a Trumptard.

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