So very sorry Republicans Putin gambled and lost


From the Mueller report:

Separately, on August 2, 2016, Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort met in New York City with his long-time business associate Konstantin Kilimnik, who the FBI assesses to have ties to Russian intelligence. Kilimnik requested the meeting to deliver in person a peace plan for Ukraine that Manafort acknowledged to the Special Counsel’s Office was a “backdoor” way for Russia to control part of eastern Ukraine; both men believed the plan would require candidate Trump’s assent to succeed (were he to be elected President).


And in February 2019, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia found that Manafort lied to the Office and the grand jury concerning his interactions and communications with Konstantin Kilimnik about Trump Campaign polling data and a peace plan for Ukraine.

So you see, Putin believed Trump would help him acquire Ukraine. This blows up the bullshit propaganda that Putin didn't invade Ukraine because he was afraid of Trump.

It takes a very special kind of idiot to think Putin is afraid of a man who is madly in love with him the way Trump is.

And just in case you missed the collusion part:

Manafort instructed Rick Gates, his deputy on the Campaign and a longtime employee,839 to provide Kilimnik with updates on the Trump Campaign—including internal polling data, although Manafort claims not to recall that specific instruction. Manafort expected Kilimnik to share that information with others in Ukraine and with Deripaska. Gates periodically sent such polling data to Kilimnik during the campaign.

Just to fill you in on Deripaska:

Paul Manafort served on the Trump Campaign, including a period as campaign chairman, from March to August 2016. Manafort had connections to Russia through his prior work for Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska and later through his work for a pro-Russian regime in Ukraine. Manafort stayed in touch with these contacts during the campaign period through Konstantin Kilimnik, a longtime Manafort employee who previously ran Manafort’s office in Kiev and who the FBI assesses to have ties to Russian intelligence.
So...yeah. "Most notably in Ukraine." With pro-Russian oligarchs who wanted Putin to take over Ukraine.

All caught up now, Missourian ?
Who was the president who signed an agreement to withdraw from Afghanistan in March 2021?

Who made absolutely no preparations in anticipation of that deadline and was too busy whining about his loss?
Lol, Biden did the opposite of what Trump wanted, and you saw what happened.
"Manafort acknowledged to the Special Counsel’s Office was a “backdoor” way for Russia to control part of eastern Ukraine; both men believed the plan would require candidate Trump’s assent to succeed (were he to be elected President)."

Thus Putin's effort to interfere in the 2016 election.
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Lol, Biden did the opposite of what Trump wanted, and you saw what happened.
Trump wanted out of Afghanistan no matter what.

You are stupid enough to bleev that despite doing absolutely nothing to prepare for our withdrawal all the way up to January 2020, he would have done a better job two months later.

Yeah, okay.

Biden had to extend the deadline precisely because Trump had done nothing to make us ready by March 2021.
Here is what Trump's thoughts were on what a withdrawal from Afghanistan would look like:

"But I think the same as I`ve been thinking for the last number of years, what are we doing there? These people hate us. As soon as we leave, it`s all going to blow up anyway." - Donald J. Trump, Fox News, 2012
Where have you been? This board is flooded with Trumptards calling for us to leave Putin alone and let him have Ukraine.
That's a fucking lie, and you know it.

Not wanting us to get caught up in a war that is none of our business is not in any way equivalent to surrendering to one side in that war.
Trump wanted out of Afghanistan no matter what.

You are stupid enough to bleev that despite doing absolutely nothing to prepare for our withdrawal all the way up to January 2020, he would have done a better job two months later.

Yeah, okay.

Biden had to extend the deadline precisely because Trump had done nothing to make us ready by March 2021.
He had an agreement with the taliban. They broke it. I guarantee Trump wouldn’t of let Americans behind and he wouldn't of given our enemy billions of dollar's of military equipment.
No, we don't. What we want is for the Ukrainians, who are more than willing to fight for their own country, to be given the weapons they need to do so. We want them to get weapons, but not our blood.

There, moron, are you all caught up now?
No one is calling for American boots on the ground, dipshit. Providing Ukraine weapons is exactly what we are calling for, along with heavy sanctions against Putin and his oligarchs.
He had an agreement with the taliban. They broke it. I guarantee Trump wouldn’t of let Americans behind and he wouldn't of given our enemy billions of dollar's of military equipment.
:No one gave the enemy billions of dollars of equipment. That's a Trump hoax.

Trump most certainly would have left Americans behind, along with our Afghan allies. He has zero respect for our troops. He has repeatedly disrespected them.

The people who helped our troops submitted applications for refuge YEARS before the withdrawal. Trump ignored them.
:No one gave the enemy billions of dollars of equipment. That's a Trump hoax.

Trump most certainly would have left Americans behind, along with our Afghan allies. He has zero respect for our troops. He has repeatedly disrespected them.

The people who helped our troops submitted applications for refuge YEARS before the withdrawal. Trump ignored them.
Trying to defend Biden has made you delusional. Trump didn't get us in any war. Looks like Biden is.
No one is calling for American boots on the ground, dipshit. Providing Ukraine weapons is exactly what we are calling for, along with heavy sanctions against Putin and his oligarchs.

Then why did you lie?

with his long-time business associate Konstantin Kilimnik, who the FBI assesses to have ties to Russian intelligence

... Except there is no evidence of these "assessed ties" from Killimnik to Russian intelligence...

... which is why the Collision narrative fell apart.
Investigations and evidence?
All anyone has to do is listen to the orange traitor.

Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend?

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 19, 2013

February 23 2022
While Putin's actions have received sharp criticism and sanctions from President Biden, Trump was full of praise for the Russian leader. During an interview on the conservative Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show, Trump said it was "wonderful," "so smart," and even "genius" for Putin to "declare a big portion of the Ukraine ... as independent." He claimed Putin will now "go in" and "be a peacekeeper."
Delusional post. What is your point?
Project much? Baseless, says the guy who makes a baseless claim that Putin owns Biden. How...ironic.

Baseless, eh?

During the 2016 campaign, Trump was in business negotiations with Russia to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, and he intended to gift KGB Putin with the penthouse, valued at $50 million.

However, Trump denied, denied, and denied he had business relations with Russia all during the campaign. He flat out lied, and he had his man Michael Cohen lie to Congress about it.

1. July 26, 2016: "I mean, I have nothing to do with Russia. I don't have any jobs in Russia. I'm all over the world but we're not involved in Russia," Trump tells CBS4.

2. July 26, 2016: "For the record, I have ZERO investments in Russia," Trump tweets.

3. Oct. 6, 2016: During the second presidential debate, Hillary Clinton says Russia is trying to help elect Trump, "maybe because he wants to do business in Moscow." Trump calls this assessment "so ridiculous," adding, "I know nothing about Russia ... I don't deal there."

4. Oct. 24, 2016: "I have nothing to do with Russia folks, I'll give you a written statement," Trump says at a campaign rally.

5. Jan. 11, 2017: Trump tells reporters that he has "no deals that could happen in Russia because we've stayed away," adding that he could "make deals in Russia very easily" but "I just don't want to because I think that would be a conflict."

6. Jan. 11, 2017: "Russia has never tried to use leverage over me. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA - NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING!," Trump tweets.

7. Feb. 7, 2017: Trump tweets, "I don't know Putin, have no deals in Russia, and the haters are going crazy."

8. May 11, 2017: Trump tells NBC News that he has "nothing to do with Russia," other than the fact that he "sold a house to a very wealthy Russian many years ago" and hosted the Miss Universe pageant there once.

Trump spit right into the faces of the rube herd and lied to them. That's how much contempt he has for them. But his contempt for the rubes rises to a whole new level when he is caught in a lie or disgracing himself in public.

Trump does not backpedal when caught in a lie or disgracing himself. He never backpedals.

In a scene right out of Orwell's 1984, Trump fabricates a completely new reality and feeds it to the rubes and they turn on a dime and swallow his fantastical new lies like sheep!

After Trump's lie about his business dealings with Russia were outed, this is the fantasy Trump fabricated:

"[a project] we were looking at in Moscow. Everybody knew about it. was a well-known project. It was during the early part of '16"


It takes a very special kind of retard not to see just how much Traitor Trump is in love with Putin.
PUtin owns Biden---Biden and his family have been taking bribes from both RUSSIA And CHINA for DECADES now. Putin, XI, iran are the NEW AXIS Of EVIL and they fucking own BIDEN. No way around the facts on this.
PUtin owns Biden---Biden and his family have been taking bribes from both RUSSIA And CHINA for DECADES now. Putin, XI, iran are the NEW AXIS Of EVIL and they fucking own BIDEN. No way around the facts on this.
Ipse dixit.
Ipse dixit.
Watching Biden collude with Putin and The Ayatollah in a Nukes for Oil Death Deal which will lead to a Nuclear Holocaust in The Middle East should be enough for you to go to your knees and repent to God of all your sins.

But it's not.

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