So very sorry Republicans Putin gambled and lost

Your use of "leftist" is absurd. Authoritarianism isn't liberal and isn't progressive; it is opposed to democracy and liberty for all of the people.

Putin is an autocrat, and an autocrat is self serving, reactionary, and someone who insists on complete obedience from others as well as imperious and vindictive.
Stamping your feet and pouting is not a compelling argument, kid.
Before the killing of civilians in the Ukraine, the Republicans in general were silent. Once the American People in mass were horrified by this outright murder the leaders in the Congress spoke out.

Yet their words are not the deeds of the Republican Party that has a broken moral compass; empathy is missing in the souls of those R's in Congress, especially those who seek to run for the Nomination to be POTUS and other lunatics like Cruz, Hawley, Graham, Lee, Cotton, Kennedy and those up to be running to keep their jobs in the H. of Representatives.
It's funny how you idiots dropped your objections to nationalism and individual ownership of guns the second you were told to support them for Ukraine.

And it won't cause a second's discomfort for you once you're told to go back to opposing them for Americans.

You really are nothing more than puppets.
Maybe you can explain those rights in one of the seminal documents which is based on the foundation of democracy in America:

In Congress, July 4, 1776

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Cool! Then you support the individual right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by the Second Amendment.
How you figure? What populist idea?
Populism can be anything, depending on the time and place.
It just means crowd pleasing.
Hitler mostly focused on nationalism and ethnic purity because the German people felt abused by corrupt liars in WWI.
Not exactly sure what Trumps focuses on.
I notice some nationalism and some ethnic purity, like with the wall on the Mexican border.
But mostly he seems to focus on things like jobs, which is not wrong.
That's because government unions have an unfair advantage, where the supposed adversarial "management" side usually is beholden to the unions in question. it's why we get pension issues and bullshit work rules, because both are really on the same side.

Government employees that strike should be warned, then shit-canned after ignoring the warning.

No, it depends on WHY they are striking.
If they are being abusive, to milk the system, that is bad and I don't care if you fire them.
But when PATCO says there is twice as much air traffic as what can safely be handled, and there are not enough air traffic controllers so that they can safely take bathroom breaks, then the strike is most definitely warranted.

But going even further, like Reagan did in arresting them, is essentially treason.
Reagan should have been impeached over that stunt.
Exactly, unions are for themselves and not the laborers

Unions have to be made up of the laborers themselves, and are not some external entity.
They are just "collective bargaining" so that the playing field in the negotiations are more balanced and level.
No individual can ever negotiate against a big company and come out with a fair deal.
It takes all the workers working together, collectively.
Unions have to be made up of the laborers themselves, and are not some external entity.
They are just "collective bargaining" so that the playing field in the negotiations are more balanced and level.
No individual can ever negotiate against a big company and come out with a fair deal.
It takes all the workers working together, collectively.
Unions are not made up of laborers
What am I wrong about? Are you saying laws banning striking by government employees are unconstitutional?
In two minutes you make a claim that banning a strike by government employees are constitutional. If I'm reading your comment correctly, and I've read the Constitution many many times and passed CONLAW, I never within the text of COTUS or any decisions made the Supreme Court outlawed a strike of government employees.
Unions like trade and industrial unions if run right serve a purpose.

Civil Service Unions just make government more expensive.

The workers know best when there is a problem, and need collective bargaining protection when trying to deal with any bureaucracy, whether private or public.
What a difference 20 years make

Exclusive: Trump’s Chief of Staff Was on Phone Call Planning Jan. 6 March on Capitol​

"Beyond disturbing" are allegations and accusations that don't have a scintilla of proof to back
up such claims.
Jared Yates Sexton (whoever he is) should take off and not come back until he has something concrete to present to the public.
I have been in half a dozen unions, and they were all laborers.
The top of the union did not work the same place I worked, but he was still a laborer like I was.
Yeah, nope. The union brings in leads to communicate with the laborers. Everyone else is union managers looking for dues
ok, did putin invade ukraine while Trump was in the WH? History and facts.
You haven't made the connection of the two.
You are assuming Trump stopped him. He didn't.

The reason he didn't do it was in trumps second term which he didn't get, he revealed to putin he would leave nato which means usa has no obligation to support anyone. Thank mogadon once again for conspiring with the communists to undermine freedom and democracy.
Little wonder you are now the equivalent of the American communist party.
Thank goodness Biden stayed strong and kept us in NATO to prevent Putin from invading Ukraine.


He didn't. He stuck by the nato agreement.

Ok smart arse. What would have stopped putin from invading Ukraine if Trump were the potus? Dont tell me Trump would because he couldn't being in nato.

The irony is you all believe Ukraine to be communist and not democratic. That would imply you wouldn't give a shit about Ukraine but now you're suggesting Trump would stop his buddy from invading it. Why would he when he would have the support of the communist hating gop?

He didn't so now you find yourself supporting putin because you support Trump by default. Youve wedged yourselves with hypocrisy.
You don't know where your allegiances and loyalty lie. You have no intelligence.
Let that sink in idiot.

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