So We Find Out FBI Has Been Investigating Trump Since July

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
But there was NO surveillance. Now if you're stupid enough to believe they've been investigating since July and didn't do surveillance you're too stupid to form a rational conclusion.

Then we find out today there is 20 people in NSA who can unmask the names of those who are being monitored. Looks like the only question left for this part of this waste of time is who was the Obama mole in the NSA who leaked Flynn's name which proves the surveillance.

So, the only crime committed was the leaks, felony, up to 10 years in Federal prison. Libtardos better hope to hell they don't find out there's a direct tie to Obama and the one who leaked in the NSA.

Democrat's are going to keep this Russian witch hunt up until they inadvertently expose Obama and his dirty deeds.
But there was NO surveillance. Now if you're stupid enough to believe they've been investigating since July and didn't do surveillance you're too stupid to form a rational conclusion.

Then we find out today there is 20 people in NSA who can unmask the names of those who are being monitored. Looks like the only question left for this part of this waste of time is who was the Obama mole in the NSA who leaked Flynn's name which proves the surveillance.

So, the only crime committed was the leaks, felony, up to 10 years in Federal prison. Libtardos better hope to hell they don't find out there's a direct tie to Obama and the one who leaked in the NSA.

Democrat's are going to keep this Russian witch hunt up until they inadvertently expose Obama and his dirty deeds.
^ Lol zero grasp of the issue
What kills me in all of this and I put up a thread about it is that they claim to have investigated since last summer and yet not once have they examined the DNC servers.

I mean Holy toledo what type of investigation is this? It's a witch hunt not an investigation. And why would they have everyone else under surveillance but NOT Trump Tower? Come on. That boat don't float.
But there was NO surveillance. Now if you're stupid enough to believe they've been investigating since July and didn't do surveillance you're too stupid to form a rational conclusion.

Then we find out today there is 20 people in NSA who can unmask the names of those who are being monitored. Looks like the only question left for this part of this waste of time is who was the Obama mole in the NSA who leaked Flynn's name which proves the surveillance.

So, the only crime committed was the leaks, felony, up to 10 years in Federal prison. Libtardos better hope to hell they don't find out there's a direct tie to Obama and the one who leaked in the NSA.

Democrat's are going to keep this Russian witch hunt up until they inadvertently expose Obama and his dirty deeds.
You can't have transcripts of The Flynn Phone Call, and Transcripts of The Conversation with The Mexican President and not be committing Felonies, and recordings of Sessions meeting with the Russians and even wire tapping Dennis Kucinich of all people without being engaged in Criminal Activities. Look at all the Scandals Comey looked the other way at, and DID NOTHING....NOTHING at all. He covered for, or intentionally failed and purposefully neglected to pursue charges against all of these people in The Obama Regime.

Comey is doing nothing but Covering for People that should be brought up charges and put away for the rest of their lives and he should be fired and prosecuted for it.
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But there was NO surveillance. Now if you're stupid enough to believe they've been investigating since July and didn't do surveillance you're too stupid to form a rational conclusion.

Then we find out today there is 20 people in NSA who can unmask the names of those who are being monitored. Looks like the only question left for this part of this waste of time is who was the Obama mole in the NSA who leaked Flynn's name which proves the surveillance.

So, the only crime committed was the leaks, felony, up to 10 years in Federal prison. Libtardos better hope to hell they don't find out there's a direct tie to Obama and the one who leaked in the NSA.

Democrat's are going to keep this Russian witch hunt up until they inadvertently expose Obama and his dirty deeds.
This link makes Comey unequivocally deny your assertion before the house. So this would be him very clearly and unambiguously perjuring himself.
Yet because Trump tweeted that it happened it has to be true?The Trump-Russia Story Has Only Just Begun (To Explode) | The Huffington Post
What kills me in all of this and I put up a thread about it is that they claim to have investigated since last summer and yet not once have they examined the DNC servers.

I mean Holy toledo what type of investigation is this? It's a witch hunt not an investigation. And why would they have everyone else under surveillance but NOT Trump Tower? Come on. That boat don't float.
WTF is with that anyways?

Not one of our 17 Intelligence Agencies have looked at or even attempted to Subpoena The DNC Server?
I find that hard to believe. Yet that is the facts of this situation.

And how does Obama's Chief of Intelligence (CLAPPER) declare that There was NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION between Trump and the Russians if he was not looking at Survellance?

How does the FBI "exonerate" Flynn using transcripts of his phone call with the Russian Ambassador if NO SURVEILLANCE took place?
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What kills me in all of this and I put up a thread about it is that they claim to have investigated since last summer and yet not once have they examined the DNC servers.

I mean Holy toledo what type of investigation is this? It's a witch hunt not an investigation. And why would they have everyone else under surveillance but NOT Trump Tower? Come on. That boat don't float.
TD, the deal with the DNC servers is that the FBI requested them but the DNC refused to turn them over. The DNC was NOT subpoenaed...just like Hillary was NOT under oath (lying is legal) when the FBI questioned her.
How exactly does Comey allow HIllary Clinton weeks to purge her server of "Yoga Pants" emails 30,000 of them, and even let her Bleach Bit that server despite two court ordered preservation orders, and then not charge her with Title 18 Violations?
What kills me in all of this and I put up a thread about it is that they claim to have investigated since last summer and yet not once have they examined the DNC servers.

I mean Holy toledo what type of investigation is this? It's a witch hunt not an investigation. And why would they have everyone else under surveillance but NOT Trump Tower? Come on. That boat don't float.
TD, the deal with the DNC servers is that the FBI requested them but the DNC refused to turn them over. The DNC was NOT subpoenaed...just like Hillary was NOT under oath (lying is legal) when the FBI questioned her.

The best part was Comey giving Clinton's entire team immunity before he even asked them one question and then sealing their testimony and making it classified.

WTF can't someone leak that?

Clinton's private IT Contractor\Hacker was a really weird one. He was given immunity before one question was asked him, then he plead the 5th 256 times, and his testimony was sealed. We aren't even allowed to look at the questions they asked him.

I mean this is how we catch criminals these days, right? We make sure nothing they say or do can be used against them.

It's like a reverse Miranda Rights.
But there was NO surveillance. Now if you're stupid enough to believe they've been investigating since July and didn't do surveillance you're too stupid to form a rational conclusion.

Then we find out today there is 20 people in NSA who can unmask the names of those who are being monitored. Looks like the only question left for this part of this waste of time is who was the Obama mole in the NSA who leaked Flynn's name which proves the surveillance.

So, the only crime committed was the leaks, felony, up to 10 years in Federal prison. Libtardos better hope to hell they don't find out there's a direct tie to Obama and the one who leaked in the NSA.

Democrat's are going to keep this Russian witch hunt up until they inadvertently expose Obama and his dirty deeds.
^ Lol zero grasp of the issue

What part of "you're too stupid to form a rational conclusion." did you not understand?

The leak was a crime. Comey stated clearly there was NO hack of voting machines. Your butthurt is all about Hillaryous' loss and the swamp being drained of Communists and criminals.
And why wasn't Lois Lerner prosecuted? She and the IRS perjured themselves when they said her hard drive went up in smoke and all of her emails were irretrievably lost.
Anyone with a brain knows that was a lie to buy time to purge the IRS email server of all criminal evidence, and also time to scrub the backup tapes.

Then a month later or however much time past, the IRS says, hey, here a bunch of boring Lois Lerner emails we recovered.

Again, and in each incident, no one was prosecuted, and each person was given time to destroy evidence and to scrub all traces of their criminal activities.

And what ever happened to Clintons 17 devices and the two laptops THE FBI has in their possession? And has anyone heard from Anthony Weiner?
What kills me in all of this and I put up a thread about it is that they claim to have investigated since last summer and yet not once have they examined the DNC servers.

I mean Holy toledo what type of investigation is this? It's a witch hunt not an investigation. And why would they have everyone else under surveillance but NOT Trump Tower? Come on. That boat don't float.
They trust CrowdStrike's investigating expertise because our gov't intel agencies often uses outside cyber security experts to help investigate and prosecute hackings...Crowdstrike is one of those expert private firms that they have used in other investigations, they TRUST their work!
But there was NO surveillance. Now if you're stupid enough to believe they've been investigating since July and didn't do surveillance you're too stupid to form a rational conclusion.

Then we find out today there is 20 people in NSA who can unmask the names of those who are being monitored. Looks like the only question left for this part of this waste of time is who was the Obama mole in the NSA who leaked Flynn's name which proves the surveillance.

So, the only crime committed was the leaks, felony, up to 10 years in Federal prison. Libtardos better hope to hell they don't find out there's a direct tie to Obama and the one who leaked in the NSA.

Democrat's are going to keep this Russian witch hunt up until they inadvertently expose Obama and his dirty deeds.
^ Lol zero grasp of the issue

What part of "you're too stupid to form a rational conclusion." did you not understand?

The leak was a crime. Comey stated clearly there was NO hack of voting machines. Your butthurt is all about Hillaryous' loss and the swamp being drained of Communists and criminals.
Don't waste your time trying to reason with TheOldCommunistSchool. It is best just to bitch lap him into the gulag.

The whole deal reeks of insider power play. RaTz get immunity or can legally lie because they aren't sworn. The Feds won't comment on anything, except investigating Trump and the Rooskies.

Trump needs to declassify this shit and release it. Techniques can be redacted.
But there was NO surveillance. Now if you're stupid enough to believe they've been investigating since July and didn't do surveillance you're too stupid to form a rational conclusion.

Then we find out today there is 20 people in NSA who can unmask the names of those who are being monitored. Looks like the only question left for this part of this waste of time is who was the Obama mole in the NSA who leaked Flynn's name which proves the surveillance.

So, the only crime committed was the leaks, felony, up to 10 years in Federal prison. Libtardos better hope to hell they don't find out there's a direct tie to Obama and the one who leaked in the NSA.

Democrat's are going to keep this Russian witch hunt up until they inadvertently expose Obama and his dirty deeds.
^ Lol zero grasp of the issue

What part of "you're too stupid to form a rational conclusion." did you not understand?

The leak was a crime. Comey stated clearly there was NO hack of voting machines. Your butthurt is all about Hillaryous' loss and the swamp being drained of Communists and criminals.
Rational????? So the director of the FBI categorically denies in front the house intelligence committee that neither he nor anyone in the justice department tapped Trump's phone's. But you and Trump insists it happened while providing no hard evidence at all? Rationally speaking what is more likely? Comey the FBI director, appointed by a Republican president exposing himself to perjury charges or Trump with a proven track record of having problems separating fact from fiction just making up a false accusation while having a particularly bad news cycle as was the case when he made those tweets?
But there was NO surveillance. Now if you're stupid enough to believe they've been investigating since July and didn't do surveillance you're too stupid to form a rational conclusion.

Then we find out today there is 20 people in NSA who can unmask the names of those who are being monitored. Looks like the only question left for this part of this waste of time is who was the Obama mole in the NSA who leaked Flynn's name which proves the surveillance.

So, the only crime committed was the leaks, felony, up to 10 years in Federal prison. Libtardos better hope to hell they don't find out there's a direct tie to Obama and the one who leaked in the NSA.

Democrat's are going to keep this Russian witch hunt up until they inadvertently expose Obama and his dirty deeds.
^ Lol zero grasp of the issue

What part of "you're too stupid to form a rational conclusion." did you not understand?

The leak was a crime. Comey stated clearly there was NO hack of voting machines. Your butthurt is all about Hillaryous' loss and the swamp being drained of Communists and criminals.
You think only 20 people could have unmasked Flynn. This shit goes deeper and is more complicated than that. Trump has apparently been engaged in suspicious activities for well over a decade now. I can't wait to find out why.

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