So, I Guess Mishandling Classified Materials Isn't a Big Deal Anymore

So, I Guess Mishandling Classified Materials Isn't a Big Deal Anymore

11 Apr 2023 ~~ By Matt Vespa

The Biden White House is scrambling to conduct damage control as troves of classified materials about Russia and Ukraine were leaked online. Spokesperson John Kirby pleaded with the media not to cover these materials. That wasn’t heeded. But the overarching issue is mishandling classified materials and related leaks, which the liberal media tried to weaponize against Donald Trump when they raided Mar-a-Lago last summer. Then Joe Biden got caught leaving state secrets at multiple locations, including his Wilmington residence. The story met a quick death in the press and a slow-walking Department of Justice investigation that allegedly hung on the word of Biden’s personal attorneys. The endless cycle about classified materials, leaks, and their related dangers, all hyperbole, saturated the media to the point where we might have one that could impact national security, and no one cares (via The Guardian) [emphasis mine]:
The truth may be more worrying for the US and its allies than a Russian hack. The Washington Post cited a defence official as saying that many of the documents appear to have been put together over the winter for Gen Mark Milley, chairman of the US joint chiefs of staff, and other top military leaders, but they were available to other US personnel and contractors with the right security clearances.
According to the most recent figures published by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, there were 1.25 million people with clearance and access to read top secret material in the US government in 2019. The figures have not been made public since then, but nothing suggests they have significantly diminished. The Pentagon has said it is reviewing its access policy.

Numbers that big make it almost a statistical certainty that, at some point, incredibly damaging top secret material will fall into the hands of someone willing to leak it, perhaps for ideological reasons, like Edward Snowden, in the case of his revelation of US mass surveillance.
So, given the Left’s rules set post-Trump raid, will the FBI pay a visit to these 1.25 million people who have access to sensitive materials? Of course, that’s not going to happen, but it highlights once again how anything Trump-related is treated as an unprecedented event when it’s not. The Left’s myopia for most of their attacks on the former president has been nothing short of stunning, almost comical. The allegations of Trump mishandling classified materials were treated as an unprecedented event until Biden’s state secret snafu, which suddenly led to multiple stories about how everyone in DC leaked these documents since the Kennedy presidency. The number of times the liberal media has cried wolf has led to multiple flocks of sheep being slaughtered.

It would have been fine under President Hillary, it should be fine under Joe Biden.
According to John Kirby its no bi deal...
In all of the articles about this I haven’t heard one word about investigating and finding out who “leaked” the documents. Maybe I missed it but no one in the Biden administration seems to be in the least bit concerned about the leaks. No harshly worded promises to “get to the bottom of it.”
I'm sure that They'll appoint one of their chosen transgender geniuses to get to the bottom of this.
If we had a real DOJ, Biden would be up on treason charges for selling out our national security to the highest bidders out of China, Ukraine and Romania. We don't have a real DOJ so he will continue to skate by and the DOJ led by Democrat stooge Garland will continue the slow roll and play the distraction game.
"Intending to" is not part of the violation just doing it does make it a crime

Meh, the reality's a little more complicated. At minimum, (gross) negligence has to be established before any prosecutor's gonna make a criminal case out of it. Could still easily lose a clearance and a career over it though.
If we had a real DOJ, Biden would be up on treason charges for selling out our national security to the highest bidders out of China, Ukraine and Romania. We don't have a real DOJ so he will continue to skate by and the DOJ led by Democrat stooge Garland will continue the slow roll and play the distraction game.

No evidence that Biden sold shit to anyone. It's his inability to sell that's his problem lately, lol
Meh, the reality's a little more complicated. At minimum, (gross) negligence has to be established before any prosecutor's gonna make a criminal case out of it. Could still easily lose a clearance and a career over it though.
The length of time the documents are retained has little to do with intent if they’re stored in files and boxes that aren’t being examined.

If they were found in a desk draw surrounded by passports or contemporaneous paperwork, that would be different.
In the case of Bai Dun, nor care was taken to secure the classified documents stolen from the Senate SCIF, or classified documents purloined during is Vice-presidency.
If we had a real DOJ, Biden would be up on treason charges for selling out our national security to the highest bidders out of China, Ukraine and Romania. We don't have a real DOJ so he will continue to skate by and the DOJ led by Democrat stooge Garland will continue the slow roll and play the distraction game.
FYI, Just like with Trump, you can't charge a President with a crime.... He needs to be out of office.
If we had a real DOJ, Biden would be up on treason charges for selling out our national security to the highest bidders out of China, Ukraine and Romania. We don't have a real DOJ so he will continue to skate by and the DOJ led by Democrat stooge Garland will continue the slow roll and play the distraction game.
Biden sold things to enemies?

Better get Giuliani and Durham on this right away!
Trump will be charged with obstruction of justice.... that's pretty much a guarantee.
more bullshit from a proven bullshitter?

Really? What's your explanation for the unsecured storage of classified documents in the garage next to his Corvette?


Update: Biden Classified Docs Kept Near Corvette — At House Owned by Hunter?​

Biden admitted latest set of classified docs were

found in his Delaware garage near his Corvette.

In the case of Bai Dun, nor care was taken to secure the classified documents stolen from the Senate SCIF, or classified documents purloined during is Vice-presidency.
You claim that documents were stolen from a SCIF or purloined during his vice presidency but you have no evidence of that.

Biden was in office for decades. It’s not that surprising that a handful of classified documents were misplaced.

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