So, what do libs think we should do about North Korea?

Their answer is nothing. Do nothing. Of course.

Hey owlie.....who is in charge of everything???
Who is supposed to do something about NK?

Since you're so proud of"winning" surely YOUR side has an amazing plan thst can surely yield amazing results.......

So,PLEASE share how well you can govern after your "victories"................LOL

Who kicked the can down the road so it ended in Trump's hands?

For that matter who was POTUS in 1994 when he was told the reactor coiuld be taken out but chose diplomacy....which NOKO agreed to....and went right ahead developing nukes?

So what . Lots of countries have nukes .

I don’t see why everyone is eager to RE start war in Korea .

NK is not invading anyone . The dems has held for 1/2 a century . NK isn’t looking to invade the other states in the region .

Their situation is a lot like Israel’s , but without the Gaza stuff.

Leave them to themselves .
I say we create a false flag event in North Korea, blame it on afganastan. Then we could draw thier military into that godforsaken quagmire where empires have gone to destroy them selves and we can pull the fuck out and watch North Korea crumble like the soviet union.
Their answer is nothing. Do nothing. Of course.

Hey owlie.....who is in charge of everything???
Who is supposed to do something about NK?

Since you're so proud of"winning" surely YOUR side has an amazing plan thst can surely yield amazing results.......

So,PLEASE share how well you can govern after your "victories"................LOL

Who kicked the can down the road so it ended in Trump's hands?

For that matter who was POTUS in 1994 when he was told the reactor coiuld be taken out but chose diplomacy....which NOKO agreed to....and went right ahead developing nukes?

So what . Lots of countries have nukes .

I don’t see why everyone is eager to RE start war in Korea .

NK is not invading anyone . The dems has held for 1/2 a century . NK isn’t looking to invade the other states in the region .

Their situation is a lot like Israel’s , but without the Gaza stuff.

Leave them to themselves .

This ^^^^ attitude is why History is the most important subject.

The irony is that you are right , but not for the reasons you think .

Look at Korea’s history for the last 100 years . First Japan came in and brutilized them, the Russia and the US imperialism looked to carve up Korea as spoils of war .

Do you wonder why they are so heavily armed? They are paranoid and rightfully so.

We’ve been in Korea for decades . Are we defending America ! ? Have we not learned to stay out of invading crazy ass 3rd world countries?
What are they saying we should do about their hero in North Korea?

Since Gore and Obama both got Nobel Peace Prizes, I'd offer to work with North Korea to win one. What I would propose to China Russia and North Korea is to research the medical benefits of Spiritual Healing methods that have cured the root causes of cancer, schizophrenia, and any number of physical and mental illnesses to drastically reduce the cost of medical treatments and the loss of lives.

Offer to set up mass medical and statistical research studies as teams across major nations, and try to win a Nobel in medicine or another field related. And agree to let North Korea accept the prize for the teams working together.
What are they saying we should do about their hero in North Korea?

Since Gore and Obama both got Nobel Peace Prizes, I'd offer to work with North Korea to win one. What I would propose to China Russia and North Korea is to research the medical benefits of Spiritual Healing methods that have cured the root causes of cancer, schizophrenia, and any number of physical and mental illnesses to drastically reduce the cost of medical treatments and the loss of lives.

Offer to set up mass medical and statistical research studies as teams across major nations, and try to win a Nobel in medicine or another field related. And agree to let North Korea accept the prize for the teams working together.

Emily dreams big! However improbable that scenario is, I wish I had that much optimism. I'm such a bitter cynic!

In all reality, bold changes are never made without someone dreaming that big.
Without knowing ALL the possibilities, it is hard to choose? Pull out and give SK 4 Nukes aimed at NK cities. Say......rood ruck and come home is one choice.
Their answer is nothing. Do nothing. Of course.

Hey owlie.....who is in charge of everything???
Who is supposed to do something about NK?

Since you're so proud of"winning" surely YOUR side has an amazing plan thst can surely yield amazing results.......

So,PLEASE share how well you can govern after your "victories"................LOL

Who kicked the can down the road so it ended in Trump's hands?

For that matter who was POTUS in 1994 when he was told the reactor coiuld be taken out but chose diplomacy....which NOKO agreed to....and went right ahead developing nukes?

So what . Lots of countries have nukes .

I don’t see why everyone is eager to RE start war in Korea .

NK is not invading anyone . The dems has held for 1/2 a century . NK isn’t looking to invade the other states in the region .

Their situation is a lot like Israel’s , but without the Gaza stuff.

Leave them to themselves .

This ^^^^ attitude is why History is the most important subject.

The irony is that you are right , but not for the reasons you think .

Look at Korea’s history for the last 100 years . First Japan came in and brutilized them, the Russia and the US imperialism looked to carve up Korea as spoils of war .

Do you wonder why they are so heavily armed? They are paranoid and rightfully so.

We’ve been in Korea for decades . Are we defending America ! ? Have we not learned to stay out of invading crazy ass 3rd world countries?
Libs enjoy defending dictatorships. I vote all you leftists move to N Korea asap.
Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy!

Send Lil' Rocket Man a Reset Button!
Hey owlie.....who is in charge of everything???
Who is supposed to do something about NK?

Since you're so proud of"winning" surely YOUR side has an amazing plan thst can surely yield amazing results.......

So,PLEASE share how well you can govern after your "victories"................LOL

Who kicked the can down the road so it ended in Trump's hands?

For that matter who was POTUS in 1994 when he was told the reactor coiuld be taken out but chose diplomacy....which NOKO agreed to....and went right ahead developing nukes?

So what . Lots of countries have nukes .

I don’t see why everyone is eager to RE start war in Korea .

NK is not invading anyone . The dems has held for 1/2 a century . NK isn’t looking to invade the other states in the region .

Their situation is a lot like Israel’s , but without the Gaza stuff.

Leave them to themselves .

This ^^^^ attitude is why History is the most important subject.

The irony is that you are right , but not for the reasons you think .

Look at Korea’s history for the last 100 years . First Japan came in and brutilized them, the Russia and the US imperialism looked to carve up Korea as spoils of war .

Do you wonder why they are so heavily armed? They are paranoid and rightfully so.

We’ve been in Korea for decades . Are we defending America ! ? Have we not learned to stay out of invading crazy ass 3rd world countries?
Libs enjoy defending dictatorships. I vote all you leftists move to N Korea asap.

Lol! This coming from righties who to this day lament the passing of your good buddy Qudaffi!

Cons have zero problems wh dictators so long as they are useful .
This may seem irrelevant, but it isn't. Here is what we are dealing with in regards to the left wing pathetic losers.

Here is Al Gore criticizing the first Bush for allowng saddam to remain in power.

Here is Al Gore then critizing getting rid of saddam.

Here is clinton signing the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds.

Here are the democrats that voted for the war, speaking out against it.

What is the point? The point is the shitbags on the left are hypocritical losers. If the commie yellow hero gets stronger and gets a nuclear weapon they will hold it against Trump.

If he does anything, they will call him a war monger.

Right now they are saying we should do nothing and insisting their commie yellow hero is no threat to us or our allies regardless of his statements to the contrary.

Wouldn't it be great if we could get away with with kicking liberals in their fucking sniveling petulant faces?
'So, what do libs think we should do about North Korea?'

Appease them by giving them a nuclear reactor...

oh wait - they did that already. That's how we're in this mess!

Give them another $4 billion and two more nuclear reactors.

That'll keep 'em happy for awhile.

Bill Clinton already did that.

Think of something new for a change.

Of course he did. That's called "appeasement" and my true solution would be to bomb the crap out of them, like Uncle Trump says.
What are they saying we should do about their hero in North Korea?


There's definite agreement on a clear path of action to follow from the Left had Hillary won the office:

1). 2017: Meet with Kim Jong Un. Hear what he has to say.
2). 2018: Make every concession possible including lifting all sanctions in exchange for promise not to build and use nuclear missiles against us and allies.
3). Donate 520 billion good-faith dollars to the RNK to help lift their economy toward democracy and feed their people. Pat ourselves on back for our great humanitarianism.
4). 2019: Do nothing as Kim takes all of it for military development and the country slides further into suffering and communism. Threats to us increase.
5). Negotiate in good faith even as we watch NK continue to thumb their nose, violate agreements and fortify their might with help from Iran, Russia & China.
6). 2020: North Korea breaks out as a true global threat whose cost of dealing with now is too risky and expensive for the USA to deal with alone. Meet to negotiate terms all in favor of them, including backing out of the Pacific Theater and our allies. North Korea prospers as it build new alliances with China and others once held by USA.
NK was pretty much under control until orange face showed up .

Yeah NOKO designed, built and launched an ICBM from Jan 2017 until July 2017:lmao:

All I know is that since the Don started, NK is shooting rockets in all directions and sending back Americans brain dead.

Donnie’s doing a real bang up job!

The half pint didnt have the ICBMs until July

Why didn't Obama get Warmbier back?

Now think really really hard.

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