So What Happens Now With Maxine Brown & Al Green?.Will They Keep Impeaching Donald Trump?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
Trump is kicking butt!! whats he at now? 61% Approval? it seems he has outdone Ronald Reagan with this economy.
So will Maxine continue her "Impeach 45" tour, where her average crowd is about 23 people?
Will Al Green find more reasons to call for the impeachment of President Trump?
:abgg2q.jpg: :aargh: :aargh: :5_1_12024:
I think you mean Waters, not Brown (the late R&B vocalist). But yeah, several of the filthy democrat scumbags were too embarrassed to show up for the SOTU. Wait Until Tomorrow...when they melt down after the acquittal!

Yes, the impeach 45 tour will continue. In their districts that is enough to get them re-elected.
I wonder if this will play out like it did with Kavanaugh- big deal and theatrics on the first set of charges, then an even-less-believable second set, then a third set of charges so confused that even the accusers were confused about who and what they were. Either way, I think it will be an interesting 9 months upcoming.

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I wonder if this will play out like it did with Kavanaugh- big deal and theatrics on the first set of charges, then an even-less-believable second set, then a third set of charges so confused that even the accusers were confused about who and what they were. Either way, I think it will be an interesting 9 months upcoming.

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At the end of that term, what will the sh*tstains give birth to?
I think you mean Waters, not Brown (the late R&B vocalist). But yeah, several of the filthy democrat scumbags were too embarrassed to show up for the SOTU. Wait Until Tomorrow...when they melt down after the acquittal!

I like to call her Maxie Pad.
Yes, the impeach 45 tour will continue. In their districts that is enough to get them re-elected.

Is it? I wonder. At some point, I think some people are going to start looking at this and think to themselves: "These people have been saying this for years! Where has it gotten us? Meantime, just what have these people actually done for ME?"

At some point, you can cry wolf or that the sky is falling only so many times before you finally notice no one's being eaten or that the Sun still rises every day as it always has.
Yes, the impeach 45 tour will continue. In their districts that is enough to get them re-elected.

Is it? I wonder. At some point, I think some people are going to start looking at this and think to themselves: "These people have been saying this for years! Where has it gotten us? Meantime, just what have these people actually done for ME?"

At some point, you can cry wolf or that the sky is falling only so many times before you finally notice no one's being eaten or that the Sun still rises every day as it always has.

I was thinking the same thing about Republicans constantly calling Democrats corrupt which has almost never actually planned out.

Anyway, 2/3rds if people don’t think they’re better off in this economy.

Nearly two-thirds of US voters say Trump has not made them better off | Financial Times
Yes, the impeach 45 tour will continue. In their districts that is enough to get them re-elected.

Is it? I wonder. At some point, I think some people are going to start looking at this and think to themselves: "These people have been saying this for years! Where has it gotten us? Meantime, just what have these people actually done for ME?"

At some point, you can cry wolf or that the sky is falling only so many times before you finally notice no one's being eaten or that the Sun still rises every day as it always has.
You are trying to use logic and common sense. They would not have been elected in the first place if that kind of thinking worked for the majority of the people in their districts. Their districts have people that think like IM2.
I think you mean Waters, not Brown (the late R&B vocalist). But yeah, several of the filthy democrat scumbags were too embarrassed to show up for the SOTU. Wait Until Tomorrow...when they melt down after the acquittal!

well Maxine has the same hair style as James Brown, so I just assume they are related
Yes, the impeach 45 tour will continue. In their districts that is enough to get them re-elected.

Is it? I wonder. At some point, I think some people are going to start looking at this and think to themselves: "These people have been saying this for years! Where has it gotten us? Meantime, just what have these people actually done for ME?"

At some point, you can cry wolf or that the sky is falling only so many times before you finally notice no one's being eaten or that the Sun still rises every day as it always has.

My opinion is that many of the more moderates in the Dem Party are leaving or have left the party already, and the only people that Pelosi and the far Left are playing to are the crazies that will vote for them no matter what happens. They've pretty much lost the middle and aren't doing anything to win them back.
Democrats have not been able to connect with the center or moderates since Clinton.
I would expect Mad Max to continue with the Cat 4 chimpout.... I don't think it can really reason at a higher level... anything that wears on its head, what appears to be a rodent shot out of a tree is not operating at our level....

But the voters that we care about see right thru it.... no harm, no foul. More Winning!!
i wonder if Maxine ever went back to a wal mart return counter asking for a cash refund for some of her wigs

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