Maxine Waters & Al Green Given Up On Impeaching Trump.So What Will They Do Now In Their Free Time?

:afro: :blues: :blsmile: Well, it's been a while since we have heard Al and Maxine. It seemed as if their only job as Congressmen have been to impeach Trump on their own given powers. So how many times has Al Green attempted to impeach Trump for a number of reasons that were just laughable? And Maxine? she just wants to impeach Trump because he's too white.
Well after about 16 months of "Attempting To Impeach 45", nothing has happened! Trump is still President. So what will Al and Maxine do now with all of this free time? Wild Animal Hunting?

As already mentioned, they will just smoke more crack, solicit more bribes, encourage more police assassinations, work harder on screwing over their stupid brain dead constituents, you know, the usual.

We should all help Maxine stay focused on running for President; she is the perfect Democratic Party candidate, after all, represents them to a T, and we should all do our level best to get her the nomination in 2020.
Maxine waters\hank Johnson. 2020
:afro: :blues: :blsmile: Well, it's been a while since we have heard Al and Maxine. It seemed as if their only job as Congressmen have been to impeach Trump on their own given powers. So how many times has Al Green attempted to impeach Trump for a number of reasons that were just laughable? And Maxine? she just wants to impeach Trump because he's too white.
Well after about 16 months of "Attempting To Impeach 45", nothing has happened! Trump is still President. So what will Al and Maxine do now with all of this free time? Wild Animal Hunting?

As already mentioned, they will just smoke more crack, solicit more bribes, encourage more police assassinations, work harder on screwing over their stupid brain dead constituents, you know, the usual.

We should all help Maxine stay focused on running for President; she is the perfect Democratic Party candidate, after all, represents them to a T, and we should all do our level best to get her the nomination in 2020.
Maxine waters\hank Johnson. 2020
At least we won't have to worry about California falling into the Specific Ocean
Perhaps now they both have more time to spend smoking their crack cocaine. It's hard to be a crackhead and impeach a President at the same time.
I'm sure that Maxine Brown has been making more trips to "James Brown Wigs R Us" now that she has nothing better to do

Spooky. I thought I was the only one who noticed the resemblance.

Letting your racist flag fly again I see.
About those sources again, you pussy.
I get it now. You wake up every morning and the first thing that pisses you off is knowing you're not White and never will be White.
Too bad pal.
Perhaps now they both have more time to spend smoking their crack cocaine. It's hard to be a crackhead and impeach a President at the same time.
i am beginning to wonder what Maxine smokes. maybe she's on whatever Joy Blowhard is on

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