What do you understand about FDR? Did FDR want a war with Japan? For answers, check here

Rubbish. The economy grew immediately when FDR was elected to 1941; the Depression effectively ended in 1938. Unemployment remained high, but was less than half what it was under Hoover. There was a short recession in 1937, during the Supreme Court battles, but that didn't last long. It was why FDR was elected 4 times, and why Hoover was a 1 term President. Nobody cares about your silly Jap feces fetish,
I introduced YOU to his work. YOU responded to something uncomfortable with guesses.
I have read some of the hoover guys papers and they seem quite the right fit for the Wall Street journal opinion pages.
Where Unkotare went to college is not the topic of the thread.
Hilarious that you offer a revisionist libertarian viewpoint on the Great Depression recovery by the rightwing Hoover fuckups.

Republican demands for a balanced budget stalled recovery efforts twice during the 30’s. Missing from article is the fact that approach of do nothing was used from 1929 to 1933. Also, you realize that a certain amount of inflation signals a growing economy.

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