So What is the Worst Scenario for the Democrats With Hillary's FBI Criminal Email Investigation?

What is the Worst Scenario for the Democrats?

  • Hillary is indicted BEFORE convention, but Dems nominate her anyway

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Hillary is indicted BEFORE convention, and Dems nominate another candidate

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Hillary is indicted AFTER the convention, and she is already the nominee for POTUS

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • FBI recommends indictment but DOJ says Nyet!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • FBI recommends indictment but Lynch intervenes and says No!

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • All of these options are catastrophic for the Democrats

    Votes: 8 42.1%

  • Total voters
Hillary still stands as a good chance of being elected.
Even if she is, she'll has so much baggage that even with the left wing press trying to resurrect her sorry ### She'll be a laughing stock for the most part.
Hillary still stands as a good chance of being elected.
Even if she is, she'll has so much baggage that even with the left wing press trying to resurrect her sorry ### She'll be a laughing stock for the most part.
With dump it would be much worse.
If hiLIARy is going to be indicted, she will negotiate to withdraw as a candidate "due to health" issues, and promise not to implicate Obama in her crimes. Biden will step in, which will totally enrage the Bernistas. Good Times!
If hiLIARy is going to be indicted, she will negotiate to withdraw as a candidate "due to health" issues, and promise not to implicate Obama in her crimes. Biden will step in, which will totally enrage the Bernistas. Good Times!
The right wing cultists here are never leaving their kingdom of delusion. They've moved in permanently, and built fortifications.

We hope they keep up their lunacy forever, being how it brings more votes to the Democrats.
Yeah, because everyone knows that Dimbocrats wont demand their leaders be held accountable for their crimes as they hope instead to share in the Federal windfall of winning the election and that is ALL that ever matters to them.
The right wing cultists here are never leaving their kingdom of delusion. They've moved in permanently, and built fortifications.

We hope they keep up their lunacy forever, being how it brings more votes to the Democrats.
Yeah, because everyone knows that Dimbocrats wont demand their leaders be held accountable for their crimes as they hope instead to share in the Federal windfall of winning the election and that is ALL that ever matters to them.
Right, like Nixon and Reagan and Bush ever did!
Hilly is not indicted and Comey resigns.

The perception will be that Comey resigned rather than be part of the collusion and destruction.

An indictment will hurt the Clintons. The resignation of the FBI director will slop all over all the democrats.
Hillary cuts a deal to throw Obama under the bus... Seriously, the WORST for them would be an indictment & Hillary is 'perp-walked'.

Won't happen - the fix is in.
The best scenario would be the DNC feeling the Bern

The WORST case for the DEM's is that Hillary wins The White House but does not win the Senate or House of Reps.

The BEST case for the DEM's is Hillary wins The White House and sweeps BOTH houses of Congress too.

The MOST LIKELY case is that Hillary will win and will also sweep the Senate but not the House.

In that case she will get to seat all her SCOTUS choices but can't pass any gun bans at the Federal level.

California just passed and the Gov signed a huge assault weapons ban so if the other states want the same thing (such as in NYS, CT, ILL, etc.) they will need to do it at the state level. The current SCOTUS has already let stand a similar ban.

The FBI would not have interviewed Hillary if they had anything on her. They would have read her rights today.

They did not.

The FBI investigation is over.
Hilly is not indicted and Comey resigns.

The perception will be that Comey resigned rather than be part of the collusion and destruction.

An indictment will hurt the Clintons. The resignation of the FBI director will slop all over all the democrats.
Comey let the Orlando shooter slip through his fingers. He should resign over that alone already.
What is the worst scenario for the Republicans if Trump is elected? That his $40,000,000 fraud trial won't be televised.
have to admit that a $40,000,000 fraud charge is pretty bad, however, exactly how did that damage the security of our nation?
Not following here how thats worse than what the traitor hillary has done.
Hillary cuts a deal to throw Obama under the bus... Seriously, the WORST for them would be an indictment & Hillary is 'perp-walked'.

Won't happen - the fix is in.
Sometimes expectations are the key to the outcome.

Stop thinking Hillary will walk because the 'fix is in' and maybe you can regain the sense of outrage this whole thing merits.
* All of these options are catastrophic for the Democrats

Well JB this was my answer to your poll. While I have some doubts whether any of the options will take place, I have a glimmer of hope that she will be held accountable for her actions...

You left out that She may be found innocent (or within a shadow). In the US, you still have to be charged before you are tried. I think that this may end up another Benghazi where the Reds get more egg on their face. If the FBI actually had a prosecutible case then they would already have turned over to the DOJ for trial.

This option would mean winning by a landslide AND the Dems pick up several questionable senate and house seats. This is extremely dangerous politics being played by the Reds.
The best scenario would be the DNC feeling the Bern
While I agree, the question in the OP is about what is the worst outcome from the email criminal investigation, not what is magically the best for Democrats.

What would be best for the Democrats is to have their own Trump Revolt and take control of their party from the Super Delegates who are obviously incompetent and corrupt.
You left out that She may be found innocent (or within a shadow). In the US, you still have to be charged before you are tried. I think that this may end up another Benghazi where the Reds get more egg on their face. If the FBI actually had a prosecutible case then they would already have turned over to the DOJ for trial.

This option would mean winning by a landslide AND the Dems pick up several questionable senate and house seats. This is extremely dangerous politics being played by the Reds.
1. The actual trial of Hillary Rodham Clinton would take years, so there is no way a verdict can be delivered prior to the general election.

2. There is no way she is found innocent as what she did is very plainly a violation of federal laws on storing and securing classified information.

3. This is not about politics as much as you blue brained Dems may fixate on EVERYTHING being about politics. Clinton violated the laws in serious ways probably in order to sell her influence without being exposed by an email record trail. Her motive is irrelevant, but her duplicity, criminal behavior and apparent treachery is very relevant.

4. This is only going to blow up on the Dimbocrats as their party has been taken over by a coalition of Marxists and criminals who use their government power to enrich themselves at every opportunity at the public expense while all the time posing as the champions of the people. This is Hillary's style of fraud going all the way back to her defense of a man who raped a 13 year old girl and that she knew was guilty, and at the time was posing as the champion of women and children in Arkansas. Now she poses as the defenders of the Middle Class while having pushed the TPP for the last three years and recommending it as the 'gold standard' of trade deals. She is a betraying fraud down to her toe nails and cannot help it.

If Hillary Clinton wins election, she will be catastrophic for this nation, and if we elect her we will deserve it.
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