So What Were Illegals Saying Crossing Back To S.America & Mexico? We Miss Prez. Bush?

Mar 16, 2012

Looks like millions of illegal aliens have finally come to a conclusion that they wont find jobs so long as the USA has an angry Democrat in office.:omg:

Good-Bye 5 million votes for Obama! (ok, give or take a million)
So what do you think the few million of illegals have been saying as they were going home in groves since our modern day Castro became President?:mad:

Maybe something like : Son Of A Bitch !! Whan I moov to United States in 1998, I always have a good YOB ! I can pay for my wife and seven children! I can buy new caddilac, dare was too many houses for me to built ! too many lawns for me and my amigos to mow, and since Castro Obama became president, I NO WORK NO MORE! I HAVE NO MONEY! so I take bus back to Mehhico City and Now I Must Wait For President Romney !!!! :eusa_pray::eusa_pray::sad:
That's pretty crappy dude, learn to troll.

Not at all crappy! Good and real truth!
See you all Bush bashers keep forgetting and I keep asking ALL of you if you understood the affect of $9.2 trillion in losses that were totally beyond ANYONE's control including Bush that cost the USA not only $300 billion a year in lost tax revenue.. no one seems to concede that.. but $600 billion in Iraq to finish the job that started in 1991 when the CEASE Fire was broken by Saddam!
Then we have $600 billion Homeland Security costs that added to the budget!

$11 trillion in losses and additional expenditures and NONE of it Bush's fault!
$5 trillion in bust i.e. market losses
$2 trillion in 9/11 -- airlines didn't fly for 3 days, wall street closed 10 days.. 500,000 jobs!
$1 trillion in worst hurricanes that destroyed businesses 400,000 jobs..
$1 trillion market losses due to housing collapse which Bush warned congress 17 times about Fannie/Freddie making unsecured loans to unqualified people!
All of the above changed what could have been a surplus of $150 billion at the end of Bush's term!

BUT no one seems to recognize that $11 trillion in losses! All EVERYONE including conservatives is to say "Bush spent like a drunken sailor"! Which was NOT true by comparison to Obama equaling in 3 years what Bush did in 8 years!

Historians are going to rate Bush a great President because in spite of:
1) $11 trillion in unforeseen lost tax revenue, Homeland/Iraq expenses/ hurricanes
2) a MSM that was totally biased, daily Bush bashing for political reasons only
3) A congressmen that encouraged the enemies to kill US troops prolonging Iraq

IN spite of that Bush kept us all together safe and after 9/11 UNITED WE STAND!!!
let the gay liberals bash this post all they want, we all know its true, illegals are going home cause Obama collapsed the system, him and his cronies (frank&dodd, for starts) gave away home to dead and illegal americans, (as if that was Bushes idea?) Good for us, lets hope they keep flocking back to South America right thru November! God Bless Romney/Rubio 2012!
I miss those guys who used to replace/maintain our condo roofs over the last 9 years, now a bunch of white guys are maintaining our complex.

Looks like millions of illegal aliens have finally come to a conclusion that they wont find jobs so long as the USA has an angry Democrat in office.:omg:

Good-Bye 5 million votes for Obama! (ok, give or take a million)
So what do you think the few million of illegals have been saying as they were going home in groves since our modern day Castro became President?:mad:

Maybe something like : Son Of A Bitch !! Whan I moov to United States in 1998, I always have a good YOB ! I can pay for my wife and seven children! I can buy new caddilac, dare was too many houses for me to built ! too many lawns for me and my amigos to mow, and since Castro Obama became president, I NO WORK NO MORE! I HAVE NO MONEY! so I take bus back to Mehhico City and Now I Must Wait For President Romney !!!! :eusa_pray::eusa_pray::sad:


Care to bet your tag line? Just until January 1.

If Obama wins, change your tag line to "All hail President Obama, your president, my president, our president." If Romney wins, I'll change it to "All hail President Romney, your president, my president, our president."

Should be an easy victory for you; unless you're full of shit.

Do we have a wager?

You seemed to have missed the challenge I made to you.
what challange?

Care to bet your tag line? Just until January 1.

If Obama wins, change your tag line to "All hail President Obama, your president, my president, our president." If Romney wins, I'll change it to "All hail President Romney, your president, my president, our president."

Should be an easy victory for you; unless you're full of shit.

Do we have a wager?

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