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so whats the solution?

It's to about making them less paranoid. It's about stopping their advancements.

What do they have to be paranoid about? Nobody is threatening their country outside of their creation of nukes and delivery systems. If they stopped that, there would be no threat to that little country certainly no reason to be paranoid. Nobody would care about them and leave them entirely alone.

Dude, we've been waging economic warfare on them for 60 years, they probably have every reason to be paranoid.

We were doing that long before they had nuclear capability.

again, i'm not willing to throw away thousands of lives so the Orange Shitgibbon can look tough.

That only leaves us with two choices: let them advance in their nuclear capabilities and hope for the best, or address the problem now and put it to an end. It's not just the guy has nukes. He has threatened the US several times in the past about using them. Would he? Who knows. It depends on how much of a gamble we are willing to take.
I'm seeing nothing in this thread as far as a viable solution. China is obviously not going to step up and help.

Not true. Both China and Russia voted FOR the recent severe sanctions imposed by the UN on North Korea. In the past, they would either abstain or veto.

Sanctions? WTF? Are sanctions working? :dunno:

We are way beyond UN sanctions.

I mean... I don't get you people. Are we going to wait until they vaporize Guam? Is it going to take a nuke on San Francisco? Because that is where we're heading unless we take him out.
Yes they are - they weaken the nation in question.

Well by that logic, NK should be the weakest nation on the planet. Because they are the single most sanctioned nation over the past 30 years.
Only if you cannot think beyond a binary position.

Sanctions weaken their target - that is a flat out fact.
Further, the assumption that they are going to 'vaporize' anything is based on a whole lot of nothing.

Hmmm... let's see... FA_Q2 Intelligence vs. US National Security Intelligence? I think when dealing with nukes, I'm gonna go with US National Security Intelligence. No offense. I'm sure your intelligence is useful for bathroom policy or strains of pot... this is too important to trust you as a source.
Except you are actually going against the National Intelligence who has not declared that NK has active plans to launch nuclear strikes at the US.

You are making shit up based on nothing and then responding with snide remarks when it is pointed out.

You are even going against the those security agencies who do not see military action as a viable solution by any stretch of the imagination. Military strikes against NK are only seen as a last ditch action that we may be forced into taking.
Nuclear proliferation does not make things better but it is a massive cry from that to NK actually using them against a target.

Of course we CAN force the issue and make them use their nukes - we just have to start a war...

NK's proliferating nukes is the whole problem here. And the whole issue is that he continues threatening to use them. Now... perhaps I am wrong about this, but I believe he is less likely to use his nukes if we turn him into a grease spot.
Yes, you are absolutely wrong.

If we attack they are not going to have any reason at all to not use a nuke. Rather, they are going to be forced into a corner and that GUARANTEES that they will use anything and everything that they have.
From what I've heard, NK has a country under their country. They have put their money into underground tunnels and it would be impossible to infiltrate. From what I understand, they are highly advanced and able to endure any bombing that we might initiate.

We could destroy what's on top, but the people, military and leadership would survive just fine. All they would have to worry about is rebuilding which wouldn't stop them from advancing their nuclear technologies.
That's what we get for supporting cheap labor Totalitarian nations like China that share with their fellow dictators.

I agree, but I don't think that Americans will stop buying products made overseas because of it. We are too focused on getting cheap products and we don't care where they come from.

More solidarity among American consumers would put more pressure on China than any of our politicians or policies. But try to make that happen....................
Most people I encounter seem to be willing to pay 15% to 20% more for quality products,
Lots of people may say that but in the end it is not true at all. You friends might be the exception but the general attitude of the consumer does not give a hoot about the location of production just the price.

The solid proof is in the fact that we consume so much junk not produced here. If people would actually buy American over Chinese then producers would be creating those products here.

So you don't know anybody that shops at other discount stores such as Marc's, Sam's club, Amazon?

It's all the same. People trying to get products as cheap as possible.
We have 2 Costcos that have great prices and customer service and most people shop Amazon because of the reviews.
And yes, I have friends who sell on Amazon and Amazon does beat them down but my friends still manage to pay their 4K/month mortgages and go on vacation.

Sure they can, because they are getting their products cheaper.

Years ago this wasn't as much of a problem because there were less things to buy. You had a landline telephone, a color television with an antenna on the roof, a stereo, and probably belonged to a one car family.

Look at what we spend our money on today, especially when it comes to technology. Big 75" screen televisions, cell phones for every member in your family, cable or satellite television, satellite radio, internet, two or three video games plus the CD's or whatever they use now to play those games, pay per view.

When I was a kid in the 60's and 70's, McDonald's was a treat, not a weekly staple. We ate out four or five times a year. That's because we were a single-income family, and women stayed at home to prepare meals.

The point I'm making is that because we have so many things we want today (and I'm a victim like anybody else) is the American consumer has to make their dollars stretch much further.
I know a lot of people who live way above their heads and always want multiples of the latest gadgets.
Most of them get gratification from the purchase and possession than the use.
But most of them will buy American if it's available.
See above.

Did your time machine just bring you here from the 1980s, Dr Brown?
You are going to have to explain that one.
You don't want war with n Korea. Neither do I.

So how do we solve the n Korea problem?

I'm all ears

All I know is that I don't want a dangerous idiot like Trump making that decision...but you should have thought of that before you voted for him.

Or the DNC should have thought of it before anointing the Bulldyke as their canidate. Some people voted for Trump, but many of us voted AGAINST that evil bitch.

Yeah, a racist and misogynist like Trump is not evil. A traitor who spends all his time blowing Putin is not evil. I got it, lightweight.

I understand......it's still hard for you lib snowflakes to grasp how your queen bitch lost. A little advice for ya sport- pull your panties outta of your ass crack, pull the Bulldyke's dick outta your mouth, and pull yourself up and start walking like a man. Face reality.

I'll tell you what, trailer trash goober....when your pussy hero Trump quits crying about the "fake media" every day, I'll quit saying how worthless Trump and you Repug fuckers are.

In other words, I'll never quit.

Great post- accept for the grotesque factual errors. 1) Trump is not my hero, and I never claimed he was, 2) I'm not a Republican. If you bothered to read AND COMPREHEND others posts, you would know that. How's the view from inside your own ass?
I'm seeing nothing in this thread as far as a viable solution. China is obviously not going to step up and help.

Not true. Both China and Russia voted FOR the recent severe sanctions imposed by the UN on North Korea. In the past, they would either abstain or veto.

Sanctions? WTF? Are sanctions working? :dunno:

We are way beyond UN sanctions.

I mean... I don't get you people. Are we going to wait until they vaporize Guam? Is it going to take a nuke on San Francisco? Because that is where we're heading unless we take him out.
Yes they are - they weaken the nation in question.

Well by that logic, NK should be the weakest nation on the planet. Because they are the single most sanctioned nation over the past 30 years.
Only if you cannot think beyond a binary position.

Sanctions weaken their target - that is a flat out fact.
Further, the assumption that they are going to 'vaporize' anything is based on a whole lot of nothing.

Hmmm... let's see... FA_Q2 Intelligence vs. US National Security Intelligence? I think when dealing with nukes, I'm gonna go with US National Security Intelligence. No offense. I'm sure your intelligence is useful for bathroom policy or strains of pot... this is too important to trust you as a source.
Except you are actually going against the National Intelligence who has not declared that NK has active plans to launch nuclear strikes at the US.

You are making shit up based on nothing and then responding with snide remarks when it is pointed out.

You are even going against the those security agencies who do not see military action as a viable solution by any stretch of the imagination. Military strikes against NK are only seen as a last ditch action that we may be forced into taking.
Nuclear proliferation does not make things better but it is a massive cry from that to NK actually using them against a target.

Of course we CAN force the issue and make them use their nukes - we just have to start a war...

NK's proliferating nukes is the whole problem here. And the whole issue is that he continues threatening to use them. Now... perhaps I am wrong about this, but I believe he is less likely to use his nukes if we turn him into a grease spot.
Yes, you are absolutely wrong.

If we attack they are not going to have any reason at all to not use a nuke. Rather, they are going to be forced into a corner and that GUARANTEES that they will use anything and everything that they have.

Sanctions haven't worked. We've been using sanctions for 20+ years. Sanctions were supposed to keep them in check and prevent them from developing nuclear weapons.

I'm not going against anything. The NIE says they have nukes. We don't need them to tell us there is a threat of them using them, that's coming from the crazy fat kid. He's the one in charge of NK nukes, not the NIE.

And NO, I am NOT absolutely wrong... we should've eliminated this shitstain years ago and saved ourselves billions of dollars in shake down money that went for absolutely nothing. That said, you are absolutely correct... we're not going to do a damn thing! We're going to sit on our hands until he makes the first move. If that means LA and San Francisco get vaporized in a surprise attack... so be it! That's the price we're going to pay.

Why? Because political correctness! If we act preemptively, we are the aggressors, we're the bad guys.
That only leaves us with two choices: let them advance in their nuclear capabilities and hope for the best, or address the problem now and put it to an end. It's not just the guy has nukes. He has threatened the US several times in the past about using them. Would he? Who knows. It depends on how much of a gamble we are willing to take.

No, it's a matter of what the consequences of acting are. If we strike first, China would almost certainly strike back to defend the Norks. That would escalate it far beyond anything Kim could do on his own.

On the off chance that he did try to launch one of his primitive missiles with a low-yield nuke at us, or Japan or S. Korea, the pretty much the whole world would be against him.

The real danger of North Korea is that the regime will collapse, however.
That only leaves us with two choices: let them advance in their nuclear capabilities and hope for the best, or address the problem now and put it to an end. It's not just the guy has nukes. He has threatened the US several times in the past about using them. Would he? Who knows. It depends on how much of a gamble we are willing to take.

No, it's a matter of what the consequences of acting are. If we strike first, China would almost certainly strike back to defend the Norks. That would escalate it far beyond anything Kim could do on his own.

On the off chance that he did try to launch one of his primitive missiles with a low-yield nuke at us, or Japan or S. Korea, the pretty much the whole world would be against him.

The real danger of North Korea is that the regime will collapse, however.

No, I don't think China would dream of starting a war with the US over NK. They would have too much to lose.

The problem with crazy people is they don't care about anything. Just like the maniacs that go on a shooting spree. They just kill as many as they can before they get killed. It doesn't matter to them. Is he that nuts? I don't know, but what if he is?

It's the same thing with Iran. They anxiously await the armageddon. Their belief is that at the end of the world, the Fifth Imam will rise as their savior.

It's not so much about nukes than it is who has the nukes. Just a threat? Maybe, but terrorist organizations used to threaten us all the time. We never took it seriously until 911.
All I know is that I don't want a dangerous idiot like Trump making that decision...but you should have thought of that before you voted for him.

Or the DNC should have thought of it before anointing the Bulldyke as their canidate. Some people voted for Trump, but many of us voted AGAINST that evil bitch.

Yeah, a racist and misogynist like Trump is not evil. A traitor who spends all his time blowing Putin is not evil. I got it, lightweight.

I understand......it's still hard for you lib snowflakes to grasp how your queen bitch lost. A little advice for ya sport- pull your panties outta of your ass crack, pull the Bulldyke's dick outta your mouth, and pull yourself up and start walking like a man. Face reality.

I'll tell you what, trailer trash goober....when your pussy hero Trump quits crying about the "fake media" every day, I'll quit saying how worthless Trump and you Repug fuckers are.

In other words, I'll never quit.

Great post- accept for the grotesque factual errors. 1) Trump is not my hero, and I never claimed he was, 2) I'm not a Republican. If you bothered to read AND COMPREHEND others posts, you would know that. How's the view from inside your own ass?

OK, then I guess you're just fucking stupid if you think Hillary Clinton is somehow more "evil" than a racist and misogynist like Trump. There is absolutely no comparison between the two. And notice how Trump doesn't condemn the racists causing violence in Charlottesville this weekend, because they are his base of supporters.

Trump is also hopelessly corrupt, which is why he still won't release his tax returns. He has all kinds of egregious conflicts of interest as president regarding his businesses and his idiot daughter and son-in-law working in the White House. He hires people that are ridiculously unqualified for their positions like Anthony Scaramucci because they are loyal to him. But you're willing to overlook all that because you're an unsophisticated, lightweight idiot.
No, I don't think China would dream of starting a war with the US over NK. They would have too much to lose.

Maybe you should read up on WWI, and how everyone thought that the other side had too much to lose by going to war over Serbia.

Times have changed. We are their economy. If anything, serious actions may kick China in the ass to solve this problem before it gets out of hand. Right now, words aren't enough for them to act on.
The problem with crazy people is they don't care about anything. Just like the maniacs that go on a shooting spree. They just kill as many as they can before they get killed. It doesn't matter to them. Is he that nuts? I don't know, but what if he is?

Again, you guys had no problem with crazy people when you put the Orange Shitgibbon in the White House. The thing is, the North Korean regime isn't "Crazy". It acts in the same calculated way it has for decades.

It's the same thing with Iran. They anxiously await the armageddon. Their belief is that at the end of the world, the Fifth Imam will rise as their savior.

And your degree in theology came from where, exactly? Here's the thing. The Islamic Republic has never attached a neighbor or started a war since it was founded in 1979. The US has started several wars since then.
Times have changed. We are their economy. If anything, serious actions may kick China in the ass to solve this problem before it gets out of hand. Right now, words aren't enough for them to act on.

And in WWI, nobody thought Germany would go to war because Germany was too dependent on trade with the rest of the world.

In fact, it's actually a pretty good parallel. The US as Great Britain, global domination and reach, and the China as Germany - emerging power, building its military...

So does that make South Korea Austria-Hungry, which got a "blank Check" from the Kaiser?
Or the DNC should have thought of it before anointing the Bulldyke as their canidate. Some people voted for Trump, but many of us voted AGAINST that evil bitch.

Yeah, a racist and misogynist like Trump is not evil. A traitor who spends all his time blowing Putin is not evil. I got it, lightweight.

I understand......it's still hard for you lib snowflakes to grasp how your queen bitch lost. A little advice for ya sport- pull your panties outta of your ass crack, pull the Bulldyke's dick outta your mouth, and pull yourself up and start walking like a man. Face reality.

I'll tell you what, trailer trash goober....when your pussy hero Trump quits crying about the "fake media" every day, I'll quit saying how worthless Trump and you Repug fuckers are.

In other words, I'll never quit.

Great post- accept for the grotesque factual errors. 1) Trump is not my hero, and I never claimed he was, 2) I'm not a Republican. If you bothered to read AND COMPREHEND others posts, you would know that. How's the view from inside your own ass?

OK, then I guess you're just fucking stupid if you think Hillary Clinton is somehow more "evil" than a racist and misogynist like Trump. There is absolutely no comparison between the two. And notice how Trump doesn't condemn the racists causing violence in Charlottesville this weekend, because they are his base of supporters.

Trump is also hopelessly corrupt, which is why he still won't release his tax returns. He has all kinds of egregious conflicts of interest as president regarding his businesses and his idiot daughter and son-in-law working in the White House. He hires people that are ridiculously unqualified for their positions like Anthony Scaramucci because they are loyal to him. But you're willing to overlook all that because you're an unsophisticated, lightweight idiot.

Most of what you said about the orange clown is accurate, but yep, the pantsuit Bulldyke is worse, thank you very much.

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