so when is the next date?

March 20 th has take military take over etc when will you traitors realize this is over...biden is president and yall are mislead idiots who truned on your country...but do tell me the next date of the return of trump? well? are yall not feeling a bit foolish by now?
It doesn't matter, even if he has no plans to ever come back you have it your mind that he will. So the wall and troops will stay in DC, Biden is afraid to walk he streets even with 20K troops but remember that Trump walked into North Korea alone to the surprise of everyone.

Trump stuck his pinky toe in N Korea
Biden would not even do that in DC and he had 20K troops
Simple solution.
A million bucks in an advertising campaign south of the border with a simple message.
"If you cross the border illegally, your status and those of your kids will NEVER be validated or legalised.. NUNCA."
End of deaths.

Thats way too simple.
Doing the right thing for the American people is bad and cruel.
Ask Mac1958 Slade3200 and all the other fragile bleeding hearts.
Very true, BL thinks the right thing is being bad and cruel. You can explain the “why” if you like

See that's where we differ.
Doing the right thing for Americas people is NEVER the wrong or cruel thing to do. When did you start hating America and assisting in its demise?

When doing "right" by your family, involves harming others, no good will come of it. Your national reputation is trashed, and those who carried out these illegal orders will be prosecuted. The USA cannot, as a nation, let this violence against refugees stand.
March 20 th has take military take over etc when will you traitors realize this is over...biden is president and yall are mislead idiots who truned on your country...but do tell me the next date of the return of trump? well? are yall not feeling a bit foolish by now?
March 20 th has take military take over etc when will you traitors realize this is over...biden is president and yall are mislead idiots who truned on your country...but do tell me the next date of the return of trump? well? are yall not feeling a bit foolish by now?
They'll never feel foolish, because they can just play the victim. I'd imagine the only thing that might change their mind at this point is if someone slipped Trump some truth serum in front of a camera and he blurted out the whole con.

It'll be interesting to see if they come up with another date, though, and what the back-story is. I'm sure it will be riveting!
March 20 th has take military take over etc when will you traitors realize this is over...biden is president and yall are mislead idiots who truned on your country...but do tell me the next date of the return of trump? well? are yall not feeling a bit foolish by now?
Trumpistas are such space cadets, it's probably May the 4th.
your post is akin to someone in huge debt taking out ANOTHER loan they can't pay.....sure, sure, everything is ok when you get the loan, but when the bills come home--

Deficits don’t matter
Just look at Trump running up a $3 trillion deficit. Didn’t see you whining then
Well, it looks like they have a good idea. They're just gonna go back to keeping everything vague 'n scary 'n stuff:

Since then, another Telegram user spotted by Insider attempted to address the problem of definite dates by doing away with them altogether, writing: “Dates for late March, April, May, and more dates in the fall have been tossed out there. While we can speculate and hope, no specific dates have been landed on… don’t get caught up in the dates, watch what’s happening.”
Sounds remarkably like the 'millienialists' Who say the world is going to end..they set a date...and after it passes..they shrug their collective shoulders and set another...LOL~

View attachment 470409
Sounds remarkably like the 'millienialists' Who say the world is going to end..they set a date...and after it passes..why shrug their collective shoulders and set another...LOL~
Yeah, I'm sure it keeps everyone engaged and excited 'n stuff. These folks are absolutely hooked on big-picture conspiracy fantasies, so there's a never-ending supply of meat on the bone for them.

If this were just some little goofy hobby for a small group of people, that would be one thing. But it's polluted one of our two "major" parties.

Who could have expected something like this?
After Palin and the Tea Party...anything is possible

Hahaha...these threads / pow-wows are always entertaining as hell.
A bunch of whackos who believe gender is a feeling talking about how crazy other people are.
Biden would not even do that in DC and he had 20K troops

Maybe if we gave Biden a Bible and some tear gas

March 20 th has take military take over etc when will you traitors realize this is over...biden is president and yall are mislead idiots who truned on your country...but do tell me the next date of the return of trump? well? are yall not feeling a bit foolish by now?

I said that the dates given would end up with nothing happening. It is over but I expect the Dems to keep milking it for all it’s worth. Never let a crisis go to waste is their motto.
March 20 th has take military take over etc when will you traitors realize this is over...biden is president and yall are mislead idiots who truned on your country...but do tell me the next date of the return of trump? well? are yall not feeling a bit foolish by now?

Ummm, every one of those posts was made by a leftist. No Trump person I know believed any of the shit you clowns are spewing.
March 20 th has take military take over etc when will you traitors realize this is over...biden is president and yall are mislead idiots who truned on your country...but do tell me the next date of the return of trump? well? are yall not feeling a bit foolish by now?
They're cultists....their little minds just slide to the next date they are told to believe in.
March 20 th has take military take over etc when will you traitors realize this is over...biden is president and yall are mislead idiots who truned on your country...but do tell me the next date of the return of trump? well? are yall not feeling a bit foolish by now?
They're cultists....their little minds just slide to the next date they are told to believe in.

Says the fat tub o lard who has never been honest in her life.

Talk about being a cultist, honey, you take the cake

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