So where are the ancient Hebrews?


Gold Member
Jun 9, 2014
Pinetop, AZ
I tried to bump my post "About these European Jews" with this question, but it is so many pages back I am not even sure I remember its exact title now.

To continue, since so many here post saying, "If they (the Jews/Israelis/'zionists') would just go back to Europe, the problem would be over" I want to ask about the ancient Jews.

Did they just die off somewhere? We know that they got expelled in 70CE when Titus destroyed the Temple. However many moved to the Galilee. Gamla was another later "Masada", however what about Tzfat? Also known as Safed?

Let the debate begin.
Trust me in this, Teddy . . . if the truth be told, and hopefully you believe in truth, the beginning of Judaism had nothing to do with the Ashkenazim.~ Susan
Very interesting question. According to my business law professor, Mr. Bernard Kauffman, they all congregated in Ellis Island circa 1892 to reclaim their biblical homeland.
I tried to bump my post "About these European Jews" with this question, but it is so many pages back I am not even sure I remember its exact title now.

To continue, since so many here post saying, "If they (the Jews/Israelis/'zionists') would just go back to Europe, the problem would be over" I want to ask about the ancient Jews.

Did they just die off somewhere? We know that they got expelled in 70CE when Titus destroyed the Temple. However many moved to the Galilee. Gamla was another later "Masada", however what about Tzfat? Also known as Safed?

Let the debate begin.
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Trust me in this, Teddy . . . if the truth be told, and hopefully you believe in truth, the beginning of Judaism had nothing to do with the Ashkenazim.~ Susan

Is that so when there is a 95% match with Jews who never left the land of Judaea and Samaria, yet less than a 85% match with arab muslims. ( the same match that is between you and a banana )

So do show how the European Jews had nothing to do with Judaism ?
I tried to bump my post "About these European Jews" with this question, but it is so many pages back I am not even sure I remember its exact title now.

To continue, since so many here post saying, "If they (the Jews/Israelis/'zionists') would just go back to Europe, the problem would be over" I want to ask about the ancient Jews.

Did they just die off somewhere? We know that they got expelled in 70CE when Titus destroyed the Temple. However many moved to the Galilee. Gamla was another later "Masada", however what about Tzfat? Also known as Safed?

Let the debate begin.

WRONG as the legal definition of a Jew in CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW is a person who is of the Jewish faith, or of the Jewish race or of the Jewish culture. The Romans took many Jews as slaves back to Europe were they stayed and settled once the Roman empire had been destroyed. They did not die out as you wish them to have, they flourished and made new lives for themselves in Europe. Some did leave the Jewish faith over the last 2,000 years, but not in the numbers team Palestine tries to make out. Small pockets of resistance were widespread in the M.E. and the romans were hard pushed to eradicate them while trying to defend the Roman empire from destruction. The Palestinians are recent arrivals on the scene and were not in existence prior to 625 C.E. when a semi literate camel herder with mental problems invented islam. and started on his campaign of world domination.
Trust me in this, Teddy . . . if the truth be told, and hopefully you believe in truth, the beginning of Judaism had nothing to do with the Ashkenazim.~ Susan
Trust me on this, Pishy, even if you don't want to hear the truth ..... Some Jews stayed in the Holy Land, but most of the Jews who left went to either Eastern Europe, Spain or Portugal, or to other countries in the Middle East. That why you have the different divisions -- Ashkenazi for those who went to Eastern Europe, Sephardic for those who went to Spain and Portugal, and Mizrahi for those who went to other Middle East countries. Didn't you ever hear of the Dispora?

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