So who on the left is going to condemn Farrakhan calling Guiliani a "priveleged cracker devil"?

Why should anyone, on the left or the right, bother to waste the time "condemning" Farrakhan?

I think ignoring him entirely is the best option. Condemning his comments legitimizes them.
It will be interesting to see if anyone in the media is going to run around demanding that a Democrat politician comment on Calypso Louie's racist remark.

I won't hold my breath.

You and other RWs are the very last ones who should be critical of the language of others.

Especially you fake christians who might want to read John 8:7.

The OP, like most others on the right, live in a very large glass house.
It will be interesting to see if anyone in the media is going to run around demanding that a Democrat politician comment on Calypso Louie's racist remark.

I won't hold my breath.

You and other RWs are the very last ones who should be critical of the language of others.

Especially you fake christians who might want to read John 8:7.

This comment by Louie is a racist comment. Flat out racist. Just calling it for what it is.
no it isnt. its you trying to create something that isnt there as usual. cracker isnt a racial term.
I never put any stock in Farrakhan's words and don't see why I should start now. He is a horse's ass.
Find me one who supports those comments, please.

You poor, poor conservative. Such a victim.

Not finding anyone out there condemning his statements yet. Trust me. I'm looking. :)

And who the hell is a victim? Certainly not me. I'm cruising along just fine in life.
You won't find anyone condemning his statement. Here's why: the left doesn't give two flying fucks about Farrakhan. It's just you cons that obsess over him.
He is a democrat, and represents your kind.
It will be interesting to see if anyone in the media is going to run around demanding that a Democrat politician comment on Calypso Louie's racist remark.

I won't hold my breath.

You and other RWs are the very last ones who should be critical of the language of others.

Especially you fake christians who might want to read John 8:7.

This comment by Louie is a racist comment. Flat out racist. Just calling it for what it is.
no it isnt. its you trying to create something that isnt there as usual. cracker isnt a racial term.
Bullshit I guess saying nig&er isn't either?
I'm sure we can count on Obama and Democrats to step up and condemn him

ok, no we wont. that is only expected and demanded from Republicans
I'm sure we can count on Obama and Democrats to step up and condemn him

ok, no we wont. that is only expected and demanded from Republicans
Maybe if farrakhan had said that while sitting next to the president at a fundraiser...

But then farrakhan doesn't appear at democratic fundraisers because nobody gives a shit about him
Farrakhan is an elitist 1 percenter like Sharpton and Jackson whose very success depends on the perpetual plight of Blacks in the US.
Yo, tinydancer, have the Left denounced Al Sharpton? NO
So don`t hold your breath! Fox News might!
How many Republicans have you condemned for saying things about Obama who is President?

We just chose to ignore.
It's a tell when anyone calls Farrakhan 'Calypso Louie'...

...braindead dittohead.

Minister Farrakhan was a calypso singer. No kidding. He put out some albums under the name of "The Charmer"; hit the Billboard charts.

But what is most amazing about his past that no one ever discusses was his unbelievable musical talent as a child. Violin. Won just an amazing amount of national championships and if I remember correctly by the time he was a young teenager he was performing with orchestras.

I know he's over the top controversial on a mega scale but nonetheless this man is a highly intelligent and multi talented man. As repulsive as his comments are Farrakhan is fascinating.

Musician, singer, track and field. You name it. He did it all.
They won't the double standard is and will remain in play. My advice to all Republican politcians when a reporter ask you to comment on or condemn something another Republican said turn it around on them and ask them would you ask a Democrat to do the same over something another Democrat said.
It will be interesting to see if anyone in the media is going to run around demanding that a Democrat politician comment on Calypso Louie's racist remark.

I won't hold my breath.

See.....don't you get it......if a leftists says big deal..........look at the vile, racist, America hate spewed by jeremiah wright with obama and michelle sitting right there in his pews................and the press wasn't even curious.......
It will be interesting to see if anyone in the media is going to run around demanding that a Democrat politician comment on Calypso Louie's racist remark.

I won't hold my breath.

Is Farrakhan an elected official? Last I heard he was a racist nut who hasn't been elected to anything and only pops up now and again to say something outragious. Kind of like the Westboro Baptist crowd.
Which Democratic candidate was Farrakhan supporting when he said that?
Which Democrats cheered when he said it?
When was Farrakhan a major candidate for President?

Why do Conservatives struggle so much with equivalencies?
Why do I ask so many questions?
It will be interesting to see if anyone in the media is going to run around demanding that a Democrat politician comment on Calypso Louie's racist remark.

I won't hold my breath.

You and other RWs are the very last ones who should be critical of the language of others.

Especially you fake christians who might want to read John 8:7.

This comment by Louie is a racist comment. Flat out racist. Just calling it for what it is.

This from one of the worst racists on the board.

First, because of family loan-sharking/mafia activities, Rudy did have a "privileged" upbringing.

Second, he IS a racist although "cracker" probably isn't an exact fit.

Third, I don't believe in a "devil".

More to the point, when is the right going to denounce this scumbag?

Rudolph Giulian's Skeleton Closet

(Yes, that is a real picture of Giuliani in women's clothes. He has appeared in drag many times.)

Rudolf Giuliani is operatic, in the worst sense of the word -- overdramatic, pompous, self-important and full of emotional extremes. In everything he does, he stirs up trouble, picks useless fights, and flaunts his power in a cruel and petty way. His presidential campaign has been amazingly effective at hiding this side of his personality -- but even a quick look at his life will tell you that the quiet won't last long.

- Used Police & Tax Money to Pamper His Mistress
- Surrounded by Corrupt and Criminal Friends (Felons, Molestors, & Embezzlers)
- Married his cousin (and divorced her)
- Affairs -- Divorced his second wife (in a very ugly way)
- Mob ties (his Dad and uncle)
- Wears Women's Clothing (in a very ugly way -- see picture above)
- Nasty, Mean-Spirited and Small-Minded Cuss
- Bernie Kerik
- Farmersville, NY Scandal
- Harding scandal
- Quotes
Yet you quote the bible when you think it works for you??!!!
No credibility at all
Which Democratic candidate was Farrakhan supporting when he said that?
Which Democrats cheered when he said it?
When was Farrakhan a major candidate for President?

Why do Conservatives struggle so much with equivalencies?
Why do I ask so many questions?
So you don't think he supported one of his flock?? Barrack Obama
Try again

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