So who ya picking to win the Caucus tonight?

Honestly, I think Bernie wins unless Dimms some sort of stupid triple mega spectacular delegates with a cherry on top to fuck him
I am personally thinking Sanders is gonna win, I am interested to see where Gabbard places and I hope even if she does bad she stays in through Georgia voting because I would actually vote for her....I HIGHLY HIGHLY doubt she wins the nomination but would be awesome to see her run independent in the general. I like pulling for Bernie as well because he is to the demoncrap establishment what Trump WAS to the GOP establishment before he turned into full on politician insider.

I plan on voting for Gabbard next week, even if I have to write her in.

I don't plan on casting a vote for president in November.
Ohh boy .. so if it was tulsi and trump you would vote for her?

I am personally thinking Sanders is gonna win, I am interested to see where Gabbard places and I hope even if she does bad she stays in through Georgia voting because I would actually vote for her....I HIGHLY HIGHLY doubt she wins the nomination but would be awesome to see her run independent in the general. I like pulling for Bernie as well because he is to the demoncrap establishment what Trump WAS to the GOP establishment before he turned into full on politician insider.

I plan on voting for Gabbard next week, even if I have to write her in.

I don't plan on casting a vote for president in November.
Ohh boy .. so if it was tulsi and trump you would vote for her?

She is for open Open borders, taxing the person that hired me to pay for their healthcare, no thank you like
To work
Bernie usually does well in caucuses

His people really turn out
Bernie usually does well in caucuses

His people really turn out
Yes college kids who are socialist if you think about it .. they need to ask a central gov ( mom) for money
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Trump wins whenever one of those morons gets a mic shoved in their face....
Bernie will win early, then have another heart attack and have to retire from politics. Bloomberg will buy some wins. But then Hillary will enter the race late, drunk and slobbering and the DNC will create Super Duper Delegates and make her the nominee again.

Makes me wonder if Iowa really takes this fraud mayor serious.
Watching these videos of caucus goers

1. young college kids
2. Unemployed, worker’s compensation collecting awe I hurt my back slobs
3. Ugly White girls that need Nigerians to get laid.
It’s gotta be sanders anyone over 30 is probably going for trump .. anything under 30 has socialist leanings, they been living off the gov tit most there lives
Nonsense. Those under 30 see how the capitalist system is ONLY for the working class, the elitist rich class gets socialism...bail outs, tax breaks etc.
You claim under a capitalist system, it only benefits for the working. Yes, you got it. Under socialism, nobody benefits.
1) Bolshevik;
2) Gay hypocrite with a "husband";
3) Future Alzheimer's Patient with the son who got rich working for a Ukrainian Gas Co----who knows nothing about Ukraine or Gas.
4) Pocahontas---just too much of a Loon and Liar.

The problem is that the Orange Buffoon has set the bar so low that any of the four above candidates are 10 times better than he would be. Yes, it's gotten that bad.
Tenacious Jake Tapper: "Yang Gang has more representation than a VP for 8 years!"
Hmmm... democratic party of Iowa is doing "quality control" hmmmm I think Sanders is getting screwed...the establishment doesn't want him.
I am personally thinking Sanders is gonna win, I am interested to see where Gabbard places and I hope even if she does bad she stays in through Georgia voting because I would actually vote for her....I HIGHLY HIGHLY doubt she wins the nomination but would be awesome to see her run independent in the general. I like pulling for Bernie as well because he is to the demoncrap establishment what Trump WAS to the GOP establishment before he turned into full on politician insider.

Does it really matter? What does it matter who's democratic ass Trump is going to stomp? Ever who wins is gonna be the chosen loser. It's like choosing a sacrificial virgin, there are no winners in the game except for maybe the losers.
This Trump supporter sounds as confident as Hillary was in 2016. That is a good sign for the Democrats. Go ahead,Trumpsters, be confident, be really confident. Please move forward with your confidence.

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