So with the attack on Tucker when he worked for MSNBC where is the attacks on Bernie???

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
“She fantasizes being raped by 3 men”: Bernie Sanders’s bizarre 1972 essay on gender



"She fantasizes being raped by 3 men": Bernie Sanders’s bizarre 1972 essay on gender

As a counter argument to Tucker Carlson's rant in that radio program, you got nuthin' fella.
As a counter argument to Tucker Carlson's rant in that radio program, you got nuthin' fella.
You expect media matters to provide actual context? They’re as biased as the KKK. The real issue is that MSM cites them as a news source. That shows how far gone the MSM is. Pravda.
Welcome to the NewSSR.
The danger of trolling is that one day, years from now, someone might find it and present it as serious.
As a counter argument to Tucker Carlson's rant in that radio program, you got nuthin' fella.
You expect media matters to provide actual context? They’re as biased as the KKK. The real issue is that MSM cites them as a news source. That shows how far gone the MSM is. Pravda.
Welcome to the NewSSR.
What are you talking about? The actual article he wrote is in the link and I read it. His statement about women fantasizing of being raped by three men is compared to men fantasizing of raping women; he was talking about the power imbalance that had been unconsciously repeated over and over in male/female relationships, even though laws had changed. I don't see how this remotely compares to the things Tucker Carlson was saying on that radio show.
As a counter argument to Tucker Carlson's rant in that radio program, you got nuthin' fella.
You expect media matters to provide actual context? They’re as biased as the KKK. The real issue is that MSM cites them as a news source. That shows how far gone the MSM is. Pravda.
Welcome to the NewSSR.
The danger of trolling is that one day, years from now, someone might find it and present it as serious.
I've never understood this shock jock stuff or why it's popular. If it's supposed to be satire, it should be presented as such, but it isn't. It's real venting with the veneer of being a joke.
What are you talking about? The actual article he wrote is in the link and I read it. His statement about women fantasizing of being raped by three men is compared to men fantasizing of raping women; he was talking about the power imbalance that had been unconsciously repeated over and over in male/female relationships, even though laws had changed. I don't see how this remotely compares to the things Tucker Carlson was saying on that radio show.

I agree that you dont see the comparison, though I do.
As a counter argument to Tucker Carlson's rant in that radio program, you got nuthin' fella.
You expect media matters to provide actual context? They’re as biased as the KKK. The real issue is that MSM cites them as a news source. That shows how far gone the MSM is. Pravda.
Welcome to the NewSSR.
What are you talking about? The actual article he wrote is in the link and I read it. His statement about women fantasizing of being raped by three men is compared to men fantasizing of raping women; he was talking about the power imbalance that had been unconsciously repeated over and over in male/female relationships, even though laws had changed. I don't see how this remotely compares to the things Tucker Carlson was saying on that radio show.
Im talking about the propaganda article from MM and the MSM citing that. I don’t give a fuck about sanders. He’s a Soviet.
I've never understood this shock jock stuff or why it's popular. If it's supposed to be satire, it should be presented as such, but it isn't. It's real venting with the veneer of being a joke.
The humor comes in the imagined meltdown the target is supposedly having.

Their goal is to make the target blow up into a rant and then laugh at them.
What are you talking about? The actual article he wrote is in the link and I read it. His statement about women fantasizing of being raped by three men is compared to men fantasizing of raping women; he was talking about the power imbalance that had been unconsciously repeated over and over in male/female relationships, even though laws had changed. I don't see how this remotely compares to the things Tucker Carlson was saying on that radio show.

I agree that you dont see the comparison, though I do.
You're not going to give me a brief compare and contrast essay on the two men's comments?

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