So Women never lie about Rape?


So Women never lie about Rape?
who said women NEVER lie about rape? your title is bull crud! ;)
Well some people think that there is a dichotomy involved here; either women lie about rape or they dont.

I think it is more complex and that some women do lie about rape.

This example proves it.
Sure you do.

You first find out if they are white.

Then you find out if they are Republican..

Then you scream guilty...

Never been arrested for rape nor have I ever done hard time for any crime. Spent a night in the drunk tank but to you that should have been a death sentence because anyone that is not like you should be dead...

Nope, I'm color blind and enforced the law based on the evidence, and on the attitude test; some times a warning is appropriate, but some people are too stupid or arrogant or pugnacious and need a ride to the holding cell.

You're not color blind. You helped elect a President using skin color as the primary reason for your vote.

Twice, and not because of his color. Why anyone voted for a Republican after the job by Bush&Co still amazes me.

Romney was a better Candidate than Obama and because you could not see it because you only saw a white guy is your problem!

Like I wrote before you are the type that see color of skin and political party and find the person guilty...

If you were LEO you were the type that should have never had a damn badge. You're the type that would abuse your shield and justify the abuse because to you that shield put you above the law which make you dangerous!

I have dealt with your kind before and you get innocent people killed because you look down on those you deem below you!

You claim to be a psychic, in fact you're psychotic. I don't look down on anyone, but bullies and punks get from me what they deserve - & you're both.

I'm both?

You threaten me by saying you would arrest me for what I wrote, and I am the bully here?

The punk here is you. I notice another poster wrote about raping women as a joke, so where is your outrage there?

Let me guess you ignored it because I am one of those you hate and wish you could use your shield to abuse!

If you are a an officer of the law you need to be fired!
A major problem with women is they don't understand a man's sex drive. They think they should be able to dress in a sexy way but are offended if a guy is turned on. Makes no sense
It does prove that not every allegation of sexual assault is true.

It proved this one case, and reinforces investigators to interview both (or more) parties - victim, suspect, witnesses - at least two times, complete background checks, and keep clear notes on every facet of the event.

There are plenty of other examples where the one claiming she was raped lied. Are you saying this is the only one?

No, I did not "say" anything of the kind. In fact my post above suggests the exact opposite.

Prove it or forever be considered a liar.

You're not very bright, are you?

You are a liar. No need to answer. I already know.
One data point and you feel the need to post a thread? She may have lied, and yet that does not make every woman who claims she has been sexually assaulted a liar.

I did not say that 'every woman' is a liar, doofus.

Some women without a doubt lie about rape and yes, one data point proves it.

Correct, but one example proves nothing when the problems of sexual battery is common, and rape seems to be on the rise.

Side Bar: Is Harvey coming to visit you? We have family in Houston and it looks like they're going to get hit with lots and lots of rain. Good luck if it comes anywhere close to you and yours.
Correct, but one example proves nothing when the problems of sexual battery is common, and rape seems to be on the rise.

Without a doubt, more men commit rape than women lie about, it but I have no idea what the ratio's are. Then there are the borderline cases where a woman feels deceived somehow and considers it rape, or she 'changes her mind' at strange times, like the infamous '6 second rape'.

All in all, LEOs should not presume the woman is telling the Truth and look for corraborative evidence or witnesses.

Side Bar: Is Harvey coming to visit you? We have family in Houston and it looks like they're going to get hit with lots and lots of rain. Good luck if it comes anywhere close to you and yours.

I presently live in Fredericksburg VA, but my family is all in Dallas, so they will enjoy whatever rain Harvey bring to them, minus the wind, which will be way lower than 110 mph by the time it gets up there.

Thank you for asking.
This one sure did

Why do you believe women always lie about rape?

Oh wait- you never said that- just like no one said that no one ever lies about being assaulted.

The real question is why you need to promote the idea that women lie about rape. Do you do that in regards to other crimes too? Or just ones involving women?
A major problem with women is they don't understand a man's sex drive. They think they should be able to dress in a sexy way but are offended if a guy is turned on. Makes no sense

Which is true, but a completely separate issue.
One data point and you feel the need to post a thread? She may have lied, and yet that does not make every woman who claims she has been sexually assaulted a liar.

No, it doesn't.

Point is that some are saying we must always believe them EXCEPT when the accusations are against Bill Clinton. Do you think they all lied?
Correct, but one example proves nothing when the problems of sexual battery is common, and rape seems to be on the rise.

Without a doubt, more men commit rape than women lie about, it but I have no idea what the ratio's are. Then there are the borderline cases where a woman feels deceived somehow and considers it rape, or she 'changes her mind' at strange times, like the infamous '6 second rape'.

All in all, LEOs should not presume the woman is telling the Truth and look for corraborative evidence or witnesses.

I have no idea what the ration is,

but my understanding is that leo are required to gather evidence and make arrests if the charge is made, and the "presuming" of telling the truth is normally handled higher ups.

They often know that the charge is bogus, but have to do their jobs anyways.
Correct, but one example proves nothing when the problems of sexual battery is common, and rape seems to be on the rise.

Without a doubt, more men commit rape than women lie about, it but I have no idea what the ratio's are. Then there are the borderline cases where a woman feels deceived somehow and considers it rape, or she 'changes her mind' at strange times, like the infamous '6 second rape'.

All in all, LEOs should not presume the woman is telling the Truth and look for corraborative evidence or witnesses.

Side Bar: Is Harvey coming to visit you? We have family in Houston and it looks like they're going to get hit with lots and lots of rain. Good luck if it comes anywhere close to you and yours.

I presently live in Fredericksburg VA, but my family is all in Dallas, so they will enjoy whatever rain Harvey bring to them, minus the wind, which will be way lower than 110 mph by the time it gets up there.

Thank you for asking.

I'm biased. I wrote two DOJ grants funded by VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) and managed both; two public / private efforts to encourage arrests, and provide counseling to both the victim and the responsible (and until funding was cut, to the children in such homes).
Correct, but one example proves nothing when the problems of sexual battery is common, and rape seems to be on the rise.

Without a doubt, more men commit rape than women lie about, it but I have no idea what the ratio's are. Then there are the borderline cases where a woman feels deceived somehow and considers it rape, or she 'changes her mind' at strange times, like the infamous '6 second rape'.

All in all, LEOs should not presume the woman is telling the Truth and look for corraborative evidence or witnesses.

I have no idea what the ration is,

but my understanding is that leo are required to gather evidence and make arrests if the charge is made, and the "presuming" of telling the truth is normally handled higher ups.

They often know that the charge is bogus, but have to do their jobs anyways.

More often the responding deputy or officer knows immediately by the behavior of those present what happened. Every response to a domestic violence situation is ripe with emotion.
I'm biased. I wrote two DOJ grants funded by VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) and managed both; two public / private efforts to encourage arrests, and provide counseling to both the victim and the responsible (and until funding was cut, to the children in such homes).
So can you guess what percentage of rape accusations are false or subjective?

And why dont we protect HUSBANDS who are battered by their spouses (male and female). Specifying legislation solely against men who better women seems to be gender biased and ignores the reality of male and female violence directed at men.
Correct, but one example proves nothing when the problems of sexual battery is common, and rape seems to be on the rise.

Without a doubt, more men commit rape than women lie about, it but I have no idea what the ratio's are. Then there are the borderline cases where a woman feels deceived somehow and considers it rape, or she 'changes her mind' at strange times, like the infamous '6 second rape'.

All in all, LEOs should not presume the woman is telling the Truth and look for corraborative evidence or witnesses.

I have no idea what the ration is,

but my understanding is that leo are required to gather evidence and make arrests if the charge is made, and the "presuming" of telling the truth is normally handled higher ups.

They often know that the charge is bogus, but have to do their jobs anyways.

More often the responding deputy or officer knows immediately by the behavior of those present what happened. Every response to a domestic violence situation is ripe with emotion.

I've never heard of rape being referred to as domestic violence.

Obviously it COULD be part of a specific incident, but that is still an odd way to refer to it.
I've never heard of rape being referred to as domestic violence.

Obviously it COULD be part of a specific incident, but that is still an odd way to refer to it.
When a husband batters his wife into sex it is both rape and domestic violence, wouldnt it be?
I've never heard of rape being referred to as domestic violence.

Obviously it COULD be part of a specific incident, but that is still an odd way to refer to it.
When a husband batters his wife into sex it is both rape and domestic violence, wouldnt it be?
Sure. And what percentage of rapes is that?
I am not sure that everyone agrees that is rape.

I mean, if a drivers license give implied consent to police searches, does a marriage license give implied consent as well?

I've never heard of rape being referred to as domestic violence.

Obviously it COULD be part of a specific incident, but that is still an odd way to refer to it.
When a husband batters his wife into sex it is both rape and domestic violence, wouldnt it be?
Sure. And what percentage of rapes is that?
I am not sure that everyone agrees that is rape.

I mean, if a drivers license give implied consent to police searches, does a marriage license give implied consent as well?


I would think in the context of a beating, support for the implied consent idea is low in the US.

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