So you don't think Pedophiles aren't trying to gain acceptance using the LGBT groups....

It's been quite obvious for a long time. Why do you think it is that the LGBpbiWTF bunch is so determined to get teachings about homosexuality and transgenderism and “gender fluidity” and other similar sick perverted crap into public schools even into elementary schools? It's to groom children to make them easier prey for pedophiles. They're not exactly being open and honest about it, but they aren't really trying that hard to hide it either.
I wouldn't trust my children alone in a church after the shit I've heard over the past few decades. Every group of people have their trash....

Stop your war on mine.

There are far more pedophiles in schools than churches. The media gives them a pass though, and only focuses on the rare occasion of priests being pedos. Agendas and narrative are more important than the kids.
Something everyone should agree on, pedophiles are one of the lowest life forms on the planet. If you don't agree stay the hell away from childten.

There is no defense for it, none.
But that ring doesn't change anything. The topic is about pedos trying to join the LGBT group. Nothing stated so far would be a good reason why to not let them in.

Why not let them in? Because first off think of how hard the LGBT groups have fought ti win the battles they are winning now. 2. to let the perverts in would tarnish what they stand for and what they want. Even they do not want to be associated with perverts being included in their organizations.

How ever on a defense side, and legal aspect of it all everybody awake already knew the gays would be used to legalize perverts. But nobody listened and called it a conspiracy as they always do. If you get down to the nitty gritty of fair is fair and rights are rights that is exactly why the LGBT was used to create this movement and it will get done whether ppl believe it or not. Even if they don't accept it or not it's going to be slipped in , in such a way most won't notice . Look at the way it's being allowed for illegal immigrants they are getting away with it using the bs. reasoning " They didn't know what they were doing" , or it was a sexual emergency.

These sheep can't understand how hidden agendas are used to promote acceptance.
Whoa, you mean weirdos, criminals and degenerates attempt to gain acceptance using others as cover? That's an amazing development and has never happened before.

Great hair on fire post bro!
Whoa, you mean weirdos, criminals and degenerates attempt to gain acceptance using others as cover? That's an amazing development and has never happened before.

Great hair on fire post bro!

Most Trump haters support it.
Whoa, you mean weirdos, criminals and degenerates attempt to gain acceptance using others as cover? That's an amazing development and has never happened before.

Great hair on fire post bro!

Most Trump haters support it.

According to you which means nothing.

Maybe you can come up with a better opinion than "most people I don't like love child molestation". If you want to be sensible.
Whoa, you mean weirdos, criminals and degenerates attempt to gain acceptance using others as cover? That's an amazing development and has never happened before.

Great hair on fire post bro!

Most Trump haters support it.

According to you which means nothing.

Maybe you can come up with a better opinion than "most people I don't like love child molestation". If you want to be sensible.


& Trump is NOT CORRUPT................... Obama is, Clinton is, Bush was, the other Bush was and they still are and they still dictate the thinking of sheep.
Whoa, you mean weirdos, criminals and degenerates attempt to gain acceptance using others as cover? That's an amazing development and has never happened before.

Great hair on fire post bro!

Most Trump haters support it.

According to you which means nothing.

Maybe you can come up with a better opinion than "most people I don't like love child molestation". If you want to be sensible.

Well that is why the key word is " Most" that did not include all Trump haters. See you missed that tiny little word " most".
These sheep can't understand how hidden agendas are used to promote acceptance.

Sounds like you're describing the LGBT community to me.

LOL that is most fact, most LGBT's don't support Trump. That's another point to the comment.
Just like those who Hate America ANTIFA, Bill Ayres they all hate America and they all Hate Trump, funny how these are the same lunatics who so openly minded want to bring those pervs right into the LGBT picture.

Connecting those dots is a little to complicated for some though.

and obviously this does NOT INCLUDE EVERY SINGLE GAY , TRANNY, etc.......... Just like BLAIRE said they don't support it. But they are being used for it.
Whoa, you mean weirdos, criminals and degenerates attempt to gain acceptance using others as cover? That's an amazing development and has never happened before.

Great hair on fire post bro!

Most Trump haters support it.

According to you which means nothing.

Maybe you can come up with a better opinion than "most people I don't like love child molestation". If you want to be sensible.


& Trump is NOT CORRUPT................... Obama is, Clinton is, Bush was, the other Bush was and they still are and they still dictate the thinking of sheep.

Yeah but voting for people you don't like doesn't translate to liking to molest children unless were being ridiculous. Nice try tho
Whoa, you mean weirdos, criminals and degenerates attempt to gain acceptance using others as cover? That's an amazing development and has never happened before.

Great hair on fire post bro!

Most Trump haters support it.

According to you which means nothing.

Maybe you can come up with a better opinion than "most people I don't like love child molestation". If you want to be sensible.

Well that is why the key word is " Most" that did not include all Trump haters. See you missed that tiny little word " most".

The word most isn't the problem with this logic buddy.
So you don't think Pedophiles aren't trying to gain acceptance using the church? We already know they did.

You don't see people attempting to repress the fucking church don't you?

I knew you would be the first mother rfkrs over here LMFAO..
Are you one of those people who can't distinguish the difference between two consenting adults and an adult with a child that cannot consent no matter what?
Yes, and my point is, they should allow it. Why not? It really is the same thing. This woman has absolutely no psychological education or experience. However, people who do will tell you its not a choice they make. I personally think its just as disgusting for a man to be attracted to a man as an adult to a child, neither are "normal" in todays society but society has chosen to "normalize" this abnormal behavior of men shoving their penises into each other buttholes. That's societies choice. But it doesn't make pedophelia any different, other than kids are involved and not just adults.

Pedophilia is an attraction to kids, not molesting kids. One is an attraction, the other is a crime. They are not related, really. A pedo may never molest kids in their lives and someone who isn't a pedo can be a serial molester. It's a fascinating realm of study if you are a mature adult about it and put your personal views on the subject aside long enough to learn something.
Why not allow it? Because......children cannot give consent. Pedophilia is harmful. It is an assault. Assaults are illegal. It's as simple as that.

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