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So, You Think The Media Is Not Biased

absolutely! I never suggested or even implied that it was our foreign policy alone. I think the regimes of the gulf state monarchies are very culpable. It is a complex and lengthy calculus that created Islamic extremists, and for anyone to intimate that 9/11 was Clinton's fault for not pursuing them vigorously is nothing but partisan tripe.

Absolutely; it is also nothing but partisan tripe to say that Bush is soley responsible for terrorism or the anti-American attitude around the globe.

Terrorist activities have been prevalent throughout the Middle East since the first camel jockey decided he wanted his neighbors watering hole. That occured long before the nation of Israel was founded and certainly long before the US decided to intervene militarily in Middle Eastern affairs.
Absolutely; it is also nothing but partisan tripe to say that Bush is soley responsible for terrorism or the anti-American attitude around the globe.

agreed. I do believe that the hamfisted Bush foreign policy has exacerbated the problems, however.
agreed. I do believe that the hamfisted Bush foreign policy has exacerbated the problems, however.

I am not sure the term "hamfisted" is accurate but ...

Two fundamental things have to occur before ANY of the major issues in the Middle East are resolved (IMO):

1) Arabs in general and Muslims in particular simply MUST marginalize, control, curtail (or any other term you want to use) the extremists themselves.

2) Middle Eastern states MUST place more value on human life and rights than they apparently do now.

Unless those two things happen, the Middle East will remain "third world" and a hot bed of armed conflict.
I am not sure the term "hamfisted" is accurate but ...

Two fundamental things have to occur before ANY of the major issues in the Middle East are resolved (IMO):

1) Arabs in general and Muslims in particular simply MUST marginalize, control, curtail (or any other term you want to use) the extremists themselves.

2) Middle Eastern states MUST place more value on human life and rights than they apparently do now.

Unless those two things happen, the Middle East will remain "third world" and a hot bed of armed conflict.

I agree...and I further think that if the latter started to happen, it would not only encourage people to start participating in the former, but would simultaneously reduce the need for it.
I agree...and I further think that if the latter started to happen, it would not only encourage people to start participating in the former, but would simultaneously reduce the need for it.

Yup...and if they don't start soon, we should nuke em!

Sorry; couldn't resist that!
police and firemen, and even doctors, are not reporting the news, while reporters have influence over what we think what we feel, how we feel, and how we act/re-act over issues. They can easily munipulate us, so I think ethically, they should NOT give money to any politician/political party to avoid the APPEARANCE of impropriaty

And Yes, I have the same standard for fox news, because they have reporters too, so, to me all reporters should not give money to any party/any political cause. period.

I guess, much like cops, teachers, doctors, businesmen etc etc, reporters can't have political affiliations outside of their jobs..


I bet you wouldnt apply the same standard when looking at who, exactly, everyone at fox news donated to...
police and firemen, and even doctors, are not reporting the news, while reporters have influence over what we think what we feel, how we feel, and how we act/re-act over issues. They can easily munipulate us, so I think ethically, they should NOT give money to any politician/political party to avoid the APPEARANCE of impropriaty

And Yes, I have the same standard for fox news, because they have reporters too, so, to me all reporters should not give money to any party/any political cause. period.

Shocking how 4 reporters from the right wing Fox News gave to Dems
CNN’s Roberts to Kids: ‘The President Said We Respect Human Rights. Do You Buy That?’
Posted by Matthew Balan on June 26, 2007 - 17:38.
Just over 12 hours after Monday's NBC Nightly News reported that 50 out of 141 high school seniors visiting the White House presented President Bush with a handwritten letter asking him to "stop the violations of the human rights of... all detainees, including those designated enemy combatants," CNN's "American Morning" had 3 of the 50 students on for an interview. Co-host John Roberts asked the students to recount their experiences writing the letter, obtaining signatures, and handing it to the president, and asked one student, "n response, the president said, ‘we respect human rights,' do you buy that?"

The three students who were interviewed - Mari Oye, Leah Anthony Libresco, and Colin McSwiggen, all recently-graduated high school students, were among the one-third of the Presidential Scholars who signed a letter asking President Bush, among other things, "to do all in your power to stop violations of the human rights of detainees, to cease illegal renditions, and to apply the Geneva Convention to all detainees, including those designated enemy combatants." Roberts emphasized the apparent intelligence of the three. "And you want to talk about brain power, the collective group that you're seeing there. Mari and Leah going to Yale next year, Colin accepted to MIT." None from the remaining two-thirds who didn't sign the letter made an appearance on "American Morning."

Roberts mentioned that Oye's mother was a Presidential Scholar as well, who visited the White House during Lyndon Johnson's presidency in 1968, and supposedly "always regretted not saying something to him about the Vietnam war." In response, Oye commented:

That's something that weighed heavy on my mind, and I wanted to think about how we would feel 40 years from now if we had the opportunity to speak, and also the privilege to speak to the President of the United States, and to not use that privilege in order to make a difference.

Roberts directed his "in response, the president said, ‘we respect human rights,' do you buy that?" question to Oye, who replied:

We brought up some very specific points in the letter about the treatment of detainees, even those designated as enemy combatants, and we strongly believe that all of these detainees should be treated, according to the principles of the Geneva Convention. So, this was a very specific point. We asked him to remove -- I asked him to remove the signing statement attached to the anti-torture bill, which would have allowed presidential power to make exemptions to the ban on torture. I really feel strongly about this issue, and also about the treatment of some Arab and Muslim-Americans after September 11th. My own grandparents were interred during World War II, simply for being Japanese-American. And I think that my background really affected the way that I feel and the compassion that I have for other people who are in a similar situation.

Terrorism in the middle east has been done mostly be muslims against muslims, christians, and jews.

Absolutely; it is also nothing but partisan tripe to say that Bush is soley responsible for terrorism or the anti-American attitude around the globe.

Terrorist activities have been prevalent throughout the Middle East since the first camel jockey decided he wanted his neighbors watering hole. That occured long before the nation of Israel was founded and certainly long before the US decided to intervene militarily in Middle Eastern affairs.
CNN Shills For Hamas: ‘This is Law and Order in the New Gaza’
Posted by Noel Sheppard on June 22, 2007 - 14:23.
Last week, the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas took over Gaza in what was described by many as a bloodbath.

Just days later, CNN’s Ben Wedeman filed a report from the region in which he glowingly praised these terrorists’ efforts to bring “law and order in the new Gaza.”

In a video segment that was aired at various times Thursday, Wedeman exclusively interviewed Gaza residents who seemed thrilled now that Hamas has wrested control of the region.

At the same time, no mention was given to: the killing that preceded his interviews, or the number of injured waiting for medical assistance and/or to be evacuated.

Absolutely; it is also nothing but partisan tripe to say that Bush is soley responsible for terrorism or the anti-American attitude around the globe.

Terrorist activities have been prevalent throughout the Middle East since the first camel jockey decided he wanted his neighbors watering hole. That occured long before the nation of Israel was founded and certainly long before the US decided to intervene militarily in Middle Eastern affairs.

ABC Again Compares Bush Admin Actions to Illegal CIA of the Past
Posted by Brad Wilmouth on June 27, 2007 - 02:05.
Two days after ABC correspondent Liz Marlantes suggested that the Bush administration engages in abuses that are worse than illegal CIA activities from decades ago, on Tuesday's World News with Charles Gibson, ABC's Terry Moran made his own comparison between the past when the CIA was "running amuck" and modern times. Moran: "But many experts say [the documents] also shed light on this era, on the question of what the agency should and shouldn't be doing at a time when the CIA is running secret prisons, using coercive interrogation techniques like waterboarding and expanding its role in the war against al-Qaeda and other terrorists.

for the complete transcript of the broadcast

thats not right.

ABC Again Compares Bush Admin Actions to Illegal CIA of the Past
Posted by Brad Wilmouth on June 27, 2007 - 02:05.
Two days after ABC correspondent Liz Marlantes suggested that the Bush administration engages in abuses that are worse than illegal CIA activities from decades ago, on Tuesday's World News with Charles Gibson, ABC's Terry Moran made his own comparison between the past when the CIA was "running amuck" and modern times. Moran: "But many experts say [the documents] also shed light on this era, on the question of what the agency should and shouldn't be doing at a time when the CIA is running secret prisons, using coercive interrogation techniques like waterboarding and expanding its role in the war against al-Qaeda and other terrorists.

for the complete transcript of the broadcast

As Amnesty Bills Fails, MSM Gives Us Tales of 'Immigrant Worker' Woes
Posted by Warner Todd Huston on June 29, 2007 - 23:54.
Right on cue, as the illegal immigrant amnesty bill failed to get the required support for passage in the Senate, the MSM is here to tell us mean spirited LEGAL Americans how "hard" it is on all those poor, innocent ILLEGAL migrants who break the law to come here by the millions. Yes, folks, women and children hardest hit, as the old saw goes. Of course, it is nearly ignored by the MSM that these people are not just "innocents" but are here knowingly breaking our laws and then blaming us when they find life a bit uncomfortable -- and a bit uncomfortable is all they are facing it should be remembered.

Three quick reports are indicative of how the MSM is making the average, legal American out to be an evil, racist, selfish creep by urging their elected officials to think of their own constituents before they think of undeserving foreign invaders.

First up is Reuters with a hyperbole laced, "Hopes dashed for many immigrant workers", with that hyperbole continuing with a subtitle that cries, "Millions had hoped passage of immigration bill would lead to normal lives."

Someone should remind Reuters that these people are not just "immigrant workers", but law breakers.

Reuters seems to think that the "searing heat" of a "sun-baked parking lot" is reason enough to make law breakers legal citizens as they mention the "heat" a few day laborers experience half a dozen times in their piece. If heat of "107 degrees in the shade" is all there is to citizenship, then we should just open the doors to the citizens of any tropical country, eh?

Of course, Reuters attempts to make the reader believe that these illegals pay taxes and get nothing in return because they aren't legal citizens. But the Heritage Foundation's Robert Rector easily disabuses us of that misconception because most of these people are low skilled workers. "Low-skill immigrants receive, on average, three dollars in government benefits for each dollar of taxes paid. This imbalance generates a net cost of $89 billion per year on U.S. taxpayers. Over a lifetime the typical low-skill immigrant household costs taxpayers $1.2 million dollars." Paying taxes or no, they are a net cost, not a benefit to the US.

for the complete article

ABC Plans Another Town Hall Special With Another Democrat
Posted by Scott Whitlock on July 11, 2007 - 12:31.
"Good Morning America" has scheduled a second town-hall style special with a presidential candidate and, unsurprisingly, the recipient is another Democrat. 2008 contender John Edwards will appear on Monday, July 16 to discuss poverty with ABC co-host Diane Sawyer.

Readers of NewsBusters will remember that the last such event, anchored by Robin Roberts and airing March 26, featured Hillary Clinton for almost 30 minutes worth of softball questions. Also, the New York senator spoke, unchallenged, for 18 of her 26 minutes of air time. Co-host Roberts told Clinton that "many" thought her 1993 plan for universal health care was "ahead of its time." Two questions come to mind: Will John Edwards receive similarly easy queries? And when will "Good Morning America" feature a Republcian presidential candidate in this forum?


The poverty pimp lectures America on poverty :rofl:

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