soccer ref struck in face by player dies

Soccer ref hospitalized after punch during game dies |

the state is really upset about this one.
such a poor incident in a state that prides itself in not being part of the thug mentality.

If the "incident" was not conducted within the agreed upon rules of the sport then the incident was conducted "outside" the rules of the sport and therefore no different than if a fan assaulted another fan within the confines of the stadium. ALL legally enacted civil and statuatory laws apply.
So, if a victim has more relatives or significant others who would be saddened by his/her loss, the punishment should be increased? This is not how our trial system works. By this logic, it would less punishable to kill a homeless guy than a dad of a three.

well yer so damned worried about ruining the kids life and care not a shit about all the lives he's ruined then you had the fucking audacity to blame the victim. You're something shot right outta a pigs ass.

Yes, I am concerned about ruining a persons life. Should I not be? What if it were you, who lost your temper, and punched someone, and they died, completely unexpectedly when it was never your intention for his death? Should any hope of a normal life be automatically taken from you? You may be a normally decent person who just slipped up and lost their temper, and happened to hit the wrong person in just the right way. It could happen to any of us. I don't think a life sentence is in any way fair. A couple years. Fine. If the point of jail is rehabilitation, then there is not much rehabilitating a person who is normally rational and has a history of rational and consistent behavior.


What gives you the right to punch anyone?
I hope many parents are talking to their kids about controling their anger tonight and during the days ahead. Too many of our children are not learning to control their emotions whether they are anger, sexual or just plain disappointments and depression.

As parents , we've given in to our children's wishes so much that seldom do some of them have to learn to handle the adversities. We haven't done them any favors. It's time we stepped up to the plate and do some damage control.

I'm betting this isn't the first time a ref was struck by a player. It's probably the first time it led to death though.

I taught my son not to hit anyone, ever, for any reason. His school had a no tolerance policy. Today I'm wondering if I was wrong, that I should have taught him to stand up for himself instead of just to "take it!" Then something like this comes along and everyone wants to lynch the kid. I'm aghast. It was wrong for the kid to punch the ref, but who would have thought one punch from a kid would kill him? Not me, but apparently most of you. I can only think you all hang out in a lot more dangerous neighborhoods than I do.

It's not like the kid was on top of the ref, beating his head into the cement while the ref was crying "help me".

The death was unintentional. The punch was not. One has to take responsibility for his actions. No matter how upset the kid was, he had no right to assault the ref.
I hope many parents are talking to their kids about controling their anger tonight and during the days ahead. Too many of our children are not learning to control their emotions whether they are anger, sexual or just plain disappointments and depression.

As parents , we've given in to our children's wishes so much that seldom do some of them have to learn to handle the adversities. We haven't done them any favors. It's time we stepped up to the plate and do some damage control.

I'm betting this isn't the first time a ref was struck by a player. It's probably the first time it led to death though.

I taught my son not to hit anyone, ever, for any reason. His school had a no tolerance policy. Today I'm wondering if I was wrong, that I should have taught him to stand up for himself instead of just to "take it!" Then something like this comes along and everyone wants to lynch the kid. I'm aghast. It was wrong for the kid to punch the ref, but who would have thought one punch from a kid would kill him? Not me, but apparently most of you. I can only think you all hang out in a lot more dangerous neighborhoods than I do.

It's not like the kid was on top of the ref, beating his head into the cement while the ref was crying "help me".

The death was unintentional. The punch was not. One has to take responsibility for his actions. No matter how upset the kid was, he had no right to assault the ref.

I don't think anyone would argue this.
I'm betting this isn't the first time a ref was struck by a player. It's probably the first time it led to death though.

I taught my son not to hit anyone, ever, for any reason. His school had a no tolerance policy. Today I'm wondering if I was wrong, that I should have taught him to stand up for himself instead of just to "take it!" Then something like this comes along and everyone wants to lynch the kid. I'm aghast. It was wrong for the kid to punch the ref, but who would have thought one punch from a kid would kill him? Not me, but apparently most of you. I can only think you all hang out in a lot more dangerous neighborhoods than I do.

It's not like the kid was on top of the ref, beating his head into the cement while the ref was crying "help me".

The death was unintentional. The punch was not. One has to take responsibility for his actions. No matter how upset the kid was, he had no right to assault the ref.

I don't think anyone would argue this.

Good then he should be punished to the fullest extent of the law as should everyone that commits a crime.

I was convicted of aggravated assault w/intent in the late 70's, spent 3 years on a five year sentence as a guest of the Texas Department of Corrections. Thankfully when I was released I had a great support system and was eventually granted a full pardon by Gov. Mark White and my records were expunged. I owe a lot to Red Adair for helping to make that happen.
The death was unintentional. The punch was not. One has to take responsibility for his actions. No matter how upset the kid was, he had no right to assault the ref.

I don't think anyone would argue this.

Good then he should be punished to the fullest extent of the law as should everyone that commits a crime.

I was convicted of aggravated assault w/intent in the late 70's, spent 3 years on a five year sentence as a guest of the Texas Department of Corrections. Thankfully when I was released I had a great support system and was eventually granted a full pardon by Gov. Mark White and my records were expunged. I owe a lot to Red Adair for helping to make that happen.

I agree.....but only for the crime(s) he committed. I am unaware whether the death is attributed to the punch or there was an intervening cause. The authorities are waiting for the autopsy results last I read.
I don't think anyone would argue this.

Good then he should be punished to the fullest extent of the law as should everyone that commits a crime.

I was convicted of aggravated assault w/intent in the late 70's, spent 3 years on a five year sentence as a guest of the Texas Department of Corrections. Thankfully when I was released I had a great support system and was eventually granted a full pardon by Gov. Mark White and my records were expunged. I owe a lot to Red Adair for helping to make that happen.

I agree.....but only for the crime(s) he committed. I am unaware whether the death is attributed to the punch or there was an intervening cause. The authorities are waiting for the autopsy results last I read.

The evidence will show it was clearly a result of the punch.
well yer so damned worried about ruining the kids life and care not a shit about all the lives he's ruined then you had the fucking audacity to blame the victim. You're something shot right outta a pigs ass.

Yes, I am concerned about ruining a persons life. Should I not be? What if it were you, who lost your temper, and punched someone, and they died, completely unexpectedly when it was never your intention for his death? Should any hope of a normal life be automatically taken from you? You may be a normally decent person who just slipped up and lost their temper, and happened to hit the wrong person in just the right way. It could happen to any of us. I don't think a life sentence is in any way fair. A couple years. Fine. If the point of jail is rehabilitation, then there is not much rehabilitating a person who is normally rational and has a history of rational and consistent behavior.


What gives you the right to punch anyone?

The most the kid will get is five years.
Good then he should be punished to the fullest extent of the law as should everyone that commits a crime.

I was convicted of aggravated assault w/intent in the late 70's, spent 3 years on a five year sentence as a guest of the Texas Department of Corrections. Thankfully when I was released I had a great support system and was eventually granted a full pardon by Gov. Mark White and my records were expunged. I owe a lot to Red Adair for helping to make that happen.

I agree.....but only for the crime(s) he committed. I am unaware whether the death is attributed to the punch or there was an intervening cause. The authorities are waiting for the autopsy results last I read.

The evidence will show it was clearly a result of the punch.

I will wait for the results before I want to see this creep charged with the man's death.
JOS: I agree. I don't understand this ruling to punish the whole team, unless it was done simply to make an example of them and set a precedence, to deter any other player from doing punching refs, for fear that they will cause their whole team to be expelled. However, it still seems unfair to the rest of the team who wasn't at all responsible. Also, punching refs is a very rare occurrence, even more rare is for that ref to die from a single punch (or for anyone to die from a single punch). I didn't see a ref get punched once when I played in HS. I got punched once though. That was fun.
That right there is just it though. Most people don't care about what their actions do to other people.

God bless you always!!!

well yer so damned worried about ruining the kids life and care not a shit about all the lives he's ruined then you had the fucking audacity to blame the victim. You're something shot right outta a pigs ass.

Yes, I am concerned about ruining a persons life. Should I not be? What if it were you, who lost your temper, and punched someone, and they died, completely unexpectedly when it was never your intention for his death? Should any hope of a normal life be automatically taken from you? You may be a normally decent person who just slipped up and lost their temper, and happened to hit the wrong person in just the right way. It could happen to any of us. I don't think a life sentence is in any way fair. A couple years. Fine. If the point of jail is rehabilitation, then there is not much rehabilitating a person who is normally rational and has a history of rational and consistent behavior.


What gives you the right to punch anyone?

Which part of my post gave you the impression that I think people have the right to punch others?
The youth has ruined his life for five years at the most.

Check the statutes, and that five years is based on that he will be charged as an adult.

I have no doubt that he will be tried as an adult.
Yes, I am concerned about ruining a persons life. Should I not be? What if it were you, who lost your temper, and punched someone, and they died, completely unexpectedly when it was never your intention for his death? Should any hope of a normal life be automatically taken from you? You may be a normally decent person who just slipped up and lost their temper, and happened to hit the wrong person in just the right way. It could happen to any of us. I don't think a life sentence is in any way fair. A couple years. Fine. If the point of jail is rehabilitation, then there is not much rehabilitating a person who is normally rational and has a history of rational and consistent behavior.


What gives you the right to punch anyone?

The most the kid will get is five years.

You are incorrect. Read my post (#14). There you will find a C&P of the Utah Statute text plus the link thereto.
Voluntary manslaughter requires intent to kill. He had none: therefore, it is clearly involuntary manslaughter.

Voluntary manslaughter may include intent to kill but is not required.

Intent to kill is normally present during a voluntary manslaughter case, but is not required.
There's got to be more to have caused his death. People usually don't die from being punched in the face. Maybe he had a tumor and the punch ruptured it causing inflammation of the brain?

For sure the kid needs anger management and he'll probably get something, but I'm not convinced that he intended to kill him.
Yes, I am concerned about ruining a persons life. Should I not be? What if it were you, who lost your temper, and punched someone, and they died, completely unexpectedly when it was never your intention for his death? Should any hope of a normal life be automatically taken from you? You may be a normally decent person who just slipped up and lost their temper, and happened to hit the wrong person in just the right way. It could happen to any of us. I don't think a life sentence is in any way fair. A couple years. Fine. If the point of jail is rehabilitation, then there is not much rehabilitating a person who is normally rational and has a history of rational and consistent behavior.


What gives you the right to punch anyone?

Which part of my post gave you the impression that I think people have the right to punch others?

You seemed to imply that losing one's temper justifies a punch.

And no it couldn't happen to any of us. Just to those that think losing your temper gives you cause to strike someone.
There's got to be more to have caused his death. People usually don't die from being punched in the face. Maybe he had a tumor and the punch ruptured it causing inflammation of the brain?

For sure the kid needs anger management and he'll probably get something, but I'm not convinced that he intended to kill him.

It can and does happen.

A check of recent news stories turns up the case this month of a 17-year-old Indiana boy who reportedly died after being punched once on Independence Day. In Oklahoma, two men died in separate fistfights last month, one involving just a single punch.

Earlier this month, a tourist died after being hit once in the jaw in a Las Vegas casino. “One punch,” police homicide Lt. Lewis Roberts told The Associated Press. “He was out. Never got back up.”……
There's got to be more to have caused his death. People usually don't die from being punched in the face. Maybe he had a tumor and the punch ruptured it causing inflammation of the brain?

For sure the kid needs anger management and he'll probably get something, but I'm not convinced that he intended to kill him.

He intended to cause physical harm. That is all that's needed to prove manslaughter.

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