Social Disease


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
The children are our future.
That’s why I asked Santa for MRE’s and water purification tablets.

[A] new study from Norway, which examines IQ scores from 730,000 men (standardized tests are part of military service there) disproves all these ideas, because it shows IQ dropping within the same families. Men born in 1991 score, on average, five points lower than men born in 1975. There must, in other words, be an environmental explanation, and the chronology throws up a clear suspect: the rise in screen-time.

Kids brought up with Facebook and Instagram are more politically bigoted, not because they don’t hear alternative opinions, but because they don’t learn the concentration necessary to listen to opponents — a difficult and unnatural skill.

Dan Hannan: Falling IQ scores may explain why politics has turned so nasty

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