Social Security is Not a Ponzi Scheme, Mr. Perry

Yes, people need money to live- indeed it would be wonderful if all that money taken from them could actually be invested by them and used by them. Used whenever they had the need of it. Used if they choose to retire at 50 instead of 65 (soon to be 67).

A) How do we fund current beneficiaries then?
B) What happens when you exhaust your retirement funds in old age?

That you gladly hand over taxes based on an amendment that was never ratified goes hand in hand with your desire to be parented until you die.

Sorry to inform you of this, but 42 of the 48 states existing at the time of its proposal have ratified it.

You really are insane. I just pray to god you don't vote.

I gave you a link to the country who has already transitioned- read up on it...that is if you are really interested in having answers. If you are and you want to challenge their transitional challenges ..we'll talk.

I'm not reading a link you can't even explain yourself.

Yes, how insane of me to seek economic freedom...just plain old :cuckoo:

Economic freedom does not include paying no taxes.

Because sane people, like you, are always looking for ways to strangle freedoms and bend the knee to mommy government-my only problem with that o course is you want the rest of us to do it as well.

from the link

The Discovery

Article V of the U.S. Constitution defines the ratification process and requires three-fourths of the states to ratify any amendment proposed by Congress. There were fourty-eight states in the American Union in 1913, meaning that affirmative action of thirty-six was necessary for ratification. In February 1913, Secretary of State Philander Knox proclaimed that thirty-eight had ratified the Amendment.

In 1984 Bill Benson began a research project, never before performed, to investigate the process of ratification of the 16th Amendment. After traveling to the capitols of the New England states and reviewing the journals of the state legislative bodies, he saw that many states had not ratified. He continued his research at the National Archives in Washington, D.C.; it was here that Bill found his Golden Key.

This damning piece of evidence is a sixteen-page memorandum from the Solicitor of the Department of State, among whose duties is the provision of legal opinions for the Secretary of State. In this memorandum, the Solicitor lists the many errors he found in the ratification process.

These four states are among the thirty-eight from which Philander Knox claimed ratification:

  • California: The legislature never recorded any vote on any proposal to adopt the amendment proposed by Congress.
  • Kentucky: The Senate voted on the resolution, but rejected it by a vote of nine in favor and twenty-two opposed.
  • Minnesota: The State sent nothing to the Secretary of State in Washington.
  • Oklahoma: The Senate amended the language of the 16th Amendment to have a precisely opposite meaning.

When his project was finished at the end of 1984, Bill had visited the capitol of every state from 1913 and knew that not a single one had actually and legally ratified the proposal to amend the U.S. Constitution. Thirty-three states engaged in the unauthorized activity of altering the language of an amendment proposed by Congress, a power that the states do not possess.

Since thirty-six states were needed for ratification, the failure of thirteen to ratify was fatal to the Amendment. This occurs within the major (first three) defects tabulated in Defects in Ratification of the 16th Amendment. Even if we were to ignore defects of spelling, capitalization and punctuation, we would still have only two states which successfully ratified.

Sure thing, now go put on your tinfoil hat. Can you tell me which one of the states the rest of the world knows ratified it has informed Congress that they are in error?
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What you seem to fail to comprehend is that people should be allowed to decide how they want to deal with their retirement and what kind of insurance they want to buy.

Not when failing to provide for their own old age or disability falls as a burden on the taxpayers anyway - which it does.

I have no problem with insurance- I have a problem with being forced to buy it.
Then go cry to your mamma. Or earn your income through capital gains or through rental income - both are excluded. Or go live in Galveston, or become a teacher in Louisiana. Neither pay into Social Security - they have their own retirement systems. Or you could become a farmer and only grow what you need.

Even in the midst of the market upheavals it has grown.
Great. You should build a time machine, go back in time, and make the same investment choices again.

I would much rather have a portfolio to leave my kids, then 30 years of FICA flushed down the black hole of Treasury.


Its called an annuity and a diverse portfolio shit for brains.
What if I die tomorrow; what if I get cancer; what if I win a million dollars? Life is full of risk- no one has a crystal ball. That said planning for ones retirement is not all risk- There are sound investment tools. What people need is their money to take advantage of them. As stated earlier I have no problem with government oversight- I just don't want them taking my money and telling me not to worry...meanwhile I never see it again until I am almost thanks.

As stated earlier, its not possible to plan your retirement to assure proper funding as long as you live. You don't understand basic investing. You can't be assured of any returns at all. let alone enough to live on for 40 or 50 years if you live to be really old. Even if you were really conservative, you put everything in treasury TIPS to protect from inflation - you'd get a guaranteed inflation protected return of 2% a year for 30 years. So you'd need 50 times your income. But then what if you live 30 years and then when you go to reinvest they only pay 1%? Then you're fucked.

Either way - the burden of paying those returns still falls on members of society who are actually producing. Do you not get that? ALL retirement is pay-as-you-go. You need food in retirement. Do you save actual food? No, someone grows it not long before you need it, and you effectively trade stock or bonds for it. The productive elements of the economy ALWAYS support those elements which are not producing - the old and the disabled.
What you seem to fail to comprehend is that people should be allowed to decide how they want to deal with their retirement and what kind of insurance they want to buy.

Not when failing to provide for their own old age or disability falls as a burden on the taxpayers anyway - which it does.

Then go cry to your mamma. Or earn your income through capital gains or through rental income - both are excluded. Or go live in Galveston, or become a teacher in Louisiana. Neither pay into Social Security - they have their own retirement systems. Or you could become a farmer and only grow what you need.


Great. You should build a time machine, go back in time, and make the same investment choices again.

I would much rather have a portfolio to leave my kids, then 30 years of FICA flushed down the black hole of Treasury.


Its called an annuity
That's pretty much what social security is. Coupled to a disability policy.
and a diverse portfolio shit for brains.

Diverse portfolios still only have an expected return equal to that of treasuries. Only problem is they are more volatile . The term "diverse portfolio" kind of hides the fact that if your portfolio consists of stocks and bonds - the stocks will in general move with the stock market and the bonds with the bond market. So when all stocks tank at once - like the Great Depression - millions of people lose their retirements all at once. There weren't that many people who picked winners over the period when the market crashed - no matter how "diverse" your portfolio was, if it had stocks - it failed.
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A) How do we fund current beneficiaries then?
B) What happens when you exhaust your retirement funds in old age?

Sorry to inform you of this, but 42 of the 48 states existing at the time of its proposal have ratified it.

You really are insane. I just pray to god you don't vote.

I gave you a link to the country who has already transitioned- read up on it...that is if you are really interested in having answers. If you are and you want to challenge their transitional challenges ..we'll talk.

I'm not reading a link you can't even explain yourself.

Yes, how insane of me to seek economic freedom...just plain old :cuckoo:

Economic freedom does not include paying no taxes.

Because sane people, like you, are always looking for ways to strangle freedoms and bend the knee to mommy government-my only problem with that o course is you want the rest of us to do it as well.

from the link

The Discovery

Article V of the U.S. Constitution defines the ratification process and requires three-fourths of the states to ratify any amendment proposed by Congress. There were fourty-eight states in the American Union in 1913, meaning that affirmative action of thirty-six was necessary for ratification. In February 1913, Secretary of State Philander Knox proclaimed that thirty-eight had ratified the Amendment.

In 1984 Bill Benson began a research project, never before performed, to investigate the process of ratification of the 16th Amendment. After traveling to the capitols of the New England states and reviewing the journals of the state legislative bodies, he saw that many states had not ratified. He continued his research at the National Archives in Washington, D.C.; it was here that Bill found his Golden Key.

This damning piece of evidence is a sixteen-page memorandum from the Solicitor of the Department of State, among whose duties is the provision of legal opinions for the Secretary of State. In this memorandum, the Solicitor lists the many errors he found in the ratification process.

These four states are among the thirty-eight from which Philander Knox claimed ratification:

  • California: The legislature never recorded any vote on any proposal to adopt the amendment proposed by Congress.
  • Kentucky: The Senate voted on the resolution, but rejected it by a vote of nine in favor and twenty-two opposed.
  • Minnesota: The State sent nothing to the Secretary of State in Washington.
  • Oklahoma: The Senate amended the language of the 16th Amendment to have a precisely opposite meaning.

When his project was finished at the end of 1984, Bill had visited the capitol of every state from 1913 and knew that not a single one had actually and legally ratified the proposal to amend the U.S. Constitution. Thirty-three states engaged in the unauthorized activity of altering the language of an amendment proposed by Congress, a power that the states do not possess.

Since thirty-six states were needed for ratification, the failure of thirteen to ratify was fatal to the Amendment. This occurs within the major (first three) defects tabulated in Defects in Ratification of the 16th Amendment. Even if we were to ignore defects of spelling, capitalization and punctuation, we would still have only two states which successfully ratified.

Sure thing, now go put on your tinfoil hat. Can you tell me which one of the states the rest of the world knows ratified it has informed Congress that they are in error?

No one has asked to pay "no" taxes. Like most people who get angry and frustrated when they are unable to debate an issue, you attempt to strangle the argument by inserting an "either or" platform that never existed. We are talking about a specific tax, not all taxes.
I gave you a link to the country who has already transitioned- read up on it...that is if you are really interested in having answers. If you are and you want to challenge their transitional challenges ..we'll talk.

I'm not reading a link you can't even explain yourself.

Economic freedom does not include paying no taxes.

Because sane people, like you, are always looking for ways to strangle freedoms and bend the knee to mommy government-my only problem with that o course is you want the rest of us to do it as well.

from the link

The Discovery

Article V of the U.S. Constitution defines the ratification process and requires three-fourths of the states to ratify any amendment proposed by Congress. There were fourty-eight states in the American Union in 1913, meaning that affirmative action of thirty-six was necessary for ratification. In February 1913, Secretary of State Philander Knox proclaimed that thirty-eight had ratified the Amendment.

In 1984 Bill Benson began a research project, never before performed, to investigate the process of ratification of the 16th Amendment. After traveling to the capitols of the New England states and reviewing the journals of the state legislative bodies, he saw that many states had not ratified. He continued his research at the National Archives in Washington, D.C.; it was here that Bill found his Golden Key.

This damning piece of evidence is a sixteen-page memorandum from the Solicitor of the Department of State, among whose duties is the provision of legal opinions for the Secretary of State. In this memorandum, the Solicitor lists the many errors he found in the ratification process.

These four states are among the thirty-eight from which Philander Knox claimed ratification:

  • California: The legislature never recorded any vote on any proposal to adopt the amendment proposed by Congress.
  • Kentucky: The Senate voted on the resolution, but rejected it by a vote of nine in favor and twenty-two opposed.
  • Minnesota: The State sent nothing to the Secretary of State in Washington.
  • Oklahoma: The Senate amended the language of the 16th Amendment to have a precisely opposite meaning.

When his project was finished at the end of 1984, Bill had visited the capitol of every state from 1913 and knew that not a single one had actually and legally ratified the proposal to amend the U.S. Constitution. Thirty-three states engaged in the unauthorized activity of altering the language of an amendment proposed by Congress, a power that the states do not possess.

Since thirty-six states were needed for ratification, the failure of thirteen to ratify was fatal to the Amendment. This occurs within the major (first three) defects tabulated in Defects in Ratification of the 16th Amendment. Even if we were to ignore defects of spelling, capitalization and punctuation, we would still have only two states which successfully ratified.

Sure thing, now go put on your tinfoil hat. Can you tell me which one of the states the rest of the world knows ratified it has informed Congress that they are in error?

No one has asked to pay "no" taxes. Like most people who get angry and frustrated when they are unable to debate an issue, you attempt to strangle the argument by inserting an "either or" platform that never existed. We are talking about a specific tax, not all taxes.

Hold on a second - you think the 16th amendment was never ratified - but you don't also think that we should pay no income taxes. Is that a contradiction? I should pay ordinary non-FICA tax any way - even though, according to you, it isn't Constitutional?

Why do you post links to things you don't understand well enough to explain?
Not when failing to provide for their own old age or disability falls as a burden on the taxpayers anyway - which it does.

Then go cry to your mamma. Or earn your income through capital gains or through rental income - both are excluded. Or go live in Galveston, or become a teacher in Louisiana. Neither pay into Social Security - they have their own retirement systems. Or you could become a farmer and only grow what you need.


Great. You should build a time machine, go back in time, and make the same investment choices again.


Its called an annuity
That's pretty much what social security is.
and a diverse portfolio shit for brains.

Diverse portfolios still only have an expected return equal to that of treasuries. Only problem is they are more volatile . The term "diverse portfolio" kind of hides the fact that if your portfolio consists of stocks and bonds - the stocks will in general move with the stock market and the bonds with the bond market. So when all stocks tank at once - like the Great Depression - millions of people lose their retirements all at once.

You don't understand diverse very well. I suppose an idiot would consider stock and bonds their only investment choices. I made 5.5% on my retirement money between August 5th and the 21st. You had better leave it to the government, your simply too slow.
You don't understand diverse very well. I suppose an idiot would consider stock and bonds their only investment choices. I made 5.5% on my retirement money between August 5th and the 21st. You had better leave it to the government, your simply too slow.

Good for you. Maybe you can explain what other investment choices the rest of us slow people should be making, then you can explain it to everyone's investment advisors as well, as those will be the folks you're entrusting to not fuck everyone's retirement up and leave us with a generation of old people who can't provide for themselves - and they clearly believe diversification means a certain allocation of stocks and bonds.
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if we had taken some of the surplus (when it existed) and used it to voluntarily fund private accounts in exchange for reductions in future benefits to those volunteers..

But he's fine of course with the Prez proposing to steal FICA TAXES in order to fund his brand new "stimulus" pkg.. Taxpayers won't be on the hook TWICE FOR THAT --- will they?

Once today, when his plan causes the fund to run LARGER deficits that have to be covered from the treasury. And we'll end up paying AGAIN to REPAY the debt issuance that will cause in the future.

Paying TWICE for the same benefits??? It's the way SSec has been structured for 30 years now..

It's clear to any rational person that is EXACTLY what is happening here.. Let the deniers spin and scream -- the American people are NOT that stupid to buy "interest payments coming out of the "trust fund"".
What if I die tomorrow; what if I get cancer; what if I win a million dollars? Life is full of risk- no one has a crystal ball. That said planning for ones retirement is not all risk- There are sound investment tools. What people need is their money to take advantage of them. As stated earlier I have no problem with government oversight- I just don't want them taking my money and telling me not to worry...meanwhile I never see it again until I am almost thanks.

As stated earlier, its not possible to plan your retirement to assure proper funding as long as you live. You don't understand basic investing. You can't be assured of any returns at all. let alone enough to live on for 40 or 50 years if you live to be really old. Even if you were really conservative, you put everything in treasury TIPS to protect from inflation - you'd get a guaranteed inflation protected return of 2% a year for 30 years. So you'd need 50 times your income. But then what if you live 30 years and then when you go to reinvest they only pay 1%? Then you're fucked.

Either way - the burden of paying those returns still falls on members of society who are actually producing. Do you not get that? ALL retirement is pay-as-you-go. You need food in retirement. Do you save actual food? No, someone grows it not long before you need it, and you effectively trade stock or bonds for it. The productive elements of the economy ALWAYS support those elements which are not producing - the old and the disabled.

Ummm I think I understand "basic investing" pretty well. What's more difficult to understand is the mind of a lemming who actually thinks SS is a better investment tool then private investments.

Again, do you not get that SS is so piss poor that those faced with drawing it as their only income already falls on the back of the rest of us?

The old would be much better served if they had been allowed to invest in their retirement instead of crappy US backed insurance that they won't see until they have one foot in the grave.

Safety nets are a far cry from FICA mandates- In Chile they addressed safety nets BWO a small VAT that is untouchable for anything, accept its use as a safety net, for those persons whose retirement was impacted by; low wages; irregular and or spotty employment; and the disabled.

In other words- there are better ways to allow government to guide retirement without letting them control and take our money.


if we had taken some of the surplus (when it existed) and used it to voluntarily fund private accounts in exchange for reductions in future benefits to those volunteers..

But he's fine of course with the Prez proposing to steal FICA TAXES in order to fund his brand new "stimulus" pkg.. Taxpayers won't be on the hook TWICE FOR THAT --- will they?

Once today, when his plan causes the fund to run LARGER deficits that have to be covered from the treasury. And we'll end up paying AGAIN to REPAY the debt issuance that will cause in the future.

Paying TWICE for the same benefits??? It's the way SSec has been structured for 30 years now..

It's clear to any rational person that is EXACTLY what is happening here.. Let the deniers spin and scream -- the American people are NOT that stupid to buy "interest payments coming out of the "trust fund"".

<insert stock market mini crashes here>

Now, all you have to do is ignore the parts where we recovered from all those events and the stock market looks like a real crap shoot.

P.S. When your within a couple of years from retirement, you need to protect the funds necessary for a payout.
You don't understand diverse very well. I suppose an idiot would consider stock and bonds their only investment choices. I made 5.5% on my retirement money between August 5th and the 21st. You had better leave it to the government, your simply too slow.

Good for you. Maybe you can explain what other investment choices the rest of us slow people should be making, then you can explain it to everyone's investment advisors as well, as those will be the folks you're entrusting to not fuck everyone's retirement up and leave us with a generation of old people who can't provide for themselves - and they clearly believe diversification means a certain allocation of stocks and bonds.

If Congress had made it clear that Soc Sec Trust Fund could ONLY HOLD public issue Treasury Bonds -- then TODAY -- we would be selling those valuable assets on the open market. It would be a bonanza because of the interest rates on those notes coming in at 6 or even 8%..

They didn't do their fidiciary duty. They STOLE the money instead and put in worthless IOUs. Talk about "bad investments"??? Talk about financial security???

No -- you don't get to do that. Because the govt you adore so much and admire has screwed us so badly on THIS deal..
I am a bit surprised no one has mentioned Social Security was NEVER meant to be your sole source of retirement income. It was to ASSIST. Part of an overall plan.
if we had taken some of the surplus (when it existed) and used it to voluntarily fund private accounts in exchange for reductions in future benefits to those volunteers..

Those retirement accounts would still consist of assets that the productive elements of society would have to pay as they come due. You can't abdicate the responsibility of the working members of the economy to produce the goods and services the non-working retired members need just by pushing paper around in the right order - all you can do is alter the share that each group gets.
Not only did they fail on the bonds themselves, but with their other monetary end economic policies, they have made current relatively save investments a low return prospect. This is a government policy driven crisis. Now we have a bunch of idiots looking to government to fix it? Its like hiring the thief to guard your house on vacation.
<insert stock market mini crashes here>

Now, all you have to do is ignore the parts where we recovered from all those events and the stock market looks like a real crap shoot.

P.S. When your within a couple of years from retirement, you need to protect the funds necessary for a payout.

EXACTLY! That is what a fund manager can and does advise. "beating the Chile drum again"

Allowing government oversight for retirement accounts is one way to insure that realistic safe investments take place. If people want to, in addition, have a secondary portfolio with some riskier investments they can-
If Congress had made it clear that Soc Sec Trust Fund could ONLY HOLD public issue Treasury Bonds -- then TODAY -- we would be selling those valuable assets on the open market. It would be a bonanza because of the interest rates on those notes coming in at 6 or even 8%..

LOL!!!! You'd be selling them on the open market but to people who then consequently would NOT buy other issues - thus pushing the burden onto the general budget - JUST THE SAME!

Doesn't really matter if Bob buys a treasury from the Trust fund instead of one from the Treasury or if Bob buys one from the Treasury and the Treasury exchanges Bob's money with the trust fund for an IOU - its the same fucking thing!

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