Socialism gains popularity as the populous becomes more dependent...Thirdworlders play a key role.

We all know for absolute fact that thirdworlders are destroying this nation and everything they come in contact with in it...So why would such a low-down, dependent, disgusting group pillar the Mexicrat platform?
Many reasons of course, but the biggest may be in helping the Mexicrat Party garner public support to rollout their commie-lite version of ‘socialism’ that we all know is locked and loaded.
Good, real Americans are independent, accountable, ambitious, hard working and full of pride....they won’t beg for others to pay their way and Mexicrats are fully aware of this...’socialism’ could never be sold to an all American nation. The Mexicrat Party needs an ignorant, low iQ, indecent, needy base to stay relevant....this is a fact.

Can we get some examples ? The VA? FEMA payments for the annual red state floods? Farm subsidies? Utility access to rural areas ?
My thoughts about what, specifically?

You have many theories on why ‘socialism’ seems to be gaining support in a nation that has always taken great pride in their independence, desire and will to achieve. It’s odd that you’ve seemed to miss the fact that 1/3 of our population is now thirdworld rooted as the cries for socialism have become louder....coincidence?
Have you tried to miss this revolutionary find?
I can see that.

Either way, it's up to you and people like you to change hearts & minds.

I'm not expecting that to happen, because your thought leaders have chosen not to show you how.

Hahaha...Enlighten us, “show us how” would you do it?
(this should be good)
I've tried this multiple times with you folks, and it was a complete waste of time.

Good luck. Keep screaming MAGA, keep the talk radio insults going, keep making silly veiled threats about a civil war.

I'm sure things will go your way.

That’s weird....I don’t recall you ever suggesting that that the support for socialism grows with the population of thirdworlders.
I don't think I have.

I have often, however, pointed out how shallow-thinking pseudo-libertarians have distorted capitalism to a point at which an alternative is becoming more and more attractive.
We all know for absolute fact that thirdworlders are destroying this nation and everything they come in contact with in it...So why would such a low-down, dependent, disgusting group pillar the Mexicrat platform?
Many reasons of course, but the biggest may be in helping the Mexicrat Party garner public support to rollout their commie-lite version of ‘socialism’ that we all know is locked and loaded.
Good, real Americans are independent, accountable, ambitious, hard working and full of pride....they won’t beg for others to pay their way and Mexicrats are fully aware of this...’socialism’ could never be sold to an all American nation. The Mexicrat Party needs an ignorant, low iQ, indecent, needy base to stay relevant....this is a fact.
The day we all understand their goal is get as many people as dependent on government as they can, will be the day we will all understand why they are desperately trying to eradicate the middle class.

93 trillion dollar new green deal, medicare for all, on and on and on. Tax and utterly price out the middle class.

Then comes the mass starvation or death on mass scale. Either by execution, starvation, or disease and war.

The tribulations
We all know for absolute fact that thirdworlders are destroying this nation and everything they come in contact with in it...So why would such a low-down, dependent, disgusting group pillar the Mexicrat platform?
Many reasons of course, but the biggest may be in helping the Mexicrat Party garner public support to rollout their commie-lite version of ‘socialism’ that we all know is locked and loaded.
Good, real Americans are independent, accountable, ambitious, hard working and full of pride....they won’t beg for others to pay their way and Mexicrats are fully aware of this...’socialism’ could never be sold to an all American nation. The Mexicrat Party needs an ignorant, low iQ, indecent, needy base to stay relevant....this is a fact.
The day we all understand their goal is get as many people as dependent on government as they can, will be the day we will all understand why they are desperately trying to eradicate the middle class.

93 trillion dollar new green deal, medicare for all, on and on and on. Tax and utterly price out the middle class.

Then comes the mass starvation or death on mass scale. Either by execution, starvation, or disease and war.

The tribulations

See my post above. Should we abolish the VA?
We all know for absolute fact that thirdworlders are destroying this nation and everything they come in contact with in it...So why would such a low-down, dependent, disgusting group pillar the Mexicrat platform?
Many reasons of course, but the biggest may be in helping the Mexicrat Party garner public support to rollout their commie-lite version of ‘socialism’ that we all know is locked and loaded.
Good, real Americans are independent, accountable, ambitious, hard working and full of pride....they won’t beg for others to pay their way and Mexicrats are fully aware of this...’socialism’ could never be sold to an all American nation. The Mexicrat Party needs an ignorant, low iQ, indecent, needy base to stay relevant....this is a fact.
The day we all understand their goal is get as many people as dependent on government as they can, will be the day we will all understand why they are desperately trying to eradicate the middle class.

93 trillion dollar new green deal, medicare for all, on and on and on. Tax and utterly price out the middle class.

Then comes the mass starvation or death on mass scale. Either by execution, starvation, or disease and war.

The tribulations

See my post above. Should we abolish the VA?

Haha...Timmy, you still don’t get it....NOBODY agrees with investing in Guadalupe and her litter of cockroaches or any of your other pet humans...WE ALL agree with investing in our food source, our Veterans...etc, etc.
Pull your head from your ass once bud.
I believe the fuel for this fire comes from the better indoctrinated 20somethings. They go to college and receive their "education" on how to change the country for the "better". I can't prove it, but it is my opinion. Hell, my youngest son is one of them (which is one reason for why we haven't spoken to each other since 2008, and probably shouldn't ever again).
There’s no doubt that Democrats have in fact engineered another ‘group’ of committed Dem voters...You gotta hand it to Dems, they have perfected the art of cultivating constituencies who vote not on REAL politics and advancing America but on emotion and personal social standings instead.
The left elite depends on people's dependency to support leftist one world order, it's a big reason why they have their people convinced they must be a victim.
The left elite depends on people's dependency to support leftist one world order, it's a big reason why they have their people convinced they must be a victim.
Exactly....and the Mac1958 's of the nation say not one damn thing about it.
They'll sure cry about that ole mythical "WHITE SUPREMACY" stuff though.
The left elite depends on people's dependency to support leftist one world order, it's a big reason why they have their people convinced they must be a victim.
Right-wingers are for wage-slavery and Requiring a work ethic in at-will employment States merely for the bottom line of the Rich not the Poor.

Like music to the ears for a victim loving leftist with no inclination of what the fuck's going on around them.
Socialism is such a broad term that can mean anything from a totalitarian gov't and society to a democratic gov't like ours with a very large social safety net under a capitalistic economy. I wonder sometimes if the people who favor socialism really understand what they're asking for and know the cost in terms of money and liberties.
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The left elite depends on people's dependency to support leftist one world order, it's a big reason why they have their people convinced they must be a victim.
Right-wingers are for wage-slavery and Requiring a work ethic in at-will employment States merely for the bottom line of the Rich not the Poor.

Like music to the ears for a victim loving leftist with no inclination of what the fuck's going on around them.
Right-wingers are the most clueless and Causeless.

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