Socialism: Not Labels, But Principles


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
1. There was that prescient explanation of the state of things from former Knick, Michael Ray Richardson:

Reporter: What do you think is happening to the team?

Michael Ray Richardson: The ship be sinking.

Reporter: How far can it sink?

Richardson: Sky's the limit.

Now, that may be comedy gold....but it sums up the future of our once great nation.

2. And, another analogy......just as a drunk must run faster and faster just to remain upright, our nation is running faster and faster - but in a manner which presages destruction.

Seven years ago, America elected a socialist who did his best to hide his political past, and his racial and religious biases.
He was aided in the deception by the corrupt main stream media.
Today, the almost-most-popular Democrat proudly proclaims his socialism!

".... Obama obtained office by covering up his radical past, Sanders has proudly embraced the fact that he is a democratic socialist. The most shocking part of this narrative is that America has changed so much in the past generation that Sanders is now the preferred candidate for office by almost half the Democratic Party.

On Jan. 11, 1996, Barack Obama signed a contract promising to publicly support and associate himself with the New Party. The New Party was a socialist organization in Chicago, Illinois, that was deeply hostile to the idea of American capitalism. When journalist Stanley Kurtz reported this signing to the public in 2008, the Obama presidential campaign sharply denied the claim as a “crackpot smear.”

In 2012, records from the Wisconsin Historical Society definitively established the truth of the matter. It turns out that Mr. Obama did sign the New Party contract." Falling in Love With Socialism

3. "....America once again has a presidential candidate with a radical socialist past. This time, the truth is even more blatantly obvious.

Bernie Sanders and his wife traveled to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for their honeymoon in May 1988.

While attending the University of Chicago in the 1960s, Sanders became a member of the Young People’s Socialist League. He backed the People’s Party in the 1972 presidential election, which famously demanded that any income higher than $55,000 must be outlawed. Sanders also served as a presidential elector for the Socialist Workers’ Party in 1980. This party traces its origins back to the Communist League of America, an organization that propagated the ideals of infamous Marxist revolutionary Leon Trotsky.

But this election year, Sanders has felt that the Democratic Party is now socialist enough that he is running for its presidential nomination. And judging by the huge, enthusiastic crowds at his rallies and his strong performance against the more-traditional frontrunner, it appears he was dead right about the Democrats’ socialist leanings." Ibid.

Can anyone state the significant differences between socialism and communism, other than the call for outright revolution?

That aspect, of course, simply awaits the proper numbers of adherents.
4. Do you recognize what is at the heart of this aphorism?
"If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain"

Rings true....

" By the end of April, almost 2 million people under age 30 had voted for Senator Sanders, nearly three times more than for any other candidate in either party. An Iowa caucus entrance poll found that Sanders received an overwhelming 84 percent of the vote from the millennial generation.

Though Sanders is unlikely to receive the Democratic Party nomination for president, his socialist ideology has taken root in the next generation of American voters. Unless something drastically changes, the future of the United States lies in the hands of a new majority—one agitating for socialism over the free market.

Forty-three percent of Americans under age 30 now view socialism favorably, compared to only 32 percent who think well of capitalism. This is according to a national YouGov survey from last January." Falling in Love With Socialism

Now...about that "no brain" these 'under 30s' have a clue about what they are advocating?

Can anyone state the significant differences between socialism and communism, other than the call for outright revolution?
For starters, communism as envisioned by Marx is a stateless society, socialism on the other hand doesn't work without the state.

Of course Marx's own argument is self defeating since he acknowledged that "there's always corruption at the top" and then proceeded to offer a prescription that requires ever increasing power at "the top", so just like so many other ideas communism is nice in theory but unworkable without completely re-engineering human nature.
Of course Marx's own argument is self defeating since he acknowledged that "there's always corruption at the top" and then proceeded to offer a prescription that requires ever increasing power at "the top", so just like so many other ideas communism is nice in theory but unworkable without completely re-engineering human nature.
IMO, the same goes for libertarianism. Without a state to enforce basic rules of conduct regarding labor, safety, the environment, etc, there will always be those amongst the strong only too happy to prey on the weak.
Every person has their own vision of communism and socialism...Capitalism supplied WWI so you notice no pure form of capitalism has been practiced since..
Of course Marx's own argument is self defeating since he acknowledged that "there's always corruption at the top" and then proceeded to offer a prescription that requires ever increasing power at "the top", so just like so many other ideas communism is nice in theory but unworkable without completely re-engineering human nature.
IMO, the same goes for libertarianism. Without a state to enforce basic rules of conduct regarding labor, safety, the environment, etc, there will always be those amongst the strong only too happy to prey on the weak.
Ummm... yeah... apparently you have not realized that the state itself is the very institution that the strong use to "prey" on the weak, it's been that way since the first state was instituted and continues to this day.

Perhaps you're operating under the illusion that you have some control over the state? Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but you (and I) are nothing more than free range tax sheep to be sheared by the tax farmers that run the machinery of the state.

Lastly you apparently aren't aware the libertarianism isn't synonymous with anarchism.

"The State's criminality is nothing new and nothing to be wondered at. It began when the first predatory group of men clustered together and formed the State, and it will continue as long as the State exists in the world, because the State is fundamentally an anti-social institution, fundamentally criminal. The idea that the State originated to serve any kind of social purpose is completely unhistorical. It originated in conquest and confiscation, that is to say, in crime. It originated for the purpose of maintaining the division of society into an owning-and-exploiting class and a propertyless dependent class, that is, for a criminal purpose." -- Albert Jay Nock
The worst of it is that until Trump, the Republican Establish has been along for the ride to Socialism. Bush, having fully implemented a surveillance State in the USA, was just as bad as Obama and just as useful in the march toward Socialism
The worst of it is that until Trump, the Republican Establish has been along for the ride to Socialism. Bush, having fully implemented a surveillance State in the USA, was just as bad as Obama and just as useful in the march toward Socialism

What makes you think Trump isn't "along for the ride to socialism"? By all indications he's a more ardent statist and economic central planning advocate than the average Republicrat.
The worst of it is that until Trump, the Republican Establish has been along for the ride to Socialism. Bush, having fully implemented a surveillance State in the USA, was just as bad as Obama and just as useful in the march toward Socialism
What state ran industries do we have?
The worst of it is that until Trump, the Republican Establish has been along for the ride to Socialism. Bush, having fully implemented a surveillance State in the USA, was just as bad as Obama and just as useful in the march toward Socialism

What makes you think Trump isn't "along for the ride to socialism"? By all indications he's a more ardent statist and economic central planning advocate than the average Republicrat.

That's true.

The last two Presidents who weren't statists were JFK and Reagan...notice anything similar?
The worst of it is that until Trump, the Republican Establish has been along for the ride to Socialism. Bush, having fully implemented a surveillance State in the USA, was just as bad as Obama and just as useful in the march toward Socialism

What makes you think Trump isn't "along for the ride to socialism"? By all indications he's a more ardent statist and economic central planning advocate than the average Republicrat.

That's true.

The last two Presidents who weren't statists were JFK and Reagan...notice anything similar?
Yeah I notice something similar both of them advanced policies that grew the size, cost and power of the state as well as increased economic and social interventionism by the state, which is par for the course among the long line of statists that have occupied the Oval Office.
5. So.....according to Breitbart in that vid, the under 30s don't know the difference between a lightening bug, and lightening.

Let's see if that's true:

"....only 16 percent of Millennials accurately defined socialism as government ownership of the means of production, according to a 2010 New York Times survey.

Stop and think about that. Socialism is more popular than capitalism among young Americans, but fewer than one in five of these Americans actually know what socialism is!

When respondents who viewed socialism favorably were asked to define socialism in their own words in a Reason-Rupe survey, they defined it with phrases such as “being kind” or “being together.” Others defined it as a system where “the government pays for our needs.” In short, when these Millennials hear socialism,they think free education, free health care and subsidized childcare.

Millennials love Sanders’s message about a political revolution that will break up the big banks, free students from oppressive student loans, and bring free health care to all. Yet most of them haven’t thought about and certainly cannot explain how to accomplish this.

Sanders’s proposals would increase total federal spending by about 30 percent, a projected $68 trillion over the next decade. So far, his tax proposals only include increases for those who earn over $250,000 per year. His proposed budgets, as should be mathematically obvious, contain massive deficits..... this means that all incomes over $60,000 would be taxed 60 percent." Falling in Love With Socialism

So....these Democrat/socialist voters support stuff they don't understand.....they don't know the difference between Michelob and Michaelanagelo! could that be??? They graduated from Liberal colleges and universities.....

Oh....that explains it: They graduated from Liberal colleges and universities.....
Stop and think about that. Socialism is more popular than capitalism among young Americans, but fewer than one in five of these Americans actually know what socialism is!

When respondents who viewed socialism favorably were asked to define socialism in their own words in a Reason-Rupe survey, they defined it with phrases such as “being kind” or “being together.” Others defined it as a system where “the government pays for our needs.” In short, when these Millennials hear socialism,they think free education, free health care and subsidized childcare.
Not surprising at all since the millennials have been so thoroughly immersed in statist propaganda and economic sophistry that they can barely figure out what country they live in.

Don't blame the millennials for their incredible level of ignorance blame the gen X idiots that raised them and allowed them to be brainwashed.
Stop and think about that. Socialism is more popular than capitalism among young Americans, but fewer than one in five of these Americans actually know what socialism is!

When respondents who viewed socialism favorably were asked to define socialism in their own words in a Reason-Rupe survey, they defined it with phrases such as “being kind” or “being together.” Others defined it as a system where “the government pays for our needs.” In short, when these Millennials hear socialism,they think free education, free health care and subsidized childcare.
Not surprising at all since the millennials have been so thoroughly immersed in statist propaganda and economic sophistry that they can barely figure out what country they live in.

Don't blame the millennials for their incredible level of ignorance blame the gen X idiots that raised them and allowed them to be brainwashed.

"Don't blame the millennials for their incredible level of ignorance blame the gen X idiots that raised them and allowed them to be brainwashed."

Actually....I do blame any who are too lazy and cowardly to do their own research, and confront the lies.

6. And those geniuses who support Sanders, and vote Democrat?

" Most Millennials don’t actually support tax hikes on the lower middle class, yet they haven’t done the math to determine how to pay for Sanders’s proposals.

Eileen F. Toplansky, a social commentator and adjunct English instructor, recounts the example of an emotion-driven English student. The student heard Dr. Thomas Sowell’s explanation of how the minimum wage hurts the poor by driving up unemployment. She could not logically or statistically refute his argument; she could only sputter and yell that the current minimum wage was due to the “greed, greed, greed” of the companies.

In another example, a reporter asked attendees at the Democratic National Convention if they would support a complete ban on all corporate profits. Many said yes.

....a disturbing study from Xavier University finds that approximately one in three U.S. citizens would fail the civics portion of an immigration naturalization test.

Key findings from this study show that 85 percent of respondents could not define “rule of law.” Seventy-one percent couldn’t identify the Constitution as the “supreme law of the land.” Seventy-five percent did not know the function of the judicial branch, and 57 percent could not define “amendment.”

Another survey of recent college graduates in the U.S. found that 43 percent could not identify freedom of speech as a First Amendment right, and 10 percent thought television personality Judge Judy was on the Supreme Court." Falling in Love With Socialism

"...2 million people under age 30 had voted for Senator Sanders, nearly three times more than for any other candidate in either party. An Iowa caucus entrance poll found that Sanders received an overwhelming 84 percent of the vote from the millennial generation."

The worst of it is that until Trump, the Republican Establish has been along for the ride to Socialism. Bush, having fully implemented a surveillance State in the USA, was just as bad as Obama and just as useful in the march toward Socialism

What state ran industries do we have?
or Regulated: Oil, Food, Medicine (Insurance), Education (Student Loans)

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community(Government) as a whole.
    synonyms: leftism, welfarism;
    radicalism, progressivism, social democracy;
The worst of it is that until Trump, the Republican Establish has been along for the ride to Socialism. Bush, having fully implemented a surveillance State in the USA, was just as bad as Obama and just as useful in the march toward Socialism

What state ran industries do we have?
or Regulated: Oil, Food, Medicine (Insurance), Education (Student Loans)

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community(Government) as a whole.
    synonyms: leftism, welfarism;
    radicalism, progressivism, social democracy;

Banking and insurance too
The worst of it is that until Trump, the Republican Establish has been along for the ride to Socialism. Bush, having fully implemented a surveillance State in the USA, was just as bad as Obama and just as useful in the march toward Socialism

What state ran industries do we have?
or Regulated: Oil, Food, Medicine (Insurance), Education (Student Loans)

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community(Government) as a whole.
    synonyms: leftism, welfarism;
    radicalism, progressivism, social democracy;

Banking and insurance too

Yeah, missed those. Thanks.

All you have to do is screw in a light bulb - I mean, light squiggly thing! - You get the point.
but it sums up the future of our once great nation.

Regardless of how much damage President Bush did to our country, the USA is still the greatest nation on earth despite what you negative ninnies have to say.

"Regardless of how much damage President Bush did to our country..."

I would certainly like to see your recitation of said 'damage'....
...certainly you can't be referring to the mortgage meltdown, whose origin and amplification must be laid at the feet of Democrat/Liberal policies and obstruction to any amelioration thereof.

It is beyond amusing that you blame Bush....while supporting the unmitigated both domestic and foreign policy of Barack Hussein Obama.

As Bill's wife promises to continue Obama's abysmal policies, here election would signal the end.

You know that....yet, simply shrug.

"Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."
The worst of it is that until Trump, the Republican Establish has been along for the ride to Socialism. Bush, having fully implemented a surveillance State in the USA, was just as bad as Obama and just as useful in the march toward Socialism

What state ran industries do we have?
or Regulated: Oil, Food, Medicine (Insurance), Education (Student Loans)

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community(Government) as a whole.
    synonyms: leftism, welfarism;
    radicalism, progressivism, social democracy;

And welcome to the board.

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