Socialism ready to save red state rubes from hurricane Dorian.

FEMA chief: ‘Plenty of money’ for Hurricane Dorian despite budget transfer

Good news Conservatives in the southeast . Your fema welfare checks and help will be there for you for your annual natural disaster.

But can you explain to me that this isnt the very big government socialist welfare programs you cons constantly rail against ?

Hey bs for brains, emergency relief is not socialism.

Gov money to Rebuild your man cave over and over because you like to live on the water and get a hurricane every other year is NOT emergency relief .

Maybe you should start a thread stating you don't want your tax dollars to help hurricane victims. Let's see how well that goes for you from both sides.

I don’t mind helping those in need . It’s republicans who hate that . Unless they are benefiting. Then welfre is just fine. Farmers for example .
All of those people leaving blue areas for cheaper environs are not Republicans. They just emote while reaping the benefits. But like the master inherent azzes they are, they crawl back to mama Bolsehvik for the complete package. they then of course will leave the newly infected areas they destroyed.

Right . They make their money in well paying blue states , send their kids to well run blue state schools . They retire with a big blue state nest egg. Sell their high value blue state house .

Then retire in some warm red state . In a gated condo that separates them from the uneducated poor ass local red state riff raff.
Hey bs for brains, emergency relief is not socialism.

Gov money to Rebuild your man cave over and over because you like to live on the water and get a hurricane every other year is NOT emergency relief .

Maybe you should start a thread stating you don't want your tax dollars to help hurricane victims. Let's see how well that goes for you from both sides.

I don’t mind helping those in need . It’s republicans who hate that . Unless they are benefiting. Then welfre is just fine. Farmers for example .
All of those people leaving blue areas for cheaper environs are not Republicans. They just emote while reaping the benefits. But like the master inherent azzes they are, they crawl back to mama Bolsehvik for the complete package. they then of course will leave the newly infected areas they destroyed.

Right . They make their money in well paying blue states , send their kids to well run blue state schools . They retire with a big blue state nest egg. Sell their high value blue state house .

Then retire in some warm red state . In a gated condo that separates them from the uneducated poor ass local red state riff raff.

Spoken like someone truly ignorant of southern states...
FEMA chief: ‘Plenty of money’ for Hurricane Dorian despite budget transfer

Good news Conservatives in the southeast . Your fema welfare checks and help will be there for you for your annual natural disaster.

But can you explain to me that this isnt the very big government socialist welfare programs you cons constantly rail against ?
Disaster relief is socialism ? :20::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

well to a low IQ left wing progressive nazi simpleton everything the government does is socialism

Then what is it? Capitalism??

Is this not a big gov nanny state program you cons are against ??

Please explain .

Its not the crony capitalism we have today either
Its just as destructive as socialism
Gov money to Rebuild your man cave over and over because you like to live on the water and get a hurricane every other year is NOT emergency relief .

Maybe you should start a thread stating you don't want your tax dollars to help hurricane victims. Let's see how well that goes for you from both sides.

I don’t mind helping those in need . It’s republicans who hate that . Unless they are benefiting. Then welfre is just fine. Farmers for example .
All of those people leaving blue areas for cheaper environs are not Republicans. They just emote while reaping the benefits. But like the master inherent azzes they are, they crawl back to mama Bolsehvik for the complete package. they then of course will leave the newly infected areas they destroyed.

Right . They make their money in well paying blue states , send their kids to well run blue state schools . They retire with a big blue state nest egg. Sell their high value blue state house .

Then retire in some warm red state . In a gated condo that separates them from the uneducated poor ass local red state riff raff.

Spoken like someone truly ignorant of southern states...

Nope . I’m dead on . People go south because it’s cheap and the winters are warm.

Ever notice no one lives in colder red states ?
There’s a huge difference. Regulation doesn’t equal socialism . You can let capitalism run in checked . It will destroy itself and it will destroy democracy.
Why do children all whine "destroy democracy" like sheep?

It doesn't. It can't.

Think for yourself and stop being a parrot.
Maybe you should start a thread stating you don't want your tax dollars to help hurricane victims. Let's see how well that goes for you from both sides.

I don’t mind helping those in need . It’s republicans who hate that . Unless they are benefiting. Then welfre is just fine. Farmers for example .
All of those people leaving blue areas for cheaper environs are not Republicans. They just emote while reaping the benefits. But like the master inherent azzes they are, they crawl back to mama Bolsehvik for the complete package. they then of course will leave the newly infected areas they destroyed.

Right . They make their money in well paying blue states , send their kids to well run blue state schools . They retire with a big blue state nest egg. Sell their high value blue state house .

Then retire in some warm red state . In a gated condo that separates them from the uneducated poor ass local red state riff raff.

Spoken like someone truly ignorant of southern states...

Nope . I’m dead on . People go south because it’s cheap and the winters are warm.

Ever notice no one lives in colder red states ?

Yeah, that's not what I was referring to...
But if the government gives healthcare coverage to someone stricken by disease , that’s socialism?

Its Socialism when government makes everyone join a government healthcare against their will.

Ate you as stupid as you act? Or just lying for effect?
Hey, if these people are expecting help for the hurricane, they need to go out and get jobs and pay for it themselves!

Lazy slob libs!


If thy don’t have proper insurance , too bad for them! Enough of this wealth distribution.

You had no problem with fema bailing out New Orleans after Katrina. This sounds like some sort of weird racist fetish.
Katrina ! Another red state disaster . Thanks for helping my argument.

You mean another chocolate city disaster.
I’m glad you agree that the conservatives are lying when they accuse Dems of being socialists .

Interesting. So, are you agreeing that socialism is a bad thing?

True socialism? Yes . I like a good mix of democratic capitalism wh some regulation to keep things in check .

That sounds like Democratic Socialism, which is still "true socialism" - just democratic. What do you see as the difference?

There’s a huge difference. Regulation doesn’t equal socialism.

What does "equal socialism"? You guys keep harping about how critics don't know what it means. So what does it mean? Enlighten us. Or at least have the courage to commit to a definition instead of all the equivocation.
Leave it to idiots on the left to perceive the legitimate function of government as "socialism". Why not call it fascism or naziism?

Good point. It shares a lot of the same features.

In any case, what is "the legitimate function of government", in your view?
Democratic socialism that the useful idiots keep pushing ..........or whatever theyre calling it today and Crony Capitalism are not much different from each other

Take the ACA for example

written by giant corporations who put small health insurers out of business
applauded by useful idiots as socialism for the greater good the middle class grumbled on how shafted they got
Democratic socialism that the useful idiots keep pushing ..........or whatever theyre calling it today and Crony Capitalism are not much different from each other

Take the ACA for example

written by giant corporations who put small health insurers out of business
applauded by useful idiots as socialism for the greater good the middle class grumbled on how shafted they got

Wasn’t much context there . Whatever happened to $5 gas anyway ? She’ll guy was full of shit. That’s why we need oversite .
Whatever you meant to say doesn't change the fact that you have a sitting Democrat Chairwhatever saying out loud in public that she wants to Nationalize the oil industry

Need more?

Here's Bernie Sanders tweet:


Bernie Sanders


Fossil fuel executives should be criminally prosecuted for the destruction they have knowingly caused. #GreenNewDeal

12:24 PM - Aug 22, 2019


So Bernie is promising to use Fascist government power to prosecute innocent people. Jackbooted enough to please you?
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Hey, if these people are expecting help for the hurricane, they need to go out and get jobs and pay for it themselves!
Sounds good to me. Let's make them work 2 weeks building the border wall before they're eligible for aid from FEMA.

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